Month: March 2021

Does my DNA reflect the original DNA Blueprint identified in the Life Construct?

The Life Construct was developed to be robust, and allowed for the beings allowed in it to be able to adapt to their surrounding in order to increase the efficiency of Life. This work involved making many compromises to what was originally desired, but it was felt that the compromises were acceptable to allow for more dynamic growth and decision making.

I have previously mentioned some of the included features that are contained within the information enabled by the DNA Blueprint: numerical numbers (encoded in the DNA structure) that correlate to a value associated with what the original DNA template was meant to be; multiple redundancy in many determinate factors of DNA (for instance, eye color); portions of DNA that are truly inter-dimensional, and thus hidden from observation; a commonality of DNA that extends to all Life and all species; an ability for many species to change gender, to support critical shortages of a single gender.  

Some of these important features have been lost over time, some due to an inherent ability to adapt to surroundings, some due to a belief in them that has been lost over time (this aspect involves more of a change in intention of the ability). But some have also been lost because of a desire to “tinker,” or change, elements of DNA for one reason or another. For instance, since the mapping of the human genome was accomplished, scientists have been busy trying to understand the role of different elements of DNA; much of this work has been done by the medical community (and pharmaceutical researchers) in order to better understand the relationships between DNA and diseases. There has also now been an effort to try to “adapt” or correct what is believed to be errors in DNA that have resulted in specific diseases. Some cancers are one of diseases that are thought to be caused by defective genes within DNA. In some cases, some people who desire particular traits in a child (or plant or animal) will make modifications to DNA (which may include adding DNA from another species) in order to generate Life with particular characteristics. Agriculture is one area where this kind of genetic manipulation is done on a regular basis; it is done to shorten the growth cycle, to create certain desirable characteristics, to increase resistance to harmful species (including other plants, animals, and insects), and to increase adaptability of the Life (for instance, growing tomatoes in brackish waters).

But are all of these changes beneficial to the Life that is modified? Or beneficial to other forms of Life that should have more of a symbiotic relationship with that Life? The answer is that the results have been mixed, in large part because the technology is (relatively) new, and many of the changes in DNA have not been observed long enough to determine the long term impacts.  It might be best to discuss this by the use of examples.

Much work has been done in the area of agriculture. Many different types of crops, like corn, wheat, and many more, have had genetic modifications made; the intent of many of these modifications is to increase production, reduce tolerance to pests and “weeds”, or to help crops grow is adverse conditions. To be clear, the “genetic modifications” addressed her do not include changes brought about by the hybridization of the crops, which is a vastly different process. The genetic modifications have brought about changes in the DNA structure of the plants; they include the addition of genes to make the crops “roundup ready”, genes that result in “Soybeans genetically engineered to contain Brazil-nuts”, and many other genetic changes. While the intent behind the “GMOs” was likely intended to be beneficial, in many cases they may not be; many of these changes bring about allergies to those that may consume them, and they may generally result in inflammation in the body. The longer term effects of these changes on human or animal DNA remains unknown.

In medicine, genetic modifications have been used to help pharmaceutical companies produce drugs faster by modifying the genes of bacteria that produce components required for the medication. A relatively new development is to incorporate genetic changes in a virus, in order to use the virus to introduce genetic changes in a host. This newer technology, called mRNA technology, is currently being used to vaccines.  But many of these products have not yet been fully approved for general use, and their longer term effects on humans and animals have not been fully determined.

There is one more example that I have seen in the Libraries.  Many 100s of thousand of years ago, there was a society on another planet; they had scientifically and technologically progressed to a point that they believed they could modify their own DNA in order to help heal diseases, and to enhance limited physical characteristics.  So they began to incorporate this genetic engineering technology into their existence, without fully understanding the long and short term ramifications of their efforts. After a relatively short number of years, they began to notice a general decline in their population. They soon discovered that the genetic changes that they had introduced to help them had, in fact, caused them to be unable to reproduce. It was initially difficult to determine this, in part because they had a longer than normal gestation period, and they had much longer lives that many other species. Souls from the Life Construct have been working with them in order to try to restore their reproduction capabilities (with some success).

It is important to understand that the genetic codes of DNA are incredibly complex and multidimensional, and it may not be possible for humans to fully comprehend this complexity for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. For one to write about the details of DNA, as it is presented in the Akashic Libraries, would take millions of volumes, each with hundreds of thousands of pages, and effort far too complex in many respects to be presented within a lifetime. A more prudent choice may be to begin to limit exposure to anything that has been “genetically modified”. 

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Was Life given by God or did it Evolve?

Did human beings “evolve” on Terra, or did they just appear, given life by God? And what about plants and animals?  The answer is a bit complicated. 

Terra is a unique planet in many ways. The planet itself was created by Souls from the Central Sun, specifically so that it could serve as a host Planet. While there have been many different iterations of groups of life, each served a purpose. For instance, the Dinosaurs came and went, killed off by the actions of a celestial object coming to Terra. Plants are more robust, so they were not all killed off.

The truth is that most of the Souls that would later come to Terra were manifested, or created here, either through their own action, or by the Energies of the Central Sun. The process of “manifestation” is one where the Energies of the Soul are provided the blueprint of DNA, and they then apply their Energies to that blueprint in order to “convert” a portion of their Energies into a physical being.  It was by this process that I have “manifested” a pair of dragons; I know what the blueprint said for the requirements for such a creature (the blueprints are an integral part of the Libraries), and I then used a portion of my own Energies to give life to the dragons, according to the information in the blueprint. Although my dragons were created in a space that is slightly different than the one we currently reside in, I have encountered a number of people who have sensed the presence of the dragons, and have interacted with them. And they do have an ability to “breath fire”.

In the case of the humans here now, we (the beings from the Central Sun) knew that we wanted to bring to Terra a number of different human races, to see if they were compatible, and to see if they were capable of living and thriving together. Since humans are scattered throughout existence, we took the specific blueprint patterns for the groups that we wanted to bring together, and manifested them here on Terra.  We also brought with them their cultural memories; we did not want to have them start life over from scratch, and we did want them to feel comfortable in their new surroundings, so they manifested with these memories as well. 

But humans (specifically homo-sapiens) were not the first humans (or humanoids) that were brought to Terra. Neanderthals proceeded humans, and 2 other races of humanoids preceded Neanderthals. Each was brought to Terra to see if the environment that had been created was suitable for life.  In each case, each race of humanoids volunteered to be brought to Terra. Once here, genetic diversity came in to play, and that together with environmental factors resulted is some level of evolutionary changes. 

So what about the dinosaurs? Their structure is also included in the blueprints for life that were developed under the Life Construct. They too were manifested, on their own with some degree of assistance from the Souls of the Central Sun.  Their role on Terra was to help the flora and fauna spread, and to help establish a more robust ecosystem on Terra. When it was felt that the ecosystem they created was adequately advanced, most were killed off rather quickly by a celestial object which came into the Terran atmosphere. This event was planned prior to those Souls coming here, and all agreed to these conditions. Once the dinosaurs were established, and much as happened with the humanoids (which were not on Terra at the same time), genetic diversity and environmental factors worked together to cause changes to the dinosaur populations to help them adapt better to their surroundings, a process now known as evolution.

The same kinds of situations were what brought plants, fungi, insects, and animals to Terra.  The Life Construct contains within it immense detail about what is required to foster and sustain life, in a number of different environments and planetary hosts.  In each case, there is a minimum number of living Souls in different forms, each with a specific role to play, both with each other, and in the general environment. For instance, when a Soul decides to depart its physical body, that body could just stay where it drops, forever, It would be subject to weathering, just life everything else, and other creatures could consume it.  But the Life Construct takes advantage of many of the other species of life to begin to decompose the elements of the body, in order to return it to Terra. This is the role of plants, fungi, bacteria, and many insects. They all work together, in a complimentary way, to break down a body in a relatively short period of time. In each case, it is not only about decomposing bodies, in many cases there is a symbiotic relationship that exists between all of these Souls – many provide nutrients for another, or they produce components, like enzymes, that help them to work more efficiently. This kind of symbiotic relationship exists throughout all life, and is described in detail in the Life Construct. 

The Life Construct also includes the details regarding manifestation. Manifestation is a process; it starts with identifying what it is that you would like to create.  You then begin to look at the Energies required for that being or object to exist, together with an assessment of whether you possess the required Energies to cause the manifestation. If you do possess adequate Energies, then those “extra” Energies are used to create an “overlay” of the Energies onto the template or blueprint for what is to be created. The Energies involved then begin to form the physical substances that ultimately form the physical structure of what you wish to create.  Once that physical structure has been formed, one then “summons the Soul” of the spirit that will occupy it. “Summon the Soul” is clearly not the correct words – our languages do not include words to describe the process involved in this aspect of creating life. And many times, the Soul may already be there, having been what planted the suggestion to manifest a body in the first place.  It is important to understand that this process of manifestation, and then tying a Soul to what is created, can not be done by everyone, it is a process that is reserved for those who have experienced this process before. 

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What role do Spiritual Leaders play?

Many Souls on Terra have a wide variety of Spiritual practices, and many follow a number of Spiritual Leaders. For instance, The Dali Lama, Pope Francis, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are just a few of the Spiritual Leaders that have significant followers. So what role do they play?

Their role is limited to helping those Souls that exist here to live a balanced and productive life. With one exception, none of the mentioned Spiritual Leaders are aware of the presence of Souls from the Central Sun, nor are they aware of the plans for the Spiritual Growth of the Soul of Terra.

Since these Leaders have Souls that originated from the Source Energy Cloud of this Universe, they are limited in their views and abilities to the restrictions and scope of this Universe. Their role in this context is one of providing guidance to the Souls on Terra, and specifically the Souls that originated from the Source Energies of the Universe.

Most of the work they do is highly beneficial; they seek to provide guidance that will help people to live by a “code of conduct” (not quite the proper phrase or intention) intended to generally not accumulate negative karma. They seek harmony and balance, not only at an individual level, but also at a group or social level. They encourage responsibility.

I have mentioned the importance of gaining and maintaining a balanced Vibrational Energy, and the benefits that it offers to a path of Spiritual Growth, both on an individual level, and from a planetary level.  Balance is critical to raising Energy levels to support the Ascension process.  At a likely unconscious level which was initiated thousands of years ago, the Spiritual processes on Terra were designed with this intent in mind. There has been some degree of compromise of the original intention, through the efforts of those involved in the longer term development of this Spiritual intent. Greed, bigotry, and intolerance have been allowed to exist, and in some cases encouraged to grow – not necessarily by these Spiritual Leaders but by their followers. These Souls seek power and control over others in order to benefit themselves.  

How do the messages of these Spiritual Leaders differ from the original intent? This question is best address by examples.

  • There is an emphasis in Society, stressed in part by Religious and Spiritual beliefs, that provides for various forms of “punishment” for the actions of some individuals. In reality, this results in actions that are counter to the rules of Karma. The concepts behind Karma were developed and implemented specifically to try to prevent this. In large part, must of this activity amounts to “revenge”, which (from a karmic perspective), will result in an accumulation of karmic energies.
  • Some of the Spiritual dictates from Leaders are based on false assumptions about the nature of Life. For example, a number of Spiritual beliefs focus on the role of procreation of humans. Yet the beliefs fail to account for a need to limit the size of a population, which may be necessary to ensure the survivability of the planetary host, and to keep from contaminating the environment that has been structured to support human life (in this case on Terra). It is this specific example that the Life Construct made provisions for human relationships that do not support procreation (such as homosexuality).

The role of most of the current Spiritual Leaders is appropriate, but the reliance on old ideas, developed by humans (mostly male), have tainted their beliefs, and may no longer be as beneficial as they perhaps could have been. It is important to state that this does not necessarily apply to all Spiritual Leaders. But it is important to understand these historical biases, how they have manifested themselves, and then strive to overcome the biases in order to ensure Spiritual growth and balance.

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I would love to activate all of my DNA, how many strands would that be?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid, commonly referred to as DNA, is the basic building block for life. It exists in all living beings that maintain a physical form; when those Souls pass from a physical existence to an Energy based existence, the Energy structure of the DNA strands is retained, and forms the basis for much of your spiritual life as well. It is important to understand that DNA is not only responsible for determining many of the physical characteristics of a Life host, it is also a repository for an incredibly large amount of information and memories. I use the term “life host” rather than the term “body” because most people would not consider a blade of grass or a leaf as being a “body”, yet each contain DNA and a Soul.

So, a question that I hear on a somewhat regular basis is how can I go about “activating” all 12 strands of my DNA? To answer this, we need to talk a bit about what DNA actually is, and how it works.

Simply, DNA is a double helix structure, and each helix is connected to the other by a series of 4 amino acid sequences. I mentioned above that DNA contains a large amount of information; within the matrix of the double helix, the 4 different amino acids can be arranged in many different ways, and the way that they are ordered with respect to their location on the double helix determines determines what that information is. A single strand of DNA is about 2 meters (or about 6 feet) long. Within the structure of DNA, there are several locations where each of the physical characteristics of an individual are determined. Each characteristic is determined in a number of different locations to allow for a degree of redundancy, but also to help ensure and reflect the interdependency of the information. What do I mean by this? If a particular DNA sequence is the location that determines red hair in humans, there may also be at that location a DNA sequence that would also determine that your hair will have thicker strands (in general, people with red hair do tend to have hair strands that are thicker).

The human genome project has begun to map the human genome in order to begin to identify the role and function of the DNA sequences contained within DNA. Even though this work has been occurring for a number of years, it is really in its infancy.

Besides holding the information about what physical traits that a body may have, DNA has many other functions. DNA does contain the functional equivalent of numerical sequences that help to determine when DNA has been damaged; the numerical sequences determine what species a particular set of DNA is associated with; the sequences can also prove information that will tell your Soul what Universe you were born into and how it should interpret physical information and constants, as identified in the 7 Constructs. And there are portions of DNA that are unseen in the 3rd dimension – it is generally there for situations involving things like the traveling of the Soul, for instance in a dream. Much of this information is unknown to current science, but it was all developed when the 7 Constructs that govern existence were being developed.

The double helix of DNA is common for all living Souls, independent of their species or location. Not all species, however, require all of the functionality of DNA; those that do not have visible DNA will maintain that “extra” DNA that will exist in a higher dimension, principally to allow for the eventual spiritual growth of the Soul of that Species and individual.

So, the answer to the question of how many strands of DNA does a person have, is TWO. Each individual, regarding of race, location, or dimension, only has 2 strands of DNA. 2 strands of DNA provides all of the defining characteristics and information that they will need to exist. So when “the ascension” occurs, how will DNA be activated? The quick answer is that it will not be “activated” – there is no need for any element of DNA to change in any way. There is also no need for their to be any additional strands of DNA in order to go to or exist in another dimension. Why?

The double helix nature of DNA has a natural resonance frequency (or Vibrational Energy) that is dependent on a number of different factors: the length of the DNA strand, the geometry (or arrangement) of the amino acids that cross link and connect to 2 strands together, and the presence of any errors or “breaks” in a part of the strand or cross links. Each of these 3 factors work together to establish the resonant Vibrational Frequency of the DNA strand. Generally, as you move from one dimension (say the 3rd dimension) to a higher dimension (say the 5th dimension), your Vibrational Energy will have to increase (your DNA strand will have to vibrate faster). This is a requirement because the Energies associated with higher Dimensions increase, often exponentially, as you go from one dimension to another. So thinking about this logically, if you had, say, 12 strands of DNA, then each strand of DNA would not only need to be vibrating with the same Vibrational Energy, but the amount of your own Energy required to achieve and maintain that higher Vibrational Energy (with all of these additional strands) would increase significantly. It would be impractical to achieve for a body in the 3rd Dimension. And it would significantly increase the complexity of all life, beyond reason. This is why the Life Construct has only ever called for a single double helix, or 2 strands, of DNA, in any life form.

So if all of my DNA is already “activated”, how do I then transition to 5th Density as part of ascension? It is simple: Balance. When a Soul, and the DNA associated with life, are out of balance, it means that different parts of the DNA strand will have a different Vibrational Energy than other parts of the DNA strand. This difference in Vibrational Energy is what begins to tear apart the structure of DNA (or put simply, it is what causes the instructions provided within DNA to begin to be faulty), which will result in disease. But, when the Vibrational Energies of DNA are balanced, meaning all elements of the DNA strand resonate at the same Vibrational Energy, harmony and co-existence will result. And when co-existence exists, then it becomes much easier for one to begin to raise their own Vibrational Energies, which is the first requirement for transitioning for one Dimension to a higher Dimension. No activation required!

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How many Central Sun Souls are incarnate here?

I am periodically asked about the Souls from the Central Sun. The most common questions are How many are here, why are they here, and who are they.

There are currently 13 Souls here from the Central Sun (One of those will require some explanation). Although I can tell you their Soul names (how they are known at our home – The Central Sun), I am unwilling to divulge any information about their incarnate names (how they are known here on Terra). The reason is simply because divulging their identity could pose a threat to them by those who would wish them harm.

All of the Souls from the Central Sun are essentially here as observers. We are all involved in the processes of developing creation, including the Life Construct, which is how all Life began. When the experiment on Terra began, I have mentioned in previous posts that DNA was “opened up” – the limitations that had been placed on many aspects of it were removed. This was done so that we, the developers of the Constructs, could finally see what, exactly, would happen; up to this point, DNA has had significant restrictions placed on it, so that a rudimentary level of testing could occur. Indeed, those Souls that came to Terra to appropriate the abundant resources of Terra, all have restrictions on their DNA. Initially, the Souls on Terra had no such restrictions; this changed when beings from other planetary hosts began to manipulate the DNA of those that were here. This manipulation caused some elements of DNA to be “locked down” so that more changes could not be implemented. This process still left enough DNA open to be able to evaluate what was capable. These observations are why any Soul from the Central Sun is incarnate here: to observe the implementation, and to use this knowledge to assess what changes should be made to DNA. In our own incarnations, we all have some issues with DNA, so that we have planned to assess all of the possible weaknesses.

The 15 Souls that I am currently aware of are:

  • Sanaha – Co-Lead of the Life Construct
  • Sahana – Assistant of Sanaha – manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Seana – Co-Lead of the Life Construct
  • Monaeiya – Assistant of Sanaha – will be explained further
  • Anaha – Lead for Healing and Communications within the Life Construct
  • Meenaha – Lead for Planetary Hosts within the Space Construct
  • Roniah – Co-Lead for the Interface Definitions Construct
  • Aiyana – Co-Lead for the Transport Construct
  • Suahna – Lead for Plant Life within the Life Construct
  • Behnihjuh – Assistant for Sanaha – Manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Betruvah – Assistant for Sanaha – Manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Etania – Co-Lead for the Time Construct
  • Engya – Co-Lead for the Time Construct
  • Un-named – Co-Lead for the Space Construct
  • Henaba – Lead for Communications within the Space Construct

A word about Monaeiya. Monaeiya is the spouse of Sanaha. The incarnate father of Monaeiya is one of the Leaders of the Soul Council of the Universe we are currently in; when those from the Central Sun first began to incarnate here, Monaeiya’s father took steps to ensure that Monaeiya and Sanaha would have Lives that would be together as much as possible – steps were taken and lives were structures to ensure this. Monaeiya’s father also structured Monaeiya’s Soul Energies so that they were nearly identical to those of Sanaha, thus ensuring compatibility. Because of this close compatibility of Energies, Monaeiya will be elevated after the current incarnation to the Central Sun.

As indicated, 3 Souls of the group were directly manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha. In each case, a complete Soul Energy was basically manifested (or taken) from Sanaha; Sanaha had determined a need for a number of assistants over time, and there was a distinct advantage for these assistants to have Sanaha’s Energy; he same Energy would allow them to all be in direct contact at all times. Over a period of hundreds of millions of years, those manifested Energies began to achieve an independent (yet similar) Vibrational Energy, which enabled them to become free spirits or Souls on their own, yet remain very close to Sanaha. They were then able to gain the ability to incarnate and live an existence on their own, and to exhibit their own Free Will.

One soul is (at the moment) listed as un-named. The name of this Soul (their name as known at the Central Sun) will be made available soon, but this Soul passed from their Terran incarnation a few years ago. This Soul recently agreed to an additional duty involving the spreading of Music, and may be in the process of changing their name to better reflect this new assignment.

The Names of the Souls from the Central Sun each carry with it a distinction that is related to the Energies of that Soul – the Energies of the names correlate to the Energies of the Soul. I have listed the names as anglicized, but the translation of this name may not be exact due to language limitations.

As I have mentioned in the book, each of the 14 co-leads for the Construct have “additional duties”; these duties include the following:

  • Librarian (what we know now as the keeper of the Akashic Records)
  • Mapping of Physical Space
  • Maintaining Common Use Construct (wormholes are but one example)
  • Physical Constants (includes both physical and time Constructs) Policies and Procedures Maintenance Levels Access from Commons (essentially granting access to different levels for those not in the leadership groups)
  • Interface Constraints Compliance
  • Governance of Sources (a council to govern the lower Sources)
  • Governance of Higher Sources (The Central Sun Leadership Council)
  • Deviations Processing
  • Inter-Realm working group (a council)

This was the original list of “additional responsibilities”, several additional tasks have been added the list was originally developed. For instance, the preservation and dissemination of music is now one of these tasks. Each of these tasks were intended to compliment the abilities of the Co-leads for the Constructs. While each of the co-leads of a Construct has additional duties, I will also refrain from providing information that would indicate which lead is responsible for which additional duties.

Each of the co-leads for the Constructs have either created or manifested assistants to assist them in their duties. Sanaha is aware of a total of 8 assistants, not all of which are incarnate. It is not currently known which of the Construct Leaders have assistants here to assist them.

At the Central Sun, there is a Leadership Council that governs the work and activities of the Souls at the Central Sun; there are 30 Souls on the Council, and the 14 co-leads of the Constructs are the Principle voting members. There is an Executive Council consisting of 5 Souls – a Chair, co-Chair, Secretary, and 2 alternates. The 3 Souls of the top 3 Leadership positions are all incarnate here on Terra. The Chair, co-Chair, and Secretary of the Executive Council have held those positions since the formal formation of the Central Sun at the beginning of creation, and they are the oldest Souls in existence. In total, there are approximately 1,000 Souls that originated at the Central Sun and are responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Constructs, as well as the Creation that emanated from it.

It is important to realize that each of the Souls from the Central Sun incarnate here are bound by the rules of this Universe. We are generally subject to the rules of Karma; we live no longer than others; we die just like all other incarnate Souls; we have similar medical issues as many other incarnate Souls. Generally, we have no extraordinary powers, nor abilities. Many of us are Energy workers of one form or another, and several have healing abilities.

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Can I use time travel to change a poor decision?

Many people might have a desire to be able to travel back in time to do something different, or make a different decision, that would lead to a different (and possibly better) result. Is this something that might be possible?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

I spoke in another post about some of the complexities and nature of time; how time is treated in a linear fashion (and why), and cases where time is something other than linear. When the concepts behind the establishment of time were first thought of, the Leadership of the Central Sun had to make decisions about time that would ultimately be reflected in the Time Construct. Those decisions also had to take into account the context of time with respect to the other Constructs, and we wanted to make sure that a situation was created in which somebody could use time (or any of the other Constructs) in a way that would result in the damage or destruction of the Constructs or the Existence that had been created. We clearly believed that of all of the Constructs, the concept of time might present a simple way to effectively damage all that had been developed.

To counter the possibility of damage, it was decided that the concept of Linear Time would be implemented in a manner that would not allow for any Soul, whether incarnate or not, to travel either forwards or backwards in time. Although there was an understanding that there could be distinct advantages to time travel (specifically having to do with making different decisions during an incarnation), it was felt that the potential for damage and mayhem was too great. For instance, if a Soul were going through an incarnation, and a poor decision were to be made (particularly a decision where another individual was harmed), it would be rather easy to have an ability to go back in time and make a different decision that would have a different outcome (hopefully a more positive outcome).

But then think about the complexities of this in the context of developing a Life Contract prior to an incarnation. Every possible decision would have to involve the possibility of traveling back in time to make a different decision, possibly multiple times. In effect, a do-over. Since each new possibility would require coordination with other Souls that you would encounter in each life, it would be exceedingly difficult – much more so if everybody had the option of going back in time as well.

Another reason for not allowing one to go back in time would have to do with the motives. If a person were to get a chance to go back in order to make a different decision, what incentive would that give somebody to make a reasoned and thought out decision the first time? There would be no incentive. There is also the case where a Soul would want to go back in order to (as an example) to use the winning lottery numbers on the day they were drawn. Aside from the element of greed involved here, the other major issue here is that once you go back and begin making changes, you effectively change the path, so that the lottery numbers that you expect to use to win would no longer be valid.

But the most important reason that traveling through time was not permitted is because it could allow a malevolent Soul to go back through time, with an intent to either create havoc or to begin to destroy creation.

There is another aspect of time travel that must also be mentioned, going forward in time. This would present the same issues as mentioned above from the perspective of a karmic Soul path. But more important, the person going forward in time could be at a distinct disadvantage; they would be unaware of any new technologies or social situations that would exist, and may not be able to adapt to them, resulting in significant difficulty. And they would not be able to go back to their own time – that is still not allowed. So going forward in time would provide no advantage, and would leave the traveling Soul in an awkward and difficult time and place.

At an extreme, it would still not be possible to go back in time to attempt to change the events leading up to (for instance) World War 2. While one could believe that stopping the events and changing the Soul paths of those involved, you must remember that each involved Soul is on its own karmic path, and is seeking to balance their own karma. So unilaterally changing these kinds of events could cause significant karmic debt by the traveling Soul.

Finally, in both of these time travel situations, the danger to the time traveling Soul, in the form of accumulating karma, is a significant risk. Anytime one Soul begins to manipulate the timelines of another Soul, there is always a distinct opportunity for accumulating karmic debt.

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Are the Energies of Life available for me to use?

Many people are curious about the Energies of existence around then, and would like to know if they can use them. The answer is a qualified yes. The Energies of existence are around you all the time. In order to “use” them, you must first know them, understand them, and communicate with them. Second, you must seek their permission to be used – all of these Energies are sentient on their own, and are capable of making reasoned decisions. In most cases, they will assist if they are asked, and if what they are asked to do is beneficial to them or their surroundings.

So how does somebody get to know the Energies of existence around them? There are many ways to accomplish this; meditation is a common means to reach, understand, and communicate with the Energies around you. But it is not the only way. One can also do this by raising their own Vibrational Energies; raising your own Energies makes it easier to gain harmony with those Energies around you – they exist at a higher Vibrational Frequency largely because they are not incarnate. “Gaining Harmony” means achieving the same Vibrational Frequency, so that the Souls involved may resonate with each other. It is this ability to resonate with each other that enables effective communications. Meditation will accomplish the same thing, but it is generally a more disciplined approach.

So once I can communicate with the Energies around me, what can they do? Since these Energies are not incarnate, they may have few restrictions on what they are capable of doing. They tend to be very good at communicating with the other Energies around them, including those Energies of other living beings (including animals, insects, and plants). As an example, you might have an issue with a plant – it was unable to thrive despite your work, and you did not know why. But the Energies that are around you both will know, as it is very likely already communicating with the plant. The plant may have told these Energies that is needed a particular mineral; being able to communicate with these Energies would allow you to hear them tell you that the plant was in need of this particular mineral in order to thrive.

The same can be done with animals, like mice. Most houses have had a rodent infestation at one time or another. They invade a house in order to find food, water, or sometimes to escape the cold and weather outside. Mice also communicate with a wide variety of Energies around them – this is how they find the resources they seek. Learning to communicate with these Energies could allow you to rid your house of mice, by helping them find the food and shelter that they seek outside of your home; food can be placed in a shed outside, in tunnels made from inexpensive pipe, or some other shelter away from your house. And you can use your ability to communicate with these Energies to have them tell the mice about where they may find this food and shelter.

The same can be done with a farm or garden. The Energies around you have the ability to determine the state of the soil on the farm or garden; they can see what nutrients are not there, in what quantities, and what else may be there that would not be beneficial (like insects). Communicating with these Energies could tell you what you might need to provide to the soil to help it support what you wish to grow. Because these Energies are around you, they can also determine if the nutrients are already present near you – for instance, in a chicken coop or compost pile.

So yes, you do have the ability to use the Energies around you, after you learn how to communicate with them!

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Is gender really supposed to be binary?

Many humans on Terra have been raised to believe that gender is a strictly binary phenomenon – you are either male or female. Medical professionals have routinely taken newborns and surgically “modified” them if their gender appeared to be ambiguous. Many people strongly believe that there are only 2 genders, despite hard evidence that there are a number of ambiguous genders. But the truth has changed somewhat from what is in the Life Construct.

In the development of the Life Construct, there were provisions for all species to have the ability to change genders. This was done for a number of reasons:

  • If there were to be an imbalance in the gender population, it would be beneficial for some Souls to be able to change their genders to achieve a balance for the purpose of maximizing reproduction possibilities.
  • In some cases, there may be an advantage to having domination of one gender over another; for instance, in a significantly underpopulated area, it may be more beneficial to have more females to bear young in order to quickly stabilize and balance a population.
  • In cases where significant karmic Energy imbalances exist, particularly when resolution may require gender specific solutions, there would be an advantage to having an ability to change genders to accommodate the needs of a given Soul.

There are many species on Terra that already do have the ability to change genders, and there are some species that reproduce asexually. In some cases, there are environmental factors involved, and in some it is a predominance of one gender over another. In all cases, the individual does have the ability to reproduce after changing gender, much like humans could prior to the genetic changes.

So what happened on Terra that would cause a prohibition on humans changing gender?

It occurred during the time of the great wars for the resources of Terra. Those that came to Terra to take the abundant resources needed a workforce that was able to perform the difficult and strenuous work required to gather the resources. They found that the work they wanted could be best performs by males that were large and strong – having a population of females would not allow them to get the resources at the speed that they desired. They found that they were initially unable to stop males from changing into females that were then unable to accomplish the arduous tasks they desired. Their workforce dwindled.

This race of people (from another planetary system far away) had some degree of knowledge of DNA because of work that their own scientists had done. They knew that portions of the genetic structure existed that would enable them to control all aspects of changing gender. They had attempted to do this kind of genetic manipulation before, but had been unsuccessful. So they put their beliefs into practice; they began to modify the DNA of the human population to stop the possibility of spontaneous gender change. The records in the Library indicate that this modification occurred over a course of 2 months, approximately 200,000 years ago. This change allowed them to maintain positive control over their subjugated workforce.

(For clarity, there are a number of elements of DNA can have the ability to initiate an alteration of gender. The changes generally occur with a change in the genetic structure from one gender to another; the changes generally will take 12-18 months to complete, but secondary characteristics will begin in the first 2-3 months.)

There are many factors that determine true gender, it is not as simple as an ability to reproduce in a certain way. There are approximately 13 different gender “variants” that exist, although in some cases they include a lack of gender. All are possible genetically, controlled by different factors in DNA. In most cases, DNA that has the ability to influence gender will also influence many other traits and characteristics as well.

The medical community has developed the ability to change the gender of individuals; the process involved hormones and possibly surgery, but it is incomplete – reproduction is not possible for these individuals.

Each of the 13 original gender variants, several had the ability to reproduce, but not all. In many cases, those who could not reproduce ended to hold unique roles in their community; their roles coincided with the lessons they chose to learn in the particular life. In some cases, it was to prevent them from having children; other lives were intended to exist in a life without the burdens associated with a gender role; and yet others made the choice to be of service in situations where trust was a significant requirement. There are many different reasons Souls would select different genders, and the Life Construct was developed to support each.

But there was never an intention for Life to consist of only a binary gender selection, for any species.

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The complexities and dependencies of the Life Construct

For this post, I would like to focus on the humans of Terra, and in particular Homo Sapiens.

Many take for granted the human body; it is relatively resilient, it can serious amounts of damage yet support life, and it will generally allow for a large quantity of different foods. It has five accepted senses (there are more that most are unaware of), that work together to provide an understanding of their surrounding, which can also alert one to potential hazards. All of this was an intentional part of the design.

Research is only beginning to grasp some of the complexities of the human body. Modern medicine is aware of how most of the systems in the body work: the kidneys filter the blood, and expel the excess fluids and chemicals through urine; the liver helps to metabolize or break down many chemicals and toxins to allow for the processing by other parts of the body; the heart take in blood and distributes it to all parts of the body, providing nutrients and oxygen, and then take away that which is no longer needed. There are hundreds more systems in the body that provide other processes, and together, they all work to sustain and support the existence of the Soul in the body. But there are other dependencies that many are unaware of.

I have mentioned in my book that when Life was being originally designed, a decision was made to allow for a Soul to govern each major organ and its associated body system; each of these individual Souls were subordinate to another, higher level Soul, which is the Soul of the individual. The decision to support this structure was intended to answer two primary issues – offloading a portion of the decisions made by the human Soul (to allow for it to experience more of creation – the real reason it it here), and to allow newer Souls to experience life, although in a limited capacity (they did not have access to sensory input, and are there in a support capacity only). The records in the Libraries indicate that 13 of these individual Souls are present in a human body. Each is capable of death, and in most cases, the death of one will result in the death of all.

In addition to these individual Souls, the body is also a host to many thousands of other Life forms – mostly bacteria, viruses, and fungi, there to assist the body in its daily needs. In the digestive system, they are present to help with the breakdown of the foods that are consumed by the body; each has a role to play in producing enzymes and catalysts that work to break down complex chemicals into constituent parts, to be used elsewhere in the body. Other bacteria and fungi help to break down many of the toxins that are in food – harmful chemical compounds, or in some cases invading proteins in the body; often, the bacteria and fungi will bind to the harmful elements and make them easier to pass out of the body after first breaking down. And it is not one kind or family of bacteria; the bacteria and fungi in any given body is suited to the needs of that individual body – specifically to the Energies of that specific body.

When a Soul first makes a decision to enter an incarnate body, it must first go through a process of selecting the characteristics of the body that will allow it to have the greatest possibility of success in Life. A major part of this is to make sure that the Vibrational Energies of the body will be compatible with the Vibrational Energies of the Soul that will ultimately occupy that body. In the case of the body, each of the Souls that will govern an individual organ system must also have a compatible Vibrational Energy, to both the overall Soul, but also compatible to the other Souls in the body. If this compatibility is not present, failure or disharmony of the body system will result, which could result in the death of that individual Soul (and possibly the body). When planning for existence, the Soul of the body may select as one of the lesser Souls (a Soul of one or more of the systems within the body) a Soul Energy that could result in (or enable) particular body functions, such as diabetes or kidney stones (this could happen so that the Soul pf the person could experience these as part of its own Life experience.)

Similarly, the quantity and types of gut bacteria, collectively known as a gut biome, is unique to each individual. The Soul, as part of the selection of body characteristics, will choose the flora and fauna that will optimize the digestive process. However, in many cases some of these flora and fauna (referred to here as F&F)will be killed off by things that are consumed, like some toxins, or antibiotics. Many people will take probiotics in order to try to repopulate the gut biome, but often these specific F&F are not the original and are not compatible with the Vibrational Energies of the body. In the design of the Life Construct, our intent was for each body to be able to repopulate its gut with the optimum F&F, to be obtained from their own surroundings and through the nutrients available to them in their immediate area. This is partially why people choose to live in particular areas – they are drawn there, because the Vibrational Energies of the area contain these F&F that the body requires to optimally function. Together, these F&F work interactively with the Souls of many of these body systems to help sustain the Life of the body.

I mentioned that viruses are a part of this gut microbiome (and a part of the bodies general biome). They exist throughout the body; in many cases, they are intended to be relatively short lived. Their purpose is to primarily serve as a means of communications between the various Souls within the body; when each of the Souls is too busy (or otherwise unable to effectively communicate with the other Souls), viruses can serve as a means of transferring information from one to another. These messenger viruses are intentionally not harmful, they exist in the thousands in order to transmit different kinds of information to and from the different systems, and are relatively robust. Once a message is delivered, the viruses die, and their component parts are expelled from the body as waste.

Human bodies will often start having issues when many of these biome systems begin to break down and not function as designed (this includes bacterial, virus, and fungi systems). And once one system has ceased to function, it can be difficult to re-establish unless the Soul of the body is able to sense the loss of these Energies, and actively works to repopulate them. This can be one of the reasons for particular food cravings, even though a particular food craving may seem rather strange.

Another topic in this line is that of food allergies or sensitivities. Many people have severe reactions if they eat particular foods, like nuts or shellfish, to the point of anaphylaxis. These types of reactions are enabled by a significant different in the Vibrational Energy of the allergic food or protein. The Vibrational Energy of the Soul is only compatible with some of the proteins that exist; when the body of a specific Soul encounters certain proteins, and recognizes them as foreign, it will begin to attack that specific set of proteins, because those proteins have an incompatible Vibrational Energy. During the development of the Life Construct, we were aware of these incompatibilities of certain Vibrational Energies, and we made an effort to compensate; basically, the Life Construct created a number of intermediate proteins, proteins that can co-exist with both kinds of proteins – the Vibrational Energies of these intermediate proteins is compatible with the Vibrational Energies of both Soul proteins (that of the receiving body, as well as that of the original body for that particular protein). These intermediate proteins, which are common to many different kinds of foods and spices, will enable the safe consumption of the otherwise harmful protein; “safe” is relative – it may still provide unpleasant effects, but it will not result in serious adverse effects. What these intermediate foods are will vary from one person to another, as it is a function of an individuals own Life Energies. So if one person is allergic to shellfish, there will be an intermediate food that will enable to safe (but possibly still unpleasant) consumption and digestion of the shellfish.

One final element element of this post will address the topic of organ transplants. Modern medicine has been able to successfully transplants organs from one body to the body of a person whose has an organ system that has begun to fail. Doctors will do a series of tests on each individual to see if the organs will be compatible, and will not be rejected by the recipient of the new organ. To a large degree, the tissue types that are being tested for are a direct reflection of the basic building blocks of the Energies used in the formation of the Soul initially. There is a direct correlation between the tissue types of a given body, and the 7 basic Energies that form the Soul of that body. Even though science is so far unable to identify and test for these individual Energies, medicine has been successful in identifying compatible Energies. Being able to detect the base Vibrational Energies of a given Soul would be a more effective means to determine compatibility, but science is likely millennia away from being able to understand the true nature of these Vibrational Energies, let alone being able to test and identify them. However, the presence of these intermediate proteins (or more appropriately intermediate substances with a compatible Vibrational Energy) would enable the peaceful and successful co-existence of each, possibly without the need to the current drugs needed to prevent rejection of the new organ by the body (even though this too is likely millennia away).

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Why is Music so important?

I may have already mentioned that Music is an anomaly; it does not exist in any other place, in any Universe. It occurred because of the lack of restrictions that were placed on Terra when the genetic code was implemented. In other locations, significant restrictions were placed on DNA – many things were not allowed to be implemented, so that those involved with the Life Construct could determine the full scope of what they have implemented. The Universe is only 14 Billion years old, and all of the Constructs are still being evaluated. It is the purpose of this Iteration of all that is to serve as a test of the 7 Constructs, to continue to evaluate them, to determine what their advantages and disadvantages are, and to see what works and what does not (and why). 14 Billion years is very young.

Music began to occur as chants in early human existence. It was not originally a form of communication, it began as a way to get the Souls at the time to begin to resonate at a similar Vibrational Frequency. It was a desire to be communal, to connect with each other on a level that was not possible by other means.

Over time, they began to determine that different materials could be used to make different tones by beating them. They had discovered early drums. But they did not have the skills to make other instruments. That would come centuries later. They experimented with different materials, all natural and available to them locally. And they began to develop different and more complex rhythms. And they discovered that they could make different sounds with their own voices – they discovered singing.

It was not until about midway through the first millennia that instruments began to appear. This is when the melodies and rhythms began to get more complex. The more complex music began to reach people on many different levels. But essentially, it was a means to relax, and to begin to resonate with the music. The Vibrational Energy of the music reached all levels of life, and it allowed the Souls that experienced it to feel more of the Energies around them. It opened the Souls of people up to experience more of what was around them. There was nothing else in existence that was able to do this.

Music has progressed significantly in the past few hundred years. There are thousands of different instruments, capable of playing a near infinite number of sounds and songs. Music has incredibly complex melodies, harmonies, and rhythms; it is these melodies, harmonies, and rhythms that help people reach the Energies around them when music is played. Music causes everything near it to resonate with the elements of the music, including any humans nearby, and it is this resonance the helps humans feel and become one with the Energies around them.

Music resonates with people, on many different levels. It is relaxing, it can provide a deeply spiritual reaction, it can open up senses that most people do not understand well. But more importantly, it tends to allow people to feel Energies that they would otherwise not be able to. It is this level of importance that has brought those from the Central Sun to Terra; the benefits of music clearly outweigh any other aspects of it, and the Leadership Council of the Central Sun would like music to be available for all to experience, in every Universe throughout existence. This is one of the reasons that the Souls from the Central Sun are here. We have determined the elements of the Life Construct that have made music possible, and will be taking steps to ensure that these characteristics will propagate for all to enjoy.

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