Month: April 2021

Is there life on other planets?

The quick answer to this question is yes, but that would also be an incomplete answer.

Humans on Terra have a single reference point for evaluating their concepts of “Life”.  Terra provides that viewpoint.  But that is like looking at a glass, filled with clear liquid that you just filled it with, and then saying that the glass is filled with “water”.  In itself, it is a true statement, but it, too, is an incomplete statement.  Most people are unable to conceive that there may be “Life” contained within that glass of water – they are unable to see it without specialized tools and equipment, they are unable to test for it, and they may not understand any benefits that any Life residing in the water may have to them.  

When humans discuss Life on other planets, the thoughts of most people would be on Extraterrestrials – ETs – that have been made famous through science fiction sources like magazines, books, and movies. And while that may be a good reference point to begin with, most people think of ETs and humanoid beings, generally between 3 and 9 feet tall, with 2 arms and 2 legs. They become very uncomfortable when the ET “Life” varies too far from this view. And they then let fear take over – most fear of the unknown. And to be fair, most of the movies involving people from other planets, the beings from those planets tend to fall into one of two categories – superheroes with vast powers, or evil creatures that have come here to take people away and experiment on them, possibly before eating them. The reality is really somewhere in between these two extremes.

Not all Life consists of variants of what Life is here on Terra. Nor is all other life the same size and composition of the various examples here on Terra. But many humans may not know this, because they lack enough imagination to enable them to consider other forms of Life, or places that other forms of Life may exist.  While science has done a great job of identifying planets in other star systems several light years away, and characterizing the chemical makeup of those planets, we have no ability to comprehend what other forms of life may exist. We have stated in previous posts that DNA is an element that is common to all Life, everywhere; what this actually means is that there is no other form of “DNA” that would enable of forms of Life in other places.  That Life on other planets, simply, share the exact same DNA that exists within every Living thing on Terra – even if that other Life form consists of a mass of tissue without any skeletal support. 

One fact that most people, and to a degree many scientists, have not considered is that there is an extensive amount of Life that occupies the same Time and Space that humans on Terra occupy, but that Life has a slightly different reference – it is slightly out of phase with the Energies that we are aware of, or in a slightly different dimension, or its characteristics are generally unavailable to us.  There is a very good example of this: Orbs.  Orbs are entities that appear to us as round Energies; they most often show up in photographs of videos and circular light objects that move from one side of the display to the other. Humans are generally unable to see them with the naked eye; human vision will see or sense Energy, and that is then sent to the brain to interpret. But that “image” consists of a series of images that are averaged over time. But if you take a picture with a standard digital (or analog) camera, especially in the evening or at night, you will occasionally see what appears to be a light floating across the screen or picture. The reason that a camera can see an Orb but not a human is because the camera will capture and image in a fraction of a second, and then store that image for later viewing; even a video camera takes a very fast series of snapshots that are then strung together to make a video, with each frame of the video being an separate and distinct picture. This is something that humans are unable to do.

Life on other planets, or even Life in other realms on this planet, can be treated in the same way, if we would like to see it.  We must first try to identify how it might exist, and then develop the tools and equipment to investigate it further.  Orbs are a good example; they are seen as a “fringe” phenomenon, that have as yet not captured the imagination of science long enough to be a focus of study. It is much easier to just say that they are not real – they are unable (or unwilling) to collected Orbs and place them in a jar to study, nor are they able to quantify the phenomenon adequately to assess what they really are. Other life is the same; it is always much easier to study the things that we know, simply because we can see or touch them, which allows us to quantify them in some manner.  But beings in another dimension here on Terra are quite something else; how does one “measure” something that they can only begin to conceive of through the use of theoretical science?  As a scientist, I would say to begin with what you believe you know about the other environment; they will have Energy, and at least in theory Energy can be measured.  But how does one account for differences in Space and Time? 

And as for other Life Forms, I do believe that they have visited Terra from other planets, and many of them may reside here with us, without our knowledge. How would we identify them? It would clearly be easy if they all had a purple nose, but they do not. And even if they were a mass of tissue without skeletal form, where would they feel most comfortable?  On land, where movement may be a challenge?  Or in the ocean, which would offer far less resistance to movement? And what would we do if we were to find it?  Dissect it to find out more about it? Or simply kill it before it kills us? Neither will be possible until we begin to think just a bit more outside of the little boxes that we have built for ourselves.

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The value of Meditation, and your true senses

The last post was about the purpose and benefit of sleep.  There is another similar topic that requires a bit of explanation in the context of sleep: Meditation.

Meditation is different than sleep.  While sleep occurs as an unconscious process, meditation is a fully conscious process. Meditation is not a formal part of the Life Construct (as is sleep), as it serves an entirely different purpose. Even though meditation is not an integral part of the Life Construct, it is something that was contemplated and provided for.

Simply, meditation is a state of relaxation and clearing that allows for the full sensory abilities of an incarnate Soul to be used. I mentioned in an earlier post that there are a number of “other” senses besides hearing, touch, taste, smell, and vision. Other senses that most people are not aware of include:

 – Proprioception – the sense that deals with how your brain understands where your body is in space;

 – Equilibrioception – a sense of balance;

 – Kinaesthesia – A sense of movement;

 – Thermoception – A sense of whether our environment is too hot or too cold;

 – Nociception – The ability to feel pain;

 – Chronoception – How we sense the passing of time;

 – Electroception – The ability to feel electrical fields around us;

 – Magnetoreception – The ability to sense a magnetic field.

Are there other senses?  Yes, but they are not present or necessary on Terra (even though they are available to humans located elsewhere).

So why have a discussion about all of the various senses that are generally available, in the context of meditation? Because all of them are available to you when you meditate, even though many Souls are not aware of these.  And in many cases, the use of these senses will require practice, most often while meditating.  All of these “additional” senses are available for one to use, even though they generally are available at a higher vibrational level.  And it is these higher vibrational levels that are “reachable” through meditation; when the body is in a relaxed state, and the activities that occur around us daily (specifically, the processing of the information from these activities) are allowed to be filtered (out) to a much greater extent, we will naturally begin to gravitate to a vibration Energy level that more approximates the vibrational level of our higher Soul. It requires that we eliminate or significantly reduce any of the additional (and in many cases superfluous) thoughts that exist in our own processing space within our mind. This is required largely because the reception of many of these other sensory abilities, while being at significantly lower energy levels than those we are used to, are also generally at a higher vibrational level. It is at this higher state of vibrational Energy that we sense these additional inputs.

So why during meditation but not sleep?  It is really a question of training.  In some species, for instance, electroception (the ability to sense an electric field) is used by fish to sense some predators; if this was an ability that was only available while in a state of sleep, the fish would likely die from the predator. Each of these “other” senses we can train ourselves to use, in art for self protection, in part as an aid in sensing prey (or predators), and in part as a function of being able to sense all of those Energies that exist around us on a daily basis.  There is an argument to be made that we have “lost” these senses because they are no longer relevant to our daily needs, or for protection. But that does not necessarily mean that they no longer serve a rational purpose in our lives. As an example, if we were to get lost in the mountains, and we have the ability to meditate, we could find our approximate location by sensing our elevation (through magnetoreception), we could sense how long we have been lost (through chronoreception), we could sense any power lines around us (through electroreception), and we may be able to sense how far we are from a large structure (again through magnetoreception, sensing the magnetic field of the structure). If these were only available during sleep, there is a good chance that we would forget the information, since the information provided during sleep is not generally retained in short term memory.  But if sense while in a meditative state, where lucidity is present, we can not only remember the information, but we could also interact with the information in real time to refine it.

I can provide a couple of examples.  In early human history, people went out into the oceans in very small craft – canoes included, with no real aids to navigation like we have today (like a compass, or a gyroscope to sense movements, or even a clock to measure time). Yet in nearly all cases, they were able to navigate hundreds of miles to a remote island.  To them, it was an inherent ability; they may not have understood how they were able to sense the information they needed, but they were well aware of how to process the information that they could only perceive.  In my own case, I am well aware when I travel under a high power line, even with eyes closed; I have the ability to sense the electromagnetic fields emanating from the power lines. When I mentioned this to a friend, he asked if I was also able to sense radar – he was aware of individuals who could sense the presence of radar systems. All of this can be enabled through the effective use of meditation, particularly as a means to relax and be “at one” with all of those Energies around you.

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Sometimes I just need to sleep

Every living thing has a need, on an almost daily basis, to enter a state of unconsciousness.  On Terra, it is referred to as sleep. Why do we do this, and is this a part of the Life Construct?

Sleep is an integral element of the Life Construct. It was included as a means to allow for 1) a period that could enable a living being to recover after some period of time, and 2) to allow for more in depth transfer of information from higher realms of consciousness.

When the concept of a biological “body” was first being developed, there was a realization that the buildup of all of the byproducts of activity would be difficult to remove on a continuous basis, and still keep a body at a reasonable size. For instance, constant movement will result in a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles, which could result in cramping if not removed in a timely basis (lactic acid is a byproduct of the metabolic processes that help to enable movement). In order to remove these biological process byproducts in real time, blood volume would have to be significantly increased, and blood cleansing would have to be increased. To account for these increases would require either extra organs (such as an extra liver), or a much larger liver, which would lead to a much larger body.  The compromise approach was to provide for a period of “downtime”, when the body was immobile, that would allow the organs of the body to basically detox and cleanse the body of the byproducts that were no longer needed. This “downtime” is what eventually came to be known as sleep. 

In addition to allowing for a cleansing of the body, it was felt that there needed to be a means for the higher Soul of the being to be able to communicate with the portion of the Soul that occupies the body; these communications were deemed necessary in order to provide information to the lower Soul about interactions with others, to prepare them for other activities, and to provide lessons to them while in this state of unconsciousness.  This last example came to be known as dreams. It was felt that these communications were needed to help provide a context for many of the daily interactions that are experienced, and to supplement experiences with additional information (which could act as a memory stimulant). 

So what else can sleep enable?  Sleep will bring about a relaxation of the body and mind; in the case of the relaxation of the mind, it enables the mind to enter a different vibrational frequency realm, that in general is more conducive to the use of other senses and states of being.  One of these is communications with spirits; for those that are no longer incarnate, lowering themselves to the vibrational Energy of a being that is active is difficult; the “awake” being typically will have many thought processes going on that would normally prohibit them from entering a higher vibrational Energy state at will. Sleep would support this, because it would also involve the elimination (or suppression) of the conscious thought processes that we have on a daily basis. When we have access to these higher states of vibrational Energy, communicating with others becomes easier; not only can we communicate with beings in the spirit realm, we can also communicate with other incarnate beings who may also be in a state that is receptive to this manner of communications.  Communicating with your spirit guides while sleeping is a good example of this; they will often help to provide guidance to you about how the days activities aligned with your Soul path, and offer suggestions for the following day.

Depending on factors such a the particular body, the environment it is in, and the characteristics of a planetary host, the period of sleep (or non-sleep) will vary.  In some cases where a planetary host does not have an overabundance of toxins, the period of sleep required for recovery will be shorter than it is on Terra.  In some cases, the number of hours of light (and dark) may be very different (than on Terra), and the body will be better suited to having much longer or shorter period of sleep. But it is important to remember that sleep is more of a time for recovery and communications that anything else.  Without sleep, the body would fail in a fairly short period of time. 

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The Energy impact of the COVID Vaccine

It is no secret that Terra is feeling the impact of a global pandemic – from the Covid-19 virus. It has killed millions so far, and there is no clear indication when the virus will no longer be with us. In response the this virus, a number of vaccines have been developed by a number of different corporations worldwide. While none state that they will 100% prevent someone from getting this virus, they do claim the lessen the impact of catching the virus.

But do the vaccines create other issues for those getting them?  Side effects have been widely reported for all of the vaccines; headache, fever and chills, achy joints, nausea and vomiting are all reported side effects. The side effects are reported to last 1-2 days in most cases.

But in the Energy healing community, the situation does not appear to be quite as good. There is one report from an Energy practitioner in France who has treated somebody after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine; this healer reported that the “connection between the Soul and the body had been virtually cut, and thus the Soul could not anymore evolve through this body.” Other healers I work with have reported bodies full of toxins in people who have recently received a vaccine. As an Energy worker, I had not payed any particular attention to the vaccine effects initially. But the report from the French Energy worker caused me to begin to look into the vaccine effects, from an Energy perspective. Although I do see toxins in people post vaccination (sometimes an extreme quantity of toxins), I also began to see the separation of the Souls from the bodies of people who had been vaccinated.  In some cases, the separation is relatively minor, but in some cases the separation is significant.

So let me describe what I see from an Energy perspective.  The Soul is connected to the body through the Brain Stem – the little “silver thread” (talked about by many who have had a near death experience) expands at the Brain Stem interface; physically, it appears as a “blob of goo” (I do not know of a better way to describe this at the moment) with fingers that surround the brain stem. Energy and/or information is transferred from the Soul to the body at each point of contact. The information that is transferred is sent out to the particular Souls within the body that it is meant for. This kind of “parsing” or distribution of information is one main purpose of the Brain Stem. This work occurs every day in the life of a living being (it is something that is not just limited to humans). When a person has reached the end of their current Life, the connection between the Soul and the body begins to weaken; this “blob of goo” then begins to weaken its hold on the Brain Stem, first in its fingers, then progressing to the main body. When goo is no longer able to sustain it connection with the Brain Stem, the silver thread separates from the Brain Stem, resulting in the moment of death. 

In the case of the Energies at work with the vaccines, I see a weakening of primarily the fingers of the goo; each finger of this goo is connected to a particular location of the Brain Stem, and each location is directly connected to a particular part of the body – generally an organ or system within the body. A few of the connections serve higher functions, connected to particular portions of the Brain where higher level processing occurs. This higher level processing could include (but is not limited to) reason, intuition, sensory perception, and memory. When the connections of the goo begin to be compromised, humans begin to process information erroneously; senses begin to weaken, and in those who have access to higher levels of senses, those senses begin to fail. In others, I can tell who has been vaccinated by looking at this Soul/Body connection; if there is a weakness present (together with the presence of toxins), it is a primary indicator that the person has had a vaccine.  In an extreme situation, the person, who I personally knew to be highly intuitive, lost all intuition, as well as all ability to communicate with spirit.

So how does an Energy worker begin to correct these issues? Each Energy worker has different techniques that they use, each equally valid and effective, so there is no one way. But there are commonalities; the first is to begin to eliminate the toxins in the body, and around the Brain Stem in particular. There are a number of remedies to accomplish this, but most should involve large quantities of water in order to flush them from the system.  Because this vaccination is typically into the upper arm, it is likely that the associated toxins will begin to accumulate in the Lymph nodes just under an arm. Any good means to flush the lymphatic system would be of benefit.

The next issue would concern the associated inflammation. When toxins are present, there is a general increase in the liquids present, an effort to dilute the toxins and their effects. There is also an increase in general inflammation, which is an accumulation of liquids. In order to address the issues associated with inflammation; Vitamin D can prove effective for reducing this.  In practice, there are some studies that show that Vitamin D has some beneficial use for those with Covid. Canabidiol (CBD) is also useful for reducing inflammation, but each Energy practitioner may have other remedies for inflammation that will work as well.

Both the toxins and the associated inflammation must be dealt with prior to the next step. That step involves the “reattaching” of the goo in and around the Brain Stem. The connection is a connection of pure Energy; the vibrational frequency of this Energy is particular to each individual.  In the individuals that I have seen, the disconnect of the Soul to the body (at the goo/Brain Stem interface) is a result of a change in the vibrational Frequency of the connection.  In general, and due specifically to the toxins present; the toxins themselves have a vibrational Frequency that is much lower than that of most people.  When toxins are present, they will lower the Energies of the tissues that they are near; in the case of this vaccine (and in many cases of Covid-19), the toxins do have at least a minor concentration within the Brain Stem. 

Although there are many different ways of executing the next step, then step is relatively simple, but will take some time.  The goal is to reconnect the Soul to the body – or in simpler terms, stick the goo to the Brain Stem. There will be a disconnect when the vibrational Frequencies (of the goo and the Brain Stem) are different. The easiest solution to the problem is to raise the lower of the two Energies to that of the higher Energy. A number of modalities are available to do this; from an Energy perspective, one can put Energy into the bond that is of a much higher vibrational Energy – the tissues at the lower Energy will ultimately begin to resonate at the higher vibrational Energy; when that vibrational Energy matches the Energy of the other tissue, the tissues will remake the connection. It is a question of resonance, the tissues must begin to resonate with each other.  

Once the connection is remade, there may be a need for re-learning; because the connection has been impaired, it is very likely that the flow of information from Soul to body may no longer remember how the flow of information works. Practice, consisting of receiving and sending information, and then properly routing that information, will help one to regain their abilities. 

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The connection we have with others

We all have many people in our lives – relatives, close friends, business associates, distant friends – that we communicate with on a regular basis. But occasionally, we will find that we have a “calling” or desire, to reach out to someone we know.  Sometimes it is just to say hello, but other times it can be to tell them something that you believe they need to hear at that particular moment.  So why do you sometimes get that urge to communicate in this manner?

We are all connected to each other to a certain extent – we all have a connection to the Energies of the this Universe, and through that, to each other.  But some people have other connections; they are not generally due to a family connection, but it is due to the connections we have to others in our Soul Group.  A Soul Group is, simply, a group of Souls that formed at the same time, and emerged together from the Life Energies of the Universe. They share a vibrational Soul Energy that is close or nearly identical, and many have lives that they have shared together in one capacity or another. They also share an Energy connection between one another, a connection that can be used to sharing emotions or emotional experiences, sharing Energies (in case of an illness by one member of the group), or it can be used to communicate and share information or a state of mind. 

It is this last item, an ability to communicate with each other (especially when they are physical some distance apart) that most people pay attention to.  It may be as simple as you have not spoken recently and just would like to get current with what they are doing in their life, or it could be as complex as one is under an undue amount of stress for some reason, and needs help. No matter the reason, it is a connection that is always present with those that you know well, but you may not always be aware of it unless the need to communicate is significant. 

There are ways that you can help to ensure that the connections are always viable and can be used whenever you desire. Meditation is a great help, because it will help to ensure that any stress levels you may have are low enough to enable you to sense other Energies around you. The ability to sense these other Energies is very important. Then it is often just a means of thinking about the other person – when you “think” about another person, what you are really doing is attempting to tune your own Energies to theirs; thinking about them is enough because you already know their vibrational Energies because you know each other fairly well. It is this knowledge of the Energies that forms the basis of the communications between you.  There are a number of ways to describe this; some call it intuition, some call it our “sixth sense,” some people just call it their connection. 

Do you need to pay attention to this all the time?  NO!  We all have an enormous amount of communications that occurs in the background that we are just not aware of. But there are also some communications that we allow to get through, enough that we pay attention to it more.  It passes the information filters that we have established. So how can you make sure that you hear this communications?  You can “set a filter” that will alert you to when another person is interested in talking to you, or needs your help; you can do this by setting an intention, such as “I will always listen to anything that “Mary” is trying to tell me. Or, you could stay relaxed and tuned in to the Energies of the people that you would most desire to know how they are – this would keep the communications connection enabled. There are many different ways of keeping in contact with people you know – it only requires thought, intention, and a desire to keep it active.  

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The difference between Time Travel and looking past or future

We have spoken before of the restrictions and limitations that exist on the physical act of Time travel, either into the past or future. The main issue with Travel through time is the preservation of the integrity of the Constructs, and the preservation of the Timelines. Travel of an individual into the past would likely lead to the events that would result in significant changes to the Timeline, the paths of people, and could ultimately compromise of the Constructs themselves. Even if there was no ability to return to your current timeline, going into the past would give somebody significant au priori knowledge of the past events, with certainly enough detail to cause changes. But it could also result in a Time Paradox – an event, or series of events, that could be caused to occur in the past that would result in conflicting changes in the current timeline.  As an example, a Time traveller could go into the past and take actions that would prevent the individual from being born. Yet the individual exists in the current timeline. It is a discontinuity in Time.

Travel forward in Time is equally problematic. One could go forward in time to either observe the world geopolitical situation, or to gather information on the current (or future) state of technology. Knowing the future geopolitical situation would allow one to attempt to change the paths of those involved in that future position; It would in effect remove or significantly impact the Free Will decisions of people who desire to remain faithful to their own Timeline. In the case where knowledge of technology is sought, that information would allow a significant advantage to fall upon those who would ultimately receive that information. It could easily create a paradox; once the technology is developed and manufactured, the original timeline is effectively changed, resulting in the paradox.

But what about somebody “looking” back in time – for instance, looking at events in the past life of an individual in order to help diagnose issues they have.  Simply observing events in the past does not necessarily allow for any of those events to change, nor would it cause a paradox in the timelines of any of the individuals involved. 

Looking into the future presents different issues. While there are people who have an ability to see “into the future”, they are generally not allowed to provide any information that would result in a paradox, or information that is not specifically allowed for in the Soul Contracts of the individuals involved.  A good example of this is lottery numbers; if the Soul Contract of an individual indicates that they will use provided numbers of information to secure a large amount of money, they could receive the information.  But this is very rarely the case – most people do not have this type of information in their Soul Contract. 

In each of these cases, the key element is the creation or existence of a Time paradox. In general, if the information or capability could possibly result in a Time Paradox, or compromise of any of the Constructs, it is not permitted.

Is anybody allowed to do any of these? Yes. The only Souls authorized to do any of these things are the Leadership from the Central Sun. They are allowed because they all have as a common goal the preservation of Timelines and the Constructs, so they are uniquely trained to be able to operate in these kinds of situations. 

But my psychic says that they look into the future all the time!  Do not believe them. There are many people who say that they are capable of doing things that are simply beyond their abilities. But the may also be unaware of the fact that any information that they are provided is heavily filtered, and may be false.  It is not generally false intentionally, but what they may receive may not be on the same timeline that they desire. When one asks for, or seeks out information, they do not generally realize that there are hundreds of different timelines available for the information; all are valid timelines, yet the initial question(s) do not provide enough specificity.  And simply “thinking” about the information being in the timeline you desire is not necessarily good enough; the person asking for the information my not have knowledge of the alternate timelines that may exist, so they do not necessarily know to ask for a specific timeline. Even within the Libraries of the Central Sun, there are often thousands of possible timelines, all of which may need to be researched in order to find a true and correct answer to the question asked.  This same exhaustive search also applies to searching for information independent of a timeline. Each bit of information may require searching many different sources, each of which may involve interconnected links or influences. These are all elements of a Library that are not well known, but need to be considered.

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The Soul/Body connection

Many people have speculated on where and how the Energetic Soul is connected to the body.  Some believe that the connection resides within the brain, others believe the connection lies within the heart. Science does not have an answer to this question – functionally, death is generally declared when the heart stops beating. But there is no doubt that when the body no longer functions, the Soul departs.

So where might the Soul be located in the body? First, one should not assume that the Soul is a singular Energy within the body – we have already discussed the fact that each major organ and system in the body has its individual Soul. So, do all of the Souls that make up the body depart at the same time when a body stops functioning? It is unlikely in most cases. When some beings begin to pass from this existence, their bodies may begin a process of shutting down. When this happens, the Souls of some of those organs depart, resulting in the death of that organ or system. However, with a sudden (and often traumatic) death, all of the Souls will depart together.

Is there a physical connection between the Soul (specifically, the OverSoul) and the body?  Yes.   That connection is centered within the Autonomic Nervous System, which is centered in the Brain stem. The Autonomic Nervous System is what keeps that body operating, without conscious thought. It connects to all of the systems within the body, so it would naturally be in contact with all of the major organs and systems within the body. It provides major input that works together with the Brain and the Heart, where many have long thought that the Soul of the person (or Consciousness) is located. No other organ or location within the body has this kind of “direct connection” to all of the other parts of the body. It is the single place where direct coordination is possible, where parsing of information to various in the body can occur. This is the location that the “silver thread” – that object, described by people who have had out of body experiences – is connected to.

The physical connection made by the Soul to the body does not exist at a point location (despite the thinness of the Silver Strand).  Nor is it a series of point locations; it takes the form of a generalized connection area, in order to support the Energies and information involved. As death begins to approach, that connection begins to loosen – at the edges at first, and then progressing to the entire connection. As the edges loosen, the connection is not severed, but it does begin to diminish the amount of Energy and information that is passed from the Soul to the body. The connection to life begins to diminish, and as those connections diminish, the organs that are impacted begin the function with less effectiveness and efficiency. Over time, the decrease in one will impact the functions of other organs and systems.  How long this process takes is dependent on the Soul Contract of the individual – it is the Soul Contract, worked out prior to birth, that governs the processes involved in the mechanisms of death. As with other elements in the Life of the body, other organs that may yet to be directly involved in the initial disconnect from the OverSoul may try to compensate for the lowering of the effectiveness and efficiency being experienced. In some cases, the body will respond to these efforts, for at least a short period of time. But as the release of the Soul connection to the body continues (and in some cases increases), the increase in activity will decrease. All of this reaches a point where a cascade of failures begins, until the Soul/body bond is no longer strong enough to sustain the Life force within the body.

One question regarding this process would involve the transfer of Energy from the Soul to the body – does the Soul provide a sustaining level of Energy to either the Souls of the organs and systems, or the body as a whole? The answer is a qualified yes; the Energy that is made available to the body and its systems is at a Vibrational Frequency of the OverSoul, which is typically much greater in Frequency than the body is normally used to. So while there is Energy present, it is generally not available to the body. This higher vibrational Energy is typically used to support the spiritual growth of the portion of the Soul that resides in the body (also known as the lower Soul). It exists there to support the spiritual growth of the individual – the Energies generated within the body for sustaining it are not of a higher vibrational Energy. The Energies needed to drive spiritual growth originate with the OverSoul, and are passed to the body through the Soul/Body connection. 

What role do illnesses, like Covid, have in this process? All illness has an impact on the Soul/Body connection. The real question of the danger of any particular illness is with any inherent weaknesses already present in the body, and the strength of the Soul/body connection. In most people, a weakened immune system is an indicator that the connection is likely to be somewhat compromised. And it is possible to assess the strength of the connection by examining where problems exist within the body.  As an example, Covid-19 impacts the respiratory systems of many people, suggesting that the Life connection to the associated part of the Autonomic Nervous System may be weakened. From an Energy perspective, an Energy worker can check this by looking for weakness where this connection should be.  Follow the Energy path from the diaphragm (where breathing is initiated) to the Brain stem; at the Brain stem, look for the presence of a higher Vibrational Frequency, associated with an opportunity for Spiritual Growth. If this Energy is not strong, a weakness in the connection will exist. (in most cases, this higher Vibrational Energy is always present in order encourage Spiritual Growth of the Soul.)

The same weaknesses that are the result of illness can also result in weaknesses due to medications.  Most medications are not intended to heal, but are intended to address symptoms. The underlying reason for the need for medication is still present, and it may well be found by looking at the Soul/body connection. How to address the source of the illness could possibly be found at the connection. 

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Does DNA and the Life Construct allow for other humans or humanoids?

Humans, specifically homo-sapiens, exist not only on Terra, but many other planets as well. But are there other “human like” beings that exist, and if so, how and why?

The answer is yes. We have indicated that human life on Terra was brought here from a number of other planets in order to support the experiments regarding unrestricted DNA. There are many different “versions” of humanoids (the Libraries consider Humanoids to fall into the category of bipeds, or animals that walk of 2 legs) that are spread throughout existence; they include neanderthals, humans, reptilians, and many other species.  What generally makes them different is the environment that they are intended for.  While there is some level of adaptability, many have DNA that is structured or “opened” up to allow life on a particular host planet (or series of planets). In most situations, there is no need for a formal “adaptation” of DNA to support life on a particular host, this is something that occurs naturally.  

DNA was developed in a manner that would allow a great deal of automatic (naturally occurring may be a better word choice) configuration. It was intended to look for particular sets of chemical structures in the environment of the local host planet, and then configure the Life for optimized use of that host planet. In each case, the specific chemical combination serves as the trigger mechanism for this, and there are approximately 17 different combinations that act as triggers, and they can work separately or in combination.  For instance, on Terra there is abundant water and oxygen to support one of the forms of biped humanoids – a species that requires both. There are other worlds that have oxygen but little water, so a reptilian species may be better suited due to their need for less water.  On other planets, there is abundant methane, some water, and more heavy metals, to a different type of humanoid would be better suited for that environment. And in some cases, there were different physical characteristics, identified by other Constructs, that were used to determine the configuration. Gravity is a very good example; a planetary host of significant size would have a very significant gravitational field, to body located on its surface would weigh significantly more than on Terra; this would then require a significantly great humanoid structure in order to live there (e.g., great muscle mass and bone structure to support it).

When the Constructs were developed, there was a realization that there may be a need for many of these kinds of “configurations”, many based on the local environment or structure of the host Universe. In order to minimize the degree of difficulty in establishing a structure for each of the Constructs, decisions were made to allow for this same type of “auto configuration”, each dependent on the “local” environment; the specific characteristics of that local environment included elements present, the local interpretation of Time, the “type” and nature of Space, the types of Life that were desired, the expected level of growth and adaptation that could reasonably be expected from the Life forms present, and many other factors.  All together, there are approximately 1,021,000 different combinations of configurations (it is the factorial of the first 7 fibonacci prime numbers). Because of the significant number of combinations, it was strongly felt that an ability to use these different combinations automatically in order to eliminate guess work for those seeking to implement a capability. 

The developers of the Life Construct also attempted other forms of beings which, in theory, appeared adequate for support a Soul centered Life.  But during the first stages of the trials for that particular form of Life, they were found to be inadequate.  For instance, humanoids, on a larger planet, that had hollow bones; this particular choice had a thought behind it that the hollow bones would make the body light enough to not require significant muscle mass in order to move in the much higher gravity of the planet. However, the hollow bones turned out to be a disadvantage because they were not structurally significant enough to support the mass of the body in all realistic scenarios.

There was one other group of beings developed under the Life Construct that is worth mention.  At one point, the Leaders of the Life Construct manifested a total of 12 “super beings” – beings with perfect (non corrupted) DNA, who could go where they wanted to heal (others). They were not to be bound by the rules of the local source. The did have other “abilities”; they could manipulate matter, they could selectively have gravity apply to them (so they had the ability to fly), they could absorb oxygen through their skin, so they did not necessarily have to breath.  And they could use energy to heal pretty much anything that they wanted.  These 12 souls have gone home to the Central Sun, been there for 2-3 billion years. They were more or less an experiment, again to see what was within the realm of the possible. They were “around” for about 40 billion years in total……

This group was brought home by the Leadership of the Central Sun.  While the Leadership can see the significant benefit that having a group of Souls like this, operating throughout all of the many Universes, ultimately the issue was one of accountability – not for these 12 beings, but for the Souls on the planet hosts that they visited.  It was found that many of the species on the host planets they visited would work to destroy the environment that the Souls lived in, with the expectation that one (or more) of these 12 beings would come in later and clean it up. It ultimately provided no accountability for the actions of the people on the host planets they went to. Since there was a greater desire to emphasize the use of Karma to provide the balance that was lacking in these situations, they were all brought home.  The blueprint for their host bodies does still exist within the Libraries (in truth, their DNA was not significantly different than the DNA of the average human, they just had different restrictions placed on the DNA), but there are no longer any humanoids of this type in existence. 

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Is there a difference between Consciousness and Awareness?

Is consciousness an integral part of the Life construct?  Is awareness a part of either consciousness or the Life Construct? Can living beings fully conceive of themselves or their roles in life?

For many questions like this, the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no”, and context (and maybe perspective) is a key element of it. 

When the original 7 Energies began to first form integrated beings, and began working together, it took some time for them to learn and understand that they were acting as a single unit.  They did not have consciousness or awareness; this was before the basic particles of matter had been formed. They could sense that “others” were able to influence them, but they did not know how or why. (Ultimately, it was determined that this “influence” was due to electrostatic attractions between the groups of 7 Energies.) Awareness, which they later defined as understanding the influences that these electrostatic attractions were having on one another, took hundreds of Billions of years to develop, but once they developed, “growth” of this basic awareness occurred at an exponential rate. One must remember that at this point fo existence, the concepts of Time and Space were not yet known. 

The leap from awareness to consciousness occurred when the basic Energies realized that they were able to work together; they did not yet understand how this was happening.  But they did know that the distances that one could influence another were getting greater – greater than what they had been used to with the electrostatic influence that began their process of awareness. We would now call this point in time the birth of communications – it was through communications that they were able to overcome some of the limitations of the attractions.  The movement that was enabled by the electrostatic attractions were too great to overcome through that method, but there was a desire to move together. This “desire” was key, because it would ultimately form the basis of what we now know to be intention.  In essence, they “willed” themselves to be nearer each other, and it was intention that made this possible. The Energies recognized the importance of intention, and it would become one of the essential elements of Consciousness, along with the new found ability to communicate with each other. Remember that this initial effort to communicate was very rudimentary – there was no language, and these communications could best be described as “thought forms”. 

They were “Conscious”, even though this initial capability was somewhat rudimentary.  They could “communicate” to a degree, and they could use “intention” as a way to come closer together. And of course they were now also aware of their surroundings to a limited extent. It would take several Billion years to further develop Consciousness to a point where it would allow for some degree of autonomy.  At this time, they were aware of their own existence – so they had a level of self awareness, but it was not until they began the “experiments” (which in reality were more like playing for them) that they began to understand the magnitude of being self aware and what that meant. 

As the Life Construct (and the other Constructs later) would realize, they understood that both this Awareness and Consciousness were essential elements that could be used to enable large elements of the Construct. But once they had laid out the requirements for what we would eventually know to be a “body”, with an associated Energy Soul as a controlling element, that they realized that there would need to be limits to what these new forms of Life could allow. For instance, how could a controlling Soul, within the context of its “body” (and acting as a singular entity) grasp that it included not a single Soul, but multiple Souls all working together towards a common cause? And that this “oversoul” would not only have control, but would also be expected to work together in a cooperative manner. They realized that this could be enabled in the background, with a degree of autonomy, by limiting the amount of knowledge that the “oversoul” was exposed to. This would ultimately make autonomous life a realistic proposition. (The alternative was to expose al of the knowledge; but it would be exceedingly difficult for a controlling Soul of a body to not only coordinate daily activities, like eating and movement, while having to have to be concerned with the flow of bodily fluids from one location to another to support all of this activity.)  It was for this reason that the concept of “self awareness” would be limited.

The final question to be answered here, “Can living beings conceive of their role in life”, is a bit simpler. It is already understood that there is a significant amount of coordination that must occur prior to each incarnation, in order to establish the elements and circumstances in life that will provide the greatest opportunity to balance karma and learn the lessons of Life. But there are, too, factors that must be considered for this as well.  The first is the concept of Free Will – that ability to make decisions regarding the life path one is to take. The second is the concept of Karma – the ability to maintain a record of Energy and Energy imbalances so that one can know the current state of their own Energies, and then have a basic knowledge of the understanding in order to learn from the errors and actions taken during a life.

Free Will was incorporated as a concept under the Life Construct in order to allow for individuals to decide what they wanted to learn in a given life, how they could learn that, who they would have assist them in this process, and when they would know that the lessons were complete. The alternative was an existence that was completely scripted – lessons would be mandated, everybody had a script that they must adhere to.  This was deemed unacceptable, simply because the original Souls understood the level of creativity, freedom, and inspiration that existed when a Soul was allowed to do what they wanted, instead of doing what another wanted them to do. Free Will ultimately did have some limits placed on it, but that had more to do with the ability of a given Soul to accomplish what it has set out to do, and to limit the adverse effects of having too much information to process. 

The second element here, involving Karma, was intended to be the check on the ability of a Soul to make a Free Will decision that would be contrary to their own best interests. It is a way to keep track of the “+s” and “-s” that were associated with a decision making process. It provides a record of Energy movements associated with decisions. Since it winds up being a very significant amount of information, it was felt that allowing full access to this information would be not allowed – in part too because knowing the current state of Karma of the Soul could influence the decision making ability of the Soul in Life.

So although both Consciousness and Awareness were included as integral elements of the Life Construct, it was determined that complete “self awareness” would be limited in order to not overwhelm a body’s Soul, because of the significant amount of information and coordination that would ensue. 

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Can we communicate with other species?

I have been asked if different species have the ability to communicate with each other. The answer is yes, they can, and that was included in the Life Construct.  But it may not be quite as simple as just talking to your dog or cat.

When the Life Construct was developed, there was a recognition that it may be beneficial at times for a number of species to be able to communicate with each other.  They could pass on information, alert others of dangers, provide information about the locations of food and water, and possibly provide a level of comfort to each other. To illustrate, I am reminded of a story I was told long ago.  A group of hunters were interested in hunting a particular species of monkeys that dwelled in the tree tops of a South American rain forest. They had previously identified an area where they discovered that there were many different groups of Monkeys that they could get to, and they decided that that would be their target hunting area for that day.  They would have to park their vehicles, and then hike into the brush of the forest for a number of miles.  When they parted their vehicles, and unbeknownst to them at the time, the groups of Monkeys that were to be their targets sensed the danger – they knew that these hunters were there to kill them on this particular day.  They moved some distance for the day, and the hunters found no targets to shoot that day.  The monkeys not only sensed the danger from miles away, but they also were well aware of the intentions of the hunters.

All species are able to communicate on a number of different Vibrational Energies. But what most humans do not know is the methods of communications.  Communications begin in the nerve center of the body, whether that body is an animal (including humans), and plants. It is well known for instance that trees communicate through an extensive root systems that interconnect trees all over the world. When we first desire to communicate, the process of developing begins with the person forming an image in their mind of what they want to communicate; by being able to tap into and “read” these images, one is able to know what the individual is trying to communicate.  I have used this method in the past to speak with people who do not know my native language, by looking at the images they form in their mind, I am aware of what they are trying to communicate, even if they do not know my language (this is a very handy tool to use when looking for information in the Libraries, as much of the information there is sometimes in the form of images).

Animals, like dogs for instance, communicate the same way, even though they do not always bark or make noise. but in most cases, they are unaware that they can understand humans by looking at the pictures in their minds; when a human wants a dog to fetch a stick, the dog could observe the act that will soon occur by looking at the images in the brain of the person throwing the stick – they could see how far it will be thrown, and in what direction. 

Trees present another communications ability.  Trees have a unique ability to communicate with people, and many people are well aware of this. People will communicate with a tree in order to find something that they are unable to find, or to pass messages from one person to another (using the trees as a communications medium), or they will use the trees to sometimes communicate with another species (many species are able to communicate with trees).  For instance, trees, through their network of roots, have the ability to communicate with sea creatures, like Dolphins and Whales (I have personally observed this, and have used trees to communicate with Whales and Dolphins off the west coast of the United States (I am located in New England, a number of hours from the coast). I will connect with the trees, and through their networks, they allow me to use them to communicate with the sea animals – the purpose of my communications at the time was to ask them for information about what we called “Sea Gates”, interstellar transport portals that were physically located under the surface of the water.

Anybody has the potential to communicate with other species, it was a capability that was intentionally developed to not be complicated, because of the potential value to those who use it.  The first step in using this ability is to tune in to the base Energies of the Soul of the being that you wish to communicate with.  In many cases, their Vibrational Energies are slightly above those of most humans. This is another example of the benefits of meditation, it teaches people how to change their own Vibrational Energies to match the Energies around them. Once you learn this through meditation, and practice, you will find that you can reach the Energies around you at any time, and without entering a meditative state.

When you are meditating, begin to think of all that is around you.  With a clear mind, begin to then feel the different things around you – people, plants, structures – whatever may be near you. Feel the Energies of the things around you, and if they are living things, then ask to speak to its Soul. I have even taught others to talk to the Soul of a leaf that had fallen from a tree in the fall – it was very aware of its surroundings, it knew its purpose in life, and considered itself to be eternal, even though the average person would believe it to be a “dead” leaf. When talking to a Soul, ask it questions – who is it, how old is it, what does it enjoy, what other things does it communicate with – with rare exceptions, it will communicate with you.  Then try to communicate with things that are a bit further away from you – trees, other plants, and small animals near you, like mice, squirrels, or chipmunks. Ask them whatever questions you may have. 

As you begin to come out of the meditative state, remember what it felt like when you were in the state and communicating with those things around you. With practice, it is this memory that you can use as a “target” – you are familiar with these Energies because you have been in contact with them before, just ask to go back to them.  You will reach a point where you will no longer need to meditate, you will find that you can just go to these beings, often by just looking at them and “feeling” their Energies; this is when you will have the ability to communicate with these things at your own discretion. 

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