Month: May 2021

The depth and breadth of Subtle Energies

While there is a distinct advantage to sensing, knowing, and working the Energies that exist around us every day, few people are aware of these Energies. For those that are aware, the Energies can provide a significant amount of information not just about the Energies themselves, but also about all of the other Energies and systems that they may interact with.  And the Energies that they can communicate are not bound by the constraints of either Time or Space. But these distant Energies also can have a direct impact on all other Energies that they are capable of interacting with, irrespective of the information that they may be communicating.

In the time before the First Iteration, when all that is was initially forming, the Energies that existed could sense each other at one point. At the time, the concepts of Time and Space did not exist, so they had no way to gauge the distance between either individual Energies or groups of Energies.  They became very adept and being able to sense each other, a pre-requisite to knowing where and what information to send. They became particularly good at sensing Energies that were like in vibrational Frequency and Energy level – Energies much like their own. Because this was so critical to the early Energies, the ability to sense and influence subtle Energies was incorporated into the Constructs.

Each Soul has a unique Vibrational Frequency, established by the combination of base Energies that, together, make up the Soul.  This is true for all Souls, not just human Souls. All of these Souls have the ability to sense other Souls that have a largely similar Vibrational Frequency. All Souls also have the ability to influence these same similar Frequencies – it is a way to ensure that they are all working together as a “unit” towards a common goal.  All told, there are a finite (but very large) number of unique possible Soul combinations; but for all of these different possible Soul combinations, most Souls belong to a “group” of similar Souls – Souls that differ in Vibrational Frequency by less than 1%. Because of the variation in the base Energies of a Soul, it is possible for each Soul to “belong” to a number of different Vibrational groups; this is the case because 1% variation also accounts for the dominant Vibrational Frequencies of each individual Soul (it is not just 1% of the total Energies).

The Energies of creation, which includes the variations in the base Energy groups, are also spread out over all of existence. So a Soul that inhabits a human body on Terra may well have a Vibrational Frequency that is very similar to a planetary host located thousands or millions of light years away.  Because of their similarity, they would also be able to influence each other, even though the distance between them is significant. But that distant Energy will also be influenced by others with a similar Vibrational Frequency, and all of those various Energies will cause the distant Energy to respond, and ultimately advise others of greater activity that may be occurring. The ability to influence is not just limited to humans and a distant Planetary host; it extends to other celestial bodies, other humanoids on other planetary hosts, and to any other object within their Universe with like Energies.  It does not include, however, include a similar ability with objects in a different Universe; the reasons for this are complex, and have to do with the mathematical algorithms that have to do with the establishment of the base Vibrational Frequency of a Soul, and the assignment of that particular Soul to a given Universe. (As a point of clarification, Souls that originated from the Central Sun do not have these same kinds of restrictions placed upon them, and the Energies of the Central Sun are unique and complex  enough that only Souls from the Central Sun have an ability sense it.)

So what kinds of things may have these kinds of Subtle Energies that would be of influence to a Soul on Terra?  We have already mentioned other planetary hosts (or Planets in other Solar Systems), but the list would include actual Solar Systems, other Galaxies, Groups of other Galaxies (that from the perspective of life on Terra, would appear as galactic Constellations), it could include Black Holes, and it could include any other kind of celestial phenomenon whose Energy signature fall within the given parameters. So, it is certainly reasonable to believe that a Soul on Terra, could “detect” and be influenced by something that is very far away.  If this sound at all familiar, it is this ability to sense and be influenced by other celestial bodies that forms the basis of Astrology.  It is also, in part, what allows some people to do what is known as “Remote Viewing”, and it forms the basis for other Terran abilities such as Dowsing.

Even though modern science, as it is known on Terra, is unable at the moment to sense any of these kinds of subtle Energies, the incorporation of these influences into the Constructs helps to ensure that basic Life forms throughout existence have the ability to sense and be influenced by them.

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Life other than Terran, visiting Terra

Almost everybody has heard of or seen Extraterrestrial Spacecraft, which are sometimes called an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). So are they really craft that come from another planet?  Do they want to harm us? Do they really do experiments on humans?  What do they want?

All of these are great and valid questions. So let’s start closer to the beginning.

Life is not unique to Terra, it exists in many different planetary hosts throughout all Universes. It also exists in places where one might not expect it – in Space itself, on Suns (like Helios), on moons and asteroids, on planetary gas giants, like Jupiter. The life forms in many of these locations does not follow the same rules as life on Terra; the life has a different chemical makeup (or basis), the lifespans are different, the are not necessarily humanoid (or life any other Life form on Terra).  In large part, humans may have difficulty recognizing many of these Life forms because of our limited experience with Life on Terra, and because they would find it difficult to comprehend many Life forms that do not “fit” our pre-conceived ideas of what Life consists of. 

All of these other forms of Life exist at some point on their individual evolutionary timeline.  Some are far more advanced than Life on Terra, and some are at or near the beginning of their existence. Some rely heavily on the concepts of science, some are more spiritually reliant, and some have beliefs that are either in the middle or belief nothing. There is wide variation, and there is nothing in any of the Constructs that requires any form of Life to believe in any particular thing.  And like Life on Terra, none of them have had much real exposure to any Souls from the Central Sun; those of us from the Central Sun have been present in many different societies and cultures, in many different Universes, generally in a passive observation situation.  There are a couple of Societies that are aware of those from the Central Sun, from a high level, and it is generally only the more senior of their cultures that know us. (Terra has only one individual who is “aware” of our presence here prior to any of these writings.) There are typically only one or two societies in each Universe that are truly aware of the existence of the Central Sun (despite them never having been there), and those that exist there, despite never having met anyone from the Central Sun. They have achieved their knowledge simply because their own belief structures have allowed them to.

For Life to travel to another planet does not necessarily require a great amount of fundamental scientific knowledge. In many cases though it is this knowledge that has enabled members of a society to build craft that are capable of traveling long distances through Space. In these situations, the level of understanding of science is generally several thousand years beyond the scientific knowledge on Terra, and that level of knowledge was not a result of greed (“greed” meaning the development of science for the sole purpose of raising capital for an organization).   The concepts of science that have been required before travel through Space can be achieved include navigation, designing craft that are immune from the inherent dangers of Space (e.g., radiation, loss of material in the vacuum of Space, propulsion at or above the speed of light (which also would include propulsion needed to escape extreme gravitational fields), sensor development (specifically sensing objects at a distance), and an ability to map objects in complex Spacial environments. 

The beings that have been to Terra have come for many different reasons. In some cases, they have come to export the resources that exist here, including the enslavement of the population to assist them. But other groups have come here to explore, to assess the level of advancement of Life here, to rest on their journeys to other places, or to try to help Life on Terra advance. Yes, in some cases, beings from other planets have come to do harm to those on Terra; in many of these cases, they have a need for an “unadulterated” source of DNA to help there own societies – typically because of errors in their own DNA that they have induced themselves.  They see that human Life on Terra is a bit more robust than their own, so they have sought to “hybridize” species with humans in order to help in their own survival. In many cases, those from the Central Sun have watched this process closely to ensure that the Life created is consistent with the Constructs. In cases where the goal is the exploitation of Life on Terra, that exploitation has been stopped in the past few hundred years, mainly due to the damage to free will and Karma that has been created as a result. 

In the case of a number of highly spiritual societies, their ability to travel to Terra has been accomplished by manifesting what they need to accomplish the travel.  In some cases, they have manifested craft that have allowed them to travel here, and in other cases, they have found other ways to “manifest” a presence on Terra. 

To be clear, there are many species of Life that are unable or unready for travel through Space – in fact, most species that are on other planets.  The level of understanding needed to accomplish the tasks necessary for such travel are just not present, nor are the resources present. And finally, the intent of those that come to Terra is not necessarily malicious, despite how their actions are perceived.  This is an important element to remember when dealing or communicating with those that visit Terra.

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Manifestation in the garden

I was remotely introduced to an organic farmer who was relatively local.  Somebody I know had been exposed to their farm, and through that connection, I was able to identify the Energies of the farm.  Once I knew those unique Energies, I began listening to our local plant communications network. I have written before about the interconnectedness of all plants throughout the world, through an integrated system of communications through not only the roots of the plants, but also the inherent fungus networks in the ground. When I began paying attention to my local mycelial network, it began to communicate to me that the farm had a significant deficiency in Magnesium, with a minor deficiency in some of the other trace minerals. This information was then communicated to the farmer so that they might address the issues.

This is a great example of how we can all benefit from paying attention to the interconnectedness of everything.  I have listened to the mycelia network before, to hear and accept information about the trace mineral issues associated with my own garden.  When I began looking for possible solutions, the mycelial network pointed me to seaweed as a viable source for the trace minerals that my garden was lacking. It turns out that seaweed is one plant that is rich in many of the trace elements necessary for life. I was able to find a source locally for composted seaweeds, and incorporated several bags in my garden.  This word did successfully address the trace mineral issues.

In the case of the organic farmer, because I know the energies of the person who had been to the farm, I was able to use that unique Vibrational frequency information to focus the communications of the mycelial network to provide specific information about the farm.

In my own garden, I chose to use composted seaweeds to address the issue, in part because that was recommended by the plants in the garden.  But are there other ways to address problems associated with nutritional deficiencies in gardens?

The answer is yes, there are actually several ways to address these kinds of issues. While integrating compost directly into the soil of the garden may be the easiest way to address the issues, it is far from the only way to provide the correction. In the garden space (but not necessarily in the soils of the garden), if there were a source for the trace minerals – for instance, a compost pile in the corner of the garden – it is possible that the mycelial network can be used to move the trace nutrients from the compost pile to the garden where they are needed. This can occur due to the proximity of the compost pile to the garden itself; this kind of movement can occur over relatively short distances, but does require some amount of moisture to be in the ground in order to support the movement (not a lot of moisture, but it can not be dry either). The mycelial networks have the ability to establish pathways for the movement of the minerals, and can be used for this purpose. The success of this will depend somewhat on the robustness of the compost pile, and the nutrients that are located in it. When one thinks of “compost”, many people think of this as leaves and grass clippings; but it can also include manure from a variety of farm animals; tables scraps and plant trimmings from the kitchen; some small amount of paper; wood chips or sawdust (preferably from hardwood trees, because it would tend to have a smaller impact on the pH of the garden soil), some sand (as an aid to keep the soil loose); and product from more unusual sources, like seaweed and crustacean shells (lobster and crab), and fish. Generally, the greater the variety of compost materials, the better the compost will be at providing those necessary nutrients.

For those that are more comfortable with it, there is one other way to provide the necessary nutrients to a garden:  manifestation.  All matter is ultimately a form of Energy, and the Energies that people have are able to manifest (or create) the trace minerals through manifestation.  In order to manifest, you must first have an idea of what it is you wish to create, and where. This is information that can come through listening to your garden. If your garden tells you that it needs a particular mineral, say Magnesium, you can picture a piece of Magnesium (Magnesium is in many common objects, but the one that most people can readily identify are the “mag wheels” that are on many cars). Once you picture that Magnesium in your mind (in the case of a mag wheel, think a lot of very tiny mag wheels), visualize it in your garden, where it tells you it is needed. Once you picture it there, begin to move Energy from your body to the Magnesium, with an intention to create the Magnesium at the location it is needed. Manifestation is this simple, but it really does occur when you believe that you are doing it.  This process should be repeated a number of times, or until your plants tell you that they no longer require the mineral that you have manifested. 

For those that are really advanced, teach your plants how to manifest their needs for themselves!

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The automatic nature of Karma

The term Karma refers to the balance of Energy. If you harm another, you will most likely acquire some amount of Karma as a result, and that extra amount of Karmic energy will eventually need to be balanced. In many cases, the balancing of the Karmic Energy will have to be balanced with the source of that Energy – it can be a person, a Soul, an animal, or any other Source of Energy. There are instances where the source of the Energy is so generalized that the balancing of the Energy is done either with Terra, or with the Source of this Universe (where ultimately all of the Energy in this Universe originated from).

Karma was developed as a means of keeping track of Energy imbalances, both positive or negative.  It was never intended to be a “punishment” in any form. The intent was that it would serve much like a balance in a bank account; you will have a series of deposits and withdrawals, which over time will tend to be either positive, or with an even balance. Karma was also established in order to be automatic; events that could generate Karma generally tend to fall into one of several classes: those imposed by your own Soul, those imposed by an action on another, those that result from harm imposed on another, those that are imposed by Terra, and those actions that result in disharmony or discord with the established goals and desires of this Universe. 

There is no action that is required to be taken by any individual in order for a Karmic imbalance to be initiated. Nor is there any requirement (or ability) for the leader of either the host Universe, the Central Sun, or the host Planet to take any action – in fact, it is not possible for any of these Leaders to impose a Karmic Energy on anybody. This was by intention; there was a strong desire to avoid any appearance of favoritism in any actions taken, and the Leaders of the Central Sun did not want to be burdened by “judging” and then imposing Karma every time a given Soul were to take an action that resulted in a Karmic imbalance. It was for these specific reasons that the concepts of Karma were developed to be stand alone, and implemented on an automatic basis.

Just like accumulating Karma is an automatic process, balancing Karma is also an automatic process. If one has accumulated Karma, and they subsequently take an action to resolve that Karma, the flow of Energy from the events that they take will result in a balancing of the Karmic Energies. If the actions taken are relatively small, it could take additional action to completely balance this Karmic imbalances. 

“Positive Karma”, or Karma that is not negative, is also not a desirable situation, as it represents an imbalance in the overall Energies of an individual.  And just as “negative” Karma, it is more difficult to interact and work with the Energies around you if your own Energies are not in balance. And since all Energy comes from somewhere, that positive Karmic Energy will have had to originate from somewhere, which means that in a larger context, something else is not in balance.

For those with different belief structures which involve a Deity (or Deities), your Deity is not allowed to balance your Karma, any more than the Leadership of the Universe is. Looking at the situation from a much larger perspective, the only way that they could resolve you of your own Karmic Energy imbalance would be if they were to “assume”, or take on, your Karmic Energy debt. This would mean that they would no longer have a balanced Karma, and they would in turn “fall from grace” – they could no longer maintain their status because of their own Karmic imbalance.  The simple fact that they chose to assume the Karmic Energies from another, rather than the Karmic Energies being their own, does not matter.  Karmic Energies, like all other forms of Energy, are in the end still Energy, and they must be (and remain) balanced. There is one important aspect involving a Deity; It is said that a Deity may have “died for your sins”; but there is a difference between “dying for people’s sins” and balancing Karma. “Sin” does not necessarily involve an accumulation of negative Karma.

There is one other way in which a Karmic imbalance can possibly be resolved, should a Soul refuse to attempt to balance it on their own. It could be absorbed by the Universe from which all of the Energies of that Soul originated.  Only the Soul Energies of the Universe are of significant quantity to absorb a Karmic Debt and remain in balance.  But this does come at a significant cost; the Soul who generated these Energies would be reabsorbed back into the Energy cloud of the Universe, and the individual component Energies of that Soul would be broken apart and not be allowed to reform.  The identity of that Soul Energy would be lost, forever (this includes the loss of any and all memories or records of the events involving that Soul). Functionally, it would be as though that Soul never existed – any records of it would be held only in the records of the Energy Library of the Central Sun, which may only be accessed by the Leadership of the Central Sun. Eventually, the individual Energy components may be allowed to form a new Soul, but the Soul Energies of the Universe are required to treat the new Soul as though it were, indeed, new. It would have a new identity, would not have access to any past events or activities, and is not entitled to any form of preferential treatment. This may seem harsh, but this is an event that does not happen with regularity.

It is important to remember that the accumulation of Karmic debt does not necessarily require an action against an individual, the Karmic debt could result from any action where an Energy imbalance occurs, whether the action was intentional or not. It is also important to understand that the laws of Karma are known by all Souls, in all Universes, and they are agreed to prior to initial (or subsequent) formation of any Soul from their individual Soul Energies. Harmonious relations with your environment or others occur when you have balance. It is only when you are balanced that other individuals will want to be a part of your energy and what you are doing, and share that experience.

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The danger of staying on the current path

Humans (specifically Homo-Sapiens) have been active on Terra for the past 200,000 years; prior to that, other species of humanoids were present, in much smaller numbers than currently exist. The current populations estimate for Terra is approximately 8 Billion humans, even though the work of the Central Sun planned and provided for resources to support no more than 2 Billion human Souls, spread relatively evenly over the planet.

Because of this significant overpopulation, Terra, and many of the systems supported by her, are overburdened, and many are failing. One of the most obvious of these systems includes the ability to balance weather systems, but others include drought, animal extinction, loss of topsoil, too many toxins in water (resulting, in some cases, a red tide), and a significant loss of life in the oceans (both plant and fish). All of these systems were intended to operate together, passing information and resources among them when needed to ensure they were all balanced with respect to each other.  While they continue to pass information between them, the loss of significant aspects of each of these systems has made it difficult to keep up with the changes in the systems that support each of them. 

Not all of this change is the result of human activity. Our Sun, known as Helios, has been putting out more Energy the last few decades, some of which has been absorbed by each of the bodies in the Solar System. In addition, the Solar System has been transiting and area of Space (in its travel around the Milky Way Galaxy) that is providing more high Energy particles to the Solar System, which has had a tendency to increase the amount of Energy in the Solar System as a whole. The extra Energy coming from Helios and the Galaxy could be dealt with by Terra – it is these changes in Energy from external sources that has been largely responsible for the climate swings that have in part resulted in the Ice Ages on Terra. But the added burden of humans has been too much. And those who deny that Terra is undergoing a climate crisis, and refuse to reduce their environmental impact, continue to be a part of the current climate swing. 

Scientists have already predicted that the global temperature shift will continue without decline for the foreseeable future without significant change. The impact of this will only serve to throw the Terran system out of balance further. Aquatic life will be decimated because of the increase in temperature of the oceans; weather extremes will continue, with an overall trend towards global temperature rise; more Terran land masses will become arid and unable to support plant life; greater red tides will continue to deplete the oxygen levels in the oceans near land masses; animal life (both in quantity and variety) will diminish, with the longer term effect of severing the communications links between all species on Terra, which are vital for the stability of the planet.

Many Souls on Terra are completely unaware of these links and intricacies of all species, and science has not studied these links because they are often subtle. In addition to this, many Souls have lost the ability to recognize these communications paths, simply because they have not been taught that they exist, or that they are largely unaware of any of the Energies that exist  around them on a daily basis. It would be inappropriate to blame any one element for this – this information largely began being lost when the practice of oral spiritual traditions were no longer a part of the Life experience. While these ancient traditions were important, restoration of them alone will not return the planetary systems to where they should be.  

It is important to recognize that even though Terra is wildly overpopulated (and there are adequate resources on Terra to support the current population – with some degree of difficulty), restoration of Terran systems to a reasonable balance would require a very fundamental shift in the lives of all Souls on the planet. The shift would have to involve a change in belief systems, a much greater degree of personal responsibility, far less destruction and use of the resources available, and a recognition that we all share this planetary host. But the true key will be to believe and understand that harmony with all of the Energies around each of us is vital to living in harmony with all of the other life around us.

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The Concept of Time, and the Time Construct

We all believe that we have a good knowledge of Time; we have defined intervals for Time so that we may identify its passing. We have created mechanical and electronic devices that we use to measure Time (or more precisely, the passage of Time). We have defined interval periods for Time, from an instantaneous period, to millennia. But it only in the realm of theoretical physics that scientists have begun to think of Time in other terms. So perhaps it is appropriate to discuss the vast nature of Time, and why it deserved to have a Construct devoted to it.

We have written before about the need for, and origination of, the concept of linear Time.  It enabled Energies to “measure” or quantify events in a linear manner; this turned out to be important in order to enable events in the other Constructs, and provide a record of those events. There were also efforts to quantify intervals of linear Time, primarily to gauge the passing of Time on a larger scale (such as the time for a life of a Galaxy), or to measure the time of existence of many elementary particles.  It also enabled the establishment of many of the physical constants that exist throughout creation, many of which are unknown on Terra.

There is a relationship that exists between Time and elements of the Physical Construct – specifically, dimensions. Although Time is not a formal dimension in and of itself, Time does have other properties that exist in specific dimensions; and in the higher dimensions (dimensions above the 13th), linear Time does not truly exist – Time exists in the context of an applied theory: it is a point source, it is linear, it is spatial, and it is all encompassing, all at once. But Time, as it is currently understood on Terra, only exists linearly in the first, second, third, and forth dimensions. Between the 5th and 12th dimensions, Time exists in what Terran scientists would describe as “multiple states”.

In the truest sense, Time is not “linear”; the Time Construct made provisions for Time to be interpreted as linear to allow for a perception that Time would pass. This also supports many of the physical constants that are necessary for all that is “physical” to exist.  But at the higher Dimensions, Time is a point source, it is spatial, it is non-linear, and it “flows”. All of these additional concepts of Time vary widely, by Universe, and in some cases within the larger Universes.

Time is not uniform in all locations – there exist “gaps” or “holes” in Time as one travels from location to location. Time in some locations is subject to the effects of gravity. In some locations, Time behaves as though it was physical – it will deform due to external effects, it will flow when acted upon by certain external forces, and it can change its characteristics to those seeking to use or view it.  

Time can be perceived in different ways by different beings, it is a question of perspective. Consider the beating wings of a hummingbird; does the hummingbird perceive the passage of Time at the same rate as humans? This type of perception of the passage of Time is documented in the Life Construct; how Time is perceived depends on the particular species, the location, and the Time characteristics of the location, all factors which are included in the Soul Contract of the individual. 

So if you were to travel through Space, would Time be continuous?  It would not; Time is not uniform in all locations.  For instance, Time may not pass at the same rate as you travel through Space (but it still may have linear characteristics); it may not exist in some locations (yet if you were in one of these zones, you would age, since aging is a biological process independent of Time); it may behave in a non-linear fashion (it might appear as though you are in a location where the rate of passage of Time varies – what humans call a second of Time could also be an hour of Time); Time in some locations may exhibit or have different constants that govern its behavior.

So what is Time?  This is a difficult question. Time is like a fabric, with voids or areas without time sprinkled throughout; it is like a uniform passing wave; It is capable of contorting, either on its own or under the influence of another. Time is self aware in higher dimensions (above the 13th), but it is not sentient. It is not physical, nor is it Energy, but it governs processes involving both physical and Energy. Time can present a paradox with respect to the Physical, yet remain linear. Time can exist in different dimensions at the same time, and may behave differently in each, yet have interdependencies. 

Time is governed by over 10,000 different constants, implementations, and requirements. Time was originally conceived as a means for preserving information regarding events that occurred in a linear manner. But as the use, understanding, and complexity of the Constructs grew, there was a desire to provide a mechanism that would allow for a degree of simplification, as well as maintaining a degree of “ground truth” – providing a means to keep track of events that occurred, together with a means to record events both before and after. Time is not the same in each Universe, each Universe has implemented Time as it chooses, but Time must abide by the rules of the Time Construct. There are rules for Time that few can disregard; one of these is going back in Time (it should be noted that there is a difference between “going back in Time” and “observing events in the past”). The reason that “going back in Time is not allowed is because 1) it could establish a Time paradox, which could erase the existence of the person enabling the events associated with the paradox, and 2) it could allow an individual(s) to change events in the past in order to alter a future outcome (either with or without creating a paradox). 2) could also lead to all of creation being eliminated if one were to go back further in Time.

The laws and implementations that govern Time are complex, and in some cases they are dependent on elements of one or more of the other Constructs. And they are not bound by the laws of any Science that is known on Terra. As an example of the complexities one may encounter, assume that a group of individuals are traveling from the Milky Way to the Andromeda Galaxy. One the way, you will encounter a black hole, which when approached, Time will appear to “slow down”, yet those in the spacecraft may not notice an immediate impact on them. Later in the trip, the craft may encounter areas of space where Time is not uniform; here, Life with a relatively short lifespan (like small animals and plants) may either grow very fast, or appear to not grow at all, depending on the density of Time in that particular location. In yet another part of the journey, the craft may encounter and pass through a wormhole – an area of space that may resemble a conduit between two places in space that are far apart (yes, they do exist); linear Time does exist within the bounds of a wormhole, but it is relative to the wormhole, and not the space surrounding the wormhole. 

Finally, Time can be relative, meaning that Time will appear differently to two or more observers in different locations. But Time will also be relative to either itself, or Time in another location or manifestation. For instance, Time may appear to have different characteristics to Time at another location, and it is independent of Space and Physical Existence as defined in the Physical Construct. It is important to understand that “science” as it exists on Terra is unable to comprehend many of the complexities of Time, because it is difficult to conceive of, and because work in a single dimension will have difficulty describing concepts in Dimensions that they have never experienced.

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The advantages and disadvantages of Emotions

All living animals have emotions to one degree or another.  Most of us have seen dogs and other animals cry at the loss of another, or when in pain, and we have seen them jump and play when they are happy. But in humans, emotions seem to “take over” some people; humans cry, they are happy, they are angry, or they are sad. Humans tend to exhibit their emotions much more than many other animals.  But are emotions strictly under the domain of humans, mammals, or even those on Terra?  Are emotions included as an integral part of the Like Construct?  Do all people exhibit the same degree of emotions as others?

To a limited extent, emotions were included as a part of the Life Construct, but possibly not for the reasons many would understand.  They are a means of communications, and communicating mainly feelings. When humans see emotions being exhibited by others (including animals), we typically feel empathy – we tend to share the emotions, as a means of achieving a closer bond with the other Soul. It is, in part, a defense mechanism; if we are in the presence of someone exhibiting anger, we are more likely to show an interest in what is making them angry, in order to help them feel more secure in their environment. Sadness is another good example; when someone around us is sad, we strive to provide comfort to them, try to help them recover from being sad. We do this for many different creatures, not just humans.

There are many people who experience emotions on a daily basis, and about many different things. It has become an accepted response in our society – people expressing emotions around us is a daily response to elements in their environment.  To a degree, those who identify as extroverts will tend to display emotions more often than people who self identify as introverts. That does not means that Souls who identify as introverts are less emotional, it only means that they tend to exhibit more control over their emotions, to the point of not displaying them when others are around. But for those that are able to sense the Life Energies of another, they can generally sense the emotions of even the strongest introvert.

So does everybody routinely exhibit emotions?  Is there an advantage to not expressing them?  There is a benefit. Let me use the leadership of the Central Sun for instance. The Chair of the Executive Council is one who tends to not let emotions come to the forefront of their daily existence, while the co-chair of the Council tends to let emotions be shown a bit more. The reason for the inhibiting of emotions is primarily so that the emotions do not guide a response to any given situation or incident. When in a highly emotional state, one tends to respond to situations in an emotional manner, which also may tend to expose others to those same emotional situations. The emotions can change the outlook on a given event in a way that it may not be beneficial.  Say you are driving down a road, and you see a vehicle drive into a body of water; because this vehicle had just passed you, you know that there are two adults and two children in the car.  You notice that the car begins to submerge in the water, and you begin to fear for the lives of those in the car. At this point, you are generally now being driven by an emotional response; do you get out of your car and go into the water to try to save the people there?  Do you call for help from first responders?  Do you try to get help from others that may be nearby? An emotional response might be to just go into the water and try a rescue on your own. But you suddenly realize (upon entering the water)  that the water is far too cold for you, the water is too deep, and you can not swim.  You made a decision based on an emotional response, and you may have put yourself in danger. 

The Chair of the CS Executive Committee typically does not exhibit many emotions, because reacting to a situation or incident in an emotional manner may well not provide the kind of lasting solution to a given problem that would be beneficial for all involved.  It does not mean that they are incapable of expressing emotions, or that they have no emotions, it means that they have developed an ability to see and work through a situation outside the constraints of emotion. While beneficial in many cases, it is this kind of response that acts in line with the intent of the Constructs. 

It is important to understand the limitations of this approach; while there is a long term benefit to evaluating and responding to situations in a way that does not involve an emotional response, it may also result in an appearance of a lack of empathy – the response without emotion may not convey to others a degree of caring for their safety that they may expect. That degree of empathy may come later, but that may be too late for some – responses based on emotion tend to be gut level immediate responses, that occur “in the moment”. It is unfortunate, but Terran society has come to identify this “in the moment” response as beneficial; Souls that do not routinely exhibit this kind of reaction are typically viewed as cold and distant. 

It is this societal supported response that is the reason that the concepts of emotion, as a means of communications, are being evaluated in the context of the Life Construct.

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The differences between Prayer and Meditation

The majority of the human population on Terra have and practice some degree of religious or spiritual prayer.  There are also many who practice meditation, either in addition to prayer, or independently if they have no religious or spiritual practice.  Are there differences between prayer and meditation?  Is one more beneficial than the other? The answers may not be as simple as one might think.

Both prayer and meditation have been practiced actively for millennia throughout the world. There are hundreds of different religious or spiritual belief systems, that involve one or more “gods” or higher spiritual beings.  Religious dogma generally requires that adherents to a faith pray to their deity or deities, generally on a regular basis. The general thought behind prayer is that by praying to a deity, that deity will then help you by taking action, give you the strength to do something, or that you will do something to reinforce your own subordination to that deity. The intent is generally that an individual is not empowered to take action on their own, or an individual does not have access to the information they might need to answer a question they may have.  Any person or persons who pray need to have a degree of faith – or a belief that the deity that they pray to for assistance will provide then with at least some level of help, even though that help may be somewhat subtle in nature.  And in general, prayer may not help an individual with the Energies around them, because that kind of help is not something that is asked for.

Meditation is generally used for many different purposes: relaxation, as a precursor to (or in conjunction with) Energy work, spiritual practices, to reach higher levels of Consciousness, to communicate with spirits or spirit guides (which could involve a deity), or to achieve a state of being where they would be more receptive to the use of their “alternative” senses. While it may not be the case in all situations, meditation can allow an individual to reach a state where they are empowered to do the things that they may want to do, or ask for (and receive) the information that they seek, by either accessing the information directly or through their own spirit guides. This is the biggest difference between prayer and mediation: meditation can empower you to take action yourself, while prayer generally can empower another to act for you or on your behalf. 

Are there any advantages to one over another?  Possibly, depending on your own belief systems. The concept of “faith” can be a very powerful enabler in ones life; if an individual believes in the absolute authority of their preferred deity, they can (and in many cases do) see positive results with respect to their questions and requests; if they pray as part of a larger group, the combined Energies of all of those in the group are certainly capable of achieving powerful results. There is a level of trust, in addition to faith, that the actions of the deity will truly be for the good of all involved. But there is an implicit understanding that the deity they pray to will not act contrary to their wishes, or act in a way that will harm anyone, physically, spiritually, or karmically, and that the questions from different people will be interpreted or heard the same way

Meditation can have similar results. But it may require extensive coordination among all involved, in order to have sufficient clarity of question, and the time of the action. If the actions of many are not synchronized, the effect will be to have many different people asking for similar actions at different times; from an Energy viewpoint, it may well be out of phase both Energetically and temporally.  And even if all involved use the same verbiage, how each individual interprets the words could cause subtle differences in the results. As an example, if all the people involved in a particular effort want to “turn a given body of water blue”, one person may try to accomplish that by settling the sediments in the water, while another may focus on making it a specific (or different) shade of blue.  With meditation, there is a lack of “coherence of intent.” This kind of issue generally would not happen with prayer, because all of those praying are praying to a single deity, who will understand the individual prayers to implement the common goal. 

Both prayer and meditation have their own set of benefits and shortfalls. But one is not any more or less capable of accomplishing a particular goal than the other – it is only a question of viewpoint, and the beliefs of all those beings involved. 

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