The weaknesses of a Virus

The original purpose of a virus was to be a means of passing small amounts of information from one being to another. The information could have been about something that was in the immediate area (it could serve as a warning of something in the area), or information about other beings (possibly dangerous) in the area. But over the millennia, Viruses have taken on another role: they serve to create illness. They do this in a number of ways;

  1. They can be recognized as a foreign entity in a body, which will illicit an inflammatory immune response.
  2. They can carry information that can be incorporated into the cells of a target that is infected, which could cause errors in how the cells respond to an outside stimulus.
  3. The information that they can carry can alter a cell nucleus of a target cell to manipulate the DNA of a target host. (Targeted gene therapy is an application of this.)

Viruses were intended to be a productive part of the Life Construct, but their original purpose has been corrupted. They have “evolved” or changed over time, into entities that are often more malicious than originally intended. 

But viruses were also designed with a number of inherent weaknesses  – not necessarily from preventing them from becoming malicious, but to exercise some level of control over them so that they would not provide redundant or contradictory information.  We know, for example, that viruses mutate on a somewhat regular basis; this was originally intended to provide a relatively short existence in order to prevent a longer term overload of information. We also know that a Virus does not have a “complete” DNA sequence, so its ability to reproduce is somewhat limited. 

There are several mechanisms that were developed and integrated into the Life Construct to account for a situation where a given virus had lost sight of its original intent. They include the following:

  1. Like much of what we can see, a virus is essentially an Energy form that has manifested into the physical. It has a resonant frequency (that is based on its molecular structure), and it has a unique vibrational signature (which is different than its resonant frequency). Decades ago, non-medical studies were done that determined the resonant frequency of many different viruses; it was found that when the virus was subjected to a resonant frequency, it could, in some circumstances, cause the destruction of the virus itself. It is worth noting that the resonant frequency of each virus (and each variant of a virus) is different, and adequate study would be required to determine what those specific resonant frequencies are. Also note that this kind of work is not, nor will it likely ever be, approved for use by any government agency responsible for approval. Causing the virus to vibrate at either of these frequencies could cause damage to the virus.
  2. A virus contains a sequence of genetic material, specifically Ribonucleac Acid (RNA); a virus does have the ability to propagate by duplicating itself, which involves the duplication of the RNA strand.  This duplication process carries with it the possibility of the introduction of errors in the RNA – which can result in minor errors that might change the characteristics of the virus, or major errors, which could result in the termination of the virus (or inability to reproduce). The introduction of errors into the virus was, to an extent, planned; if the message from of virus were to be significantly different from the original intent, the virus would not be able to reproduce, and would terminate (viruses were originally intended to pass time sensitive information). Any efforts intended to introduce further errors in the RNA information could cause the inability of the virus to replicate and survive.
  3. There are many different elements, or parts, of a virus, each with its own unique subset of vulnerabilities. Most viruses have an element that will cause the virus to adhere to another cell, which is the first step in the virus “infecting” a cell. The method of adhesion varies from one virus to the next, but each method provides an opportunity to defeat the virus by preventing it from making contact with (or adhering to) the cell. In some cases, the viruses have a particular spike protein that is intended to interact and adhere to a particular type of protein. Having an ability to produce that particular protein could provide an effective way to defeat the virus by providing an alternate target for it to adhere to.
  4. There are a number of naturally occurring chemicals (or combinations of chemicals) that have the ability to interfere with the mechanisms used by the virus.  For instance, heparin has been found to bind to the spike proteins (including a non-anticoagulant version of heparin).  There are other chemicals produced by many different plants and herbs that were intended to interfere with the processes of a virus, as a means of stopping the virus from further passing information that may have been incorrect. Many of these plants and herbs are common varieties that do exist on Terra.

For those that are either trained or have a natural ability, defeating a virus through the appropriate Energy work is not necessarily difficult.  Manifestation, or the creation or alteration of matter, can be a very effective tool for either inducing fatal errors in a virus, for interfering with virus dynamics.  Energy work can also be highly effective at creating the kinds of resonant or vibrational frequencies that have the intent of damaging or destroying virus cells.