
Have you ever looked at a person, and said to yourself “I know that person”, even though you have never met them before in your life?  That kind of instant recognition of somebody might be a bit more common that you might imagine, and it may not depend on you having any sensory abilities other than what most people normally have access to. 

We have spoken before of the Energies that form the basis for the Soul of a person. We have also spoken about the early recognition of one Soul towards another Soul, and how that recognition was used to help them get together. The reason for this was relatively simple: the Energies of the 2 Souls were very similar.  It is that similarity that forms the attraction of one Energy to another – they want to be together. This wanting to be together was one of the earliest drivers in early existence, it provided the incentive to want to do more together. 

When this recognition is present, it can open information pathways between the people involved, allowing for more than the simple recognition of each other. It begins a communication at the level of the Soul, which is enabled by the recognition (Souls of similar Energies desire to do this naturally). A significant amount and variety of information can be exchanged, often in a very short period of time; information about shared lives, information about past lives, information about an illness they may have (or had), information about their state of being, all of this is possible. 

The recognition often does not generally begin at the physical level; it will often begin at a spiritual level, even though most people will not understand this.  It could also appear as deja vu, a deep level understanding that you know the Soul of the person.  It can be mutual, but it does not have to be – this might well depend on the spiritual beliefs of the people, and whether or not they themselves believe in this kind of recognition. It is rarely romantic, even if the people involved have had lives in the past that have included intimacy. It can be the beginning of a lasting friendship – more of a continuation of an old or ancient friendship, one that has existed in some form for centuries or more. 

It is not necessary that the shared experiences were in the physical realm; one Soul could have been a spirit guide for another; one Soul may have been present in spirit form to provide moral support for a difficult life. There are myriad possibilities. At one time, the two people may have been friends, spouses, enemies – none of which matters, because the connection is much deeper than any of those connections can be. 

So if you should happen to meet another Soul that you recognize, should you make contact?  This is too difficult to answer. Society norms may be involved, the beliefs of the person may be a factor, or the other person may not sense the connection. There is really no way of knowing. But generally, if the connection is strong, it can likely be worth the effort to say something.