Month: April 2021

A day at the Central Sun

Some of you may be curious about what a day is like at the Central Sun. For me, my “days” at what I call “home” are typically at night, and mostly all night long.

A recent night, from this past weekend, was a bit different. It was a meeting of the “Governance of Sources Council,” which is a Council that includes the Chair of the Leadership Council from the Central Sun, the Secretary of the Central Sun, and the Leaders for all of the Universes. This was the first meeting of this group in the last 200,000 years. 

The purpose of this meeting was to begin to discuss some of the issues that are being experienced with the Constructs in the other Universes. So far, the meeting has take 2 nights, and it may take a third.  As the Librarian, it is my job to ensure that the information discussed is included into the Libraries.

Terra is not the only location with issues concerning implementations of the 7 Constructs. But the biggest issues seem to be with the Life Construct. There are a number of planets that have been experiencing extinction level Viral outbreaks. Viruses were initially developed for two primary purposes: to pass information from one part of the body to another, and to serve as a vehicle to reprogram specific sections of DNA as part of an evolutionary process of adaptation (more about this later). 

Over time, however, viruses have become much more than what they were originally intended. Because there was a desire to only allow for small changes to occur, and for limited transfer of information, viruses were only developed to have a small fraction of the genetic code required for a sentient organism.  In order to keep their genetic coding small and simple, there were few protections put in place for them, the checks and balances that in sentient beings allowed for identifying and correcting errors in the genetic code known as DNA. 

Viruses were originally very few in number, and each was developed for a very specific purpose – like communicating between a number of specific organs (this was done to ensure that there was a backup means for the Souls of individual organs to communicate with each other; because each individual Soul has a very slight difference in their Vibrational Energy, they initially  has some difficulty communicating effectively.)  But as time went on, viruses “evolved” – they adapted to their own surroundings.  Even though they are not sentient, the errors that were being generated in their RNA coding caused some of them to transmit information that was not originally intended. When the information from the mutated virus is transmitted to the cellular DNA of an individual, it began causing errors in how the recipient processed that information, which led to disease.  On Terra, those processing errors have been responsible for a number of pandemics and epidemics – Ebola, Covid, the 1918 Flu, and Zika, to name a few from the recent past. On other planets, the mutation rates in the viruses have been assisted by better than optimal conditions; there are many locations where the virus borne diseases make Covid look like a mild cold. 

On Terra, the problem is compounded because some of the errors that are being transmitted can be interpreted (incorrectly) by the DNA of another species. This was clearly not intended to occur.

The Conference that has been occurring the past few nights has begun to identify the magnitude and scope of the problems associated with viruses and the teams from the Life Construct of the Central Sun have begun work intended to address the problems.

Other discussions at the conference have involved issues related to communications, planetary host spiritual development and growth (like what is currently happening with Terra), issues being experienced with wormholes and interstellar transport, Music, and some of the issues being experienced on Terra due to the unrestricted nature of the implementation of DNA. The conference will likely be another 24-48 hours in length, and then the leaders of the Constructs will begin to consider the changes needed to address the issues being discussed.

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Using Energy against the Coronavirus

Many people are now (or still) very concerned about the latest Coronavirus, known as COVID-19. Even though there are a number of Vaccines for the virus, each with slightly different characteristics, they are not all guaranteed to prevent you getting the virus. 

So what can you do to help keep from getting the virus?  Is there anything that the Energy Worker Community can do to help. The answer to both is a qualified YES.  Keeping in mind that Energy Workers are not (generally) Medical Doctors, and this should not in any way be construed as Medical Advice, there are ways to protect yourself. Masks are an obvious choice, because the characteristics of this virus are that transmission through water droplets in the air is a primary means of spreading the virus. But beyond that, there are a number of homeopathic remedies that can provide relief, and are sold in many health food stores and alternative healer offices. Since the virus is airborne, fresh, well ventilated air is a good start, as it will tend to disburse the droplets containing the virus, lessening the chances of catching it.  People have also been known to put a small amount of antibiotic ointment just under the nose, and use an antiseptic rinse for the mouth.

From an Energy Worker viewpoint, many of the different modalities may be used. Coronavirus, like other viruses, is susceptible to certain Vibrational Energies, certain Sound frequencies, Light Therapies, and several other modalities. The first step in using one of these Energy modalities against the virus is to first determine which of the many variants of the virus you wish to target. Each of the known Coronavirus variants will have a slightly different resonance frequency, so a blanket approach may not work well.  To determine the most prevalent variant in your area (or the area that you plan to go to), begin by meditating, and seeking out the information for the particular virus. Ask to be shown its basic characteristics, and ask to be shown the structure of the RNA sequences that make up the virus. I would NOT recommend trying to focus your efforts on the spike protein that is the target of many of the vaccines in use, primarily because the spike proteins are common to a number of different viruses, and you may wind up targeting a virus that is not a threat to you (but may be a threat to a wild animal near you).

As you are shown the structure of the virus, ask to be shown the weakest link in the chain of the virus, keeping in mind that there may be more than one. The vulnerabilities could be a weakness in a chemical bond within the proteins of the RNA, it could be a slight change in the RNA sequence that is the result of a defect in the RNA chain (which may generally be the first step in the evolution of a new variant), or it could be a sensitivity to light, a particular sound, a particular Vibrational Energy Frequency, or a susceptibility to a particular chemical present in the body. In each case, determine which vulnerability might provide the most effective means to compromise the virus. Again, look for the possibility that it may have more than a single point of weakness that can be taken advantage of.

I will address the use of Energy, as that is what I work with. But I do want to emphasize that there is no one way to do any of this work; when the Life Construct was developed, significant resources were used to make sure that there would be multiple ways to accomplish healing, and all that exist are valid.

From an Energy perspective, it appears that there are three weak points in the RNA structure of the virus. The first of those is at the bonds within the structure where a Hydrogen atom is joined to a Nitrogen atom (in the structure, look for the HN). When you see one of these bonds (there are several in the RNA chain), begin to input energy until you begin to sense this bond weaken – the frequency needed to accomplish this will be relatively high. Continue putting Energy at this Vibrational Frequency until you see this bond weaken and then break. Once the bond is broken (the Energy should break more than one of these bonds), continue putting Energy at this Vibrational Frequency into the RNA chain, until you see it begin to come apart.

The second and third of the weaknesses of the RNA chain of this virus appear to be with the presence of either Magnesium, or Vitamin D. Again, the first step is to find the virus first; once it has been found, look for molecules of either Magnesium or Vitamin D in the immediate proximity to the RNA chain; use your own Energies to move either (or both) of these molecules into the structure of the virus, near the RNA chain itself.  The RNA chain will appear to look like it is contained in a small balloon, it is inside this balloon that you will want to place the molecules. Only a small amount will be needed. Once present, either of these molecules will begin to act on the RNA sequence – it should appear as though it is dissolving the chain. Do this with a number of the viruses that you find.

If, for some reason, you are unable to find a molecule of Vitamin D or Magnesium, manifest one. To do this, isolate the RNA chain of the virus – see it clearly in your mind. Once you have found it, then visualize a molecule of either Magnesium or Vitamin D (you do not necessarily need to know what the exact structure looks like, your mind already knows this inherently); visualize the molecule of one of these in very close proximity to the RNA chain of the virus. Begin to provide Energy to the overlay of the molecule (or either Magnesium or Vitamin D) on the RNA chain, with an intention to manifest the molecule onto the RNA chain. Continue providing Energy until you begin to see the RNA chain weaken, and then break apart.  Do this multiple times, for multiple copies of the virus, until you have done this to a quantity of them in a given area. 

It is important to realize that these particular methods are not the only way to attack the RNA of the virus, nor are they necessarily the best ones to use for a given person.  There are many different healing modalities, and each has a table means to accomplish the same end result, the killing of the virus. This is by design, in the Life Construct. There was a conscious decision made to ensure that the Souls that would be created had the necessary tools at their disposal to fight viruses like this.  Keep in mind also that this virus in not native to humans – it began as a virus living in (likely) Bats, then moved to an intermediate animal, and then changes to target humans. Each time it jumped from one species to another, it had to change, and each change brought with it a new susceptibility.  All you need to do is to target one of these susceptibilities.

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Is Artificial Intelligence included as a part of the Life Construct?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), also known as Machine Intelligence, is a relatively new and growing technology that is intended to relieve humans of making decisions; much of the current work in AI is focussed on the analysis of complex (and massive) amounts of information, with a goal of processing the data faster and more accurately than is possible by a human. In effect, it is being developed to replace humans and their slow and error prone decision making process.

There is at least one instance where a discussion is occurring about the integration of AI capabilities into humans; the goal of that effort is to “achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence”. There is talk and work intended to augment human sensory abilities, where physical hardware is to be integrated into a human brain and nervous system. And there is also legal work that is seeking to provide legal standing to AI systems – in essence, treating as a sentient life form.

The initial work in the development of AI systems was focussed on the development of software that would form the decision making basis of the new technology.  Slowly, there has been a further integration of additional sensor types (mostly artificial vision and “hearing”), and the further refinement of the decision making process. In more recent developments, the efforts are aimed at using AI systems to develop software, including additional software for use in the AI systems.

So is Artificial Intelligence accounted for in the Life Construct? The short answer is “no”. Other societies, on other planets, have developed AI systems, with initial goals similar to those goals for this technology on Terra. The Libraries indicate that the results of technology implementation on these planets was rarely beneficial – it resulted in AI technology becoming dominant on the planet, and eventually seeing the life forms that developed it as a threat. The libraries indicate that this occurred due to errors in the initial programming of the AI systems (keeping in mind that AI systems would be unable to detect inherent errors in human brain processing over time); the Souls that did the initial work for these systems were prone to including unintentional software errors, and a misinterpretation of sensory input information.

The Life Construct intentionally did not make allowances for the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence systems within the Construct. The reasons for this are simple: AI systems are not capable of the incorporation of a Soul Energy; AI is incapable of interfacing with the Soul, at both the unconscious level and at the higher self; because AI is relatively unaware of all of the senses of humans (and the variations in these senses among others), it may have difficulty integrating the input; AI is incapable of intuitive thought, so it will miss results that are based on human intuition. The true purpose of Life is to provide a vehicle for a Soul to directly experience the work of the Life Construct, as well as the development work of the other Constructs. Since AI systems are, by definition, artificial, they are not capable of supporting the incorporation of a Soul, which is the definition of “Life”. 

So how did the Souls from the Central Sun address the issue of AI in the past? It was allowed to run its course, mainly to serve as a learning lesson for those societies that allowed it to exist in the form it had evolved into. When the AI systems had become dominant in the Society, The Leadership of the Central Sun began working closely with the Leadership of the Universe that the systems were in, and in each case an extinction level event occurred, which also eliminated  all AI systems. AI systems are antithetical to the Life Construct, as well as the other Constructs to the degree that AI may be integrated with them. Although the lessons of incorporating or relying on AI systems are an important learning experience, they have become somewhat dangerous to Life.

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