A few words about “God”…

Many people on Terra believe in many different “Gods”. They have believed in them for thousands of years. They are a key element of every religious belief. Some people have a single God they believe in, some have many. Gods were “created” in order to explain elements of creation that are not understood and in need of explanation. Science is not able to answer all questions – it never has, and may likely will never be able answer every question. Some things will remain a mystery.

God is not about believing in an omnipotent being, it is about having faith that the answers to all of the questions you may have do truly exist. As the Librarian, I know that the answers do exist. But they may not be for you to know, or for any other to know. It may not be the proper time for the answers you seek to be revealed.

If you believe in a higher being, it is not necessarily something you should change. Having faith can be beneficial, it can serve as a way to help explain things that you may not know.

When Creation came about, there were no Gods. They did not exist then, nor do they exist now. From the perspective of the Central Sun, there is no such being as a “God”. Even among the founders of the Central Sun, those Souls that were responsible for all that is, there is not a God, there is no one who is any different than another. None of the Souls from the Central Sun, who created all that is, consider themselves a God, and we find the concept of a God somewhat concerning and not in line with creation. We are all responsible for what we have created. We are all a part of everything, of all that is. “God” will not change that, they will only provide answers to the questions we have. What we all need to know is that you already have the answers to the questions that you truly need to know – they are within you, they are within all of us.