Category: General Posts

The Labyrinth

Those of you who know me may be aware that I created a Labyrinth a number of years ago. The design is that of a Labyrinth that has the ability to correct errors or inconsistencies in the Energies of DNA. While I had created the basic design of the Labyrinth, I worked with an accomplished graphic artist (who is also an ancient assistant – Sahana) to digitize the design.  It has been printed on a number of objects; we have coasters, a small wall hanging, and it has been printed on organic canvas in various sizes. When the Labyrinth was printed on coasters, we noticed that the coaster, when placed on a nightstand, will scan the body closest to it (scan it for missing or inadequate nutrients), and will manifest the Energies of the trace minerals (missing from the body) in the liquid that is placed on the labyrinth.

Many of the elements in the Labyrinth design were obtained from the information from the Libraries of the Central Sun. The design also includes many of the sacred numbering patterns that were integral to Creation. The Labyrinth is a 13 circuit design, meaning 13 concentric rings within the design. It includes a number of Runes and sigels (or groups of Runes), which will be identified later; a triquetra, with a DNA helix forming the backbone of the lines in the triquetra. Finally, the Labyrinth has 169 lunations, or marks along the outer edge of the Labyrinth. The lines of the Labyrinth are depicted in a dark forest green color, signifying the growing color of most Life; the Runes and sigels appear in a rust red color, signifying the color of Fire; and the triquetra appears in a shade of blue, signifying the importance of water to Life. 

As the information for the Labyrinth design was obtained from the Libraries, the number 13 became prominent – it is both a Prime Number, and a number in the Fibonacci Sequence. Numbers that are both Prime and in the Fibonacci Sequence are very important to many of the elements of Creation. Runes, and specifically Elder Futhark Runes, represent some of the earliest symbolic communication forms seen in creation because of their complex geometries. As the information from the Libraries became known, it was clear that those responsible for Creation were aware of the fragile nature of DNA in some circumstances, and had long ago designed the Labyrinth as a means of correcting DNA, and providing the necessary support for sustaining Life. Until this time though, the design was unknown; in their efforts to protect much of the information regarding Creation (so that it would not be corrupted by others), the Leadership Council of the Central Sun directed that information regarding the Labyrinth could only be accessed through the Libraries, and only when it was apparent that widespread damage to DNA had occurred. The prevalence of many genetic illnesses (such as Cancer) on Terra, the manipulation of DNA on Terra (for many different reasons, including in ancient times), together with the potential for the elimination of a race of beings due to their own manipulation of DNA (which left them unable to reproduce) met those criteria, and the Leadership of the Central Sun allowed the Labyrinth design to be known, through the Librarian. 

Before we address the particular meanings of the Runes in the Labyrinth, an explanation is in order.  Each Rune, or mark, has an associated Energy; even though that Energy can have many different meanings (or interpretations), each interpretation is applied to a specific context. Context can mean a spatial (or physical) location, an associated passage of information or Energy, or the location of the Rune in relation to other Energies or Runes. Although Runes first appeared on Terra in ancient times, they have existed since late in the development of the Constructs, where they served as an initial means of primitive communications for early Life forms. They have been used, in their form known on Terra, on different planets for billions of years. 

To maintain the context, the Rune meanings we shall describe here are those that apply to this Labyrinth, and at this time and relative spatial location.

The Runes and their meaning.

 The first Rune encountered is Ansuz,

ANSUZ represents an Entry. In its context in the Labyrinth, it represents to entry point for those seeking the knowledge that is held within the Labyrinth. The character for Ansuz, when first developed at the Central Sun, signified an entry point for locations where knowledge was maintained.

The second Rune encountered is Kenaz, 

KENAZ represents knowledge. In the context of the Labyrinth, it serves as both an acknowledgement of the significance of the information one will be exposed to as they proceed in the presence of the knowledge, and a warning that no corruption of the intent of the information contained within will be allowed.

The third Rune encountered is Dagaz, 

DAGAZ represents the existence of Life. In the context of the Labyrinth, it serves as a reminder that the building blocks of all Life, known here as DNA, applies to all Life, and not just to the Human Life on Terra. Any living being, from Terra or from other places, whether Human Life, animal, or plant, has the potential to benefit from its accumulation from he knowledge of the information contained within this Labyrinth. 

The forth Rune is Teiwaz,  

TEIWAZ represents the unconditional nature of the information contained in the Labyrinth. The Creators, when they developed this Labyrinth, understood that changes to DNA were possible through many means, both intentional and accidental. The manner or reasons in which the changes were made no longer matter for those that have reached this point in the Labyrinth, and access to the information is offered freely and without condition. 

The fifth Rune is Elhaz, 

ELHAZ represents the commitment of the Creators to the information in this Labyrinth, and its use to protect not just the elements of Life defined in the Life Construct, but the information in all of the 7 Constructs that govern Creation. They recognize that all of the Constructs were developed for the support of the concepts of Life, and that Life must remain pure of Intent to ensure the continued development and survival of the Constructs. 

The sixth Rune is Eihwaz, 

EIHWAZ represents the beginning of the changes that are being made as you enter this portion of the Labyrinth. It is at this point, deep within the Labyrinth, that the Energies of the DNA within the body begin the align themselves with the Energies of DNA, as originally created. 

The seventh Rune is Ehwaz, 

EHWAZ represents the cleansing of those Energies, contained with the DNA of the body, that were not intended to exist there.  As errors begin to accumulate in DNA, through any means, the DNA will also begin the accumulation of Energies that are not of DNA, and in many cases, cause the further disruption of DNA. As the realignment of the body DNA continues, these extraneous Energies begin to surface, and it is the responsibility of the Ehwaz Energies to cleanse these Energies from the body DNA as it is realigned.

The eighth Rune is Laguz, 

LAGUZ provides the additional Energy that may be needed to assist with the realignment of the DNA and the expelling of the extraneous Energies that should not exist within the body DNA. The Creators recognized that Souls going through this realignment work may be in a weakened state, and may benefit from the addition of a pure Energy source in this process.  Laguz not only represents this source of pure Energy, its presence provides for the Energy flow necessary to sustain the work, should it be required.

The ninth Rune is Perthro, 

The tenth Rune is Naudhiz, 

The eleventh Rune is Wunjo,  

PERTHRO, NAUDHIZ, and WUNJO work together to ensure that the Energies of DNA of a specific body are not changed beyond those required for realignment. Simply, they work together to preserve the association of the Energies of DNA with the unique attributes involving the integration of the Soul.  They work together to maintain the genetic diversity of the individual body, separate and distinct from the base Energies of original DNA. Perthro performs an analysis of the body DNA, and identifies the unique structures within; Naudhiz works to ensure that the unique DNA structures exist during and after the DNA realignment process, and Wunjo ensures that the DNA checksums (those unique elements involved in DNA “overhead”, present to ensure the integrity of DNA) are maintained correctly throughout the process. 

The twelfth Rune is Othala, 

OTHALA Energies are responsible for ensuring that Karmic records, maintained within the information stored within the DNA of an individual body, are accurately and faithfully maintained throughout the processes of realignment.  For instance, records of family karma, records of the circumstances involved in the corruption of DNA over time, and new records documenting the use of this Labyrinth to correct errors in the body DNA, must all be properly recorded to ensure the integrity of the Soul and their Life Contracts, past present, and future.

The thirteenth Rune is Jera, 

JERA represents the maintenance of these changes throughout Life, to ensure that changes made will endure.  But one will notice that within the Labyrinth, the symbol used for Jera is backwards from the way the symbol is typically used or seen on Terra; the significance to this is that it ensures that the changes being made as part of the realignment will exist not only going forward in Time, but they will also exist  from the beginning of the development of the DNA within its existing body. The significance of this is important; the DNA changes (to include “genetic memory” in particular), caused by events in Life and their impact on a given body, will not be passed on to future Lives, because those DNA changes no longer will exist. In essence, the backwards Rune “resets” a portion of Time to the beginning of Life for that individual (“context” is important here – reversing a Rune does not usually have this effect).  

The fourteenth (and last) Rune is Mannaz, 

MANNAZ is responsible for ensuring future changes to DNA no longer adversely impact body DNA.  For example, as part of the movement to 5th Dimension, body DNA will have to begin to adapt to the new Energies that it will be exposed to as part of the process.  Mannaz ensures that this will not result in any adverse impacts to the body DNA. This process is a bit more complicated than it may initially seem; any changes to a body DNA must also take into account the Free Will of the individual or Soul, it must take into account aspects of the Soul Contract of the individual, and it must ensure that any changes do not adversely impact any aspect of the karmic Energies of the individual.

The center flower of the Labyrinth contains 3 Sigels, or combinations of Runes, as well as 3 symbols that were developed by the Leadership of the Central Sun.

The first Sigel is a combination of the Runes Laguz and Ansuz,  

The second Sigel is a combination of the Runes Fehu and Ansuz,

The third Sigel is a combination of the Runes Perthro and Wunjo,  

The three remaining pictographs originated centuries ago; they were placed on an ancient stone artifact that was placed at the site of an archeological excavation, in a location that would allow for its recovery at this time, and be seen by Sanaha and Seana in their current Life on Terra.  These three images (which were designed by Sanaha and Seana in a past incarnation on Terra) serve as a reminder to Sanaha and Seana of why they are here on Terra now, and who they truly are. The three Sigels, along with the 3 other images, serve as a “key” that allows all information regarding all aspects of DNA, and its significance in the Constructs, to be accessed by the Labyrinth, in order to manifest the corrections to DNA that have occurred due to manipulation of DNA by some, and the introduction of errors in DNA due to adverse environmental circumstances. 

So why did the Labyrinth include a Triquetra instead of the symbol for the Flower of Life? Simply, the Flower of Life represents too many different possible paths in Life, and the Creators felt it was an unrealistic representation, since the number of Life possibilities for any individual is determined by their Soul Contract, Free Will decisions, and karmic interactions with others. The Flower of Life symbol could lead one to believe that far more possible outcomes in Life were possible, even though they may not be practical. The Triquetra, with the inscribed DNA helix, in addition to including a representative figure that includes a Fibonacci Prime number, is much more representative of the desire for a degree of simplicity in Life that was a driving factor in the creation of the Constructs (even though that simplicity may seem elusive). 

Finally, it is important to understand that one need not “walk” or otherwise transit the Labyrinth in order to benefit from its Energies. As the size of the Labyrinth increases, so do the Energies that enable it. For a Labyrinth with a diameter of 5-6 feet, one need only stand in front of it (for no more than 15 minutes for most) to feel its impact. While there is some benefit to being in the presence of a Labyrinth of smaller size, it will take a proportionally longer time to have a similar effect. 

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Some of Those Here to Help

We have recently begun to see and identify Souls that are here that are originally from the 5th Dimension – that place that Terra is about to transition to.  This is in addition to the Souls that are here from other planets, in other galaxies, that are here to help Terra. 

As they become ready to begin their role of helping 3 Dimensional Souls in their transition to 5th Dimension, they exhibit a slight shift in their own Energies; it begins as a subtle shift in the phase of their own Energies, and as they adapt to that shift, it will become more pronounced. From an Energy standpoint, we look for a “second” Energy source within the Energy field (or sometimes the Aura) of the person; the phase shift of their Energies begins as an internal Phase shift, that, under proper conditions, can be viewed outside of their physical body. So when you look at the body (with eyes closed, and looking specifically at the Energies of the person and their Soul), it will appear particularly dense – it will appear to initially have twice the Energy in the same amount of physical space. 

With no exceptions so far, the role of these 5th Dimensional Souls is one of teaching – teaching 3rd Dimensional beings how to begin their transition to the new Dimension. In many cases, the knowledge of how this occurs is in the process of downloading to these Souls, from their higher Souls or guides. The process begins by accepting the change that is to come, and to help Souls that will transition to not let the fear of this unknown overcome them. In most cases, this is not an “unknown” to them, even though they may have no recollection of having gone through this kind of a transition before.  All of the Souls that are here on Terra, now, have gone through this kind of transition to a higher Dimension before – we are all here for Terra as much as we seem to be doing this for ourselves. It is merely a case of remembering, and this is the role of the teachers from 5th Dimension.

Although we personally know of about 6-12 Souls here from the 5th Dimension, in reality there are hundreds of thousands that are here, located all over the planet, in nearly every Society. It is from their vantage point that the proper support and encouragement will be made available to those that are uncertain of the path forward. When enough have begun their work, those able will begin to feel an alignment of the Energies of the Souls that are here. It is this alignment of Energies that will provide the catalyst for Terra to begin the alignment of her Energies. 

Those here from the 5th Dimension are being supported by Souls from their home; they will appear to them in ways that are unique to their own individual abilities. It could be a vision in their dreams; something that they are shown during a meditation; a vision that they can see in or through a fire; or something they can see or sense in another. They will see it when they are ready, there is no need to try to expedite the process, it will wait until they are ready for the information and assistance. 

When you yourself are ready, begin to seek out these Souls – recognize them from their Energies, which you have all seen before!

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Changes to the Constructs

Those of us that are on Terra from the Central Sun are here primarily to evaluate the application of the Constructs to Creation, and to determine where changes may be needed. In many cases, the changes may be relatively minor, but in some cases, the changes will be more extensive. This post is about one of those changes. It should be cautioned that these changes will take time to implement, so please do not expect any quick changes. And as a warning, some of the information in this post could be a PTSD trigger for some people.

There are Souls that are incarnate that have some degree of special abilities.  In this particular case, one of those “special abilities” includes an ability to observe events that occurred in the past, from the first person perspective. 

I have known about many of my abilities since my teens, about 50 years as of this writing. This particular ability I was unaware of until my mid to late 40s.  I have known for many years information about my last life; I was a U.S. Army soldier in World War 2. Specifically, I was a Staff Sergeant in the 2nd Ranger Battalion, “A” Company. I died on June 6th, 1944, on the bluffs just above Omaha Beach; I had been clearing a trench of german soldiers with a Private, and I was killed when a german soldier fired a machine gun burst. It was about 8:30 in the morning. I have been back to this event, several times, and have lived through this event each time. 

For those that do not know much of the history of D-Day, “A” Company of the 2nd Ranger Battalion went ashore on D-Day in the “Dog Green” sector of Omaha beach. To their right was a unit of the 116th Infantry Division. In some of times when I went back to these events of my own past, I have begun on shortly arriving on the Normandy beach; as I am looking around, trying to find my bearings, I have noticed the soldiers of the 116th Infantry division a few hundred feet away from my position. One soldier in particular has caught my eye a number of times; he was a combat medic, on the beach trying to attend to the wounded. This medic would treat a wounded soldier, only to have them soon die. At one point, the medic went up on his knees, and, while having bandages, began yelling at the german soldiers (who were firing around him with their machine guns) to just give him a chance to help the wounded soldiers.  Because he was on his knees, he became their target. He was shot dead. The Soul of this combat medic I know as a woman that I worked with in this life, prior to retirement.  I have also had many other Lives involving this Soul.  I have experienced his death in the first person as well; in one of the times going to this time, I have experienced his frustration, and later death. He was not adequately trained for what he experienced, which was the reason for the frustration and anger at the german machine gunners. 

On another occasion, while on a business trip to the united Kingdom (coincidently on June 6th), I was asked by a very close friend to look at the past of another woman who was on the trip with us. This time, the entire experience was in the first person; I had no apparent control – it was as if I was intended to experience this persons last life, at least their last few minutes of life.  I was taken back to the night of June 5th-June 6th, 1944; I found myself on an aircraft, with a number of other soldiers. I would later know this aircraft as a C-47 – the military equivalent of a DC-3; the soldiers in the aircraft were combat parachute soldiers of the 101st airborne. The plane was flying over the English Channel initially, and then over the Normandy beaches on their way to their assigned jump location.  Shortly after I arrived, the aircraft came under attack from german anti-aircraft fire (also known as flak). The flak was heavy, and was affecting other aircraft as well.  After what seemed like 20 minutes of flying through this, the aircraft was hit directly; the engine caught fire, which caused the aircraft to explode.  The fuel in the wings went first, and then the wall of fire came through the cabin of the aircraft, engulfing all of the soldiers aboard. We were all standing, as out jump point was coming up. The fuel fed fire consumed all Souls aboard; some tried to escape by jumping, but their chutes caught fire as they exited. In “my” case (that of the soldier I was experiencing this through), I tried desperately to put out the fire by patting it out with my hands. All while burning. After about 30-45 seconds, the aircraft crashed and exploded, instantly killing all those who remained alive (including the soldier I was experiencing this through). 

To say that experiencing these event was traumatic is an understatement. But I have come to know why.  I have a number of “triggers” because of these events; the movie “Saving Private Ryan”, and the second episode of “The Band of Brothers” are such events. Having experienced these events in the first person through Souls that were present and died there (including myself), what is depicted in the productions is incredibly accurate. I have experienced the trauma of war from a rather unique perspective, on multiple occasions, and from multiple perspectives. I have experienced other wars, but none were as violent as the events of 1944; most of the other experiences involved hand to hand combat. In this case, there was an air of “impersonal” involved that contributed to the trauma – you knew that death was about to occur, but you did not know anything about the individual(s) who were involved. 

Trauma such as that experienced here does not end with the death of the individual, it continues into subsequent lives, and it can have adverse effects on the Life path of the person. In the case of the 2 soldiers, the events and trauma of that last life continue with them into their current life, in one form or another. It can have a significant impact on their ability and willingness to exercise Free Will, particularly in situation that they perceive to be dangerous.

So why have I related these experiences?  Because War is one of the things that will be eliminated as a possibility. It will involve work with multiple Constructs, and it will take time to work through many of the details needed to properly implement the work and changes.

But at some point in Time, war will no longer exist, in any form. That is why I experienced the events of that day.

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The weaknesses of a Virus

The original purpose of a virus was to be a means of passing small amounts of information from one being to another. The information could have been about something that was in the immediate area (it could serve as a warning of something in the area), or information about other beings (possibly dangerous) in the area. But over the millennia, Viruses have taken on another role: they serve to create illness. They do this in a number of ways;

  1. They can be recognized as a foreign entity in a body, which will illicit an inflammatory immune response.
  2. They can carry information that can be incorporated into the cells of a target that is infected, which could cause errors in how the cells respond to an outside stimulus.
  3. The information that they can carry can alter a cell nucleus of a target cell to manipulate the DNA of a target host. (Targeted gene therapy is an application of this.)

Viruses were intended to be a productive part of the Life Construct, but their original purpose has been corrupted. They have “evolved” or changed over time, into entities that are often more malicious than originally intended. 

But viruses were also designed with a number of inherent weaknesses  – not necessarily from preventing them from becoming malicious, but to exercise some level of control over them so that they would not provide redundant or contradictory information.  We know, for example, that viruses mutate on a somewhat regular basis; this was originally intended to provide a relatively short existence in order to prevent a longer term overload of information. We also know that a Virus does not have a “complete” DNA sequence, so its ability to reproduce is somewhat limited. 

There are several mechanisms that were developed and integrated into the Life Construct to account for a situation where a given virus had lost sight of its original intent. They include the following:

  1. Like much of what we can see, a virus is essentially an Energy form that has manifested into the physical. It has a resonant frequency (that is based on its molecular structure), and it has a unique vibrational signature (which is different than its resonant frequency). Decades ago, non-medical studies were done that determined the resonant frequency of many different viruses; it was found that when the virus was subjected to a resonant frequency, it could, in some circumstances, cause the destruction of the virus itself. It is worth noting that the resonant frequency of each virus (and each variant of a virus) is different, and adequate study would be required to determine what those specific resonant frequencies are. Also note that this kind of work is not, nor will it likely ever be, approved for use by any government agency responsible for approval. Causing the virus to vibrate at either of these frequencies could cause damage to the virus.
  2. A virus contains a sequence of genetic material, specifically Ribonucleac Acid (RNA); a virus does have the ability to propagate by duplicating itself, which involves the duplication of the RNA strand.  This duplication process carries with it the possibility of the introduction of errors in the RNA – which can result in minor errors that might change the characteristics of the virus, or major errors, which could result in the termination of the virus (or inability to reproduce). The introduction of errors into the virus was, to an extent, planned; if the message from of virus were to be significantly different from the original intent, the virus would not be able to reproduce, and would terminate (viruses were originally intended to pass time sensitive information). Any efforts intended to introduce further errors in the RNA information could cause the inability of the virus to replicate and survive.
  3. There are many different elements, or parts, of a virus, each with its own unique subset of vulnerabilities. Most viruses have an element that will cause the virus to adhere to another cell, which is the first step in the virus “infecting” a cell. The method of adhesion varies from one virus to the next, but each method provides an opportunity to defeat the virus by preventing it from making contact with (or adhering to) the cell. In some cases, the viruses have a particular spike protein that is intended to interact and adhere to a particular type of protein. Having an ability to produce that particular protein could provide an effective way to defeat the virus by providing an alternate target for it to adhere to.
  4. There are a number of naturally occurring chemicals (or combinations of chemicals) that have the ability to interfere with the mechanisms used by the virus.  For instance, heparin has been found to bind to the spike proteins (including a non-anticoagulant version of heparin).  There are other chemicals produced by many different plants and herbs that were intended to interfere with the processes of a virus, as a means of stopping the virus from further passing information that may have been incorrect. Many of these plants and herbs are common varieties that do exist on Terra.

For those that are either trained or have a natural ability, defeating a virus through the appropriate Energy work is not necessarily difficult.  Manifestation, or the creation or alteration of matter, can be a very effective tool for either inducing fatal errors in a virus, for interfering with virus dynamics.  Energy work can also be highly effective at creating the kinds of resonant or vibrational frequencies that have the intent of damaging or destroying virus cells. 

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The path you are on

Many people are on a life path that was determined by them, when they developed their Soul Contract for this life. But we are occasionally asked if that Life Path can change at any point during life.  The quick answer is yes, but that does require somewhat of an explanation. 

When the Soul Contract is developed, there are several goals for Life that are established, based on the karmic lessons that will be learned in Life, the people you will come in contact with during Life, and the number of possible Life paths that one incorporates into their Soul Contract.  In actuality, there are many different possible Life Paths that are possible in any given Life. To better help visualize this, think of a Soul Contract as the trunk of a tree.  From that tree, there are many different branches, and from each of those branches there are yet many more smaller branches.  In the context of the Soul Contract, what is developed before every Life is this type of tree with each branch representing a different path in Life.  

At the root, or base of each branch is a decision point – a place where a significant decision is made in Life, or a significant event occurs in Life.  Each decision made in Life is a Free Will decision that is made by the individual, often with the knowledge and assistance of the higher self or the Spirit guides of the person. It is a point where the course of a Life has an opportunity to change.  

With each path on the tree, there are many details that have been worked out, prior to Life, with the intent of satisfying the goals identified in the Soul Contract.  A Life is not “planned out”, but many elements of the Life Paths associated with each branch have been arranged to support decisions intended to be in line with the Soul Contract.  Events such as the people you would meet, major events in a Life, jobs one would have, and illnesses one might be susceptible to are all identified for each of the many paths, as well as agreements worked out with other Souls regarding interactions that could occur on each path. 

People often do not consider the importance of Free Will in their possible Life paths. No Life is pre-determined, each Soul has only broad objectives with details to be worked out during the Life.  Free Will is the enabling mechanism for this, and it is why each incarnation has so many possible outcomes (each represented by a different branch on the tree). The purpose of Free Will is to allow Souls to choose their own Life experience, and to have the possibility to experience as much of creation as they can in a given Life.  Experience is earned, whether the experience is good or bad.  The reason that existence took hundreds of Billions of years to come about was because of the Free Will experiences of the early Souls, and the learning that was associated with it.  The creators felt so strongly about the value of these experiences (and the learning that came from them) that it became an integral part of the development of the Constructs.

It would have been much easier to have each Life follow a predefined script for each Life, where each of the lessons, and all of the possible outcomes, were selected for them.  But that would not have allowed for consequences for making an inappropriate decision, or to have learned from that decision.  Life would have been very different.  But from a bigger perspective, each of those learning experiences benefits not just the individual Soul, but also creation; the thought processes involved help to provide insight into possible alternative decision processes that may not have been encountered by the Souls from the Central Sun. These can also be used to help refine the aspects of the Constructs to make both the Constructs, and creation as a whole, better.

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Are Beings from Other Places here?

Questions are periodically asked about the presence of beings from other places – other planets, other galaxies, other dimensions, and other Universes.  The answer is yes, there are beings here on Terra from each of these locations. These beings include those who originated from within these other locations, and there are emissaries from the Central Sun – Souls from the Central Sun who are doing work (for the Central Sun) in one or more of these locations.

These visitors to Terra are here in a physical form that is humanoid, in some cases, and in other situations they are present here as Energy beings. In the case of those that appear like humans, they generally do not announce their presence (largely for reasons of safety), and they tend to “blend in” to a local population.  They are here for a number of reasons; some are here as observers of the Terran Society, some are here to observe the spiritual transition of Terra to a higher dimension, some are here to reproduce (to help replenish their genetic diversity). And in the past, some were here to fight a war over the resources that Terra was provided with.

All of these, including the wars over resources, were allowed to an extent as a part of the experiment on Terra that was designed and implemented by the Souls of the Central Sun (we have written about this experiment in past posts).  In almost all of these cases, the presence of these beings is known, and in many cases, they have coordinated their interests with those from the Central Sun. The wars over resources on Terra no longer occur.

In part, the presence of beings from other locations is due to the actions of those that are here from the Central Sun, and in part, is due to other beings from advanced dimensions that are on Terra in order to share knowledge. In many cases, the other Souls here to help or teach are here to help heal Terra or the people that inhabit Terra (humans, for the most part).  The leadership of the Central Sun has encouraged this work; until recently, all information about the Constructs was very closely held. But in large part due to the Experiments on Terra (and other planets), the leadership Council of the Central Sun has begun to release information regarding the original concepts of healing, the design and structures of the Constructs, and other information, in an effort to clarify many of the misunderstandings about the nature and scope of creation.

Other beings here are helping in other ways; there is an individual here to help with the creation and spread of sacred geometries; other Souls are here to act as communicators between a wide number of beings from many different locations; others are here to help protect Terra. For the most part, the Souls that are here from the Central Sun are evaluating the Constructs; it has been recognized that further work on the Constructs is required to enhance their ability to respond to some of the actions of beings under the auspices of the Constructs. Some from the Central Sun are also here to begin a “cleanse” of Terra – work to heal the planet, beginning with the reduction and elimination of harmful by products of human life (plastics, carbon, toxic chemicals). And there is one Soul from the Central Sun here, that is serving as an Emissary between the Central Sun and the 7th Dimension.

There are many different Souls and groups of beings on Terra, all working towards a common goal of helping humanity and those from the Central Sun achieve a better Life experience.  There is no reason to fear any of these other beings. 

The efforts to clean up Terra are just beginning, and are being led by those from the Central Sun. Coordination is required, to help ensure that the Energies being used are being used in a positive and reinforcing way. For those that desire to help, you should first have an ability to feel or sense the Energies that are being used (they will be unambiguously strong), and then provide your own Energies to those that you sense. You need not be from another place to help.

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I hear voices; should I listen? Is the Information accurate?

Many people have a”Little Voice” that tends to point them in different directions in their life. Or they may have a well developed sense of intuition – what many people refer to as common sense. Is the information that you hear from your Little Voice, or through your own intuition, accurate and reliable?  Should you listen to it?

The quick answer is yes, you should be listening to both, on a regular basis. And you should be paying close attention to what you hear, and taking the advice or guidance that is offered.  But why? 

In both situations, the information that you “hear” is likely coming from a number of sources: it can be information that is being given to you by a Spirit Guide; it can be information that is being given to you by your own Soul, or higher self; it could be given to you by another benevolent Spirit (other than your Spirit Guide) who may be looking after either your best interests, or the interests of somebody or something else around you.  In each case, the source of the Information is a higher realm of knowledge or Spiritual Development, and is generally a Soul that is aware of the essential elements of your Soul Contract. Generally speaking, the Information that you receive will be in line which the Information that you are supposed to have access to in order to accomplish your life, and learn the lessons that you have chosen in Life.

Is the information always “right”? This question requires a bit of a more nuanced answer.

In most cases, the Information from a Spirit Guide is correct; a Spirit Guide has no incentive to provide you with false or inaccurate Information. For them to do so would be a risk of them accumulating Karma which would later need to be balanced. They have, in essence, “sworn an oath” – their allegiance is to the Souls that they choose to guide, for whatever reasons they have chosen to.  The success of the guided Soul is their success as well. If you fail, then your Spirit Guides fail as well.

But what if your Spirit Guide is “pushing” or “directing” to do something that may be contrary to your higher interests? This is the nuanced part. Say for example that your Spirit Guide was a famous person, but one who took it upon themselves to have a path that was “less than pristine”. And that Spirit Guide provides you with Information over the course of your Life that causes you to act in a certain manner, or with less than an honorable intention towards some people.  The answer in this case lies with the Soul Contract of the Person being guided; it could well be that in a past Life, you were the target of violence, or discrimination, or even something as simple as a class bully. While not condoning that kind of activity, it can be clear that Karma was developed by the person conducting the violence or discrimination. Your actions could be an effort to balance that Karma, in accordance with what was developed (by your Soul) as a part of the Soul Contract, and “negotiated” with all relevant parties involved. It may not be that you have a clear predisposition towards violence or discrimination, it could be an effort to balance the Karma of those that were involved in incidents in a previous life. While most people are not Privy to the elements of an individuals Soul Contract, or the events in a Past Life, we would have no idea about what they are trying to balance from an Energy or Karmic perspective.  All we see is an individual who have a prevalence for violence or discrimination, with no real reason or understanding of why. And unless you have knowledge of the complete circumstances of the Lives of a Soul, it would be improper for you to pass judgement on the actions or beliefs of that person.

But how is one supposed to know if the Information that they receive from a higher Source is accurate?  I was once one who doubted the Information that I received from higher Sources.  It always “seemed” correct, but I never truly believed the Information – I always questioned it, attempting to discern if it was accurate. I did this for years, until I realized that no matter how different or often I asked the question, the answers were always the same. I trusted it. It was not until relatively recently, when my path as The Librarian was revealed to me, that I understood why – because I was the keeper of all knowledge

But long before I was aware of my role as The Librarian, I began to trust the information. It was always correct. I did not need to know why, or where the information was coming from, it was enough to just know that I was getting the same Information, every time, no matter how I asked a particular question. And I learned that everybody has this ability; it is a matter of trust, or faith – whatever word you choose to use. You can say that the Information comes from your Spirit Guides, from your Higher Self, or God – within the context of a much bigger picture, it does not really matter.  It only matters that you believe the Information. Do not try to put it into a context that makes sense to you – you may not be the end recipient of the Information, it may be someone else. 

Can Information come from other sources that may not have a beneficial intent? While it is technically possible for erroneous or false Information to be given to you, you must remember that your Spirit Guides (or Higher Self, or your God) is always present to help ensure that the Information that you receive is credible and accurate. It will always ring true to you.

Does everybody have the ability to hear the Information that is directed to them?  YES!  Just listen for it, and believe it. Do not suppress it – it is a natural part of Life.

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Have you ever looked at a person, and said to yourself “I know that person”, even though you have never met them before in your life?  That kind of instant recognition of somebody might be a bit more common that you might imagine, and it may not depend on you having any sensory abilities other than what most people normally have access to. 

We have spoken before of the Energies that form the basis for the Soul of a person. We have also spoken about the early recognition of one Soul towards another Soul, and how that recognition was used to help them get together. The reason for this was relatively simple: the Energies of the 2 Souls were very similar.  It is that similarity that forms the attraction of one Energy to another – they want to be together. This wanting to be together was one of the earliest drivers in early existence, it provided the incentive to want to do more together. 

When this recognition is present, it can open information pathways between the people involved, allowing for more than the simple recognition of each other. It begins a communication at the level of the Soul, which is enabled by the recognition (Souls of similar Energies desire to do this naturally). A significant amount and variety of information can be exchanged, often in a very short period of time; information about shared lives, information about past lives, information about an illness they may have (or had), information about their state of being, all of this is possible. 

The recognition often does not generally begin at the physical level; it will often begin at a spiritual level, even though most people will not understand this.  It could also appear as deja vu, a deep level understanding that you know the Soul of the person.  It can be mutual, but it does not have to be – this might well depend on the spiritual beliefs of the people, and whether or not they themselves believe in this kind of recognition. It is rarely romantic, even if the people involved have had lives in the past that have included intimacy. It can be the beginning of a lasting friendship – more of a continuation of an old or ancient friendship, one that has existed in some form for centuries or more. 

It is not necessary that the shared experiences were in the physical realm; one Soul could have been a spirit guide for another; one Soul may have been present in spirit form to provide moral support for a difficult life. There are myriad possibilities. At one time, the two people may have been friends, spouses, enemies – none of which matters, because the connection is much deeper than any of those connections can be. 

So if you should happen to meet another Soul that you recognize, should you make contact?  This is too difficult to answer. Society norms may be involved, the beliefs of the person may be a factor, or the other person may not sense the connection. There is really no way of knowing. But generally, if the connection is strong, it can likely be worth the effort to say something. 

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Subtilties and Fragility of Life

When the work of the Life Construct was first contemplated, it was believed that there would be a certain amount of fragility of the beings created under the Construct. Much would depend on the environment that the Life form was in, but it would also depend on the nature of the Life, the action the Life engaged in, and the myriad of chemicals that the Life was exposed to. It was felt that, to an extent, each of these areas would be a tradeoff; it was felt that Life could be made that was resistant (or impervious) to all of these possible factors, but that would almost certainly mean that every Life would likely be long (with respect to Time), and the experiences and lessons that were to occur in the Life would be extensive – an increase in memory capacity, but also the chance of accumulating Karma to a level that may be counterproductive for the Soul.  The fragility of Life, at least to an extent, would be a goal, one that would require a relatively precise and finite environment for the given Life to exist (or reside) in. 

Subtilties present a slightly different set of concerns, mainly concerning the interactions of the body (and its processes) with the environment, which would include an environment that would be inherently changed by the actions of the body itself. It was understood that there would also be an opportunity for groups of bodies, as the societies in which those bodies formed, could create an evermore complex set of factors that could adversely influence Life. And while  efforts were made to try to accommodate many of the different environmental factors and possibilities that could occur, the leadership the Life Construct felt that some of these possibilities could lead to situations in which the experience would ultimately be of value to the development of the Soul. The Leadership concluded that some of these could be used as a means to terminate Life, should there be a need to help balance karma. 

When discussing the fragility of Life, one question that arrises is why is there a need for it to be so fragile? Could physical beings be more ‘robust’? The short answer is yes. But it is not quite as easy as it may seem. There were a number of ways in which the Life Construct could have made Life less fragile; instead of a relatively ‘soft’ outer skin, a body could have had a hard shell, or exoskeleton. The are many insect that have an exoskeleton, and a number of reptiles, like turtles and tortoises. All seem to be limited in size or speed of movement, but they remain vulnerable in other ways and areas. But exoskeletons, particularly on larger beings, is impractical; speed and agility is an essential element for most predators, and an exoskeleton decreases both aspects too much. A hard outer shell would also limit an ability for many plants to absorb sunlight and grow quickly enough in a growing season. They would also inhibit speed, agility, and buoyancy for many aquatic species. 

Another option was to increase the quantity of redundant systems in a body, to the point that the duplicate systems would be able to compensate for a significantly greater number of issues that could be resolved. But each system would require its own support network (which may require another Soul in the body), and the addition of the necessary systems would require a larger host body; but this may well not address the associated vulnerabilities of the exterior skin.

It is possible a hybridization of these two could provide a viable alternative; after the redundant systems, the exoskeleton, while offering limited protection over a harder shell, could help with the vulnerabilities of a softer skin.  A compromise was selected for some species: scales.  They function as a pseudo shell, but offer significantly greater movement. This was used on many aquatic species, some animals, and limited biped species. (Both scales and an exoskeleton were impractical for any species that bore live young of significant size, due to the inability to protect the fetus prior to birth.)

The subtilties of Life presented another entire set of issues. The chemistries of Life were considered sensitive – it became apparent that small deviations or inclusions of Life’s chemistry could have significant (but not necessarily adverse) results. This was compounded when many chemicals began to react with other chemicals – and the by products created metabolites within the body.  The weed killer Glyphosate is one example; it is known that its metabolites include oxalates, the main element in many kidney stones. Oxylates are only one metabolite; other metabolites are responsible for cancers, reproductive issues, and a host of other issues within a body. There are many other examples of chemical traces having an adverse impact on processes of Life – not from a macro perspective, but a micro perspective, at the level of an individual organ, or a specific reaction within a portion of an organ. 

There was an attempt to make many of these errant reactions more difficult (or at least their effects to be minimized) , and during the initial trials of Life, they met with success.  But as “Life” became more complex, and the environments that supported Life became far more dynamic (and more of these chemicals appeared), the efforts to allow for clearing of them were stopped; many of the chemicals were not natural, so the decision was made to include all aspects of the presence of these chemicals in the work of Karma. If beings were to create these chemicals, then the Souls that made and used them would fall to the rules of Karma – the use of these chemicals, even unknowingly, was something that the beings should have realized (by the Energy signature) would lead to a great imbalance. The rules of Karma offered the solution. The greater the use of these ‘un-natural’ chemical combinations, the greater the imbalance in both the environment and the bodies of individual lives. This became the ideal solution; it eliminated the requirement for significantly augmenting bodies to assist in the elimination of these chemicals, but it also allowed for a wide variety of ways to achieve balance for their use – from Cancers (for those most directly exposed to them), to the longer term harm to the environment (for the ‘casual user’ of these chemicals, remedied by a change in attitude regarding their use by societies at large). It was the application of Karma that allowed for all of this.

Although the fragility of living beings was initially deemed a possible concern, it ultimately did lead to the beings that could move freely to be more cautious in their actions, and it allowed for the development of predators, important to help establish and allow for a balance of species and life forms to occur. 

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The Length of Life

The length of human life has varied greatly over time. In the Life Construct, there was no set period established for the length of a human life – it was to be somewhat open, but dependent on a number of factors, both under and outside the control of humans. Items that have an impact on the length of life include:

  1. Adequate nutrition from a wide variety of sources – to ensure micronutrients are present in the diet (including adequate water and oxygen);
  2. A moderate environment that does not increase the burdens of life on the body (not too hot, not too cold);
  3. The presence of predators;
  4. Conflict and other sources of stress;
  5. Presence of disease – primarily dangerous bacteria and viruses;
  6. Presence of toxins;
  7. Inappropriate Life choices;
  8. Elements included in the Life Construct of the person or Soul.

Note that other forms of Life may have other factors that can determine their length of Life.

Many of these factors will also have an impact on the quality of Life, and the rate at which aging of a body will occur. Too many toxins from the environment can cause aging as well, in some cases severe aging (smoking is a good example of this), and exposure to too much Sunlight can cause aging of the skin (in addition to increasing the risk of skin cancers). 

The Soul Contract of an individual can have a major impact on the length of a persons life; while it is true that Souls do determine a number of ways (depending on the Souls path in Life) in which their Life will end, there are generally “contingencies” that exist in a Soul Contract that may allow for a Life span that is longer than the average. Even so, it is very rare to now have a Life that is longer than 120 years. 

In past times, millennia ago, longer Life spans did occur. There were a number of factors that accounted for the longer life spans: nutrition, specifically the variety of food sources, was greater; the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere was greater (which does help to eliminate toxins from the body); water sources were more plentiful and far less contaminated (industrial wastes were not present); and radiation sources (specifically electromagnetic and Radio frequency) were not present (even though both were present in Space). All of these factors, together, helped to ensure that the body was operating at peak efficiency, and the systems in the body were not overly taxed, which would lead to a longer lifespan.  There have been some studies that have also indicated that an increased presence of oxygen in the atmosphere contributed to an ability of some insects and animals to grow much larger than what we would now normally expect to see – largely because the increase in oxygen would help to eliminate toxins, both absorbed into the body from the environment, and toxins produced by the body as a part of normal life processes.

From a more spiritual perspective, having a longer life span is not necessarily beneficial. We have written before about the Life path that people have, and that when (or if) one were to deviate too far off their life path (as written in their Soul Contract), there are provisions for their life to end.  This was done specifically to keep one from accumulating too much adverse karma. But if somebody were to have a life where they did not accumulate adverse karma, could their life be extended? Yes, that is possible, given the proper environmental conditions. In this case, it is likely that a life could be extended to several hundred years, given adequate nutrition (including a very balanced diet), a lack of toxins, increased oxygen, an a minimal amount of Life stress. Unfortunately, many of these factors are not currently present on Terra. 

Could these factors needed for Life extension be created in Space? Technically, they could. But Life in Space, even within the confines of a Spacecraft, would present a different set of constraints to the tension of Life.  Space has a large amount of radiation present – ionizing radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and radio frequency from natural sources – that tend to make Space a hazard for human Life.  Food sources could be grown, given a large enough facility, and the environment could have a higher concentration of oxygen, even though that could significantly increase the risk of fire. Gravity would have to be simulated in order to maintain both the mass of muscle and bones. All of these individual elements present significant technical challenges, that together may likely be difficult to overcome for centuries.

In truth, the length of a Life on Terra is more a function of the lessons to be learned, and the ability of one to remain karmically balanced.  Given the Life, technical, and social structures present in the societies on Terra, increasing the Life span of humans would appear to offer little benefit, when considered in a much larger picture. 

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