Those of you who know me may be aware that I created a Labyrinth a number of years ago. The design is that of a Labyrinth that has the ability to correct errors or inconsistencies in the Energies of DNA. While I had created the basic design of the Labyrinth, I worked with an accomplished graphic artist (who is also an ancient assistant – Sahana) to digitize the design. It has been printed on a number of objects; we have coasters, a small wall hanging, and it has been printed on organic canvas in various sizes. When the Labyrinth was printed on coasters, we noticed that the coaster, when placed on a nightstand, will scan the body closest to it (scan it for missing or inadequate nutrients), and will manifest the Energies of the trace minerals (missing from the body) in the liquid that is placed on the labyrinth.
Many of the elements in the Labyrinth design were obtained from the information from the Libraries of the Central Sun. The design also includes many of the sacred numbering patterns that were integral to Creation. The Labyrinth is a 13 circuit design, meaning 13 concentric rings within the design. It includes a number of Runes and sigels (or groups of Runes), which will be identified later; a triquetra, with a DNA helix forming the backbone of the lines in the triquetra. Finally, the Labyrinth has 169 lunations, or marks along the outer edge of the Labyrinth. The lines of the Labyrinth are depicted in a dark forest green color, signifying the growing color of most Life; the Runes and sigels appear in a rust red color, signifying the color of Fire; and the triquetra appears in a shade of blue, signifying the importance of water to Life.
As the information for the Labyrinth design was obtained from the Libraries, the number 13 became prominent – it is both a Prime Number, and a number in the Fibonacci Sequence. Numbers that are both Prime and in the Fibonacci Sequence are very important to many of the elements of Creation. Runes, and specifically Elder Futhark Runes, represent some of the earliest symbolic communication forms seen in creation because of their complex geometries. As the information from the Libraries became known, it was clear that those responsible for Creation were aware of the fragile nature of DNA in some circumstances, and had long ago designed the Labyrinth as a means of correcting DNA, and providing the necessary support for sustaining Life. Until this time though, the design was unknown; in their efforts to protect much of the information regarding Creation (so that it would not be corrupted by others), the Leadership Council of the Central Sun directed that information regarding the Labyrinth could only be accessed through the Libraries, and only when it was apparent that widespread damage to DNA had occurred. The prevalence of many genetic illnesses (such as Cancer) on Terra, the manipulation of DNA on Terra (for many different reasons, including in ancient times), together with the potential for the elimination of a race of beings due to their own manipulation of DNA (which left them unable to reproduce) met those criteria, and the Leadership of the Central Sun allowed the Labyrinth design to be known, through the Librarian.
Before we address the particular meanings of the Runes in the Labyrinth, an explanation is in order. Each Rune, or mark, has an associated Energy; even though that Energy can have many different meanings (or interpretations), each interpretation is applied to a specific context. Context can mean a spatial (or physical) location, an associated passage of information or Energy, or the location of the Rune in relation to other Energies or Runes. Although Runes first appeared on Terra in ancient times, they have existed since late in the development of the Constructs, where they served as an initial means of primitive communications for early Life forms. They have been used, in their form known on Terra, on different planets for billions of years.
To maintain the context, the Rune meanings we shall describe here are those that apply to this Labyrinth, and at this time and relative spatial location.
The Runes and their meaning.
The first Rune encountered is Ansuz,

ANSUZ represents an Entry. In its context in the Labyrinth, it represents to entry point for those seeking the knowledge that is held within the Labyrinth. The character for Ansuz, when first developed at the Central Sun, signified an entry point for locations where knowledge was maintained.
The second Rune encountered is Kenaz,

KENAZ represents knowledge. In the context of the Labyrinth, it serves as both an acknowledgement of the significance of the information one will be exposed to as they proceed in the presence of the knowledge, and a warning that no corruption of the intent of the information contained within will be allowed.
The third Rune encountered is Dagaz,

DAGAZ represents the existence of Life. In the context of the Labyrinth, it serves as a reminder that the building blocks of all Life, known here as DNA, applies to all Life, and not just to the Human Life on Terra. Any living being, from Terra or from other places, whether Human Life, animal, or plant, has the potential to benefit from its accumulation from he knowledge of the information contained within this Labyrinth.
The forth Rune is Teiwaz,

TEIWAZ represents the unconditional nature of the information contained in the Labyrinth. The Creators, when they developed this Labyrinth, understood that changes to DNA were possible through many means, both intentional and accidental. The manner or reasons in which the changes were made no longer matter for those that have reached this point in the Labyrinth, and access to the information is offered freely and without condition.
The fifth Rune is Elhaz,

ELHAZ represents the commitment of the Creators to the information in this Labyrinth, and its use to protect not just the elements of Life defined in the Life Construct, but the information in all of the 7 Constructs that govern Creation. They recognize that all of the Constructs were developed for the support of the concepts of Life, and that Life must remain pure of Intent to ensure the continued development and survival of the Constructs.
The sixth Rune is Eihwaz,

EIHWAZ represents the beginning of the changes that are being made as you enter this portion of the Labyrinth. It is at this point, deep within the Labyrinth, that the Energies of the DNA within the body begin the align themselves with the Energies of DNA, as originally created.
The seventh Rune is Ehwaz,

EHWAZ represents the cleansing of those Energies, contained with the DNA of the body, that were not intended to exist there. As errors begin to accumulate in DNA, through any means, the DNA will also begin the accumulation of Energies that are not of DNA, and in many cases, cause the further disruption of DNA. As the realignment of the body DNA continues, these extraneous Energies begin to surface, and it is the responsibility of the Ehwaz Energies to cleanse these Energies from the body DNA as it is realigned.
The eighth Rune is Laguz,

LAGUZ provides the additional Energy that may be needed to assist with the realignment of the DNA and the expelling of the extraneous Energies that should not exist within the body DNA. The Creators recognized that Souls going through this realignment work may be in a weakened state, and may benefit from the addition of a pure Energy source in this process. Laguz not only represents this source of pure Energy, its presence provides for the Energy flow necessary to sustain the work, should it be required.
The ninth Rune is Perthro,

The tenth Rune is Naudhiz,

The eleventh Rune is Wunjo,

PERTHRO, NAUDHIZ, and WUNJO work together to ensure that the Energies of DNA of a specific body are not changed beyond those required for realignment. Simply, they work together to preserve the association of the Energies of DNA with the unique attributes involving the integration of the Soul. They work together to maintain the genetic diversity of the individual body, separate and distinct from the base Energies of original DNA. Perthro performs an analysis of the body DNA, and identifies the unique structures within; Naudhiz works to ensure that the unique DNA structures exist during and after the DNA realignment process, and Wunjo ensures that the DNA checksums (those unique elements involved in DNA “overhead”, present to ensure the integrity of DNA) are maintained correctly throughout the process.
The twelfth Rune is Othala,

OTHALA Energies are responsible for ensuring that Karmic records, maintained within the information stored within the DNA of an individual body, are accurately and faithfully maintained throughout the processes of realignment. For instance, records of family karma, records of the circumstances involved in the corruption of DNA over time, and new records documenting the use of this Labyrinth to correct errors in the body DNA, must all be properly recorded to ensure the integrity of the Soul and their Life Contracts, past present, and future.
The thirteenth Rune is Jera,

JERA represents the maintenance of these changes throughout Life, to ensure that changes made will endure. But one will notice that within the Labyrinth, the symbol used for Jera is backwards from the way the symbol is typically used or seen on Terra; the significance to this is that it ensures that the changes being made as part of the realignment will exist not only going forward in Time, but they will also exist from the beginning of the development of the DNA within its existing body. The significance of this is important; the DNA changes (to include “genetic memory” in particular), caused by events in Life and their impact on a given body, will not be passed on to future Lives, because those DNA changes no longer will exist. In essence, the backwards Rune “resets” a portion of Time to the beginning of Life for that individual (“context” is important here – reversing a Rune does not usually have this effect).
The fourteenth (and last) Rune is Mannaz,

MANNAZ is responsible for ensuring future changes to DNA no longer adversely impact body DNA. For example, as part of the movement to 5th Dimension, body DNA will have to begin to adapt to the new Energies that it will be exposed to as part of the process. Mannaz ensures that this will not result in any adverse impacts to the body DNA. This process is a bit more complicated than it may initially seem; any changes to a body DNA must also take into account the Free Will of the individual or Soul, it must take into account aspects of the Soul Contract of the individual, and it must ensure that any changes do not adversely impact any aspect of the karmic Energies of the individual.
The center flower of the Labyrinth contains 3 Sigels, or combinations of Runes, as well as 3 symbols that were developed by the Leadership of the Central Sun.
The first Sigel is a combination of the Runes Laguz and Ansuz,

The second Sigel is a combination of the Runes Fehu and Ansuz,

The third Sigel is a combination of the Runes Perthro and Wunjo,

The three remaining pictographs originated centuries ago; they were placed on an ancient stone artifact that was placed at the site of an archeological excavation, in a location that would allow for its recovery at this time, and be seen by Sanaha and Seana in their current Life on Terra. These three images (which were designed by Sanaha and Seana in a past incarnation on Terra) serve as a reminder to Sanaha and Seana of why they are here on Terra now, and who they truly are. The three Sigels, along with the 3 other images, serve as a “key” that allows all information regarding all aspects of DNA, and its significance in the Constructs, to be accessed by the Labyrinth, in order to manifest the corrections to DNA that have occurred due to manipulation of DNA by some, and the introduction of errors in DNA due to adverse environmental circumstances.
So why did the Labyrinth include a Triquetra instead of the symbol for the Flower of Life? Simply, the Flower of Life represents too many different possible paths in Life, and the Creators felt it was an unrealistic representation, since the number of Life possibilities for any individual is determined by their Soul Contract, Free Will decisions, and karmic interactions with others. The Flower of Life symbol could lead one to believe that far more possible outcomes in Life were possible, even though they may not be practical. The Triquetra, with the inscribed DNA helix, in addition to including a representative figure that includes a Fibonacci Prime number, is much more representative of the desire for a degree of simplicity in Life that was a driving factor in the creation of the Constructs (even though that simplicity may seem elusive).
Finally, it is important to understand that one need not “walk” or otherwise transit the Labyrinth in order to benefit from its Energies. As the size of the Labyrinth increases, so do the Energies that enable it. For a Labyrinth with a diameter of 5-6 feet, one need only stand in front of it (for no more than 15 minutes for most) to feel its impact. While there is some benefit to being in the presence of a Labyrinth of smaller size, it will take a proportionally longer time to have a similar effect.