How many Central Sun Souls are incarnate here?

I am periodically asked about the Souls from the Central Sun. The most common questions are How many are here, why are they here, and who are they.

There are currently 13 Souls here from the Central Sun (One of those will require some explanation). Although I can tell you their Soul names (how they are known at our home – The Central Sun), I am unwilling to divulge any information about their incarnate names (how they are known here on Terra). The reason is simply because divulging their identity could pose a threat to them by those who would wish them harm.

All of the Souls from the Central Sun are essentially here as observers. We are all involved in the processes of developing creation, including the Life Construct, which is how all Life began. When the experiment on Terra began, I have mentioned in previous posts that DNA was “opened up” – the limitations that had been placed on many aspects of it were removed. This was done so that we, the developers of the Constructs, could finally see what, exactly, would happen; up to this point, DNA has had significant restrictions placed on it, so that a rudimentary level of testing could occur. Indeed, those Souls that came to Terra to appropriate the abundant resources of Terra, all have restrictions on their DNA. Initially, the Souls on Terra had no such restrictions; this changed when beings from other planetary hosts began to manipulate the DNA of those that were here. This manipulation caused some elements of DNA to be “locked down” so that more changes could not be implemented. This process still left enough DNA open to be able to evaluate what was capable. These observations are why any Soul from the Central Sun is incarnate here: to observe the implementation, and to use this knowledge to assess what changes should be made to DNA. In our own incarnations, we all have some issues with DNA, so that we have planned to assess all of the possible weaknesses.

The 15 Souls that I am currently aware of are:

  • Sanaha – Co-Lead of the Life Construct
  • Sahana – Assistant of Sanaha – manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Seana – Co-Lead of the Life Construct
  • Monaeiya – Assistant of Sanaha – will be explained further
  • Anaha – Lead for Healing and Communications within the Life Construct
  • Meenaha – Lead for Planetary Hosts within the Space Construct
  • Roniah – Co-Lead for the Interface Definitions Construct
  • Aiyana – Co-Lead for the Transport Construct
  • Suahna – Lead for Plant Life within the Life Construct
  • Behnihjuh – Assistant for Sanaha – Manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Betruvah – Assistant for Sanaha – Manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Etania – Co-Lead for the Time Construct
  • Engya – Co-Lead for the Time Construct
  • Un-named – Co-Lead for the Space Construct
  • Henaba – Lead for Communications within the Space Construct

A word about Monaeiya. Monaeiya is the spouse of Sanaha. The incarnate father of Monaeiya is one of the Leaders of the Soul Council of the Universe we are currently in; when those from the Central Sun first began to incarnate here, Monaeiya’s father took steps to ensure that Monaeiya and Sanaha would have Lives that would be together as much as possible – steps were taken and lives were structures to ensure this. Monaeiya’s father also structured Monaeiya’s Soul Energies so that they were nearly identical to those of Sanaha, thus ensuring compatibility. Because of this close compatibility of Energies, Monaeiya will be elevated after the current incarnation to the Central Sun.

As indicated, 3 Souls of the group were directly manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha. In each case, a complete Soul Energy was basically manifested (or taken) from Sanaha; Sanaha had determined a need for a number of assistants over time, and there was a distinct advantage for these assistants to have Sanaha’s Energy; he same Energy would allow them to all be in direct contact at all times. Over a period of hundreds of millions of years, those manifested Energies began to achieve an independent (yet similar) Vibrational Energy, which enabled them to become free spirits or Souls on their own, yet remain very close to Sanaha. They were then able to gain the ability to incarnate and live an existence on their own, and to exhibit their own Free Will.

One soul is (at the moment) listed as un-named. The name of this Soul (their name as known at the Central Sun) will be made available soon, but this Soul passed from their Terran incarnation a few years ago. This Soul recently agreed to an additional duty involving the spreading of Music, and may be in the process of changing their name to better reflect this new assignment.

The Names of the Souls from the Central Sun each carry with it a distinction that is related to the Energies of that Soul – the Energies of the names correlate to the Energies of the Soul. I have listed the names as anglicized, but the translation of this name may not be exact due to language limitations.

As I have mentioned in the book, each of the 14 co-leads for the Construct have “additional duties”; these duties include the following:

  • Librarian (what we know now as the keeper of the Akashic Records)
  • Mapping of Physical Space
  • Maintaining Common Use Construct (wormholes are but one example)
  • Physical Constants (includes both physical and time Constructs) Policies and Procedures Maintenance Levels Access from Commons (essentially granting access to different levels for those not in the leadership groups)
  • Interface Constraints Compliance
  • Governance of Sources (a council to govern the lower Sources)
  • Governance of Higher Sources (The Central Sun Leadership Council)
  • Deviations Processing
  • Inter-Realm working group (a council)

This was the original list of “additional responsibilities”, several additional tasks have been added the list was originally developed. For instance, the preservation and dissemination of music is now one of these tasks. Each of these tasks were intended to compliment the abilities of the Co-leads for the Constructs. While each of the co-leads of a Construct has additional duties, I will also refrain from providing information that would indicate which lead is responsible for which additional duties.

Each of the co-leads for the Constructs have either created or manifested assistants to assist them in their duties. Sanaha is aware of a total of 8 assistants, not all of which are incarnate. It is not currently known which of the Construct Leaders have assistants here to assist them.

At the Central Sun, there is a Leadership Council that governs the work and activities of the Souls at the Central Sun; there are 30 Souls on the Council, and the 14 co-leads of the Constructs are the Principle voting members. There is an Executive Council consisting of 5 Souls – a Chair, co-Chair, Secretary, and 2 alternates. The 3 Souls of the top 3 Leadership positions are all incarnate here on Terra. The Chair, co-Chair, and Secretary of the Executive Council have held those positions since the formal formation of the Central Sun at the beginning of creation, and they are the oldest Souls in existence. In total, there are approximately 1,000 Souls that originated at the Central Sun and are responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Constructs, as well as the Creation that emanated from it.

It is important to realize that each of the Souls from the Central Sun incarnate here are bound by the rules of this Universe. We are generally subject to the rules of Karma; we live no longer than others; we die just like all other incarnate Souls; we have similar medical issues as many other incarnate Souls. Generally, we have no extraordinary powers, nor abilities. Many of us are Energy workers of one form or another, and several have healing abilities.