Tag: a better society

The Complex Physical

On any given night, the Souls from the Central Sun tend to travel. There are many nights spent in other parts of the world, having meetings either on Terra or at home at the Central Sun, or looking to correct issues that we see and experience on Terra. Our nights, while not necessarily restless, do not always result is a good, deep sleep.

But there are some nights that are more rewarding nonetheless.  Last night was a good example of this.  We spent a significant portion of last night on the home planets of one of the Human races that are on Terra. This home world, which is several hundred thousand Light Years from Terra, consists of a binary planet system in orbit around their Sun; the planets are part of a Solar System that contains approximately 12 planet sized bodies.  The 2 planets in this binary plant series orbit each other, and together they orbit their own Sun; their solar cycle (e.g., year) is about 18 Terran months, and the planets orbit around each other in the same plane as their Sun. And the binary planets are a distance from their Sun that is in the zone that Terran scientists refer to as the “sweet spot”.

The planets themselves are approximately 60% to 70% the size of Terra; their orbital period, with respect to each other, is approximately 4 Terran days. In each given “day”, they will experience 2 cycles of light and dark. The planets themselves are somewhat different from each other; Planet “A” has water covering about 45% of its surface, and has relatively flat or gently rolling land masses. Planet “B” has water covering approximately 65% of its surface; the land masses are high rolling plains and mountains, much like those that exist in Asia on Terra. The climate on both would be considered temperate.

The societies on each planet at advanced, and while there is trade between the two, transit of the human population from one to the other is somewhat limited – a preference for them. They have roads, cities, electricity, lights, and vehicles. There was also very little to no pollution, on either of the planets. 

We observed from the vantage point of Planet A. What was so rewarding was the night; the view of the sister planet was incredible; the planet took up much of the night sky, and they orbit close enough that one could observe the lights of the population centers of Planet B; Planet B was much darker due to the abundance of plant Life – it appeared mainly in shades of dark green and blue. The cities and populated areas existed just in from the edges of the Continents, due to the significant tides of the Oceans. It was these lights, clearly visible with the naked eye in the night sky, and stars in the remaining sky, that was the greatest source of beauty. 

Most of the population on Planet A wore no shoes; there were no outward signs of deprivation, no trash, no starving people, no wide income disparities – the societies on each planet were balanced in nearly every respect. The populations have existed on these Planets for just over 900,000,000 years; while technologically advanced, they see no need to progress further, from the societal or technological sense. They are comfortable with their society, belief systems, and technological advancement. 

But the Energies of their Society, as well as the Energies of the planets, are very well balanced – to the point that stress and tension are very rare, which only adds to the beauty of seeing the Planets from each other. 

And this Planetary system is exceedingly rare; there are only 4 such systems that are documented in the records of the Libraries of the Central Sun, in all of Creation. This a largely because of the precise balancing of the Energies that must be maintained in order to support the Planetary dynamics and Life – things that Terrans would take for granted, like trash, pollution, and the moving of great quantities of land from one location to another (which humans on Terra do with large construction projects). None of this is an issue.  

So while the night was filled with travel and lucid dreams, the absolute beauty and balance of the Energies provided for a peaceful sleep.

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