Tag: changing gender

Is gender really supposed to be binary?

Many humans on Terra have been raised to believe that gender is a strictly binary phenomenon – you are either male or female. Medical professionals have routinely taken newborns and surgically “modified” them if their gender appeared to be ambiguous. Many people strongly believe that there are only 2 genders, despite hard evidence that there are a number of ambiguous genders. But the truth has changed somewhat from what is in the Life Construct.

In the development of the Life Construct, there were provisions for all species to have the ability to change genders. This was done for a number of reasons:

  • If there were to be an imbalance in the gender population, it would be beneficial for some Souls to be able to change their genders to achieve a balance for the purpose of maximizing reproduction possibilities.
  • In some cases, there may be an advantage to having domination of one gender over another; for instance, in a significantly underpopulated area, it may be more beneficial to have more females to bear young in order to quickly stabilize and balance a population.
  • In cases where significant karmic Energy imbalances exist, particularly when resolution may require gender specific solutions, there would be an advantage to having an ability to change genders to accommodate the needs of a given Soul.

There are many species on Terra that already do have the ability to change genders, and there are some species that reproduce asexually. In some cases, there are environmental factors involved, and in some it is a predominance of one gender over another. In all cases, the individual does have the ability to reproduce after changing gender, much like humans could prior to the genetic changes.

So what happened on Terra that would cause a prohibition on humans changing gender?

It occurred during the time of the great wars for the resources of Terra. Those that came to Terra to take the abundant resources needed a workforce that was able to perform the difficult and strenuous work required to gather the resources. They found that the work they wanted could be best performs by males that were large and strong – having a population of females would not allow them to get the resources at the speed that they desired. They found that they were initially unable to stop males from changing into females that were then unable to accomplish the arduous tasks they desired. Their workforce dwindled.

This race of people (from another planetary system far away) had some degree of knowledge of DNA because of work that their own scientists had done. They knew that portions of the genetic structure existed that would enable them to control all aspects of changing gender. They had attempted to do this kind of genetic manipulation before, but had been unsuccessful. So they put their beliefs into practice; they began to modify the DNA of the human population to stop the possibility of spontaneous gender change. The records in the Library indicate that this modification occurred over a course of 2 months, approximately 200,000 years ago. This change allowed them to maintain positive control over their subjugated workforce.

(For clarity, there are a number of elements of DNA can have the ability to initiate an alteration of gender. The changes generally occur with a change in the genetic structure from one gender to another; the changes generally will take 12-18 months to complete, but secondary characteristics will begin in the first 2-3 months.)

There are many factors that determine true gender, it is not as simple as an ability to reproduce in a certain way. There are approximately 13 different gender “variants” that exist, although in some cases they include a lack of gender. All are possible genetically, controlled by different factors in DNA. In most cases, DNA that has the ability to influence gender will also influence many other traits and characteristics as well.

The medical community has developed the ability to change the gender of individuals; the process involved hormones and possibly surgery, but it is incomplete – reproduction is not possible for these individuals.

Each of the 13 original gender variants, several had the ability to reproduce, but not all. In many cases, those who could not reproduce ended to hold unique roles in their community; their roles coincided with the lessons they chose to learn in the particular life. In some cases, it was to prevent them from having children; other lives were intended to exist in a life without the burdens associated with a gender role; and yet others made the choice to be of service in situations where trust was a significant requirement. There are many different reasons Souls would select different genders, and the Life Construct was developed to support each.

But there was never an intention for Life to consist of only a binary gender selection, for any species.

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