Tag: Creation

A few words about “God”…

Many people on Terra believe in many different “Gods”. They have believed in them for thousands of years. They are a key element of every religious belief. Some people have a single God they believe in, some have many. Gods were “created” in order to explain elements of creation that are not understood and in need of explanation. Science is not able to answer all questions – it never has, and may likely will never be able answer every question. Some things will remain a mystery.

God is not about believing in an omnipotent being, it is about having faith that the answers to all of the questions you may have do truly exist. As the Librarian, I know that the answers do exist. But they may not be for you to know, or for any other to know. It may not be the proper time for the answers you seek to be revealed.

If you believe in a higher being, it is not necessarily something you should change. Having faith can be beneficial, it can serve as a way to help explain things that you may not know.

When Creation came about, there were no Gods. They did not exist then, nor do they exist now. From the perspective of the Central Sun, there is no such being as a “God”. Even among the founders of the Central Sun, those Souls that were responsible for all that is, there is not a God, there is no one who is any different than another. None of the Souls from the Central Sun, who created all that is, consider themselves a God, and we find the concept of a God somewhat concerning and not in line with creation. We are all responsible for what we have created. We are all a part of everything, of all that is. “God” will not change that, they will only provide answers to the questions we have. What we all need to know is that you already have the answers to the questions that you truly need to know – they are within you, they are within all of us.

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The Central Sun

I was asked if there was a graphical display of the Central Sun that may better explain it.

The Central Sun is an autonomous region; it is not in any Universe, nor is it in what we would term “Space”. It exists. The Energy level of the Central Sun is higher than any Universe, and because of this, only those Souls that are balanced and can reach the highest Energy levels may go there.

The Souls of the Central Sun are the oldest Souls that exist. It was these Souls that were responsible for the development of the 7 Constructs. There are just over 1,000 Souls that originated there, and were involved in the Construct development. The Central Sun is led by a Leadership Council; the Council consists of 32 Souls, 14 of which are the leaders of the 7 Constructs (2 leaders per Construct). There are 5 Souls on the “Executive Committee” (not the proper term – there is no proper translation for this, Executive Committee is the best approximation), and there are 2 Co-Leaders who share this responsibility. The Co-Leaders names are Sanaha (which translates to “Breath of Life”) and Seana (pronounced See-ah-na, which translates to “Flower of Life).

The 7 Constructs are shown in this diagram as static concepts, simply for ease of display and simplicity. But they are dynamic, and constantly interacting with each other, on many different levels. The Constructs apply to all that is, in every Universe, and in every dimension. They were developed with this in mind, which is why their development was so lengthy (hundreds of Billions of years). The Constructs are far too complex to be understood by most; if one were to write down all of the aspects of the Constructs, the volumes would be greater than the space of all Libraries combined, several times over.

The diagram was done from the perspective of the time of the first iteration; the dashed lines used for Library 2 and Library 3 reflect future Libraries. We did anticipate the first three iterations as part of the planning for “all that is”; but since the beginning of the Third Iteration, it is likely that there will be more iterations, at least 2.

The “Trust Library” is not like the other Libraries. It is a Library that contains only Energy; its intent was to provide a means of detecting all energy flows, and recording them. These are the only Energies that would exist, even if the records of the Library were altered or deleted (for instance, as in the case of the records of a Soul who is re-absorbed back in its Source Universe). There are only 2 Souls who may access it, Sanaha and Seana.

There are additional Libraries, located in each distinct Universe. Each is subordinate to the Libraries of the Central Sun.

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Current Thoughts from the Librarian

21 February 2021

My goal for this weekend, was to get the first pages of this site up and running. I will be updating and posting more information frequently.

I have contact with being from the Central Sun on a nightly basis, and I meditate for a period of time every day. At times there is a constant flow of information – guidance, direction, answers to questions, and many other topics.

I can provide some new information from events that occurred last weekend. I write in my book about music, and how it exists only here on Terra – it does not exist, in any form, in any other location in existence. To a large degree, music was an accident; when the experiment on Terra was put in place by enabling much more of the DNA genome than had ever been done previously, the leadership from the Central Sun did not know what would happen, as this had never been contemplated before. Music was one of the results. It became a goal of the Leadership of the Central Sun to try to determine how this occurred, so that it can be preserved and widely distributed throughout all creation.

Last weekend, it was determined how that goal could occur. A number of skilled composers and music artists have passed from this realm over the past few centuries. It was determined that some of these souls will be elevated from the dimensional realm of this universe to the realm of the Central Sun. They will then be appointed as Emissaries to all of Creation, where they will participate in the spreading of music. This effort will be led by a Soul from the Central Sun, someone of extreme talent who has passed from this life relatively recently. This Soul has agreed to this task, and I have complete confidence in their abilities.

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