Tag: crime

Accountability and Punishment

Terran society seems to be obsessed with holding people accountable for their actions (or perceived actions), and then making sure that an individual (or individuals) are punished, often whether they are guilty or not. In many situations, punishment is simply considered revenge for a deed – there is not necessarily any affirmation or true proof of guilt. And there are no limits to the punishment, they range from a simple admonition, to loss of limbs (as occurs often in the Middle East), to execution. And once a determination has been made regarding guilt, there is often little to no chance to change the verdict or assigned punishment. And in many cases, in many countries, “God” is used as a basis or justification for the punishment.

For many, a determination of guilt can be as simple as a belief that a person has done wrong against somebody, with no proof or justification other than to say that “they did it”. “Facts” are not sought or provided, forensic (or scientific) “evidence” is accepted as truth, even though the “science” behind the fact may in fact not be real or truthful. And for those making a judgement, who may not have a solid background in science, will often disregard “science” as fabricated information (in the past it could have been considered to be magic or witchcraft), because they simply do not understand the information that they have been presented, or because they have no scientific basis (or understanding) to believe it. 

And then there are those who do the accusing; they range from the people who investigate a given incident (often without considering alternative information sources), to the judges that preside over the presentation of the information. But because of the way that Terran society has been structured, there is no accountability for anybody in the process.  Law enforcement is typically given blanket immunity (and are “allowed” to make false statements repeatedly), wrongful acts by prosecutors are often brushed under the table (no matter how egregious their conduct), and judges are more often than not implicitly biased against people because of the actions of both. Errors and false assumptions are made throughout the process, and people have been killed because of it. “Truth” and “Justice” are concepts that have become largely perception.

Needless to say, this is NOT how any of the Constructs were written. There was NEVER any intent or desire to have any species kill another (except as a possible food source), and among higher beings (like humans), killing (specifically other humans) for any reason is just inappropriate. 

The possibilities of this were considered during the development of the Constructs – this is a major reason why the concept of Karma was developed. While there may be a belief that terminating the incarnation of a Soul may be “good” (we can use Hitler as one example, killing soldiers during war is another), it only serves the purpose of accumulating Karma, and extending the length of time (and work) that will be required to achieve the balance of Energies  necessary for Soul growth. This concept also applies not only to the termination of an incarnation (sometimes known as execution), but also to any actions that may be viewed as involvement in depriving another of their Free Will decision making abilities. (It should be noted that the suicide of an individual with a terminal illness is considered an exception.) To be clear, many incarnate higher species do have a Free Will ability to make a decision that will adversely effect another, and the societies that include these decisions take it upon themselves to “punish” those making these decisions; these “punishments” are often not appropriate, and can not be condoned, even if those in the given society may insist that people causing harm need to be punished for their actions (or removed from their version of society).

It was long ago demonstrated that Karma, as a tool for helping to balance the Energies of the Soul, is a concept that does work, even though it may take a bit longer than most people would like to be effective (it is certainly possible that it could take several Life times).  Patience is the key; do not expect the kind of immediate expectation of “punishment”, as it may well cause those involved to accumulate Karma.  

This concept of “punishment” does not only apply to humans on Terra; humans (and other humanoids) are not unique in any Universe, but there are many other species that have chosen to create the same kinds of “societal norms” that would lead to a usurpation of Karma, and for the most part, all will result in an accumulation of Karma. 

But there are also degrees of Karma that one could accumulate as well. For instance, intent is an important factor. If a Soul has formed an intention to harm another, they should be stopped; but, in order to minimize the Karmic accumulation, they should only be stopped by the Soul that was to be targeted. So, if a Soul (call it Soul 1) had decided to harm another Soul (call it Soul 2), only that targeted Soul (Soul 2) could stop the harm from occurring, without significant consequence.  If Soul 2 had, for instance, an incarnate relative who was to find out about the acts intended to harm, they would not be able to stop the acts from occurring without acquiring significant Karma. 

Above all, it must be remembered that an incarnate being is here to learn a lesson; when their incarnation ends, the lessons do not end, and the Soul does not just “evaporate” it does live on, it has the same Free Will abilities that it had when incarnate, and it is still able to acquire (and balance) Karma, just as it was able to while incarnate. The act of terminating an incarnation, is essentially no different than any other act that would interfere with the lessons of a Soul or the balancing of the Karma of a Soul. 

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