Tag: Different human races

The Races of Humans

Early in the development of the Life Construct, there was a realization that the life forms that came to be known as “humans” would require quite a bit of diversity in order to help ensure Life would exist in the many diverse environments that had been created. In total, there were 37 different varieties of humans (“tribes” might be a better translation than “varieties”), each with its own characteristics and traits, and each with unique abilities to thrive in a given environment. Yet they are all compatible – if together, they could communicate (once language barriers were resolved), and they could reproduce together. Their different tribes exist in nearly every Universe, and have been one of the most successful forms of Life that was created. With all of the different Tribes, they are equal in all capabilities, and have all had success thriving in their own environments.

For the experiment on Terra, 5 of these 37 different Tribes were brought in. It was felt that this amount of diversity would provide valuable results, along with enough diversity to test the different environments that would exist on Terra. The 5 Tribe individuals all had significant experience in environments similar to Terra. The names of the Tribes is insignificant (and their identity on Terra), since at the level of the Central Sun, they are all equal.

Among the 37 tribes, the differences were required in order to ensure they would survive in the different environments that they were to exist or live in. The environments, individually, had some of the following characteristics:

  1. Darkness; some environments were located on hosts that did not have exposure to a sun that put out great amount of light.
  2. Cold;
  3. Significant excess light;
  4. Significant heat, in some cases from volcanic activity on the host planet;
  5. The presence of noxious gases; in part they may have been from volcanic activity, but the gases could also have been due to the presence of other plants and animals living on the host;
  6. The lack of adequate Oxygen (or a lower concentration of Oxygen in the atmosphere), when compared to that of Terra;
  7. Excess Oxygen, which could cause greater growth of the lives in the environment;
  8. An excess of other gasses in the environment that could have other effects on growth or development;
  9. The presence of predators on the host planet;
  10. Different gravity characteristics, including fluctuating gravity fields;
  11. A restriction of the resources on the host, which may result in very limited sources of nourishment on the host planet;
  12. Extreme and/or sudden changes in weather on the host planet.

This should not be considered a conclusive list, but the life forms that could exist in any given environment would require some amount of adaptation to survive. In some cases, the adaptations involved active changes to DNA prior to life existing in a given location, and in some cases, the adaptations occurred over time, the DNA changes occurring over many lifetimes. In each case, all 37 tribes of humans still exist.

There is one element of human life that the DNA code could not predict, the social or societal aspects of life. Many of these came about because of events and environments on the given host planet. However, as DNA was opened up, it was noticed that more non-physical dynamics came to be known. Greed is one example; in some situations, greed has served as an incentive to make changes, or to do better for a greater good. But it has also been detrimental; greed has been responsible for harmful societal functions, the creation of subservient parts of society, and the oppression of large segments of the population. There is much work left to determine the relationship between elements of DNA and social behaviors.

Humans, and many other forms of life, began to come about during the development of the Life Construct. The only thing that existed were the beings of the Central Sun, who were being of pure energy, without physical form. Once enough of the genetic coding developed in the Life Construct had reached partial maturity, the Energy Beings began to manifest physical bodies in accordance with the Construct. Humans too were manifested by the Energy Souls, and this is how the first humans came to be (Neanderthals, for instance, were included as one of the human groups, specifically for harsher environments). There are other forms of other beings, like animals, that were included in the Construct. They too were manifested, at different time periods, and during conditions where they would have had advantages.

While all of the human tribes may reproduce with each other, very little of that had occured prior to the Terra experiment. This was due primarily to the fact that they did not co-exist on the same host planet. When they found themselves on the same planet, they thrived, and generally worked well together. In most cases, the work was simple, and life was relatively simple as well. In locations where they were allowed to remember their past, they knew and understand much about how life was intended to be; they knew that it was a growth experience, they knew the basic rules of Karma, and they were aware of some of the restrictions and abilities imposed by the Life Construct.

While the DNA of all 37 tribes contain no significant variations, one would have to know the different manifestations of the genetic code in order to be able to differentiate one group from another. Humans do not yet have this level of understanding of DNA, and likely will not for many thousands of years.

Finally, all of these beings were enabled with a degree of Free Will. It is not always absolute, it is a function of their existence at the time. For instance, if there is a test of a particular segment of DNA on a particular host planet, Free Will may be inhibited, at least until such time as the DNA manifestation is well understood.

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