Tag: DNA

Is there life on other planets?

The quick answer to this question is yes, but that would also be an incomplete answer.

Humans on Terra have a single reference point for evaluating their concepts of “Life”.  Terra provides that viewpoint.  But that is like looking at a glass, filled with clear liquid that you just filled it with, and then saying that the glass is filled with “water”.  In itself, it is a true statement, but it, too, is an incomplete statement.  Most people are unable to conceive that there may be “Life” contained within that glass of water – they are unable to see it without specialized tools and equipment, they are unable to test for it, and they may not understand any benefits that any Life residing in the water may have to them.  

When humans discuss Life on other planets, the thoughts of most people would be on Extraterrestrials – ETs – that have been made famous through science fiction sources like magazines, books, and movies. And while that may be a good reference point to begin with, most people think of ETs and humanoid beings, generally between 3 and 9 feet tall, with 2 arms and 2 legs. They become very uncomfortable when the ET “Life” varies too far from this view. And they then let fear take over – most fear of the unknown. And to be fair, most of the movies involving people from other planets, the beings from those planets tend to fall into one of two categories – superheroes with vast powers, or evil creatures that have come here to take people away and experiment on them, possibly before eating them. The reality is really somewhere in between these two extremes.

Not all Life consists of variants of what Life is here on Terra. Nor is all other life the same size and composition of the various examples here on Terra. But many humans may not know this, because they lack enough imagination to enable them to consider other forms of Life, or places that other forms of Life may exist.  While science has done a great job of identifying planets in other star systems several light years away, and characterizing the chemical makeup of those planets, we have no ability to comprehend what other forms of life may exist. We have stated in previous posts that DNA is an element that is common to all Life, everywhere; what this actually means is that there is no other form of “DNA” that would enable of forms of Life in other places.  That Life on other planets, simply, share the exact same DNA that exists within every Living thing on Terra – even if that other Life form consists of a mass of tissue without any skeletal support. 

One fact that most people, and to a degree many scientists, have not considered is that there is an extensive amount of Life that occupies the same Time and Space that humans on Terra occupy, but that Life has a slightly different reference – it is slightly out of phase with the Energies that we are aware of, or in a slightly different dimension, or its characteristics are generally unavailable to us.  There is a very good example of this: Orbs.  Orbs are entities that appear to us as round Energies; they most often show up in photographs of videos and circular light objects that move from one side of the display to the other. Humans are generally unable to see them with the naked eye; human vision will see or sense Energy, and that is then sent to the brain to interpret. But that “image” consists of a series of images that are averaged over time. But if you take a picture with a standard digital (or analog) camera, especially in the evening or at night, you will occasionally see what appears to be a light floating across the screen or picture. The reason that a camera can see an Orb but not a human is because the camera will capture and image in a fraction of a second, and then store that image for later viewing; even a video camera takes a very fast series of snapshots that are then strung together to make a video, with each frame of the video being an separate and distinct picture. This is something that humans are unable to do.

Life on other planets, or even Life in other realms on this planet, can be treated in the same way, if we would like to see it.  We must first try to identify how it might exist, and then develop the tools and equipment to investigate it further.  Orbs are a good example; they are seen as a “fringe” phenomenon, that have as yet not captured the imagination of science long enough to be a focus of study. It is much easier to just say that they are not real – they are unable (or unwilling) to collected Orbs and place them in a jar to study, nor are they able to quantify the phenomenon adequately to assess what they really are. Other life is the same; it is always much easier to study the things that we know, simply because we can see or touch them, which allows us to quantify them in some manner.  But beings in another dimension here on Terra are quite something else; how does one “measure” something that they can only begin to conceive of through the use of theoretical science?  As a scientist, I would say to begin with what you believe you know about the other environment; they will have Energy, and at least in theory Energy can be measured.  But how does one account for differences in Space and Time? 

And as for other Life Forms, I do believe that they have visited Terra from other planets, and many of them may reside here with us, without our knowledge. How would we identify them? It would clearly be easy if they all had a purple nose, but they do not. And even if they were a mass of tissue without skeletal form, where would they feel most comfortable?  On land, where movement may be a challenge?  Or in the ocean, which would offer far less resistance to movement? And what would we do if we were to find it?  Dissect it to find out more about it? Or simply kill it before it kills us? Neither will be possible until we begin to think just a bit more outside of the little boxes that we have built for ourselves.

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Does DNA and the Life Construct allow for other humans or humanoids?

Humans, specifically homo-sapiens, exist not only on Terra, but many other planets as well. But are there other “human like” beings that exist, and if so, how and why?

The answer is yes. We have indicated that human life on Terra was brought here from a number of other planets in order to support the experiments regarding unrestricted DNA. There are many different “versions” of humanoids (the Libraries consider Humanoids to fall into the category of bipeds, or animals that walk of 2 legs) that are spread throughout existence; they include neanderthals, humans, reptilians, and many other species.  What generally makes them different is the environment that they are intended for.  While there is some level of adaptability, many have DNA that is structured or “opened” up to allow life on a particular host planet (or series of planets). In most situations, there is no need for a formal “adaptation” of DNA to support life on a particular host, this is something that occurs naturally.  

DNA was developed in a manner that would allow a great deal of automatic (naturally occurring may be a better word choice) configuration. It was intended to look for particular sets of chemical structures in the environment of the local host planet, and then configure the Life for optimized use of that host planet. In each case, the specific chemical combination serves as the trigger mechanism for this, and there are approximately 17 different combinations that act as triggers, and they can work separately or in combination.  For instance, on Terra there is abundant water and oxygen to support one of the forms of biped humanoids – a species that requires both. There are other worlds that have oxygen but little water, so a reptilian species may be better suited due to their need for less water.  On other planets, there is abundant methane, some water, and more heavy metals, to a different type of humanoid would be better suited for that environment. And in some cases, there were different physical characteristics, identified by other Constructs, that were used to determine the configuration. Gravity is a very good example; a planetary host of significant size would have a very significant gravitational field, to body located on its surface would weigh significantly more than on Terra; this would then require a significantly great humanoid structure in order to live there (e.g., great muscle mass and bone structure to support it).

When the Constructs were developed, there was a realization that there may be a need for many of these kinds of “configurations”, many based on the local environment or structure of the host Universe. In order to minimize the degree of difficulty in establishing a structure for each of the Constructs, decisions were made to allow for this same type of “auto configuration”, each dependent on the “local” environment; the specific characteristics of that local environment included elements present, the local interpretation of Time, the “type” and nature of Space, the types of Life that were desired, the expected level of growth and adaptation that could reasonably be expected from the Life forms present, and many other factors.  All together, there are approximately 1,021,000 different combinations of configurations (it is the factorial of the first 7 fibonacci prime numbers). Because of the significant number of combinations, it was strongly felt that an ability to use these different combinations automatically in order to eliminate guess work for those seeking to implement a capability. 

The developers of the Life Construct also attempted other forms of beings which, in theory, appeared adequate for support a Soul centered Life.  But during the first stages of the trials for that particular form of Life, they were found to be inadequate.  For instance, humanoids, on a larger planet, that had hollow bones; this particular choice had a thought behind it that the hollow bones would make the body light enough to not require significant muscle mass in order to move in the much higher gravity of the planet. However, the hollow bones turned out to be a disadvantage because they were not structurally significant enough to support the mass of the body in all realistic scenarios.

There was one other group of beings developed under the Life Construct that is worth mention.  At one point, the Leaders of the Life Construct manifested a total of 12 “super beings” – beings with perfect (non corrupted) DNA, who could go where they wanted to heal (others). They were not to be bound by the rules of the local source. The did have other “abilities”; they could manipulate matter, they could selectively have gravity apply to them (so they had the ability to fly), they could absorb oxygen through their skin, so they did not necessarily have to breath.  And they could use energy to heal pretty much anything that they wanted.  These 12 souls have gone home to the Central Sun, been there for 2-3 billion years. They were more or less an experiment, again to see what was within the realm of the possible. They were “around” for about 40 billion years in total……

This group was brought home by the Leadership of the Central Sun.  While the Leadership can see the significant benefit that having a group of Souls like this, operating throughout all of the many Universes, ultimately the issue was one of accountability – not for these 12 beings, but for the Souls on the planet hosts that they visited.  It was found that many of the species on the host planets they visited would work to destroy the environment that the Souls lived in, with the expectation that one (or more) of these 12 beings would come in later and clean it up. It ultimately provided no accountability for the actions of the people on the host planets they went to. Since there was a greater desire to emphasize the use of Karma to provide the balance that was lacking in these situations, they were all brought home.  The blueprint for their host bodies does still exist within the Libraries (in truth, their DNA was not significantly different than the DNA of the average human, they just had different restrictions placed on the DNA), but there are no longer any humanoids of this type in existence. 

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Does my DNA reflect the original DNA Blueprint identified in the Life Construct?

The Life Construct was developed to be robust, and allowed for the beings allowed in it to be able to adapt to their surrounding in order to increase the efficiency of Life. This work involved making many compromises to what was originally desired, but it was felt that the compromises were acceptable to allow for more dynamic growth and decision making.

I have previously mentioned some of the included features that are contained within the information enabled by the DNA Blueprint: numerical numbers (encoded in the DNA structure) that correlate to a value associated with what the original DNA template was meant to be; multiple redundancy in many determinate factors of DNA (for instance, eye color); portions of DNA that are truly inter-dimensional, and thus hidden from observation; a commonality of DNA that extends to all Life and all species; an ability for many species to change gender, to support critical shortages of a single gender.  

Some of these important features have been lost over time, some due to an inherent ability to adapt to surroundings, some due to a belief in them that has been lost over time (this aspect involves more of a change in intention of the ability). But some have also been lost because of a desire to “tinker,” or change, elements of DNA for one reason or another. For instance, since the mapping of the human genome was accomplished, scientists have been busy trying to understand the role of different elements of DNA; much of this work has been done by the medical community (and pharmaceutical researchers) in order to better understand the relationships between DNA and diseases. There has also now been an effort to try to “adapt” or correct what is believed to be errors in DNA that have resulted in specific diseases. Some cancers are one of diseases that are thought to be caused by defective genes within DNA. In some cases, some people who desire particular traits in a child (or plant or animal) will make modifications to DNA (which may include adding DNA from another species) in order to generate Life with particular characteristics. Agriculture is one area where this kind of genetic manipulation is done on a regular basis; it is done to shorten the growth cycle, to create certain desirable characteristics, to increase resistance to harmful species (including other plants, animals, and insects), and to increase adaptability of the Life (for instance, growing tomatoes in brackish waters).

But are all of these changes beneficial to the Life that is modified? Or beneficial to other forms of Life that should have more of a symbiotic relationship with that Life? The answer is that the results have been mixed, in large part because the technology is (relatively) new, and many of the changes in DNA have not been observed long enough to determine the long term impacts.  It might be best to discuss this by the use of examples.

Much work has been done in the area of agriculture. Many different types of crops, like corn, wheat, and many more, have had genetic modifications made; the intent of many of these modifications is to increase production, reduce tolerance to pests and “weeds”, or to help crops grow is adverse conditions. To be clear, the “genetic modifications” addressed her do not include changes brought about by the hybridization of the crops, which is a vastly different process. The genetic modifications have brought about changes in the DNA structure of the plants; they include the addition of genes to make the crops “roundup ready”, genes that result in “Soybeans genetically engineered to contain Brazil-nuts”, and many other genetic changes. While the intent behind the “GMOs” was likely intended to be beneficial, in many cases they may not be; many of these changes bring about allergies to those that may consume them, and they may generally result in inflammation in the body. The longer term effects of these changes on human or animal DNA remains unknown.

In medicine, genetic modifications have been used to help pharmaceutical companies produce drugs faster by modifying the genes of bacteria that produce components required for the medication. A relatively new development is to incorporate genetic changes in a virus, in order to use the virus to introduce genetic changes in a host. This newer technology, called mRNA technology, is currently being used to vaccines.  But many of these products have not yet been fully approved for general use, and their longer term effects on humans and animals have not been fully determined.

There is one more example that I have seen in the Libraries.  Many 100s of thousand of years ago, there was a society on another planet; they had scientifically and technologically progressed to a point that they believed they could modify their own DNA in order to help heal diseases, and to enhance limited physical characteristics.  So they began to incorporate this genetic engineering technology into their existence, without fully understanding the long and short term ramifications of their efforts. After a relatively short number of years, they began to notice a general decline in their population. They soon discovered that the genetic changes that they had introduced to help them had, in fact, caused them to be unable to reproduce. It was initially difficult to determine this, in part because they had a longer than normal gestation period, and they had much longer lives that many other species. Souls from the Life Construct have been working with them in order to try to restore their reproduction capabilities (with some success).

It is important to understand that the genetic codes of DNA are incredibly complex and multidimensional, and it may not be possible for humans to fully comprehend this complexity for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. For one to write about the details of DNA, as it is presented in the Akashic Libraries, would take millions of volumes, each with hundreds of thousands of pages, and effort far too complex in many respects to be presented within a lifetime. A more prudent choice may be to begin to limit exposure to anything that has been “genetically modified”. 

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I would love to activate all of my DNA, how many strands would that be?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid, commonly referred to as DNA, is the basic building block for life. It exists in all living beings that maintain a physical form; when those Souls pass from a physical existence to an Energy based existence, the Energy structure of the DNA strands is retained, and forms the basis for much of your spiritual life as well. It is important to understand that DNA is not only responsible for determining many of the physical characteristics of a Life host, it is also a repository for an incredibly large amount of information and memories. I use the term “life host” rather than the term “body” because most people would not consider a blade of grass or a leaf as being a “body”, yet each contain DNA and a Soul.

So, a question that I hear on a somewhat regular basis is how can I go about “activating” all 12 strands of my DNA? To answer this, we need to talk a bit about what DNA actually is, and how it works.

Simply, DNA is a double helix structure, and each helix is connected to the other by a series of 4 amino acid sequences. I mentioned above that DNA contains a large amount of information; within the matrix of the double helix, the 4 different amino acids can be arranged in many different ways, and the way that they are ordered with respect to their location on the double helix determines determines what that information is. A single strand of DNA is about 2 meters (or about 6 feet) long. Within the structure of DNA, there are several locations where each of the physical characteristics of an individual are determined. Each characteristic is determined in a number of different locations to allow for a degree of redundancy, but also to help ensure and reflect the interdependency of the information. What do I mean by this? If a particular DNA sequence is the location that determines red hair in humans, there may also be at that location a DNA sequence that would also determine that your hair will have thicker strands (in general, people with red hair do tend to have hair strands that are thicker).

The human genome project has begun to map the human genome in order to begin to identify the role and function of the DNA sequences contained within DNA. Even though this work has been occurring for a number of years, it is really in its infancy.

Besides holding the information about what physical traits that a body may have, DNA has many other functions. DNA does contain the functional equivalent of numerical sequences that help to determine when DNA has been damaged; the numerical sequences determine what species a particular set of DNA is associated with; the sequences can also prove information that will tell your Soul what Universe you were born into and how it should interpret physical information and constants, as identified in the 7 Constructs. And there are portions of DNA that are unseen in the 3rd dimension – it is generally there for situations involving things like the traveling of the Soul, for instance in a dream. Much of this information is unknown to current science, but it was all developed when the 7 Constructs that govern existence were being developed.

The double helix of DNA is common for all living Souls, independent of their species or location. Not all species, however, require all of the functionality of DNA; those that do not have visible DNA will maintain that “extra” DNA that will exist in a higher dimension, principally to allow for the eventual spiritual growth of the Soul of that Species and individual.

So, the answer to the question of how many strands of DNA does a person have, is TWO. Each individual, regarding of race, location, or dimension, only has 2 strands of DNA. 2 strands of DNA provides all of the defining characteristics and information that they will need to exist. So when “the ascension” occurs, how will DNA be activated? The quick answer is that it will not be “activated” – there is no need for any element of DNA to change in any way. There is also no need for their to be any additional strands of DNA in order to go to or exist in another dimension. Why?

The double helix nature of DNA has a natural resonance frequency (or Vibrational Energy) that is dependent on a number of different factors: the length of the DNA strand, the geometry (or arrangement) of the amino acids that cross link and connect to 2 strands together, and the presence of any errors or “breaks” in a part of the strand or cross links. Each of these 3 factors work together to establish the resonant Vibrational Frequency of the DNA strand. Generally, as you move from one dimension (say the 3rd dimension) to a higher dimension (say the 5th dimension), your Vibrational Energy will have to increase (your DNA strand will have to vibrate faster). This is a requirement because the Energies associated with higher Dimensions increase, often exponentially, as you go from one dimension to another. So thinking about this logically, if you had, say, 12 strands of DNA, then each strand of DNA would not only need to be vibrating with the same Vibrational Energy, but the amount of your own Energy required to achieve and maintain that higher Vibrational Energy (with all of these additional strands) would increase significantly. It would be impractical to achieve for a body in the 3rd Dimension. And it would significantly increase the complexity of all life, beyond reason. This is why the Life Construct has only ever called for a single double helix, or 2 strands, of DNA, in any life form.

So if all of my DNA is already “activated”, how do I then transition to 5th Density as part of ascension? It is simple: Balance. When a Soul, and the DNA associated with life, are out of balance, it means that different parts of the DNA strand will have a different Vibrational Energy than other parts of the DNA strand. This difference in Vibrational Energy is what begins to tear apart the structure of DNA (or put simply, it is what causes the instructions provided within DNA to begin to be faulty), which will result in disease. But, when the Vibrational Energies of DNA are balanced, meaning all elements of the DNA strand resonate at the same Vibrational Energy, harmony and co-existence will result. And when co-existence exists, then it becomes much easier for one to begin to raise their own Vibrational Energies, which is the first requirement for transitioning for one Dimension to a higher Dimension. No activation required!

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What was the Experiment on Terra?

Terra is the proper name of the planet that is otherwise known as “Earth”. Terra was originally “made” by those of the Central Sun, to serve primarily as a host planet for testing the limits of the Life Construct. To accomplish this, Terra was provided with unusually generous natural resources as an aid to help provide a greatest level of success.

So what was “The Experiment”? There have been many scripted existences on many different host planets since the inception of the latest “Big Bang”. But until Terra, each was limited in what was possible – the primary purpose of the existences was to test some of the limits of DNA, on a large number of beings and in many different situations. In each case, the implementation of the DNA was significantly restricted – many elements of DNA were not allowed to take effect, primarily in order to test certain elements of the coding.

But Terra was intended to be different. This was intended to be the first time that capability in DNA was to be allowed, something which had never before been done. The leaders of the Life Construct wanted to see and observe what would happen; they wanted to see what further changes needed to be implemented prior to considering opening the genetic code to a greater degree (all of this is well documented in the Libraries of the Central Sun). In addition to opening it up, the decision was also made to conduct the “experiment” using a number of different human manifestations, each from a different location. In total, 5 were selected. The reason for this was simple; the leadership of the Life Construct wanted to ensure that there was still compatibility of the DNA of each group.

So all restrictions on the DNA code were removed. And Terra was provide with vast resources, in art to ensure success, but also to encourage creativity to see what might be possible.

But there were problems. The first was that the enormous resources that were provided on Terra became known to entities that did not reside on Terra. They wanted the resources, and they engaged in a number of major wars in order to gain access to them. The wars, in some cases, lasted for eons, and resulted in significant loss of life and destruction. And many of the additional resources were taken from the planet. In order to ensure little difficulty with the theft of resources, one of the resources that was taken on the planet was the humans, to serve as a workforce to harvest them.

The second problem that was discovered was that these beings that were stealing the resources began to corrupt the DNA coding; the Leaders of the Life Construct had included many possibilities for life that would trigger or engage automatically, depending on the circumstances present. Some of these capabilities are described in my book, but generally they involve reproduction, physical characteristics, mental characteristics, and life expectancy; these were done in part to control their workforce, and in part to ensure the continued viability of the people.

To help address some of these problems, the Leaders of the Life Construct decided to see first hand what the issues were. They have been here, incarnating life after life, for the past million years. They have sought the assistance of the Leadership of the Central Sun, have fought off the warring factions, and have sought to restore the experiment to its original intent. This has really been relatively recent activity, in the past few years, after centuries of observation. Part of their work here involved an analysis of DNA, from a functional viewpoint, to see what is working and what is not. Their intent is to begin working to make changes to the genetic coding of Life, so that some characteristics will be changed so that the beneficial aspects will predominate. These changes will not occur quickly – the process of making changes involves much experimentation and theoretical work. It may take many Eons for the changes to occur, but in the greater outlook, will be relatively quick. This current incarnation will be their last before returning home.

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