Tag: Energies of Creation

Energies of the Soul and Manifestation

We have spoken briefly, and in general terms, about the 7 basic Energies that make up a Soul (but in reality, these 7 Energies make up everything that exists).  It is now time to go into a little more depth.

When we talk of Energies (or Energy) on Terra, we have a somewhat preconceived notion of what “Energy” is, and what properties it may have.  “Energy” is spoken in terms of the potential for work that can be done with it; it can take a number of different forms, such as electricity, heat, potential Energy, etc. But the Energies of creation do not fit into this kind of relatively simple definition. The reality is that the Energies that existed at the start of Creation can not easily fit into this definition of “Energy”; these Energies performed no work (the concept of “work” would not exist for hundreds of Billions of years), nor did they exist in a single form. In fact, the 7 distinct Energies that existed were not attracted to each other (initially), nor were they self aware. They are difficult to quantify, simply because it has never been done before, and there is no vocabulary (in any known language – Terran or other) that would suffice. The terms that we associate with different forms of Energy are not appropriate, in part because of term that we could use has its own connotation. “Science” has not addressed these types of Energies, because they are (as yet) unconcerned with them. The Energies have no physical equivalent; they exist in an etheric plane, one that has multidimensional qualities. They can be made to form physical objects, but that is not their “normal” state of being. 

Even though the Energies of Creation may have multidimensional qualities, they are not defined, bound, or limited by any Dimension. Nor did they necessarily have any constraints with respect to Time (the concept of “Time” did not yet exist). To say that the Energies were “scalar” is accurate, but incomplete; even though measurement concepts did not exist (nor would they have been relevant if they had), the Energies are not quantifiable (in the context of Science as it is defined and used on Terra). After much thought, and a conversation with another from the Central Sun, we believe that the best description for the Energies is “intentional Essence” (mainly because there is no adequate definition or vocabulary to properly describe them). 

The Energies of Creation cannot be measured on Terra, simply because the technology to do so does not exist, nor do the thought processes necessary to recognize the Energies (or acknowledge their existence). The truth is that technology may never be able to perform this kind of measurement, but it might eventually be possible for a Soul to recognize these Energies in another, to the point of being able to quantify them – this is an ability that was allowed in the Life Construct. There are practical reasons for being able to recognize the Energies of a Soul; recognition of a Soul itself is one reason, as is finding other Souls of the same “Soul family or group”. The ability to support organ transplant (specifically finding compatible Soul Energies) is a partial reason (there are more factors involved in transplants than just compatible Energies). As of this writing, there are no abilities, in any Universe or Dimension, to “measure” the Energies of the Soul in order to define their characteristics. 

When we discuss the basic Energies of the Soul, there are some elements that can be told. A “Soul” is comprised of up to 7 distinct types of different Energies; each of the Energies can vary in prevalence (how much of a given Energy is present), which of the 7 Energies are present (it can be as few as 2, or as many as 7), and what order the Energies have within the structure of the Soul – some Energies, for instance, may choose to be dominant, even though they may not be “prevalent”.  We can also say that some of the individual Energies can exhibit properties such a spin (in a number of possible directions), they may have a different reference with respect to Time (they may interpret Time differently, but still in accordance with the Time Construct; the Administrative Construct addresses all of the parameters of how this occurs). In some situations, the Energies may operate in a number of different Dimensions (or at least be capable of that), for instance if the Soul is originally from a higher Dimension or the Central Sun. It is this particular property that helps to identify individual Souls from another Universe or Dimension. 

The ability to detect these different types of Energies is an inherent ability that is included in the Constructs, even though many Souls are not necessarily aware of this ability within themselves.  The knowledge of how to recognize this ability can be relearned, with proper instruction. 

There is one more aspect of the Soul Energies that should be mentioned.  In some situations, Soul Energies may be returned to their originating Source Cloud; in most cases, this results in the individual Energies of the Soul returning to their own specific portion of the Energy cloud – the Soul itself breaks apart, and its component Energies are “disbanded” (this is not the correct description, but it is as close as Terran language will allow). When this occurs, the aspects of the identity of the individual Soul are no longer retained, which include all of the elements of Life, including memory and Soul Group information.  It functionally no longer exists.  The elements of the history of that particular Soul are “sent” to one of the archive Libraries of the Central Sun, including any memories that the Soul may have had. Those returned Energies are then available for the formation of a “new” Soul; it must be mentioned though that once an individual Soul Energy group is “disbanded”, that specific pattern and structure of Energies may no longer be created (or re-created), it is functionally gone for all Time.

We have spoken of manifestation before, but there are a number of types of manifestation.  There are those that have an ability manifest objects and beings, and there are those with an ability to manifest another Soul from their own Energies. The question for either of these capabilities is this: are the resulting manifested Soul Energies the same as that of the Soul that does the manifestation?  The answer is no, they are not identical, even in the situation where one manifests another person from their own Soul Energies. Each individual Soul is unique, even in the case of manifestation from self; this was done in order to maintain a registry of the activities of each unique Soul. Sanaha, one of the Co-Leaders of the Central Sun, has manifested a number of “assistants”, directly from their own Energies; in each case, each of the “new Souls” has a basic Energy structure that is slightly different that theirs (although they are very close). This difference in Energy structure occurs when the intent to Create another Soul is present; as the Energies for the new Soul are extracted, the new Soul draws additional Energies from the relevant Soul Cloud (in this case, the Central Sun; but if the manifestation would have been from a Soul in this Universe, the Energies would have been drawn from the Soul Cloud of this Universe). This situation applies to the manifestation of any sentient Soul, including those that are not human. 

When one chooses to manifest an object (for instance, a mineral for nutrition purposes), the object will not typically have a Soul.  In this case, the Energies used for the manifestation will come from the Soul Cloud of the individual who is performing the manifestation. When the manifestation occurs, what is manifested will be created in accordance with the templates for that objects that are found in the Constructs. 

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