Tag: Free Will

The path you are on

Many people are on a life path that was determined by them, when they developed their Soul Contract for this life. But we are occasionally asked if that Life Path can change at any point during life.  The quick answer is yes, but that does require somewhat of an explanation. 

When the Soul Contract is developed, there are several goals for Life that are established, based on the karmic lessons that will be learned in Life, the people you will come in contact with during Life, and the number of possible Life paths that one incorporates into their Soul Contract.  In actuality, there are many different possible Life Paths that are possible in any given Life. To better help visualize this, think of a Soul Contract as the trunk of a tree.  From that tree, there are many different branches, and from each of those branches there are yet many more smaller branches.  In the context of the Soul Contract, what is developed before every Life is this type of tree with each branch representing a different path in Life.  

At the root, or base of each branch is a decision point – a place where a significant decision is made in Life, or a significant event occurs in Life.  Each decision made in Life is a Free Will decision that is made by the individual, often with the knowledge and assistance of the higher self or the Spirit guides of the person. It is a point where the course of a Life has an opportunity to change.  

With each path on the tree, there are many details that have been worked out, prior to Life, with the intent of satisfying the goals identified in the Soul Contract.  A Life is not “planned out”, but many elements of the Life Paths associated with each branch have been arranged to support decisions intended to be in line with the Soul Contract.  Events such as the people you would meet, major events in a Life, jobs one would have, and illnesses one might be susceptible to are all identified for each of the many paths, as well as agreements worked out with other Souls regarding interactions that could occur on each path. 

People often do not consider the importance of Free Will in their possible Life paths. No Life is pre-determined, each Soul has only broad objectives with details to be worked out during the Life.  Free Will is the enabling mechanism for this, and it is why each incarnation has so many possible outcomes (each represented by a different branch on the tree). The purpose of Free Will is to allow Souls to choose their own Life experience, and to have the possibility to experience as much of creation as they can in a given Life.  Experience is earned, whether the experience is good or bad.  The reason that existence took hundreds of Billions of years to come about was because of the Free Will experiences of the early Souls, and the learning that was associated with it.  The creators felt so strongly about the value of these experiences (and the learning that came from them) that it became an integral part of the development of the Constructs.

It would have been much easier to have each Life follow a predefined script for each Life, where each of the lessons, and all of the possible outcomes, were selected for them.  But that would not have allowed for consequences for making an inappropriate decision, or to have learned from that decision.  Life would have been very different.  But from a bigger perspective, each of those learning experiences benefits not just the individual Soul, but also creation; the thought processes involved help to provide insight into possible alternative decision processes that may not have been encountered by the Souls from the Central Sun. These can also be used to help refine the aspects of the Constructs to make both the Constructs, and creation as a whole, better.

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Is there a difference between Consciousness and Awareness?

Is consciousness an integral part of the Life construct?  Is awareness a part of either consciousness or the Life Construct? Can living beings fully conceive of themselves or their roles in life?

For many questions like this, the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no”, and context (and maybe perspective) is a key element of it. 

When the original 7 Energies began to first form integrated beings, and began working together, it took some time for them to learn and understand that they were acting as a single unit.  They did not have consciousness or awareness; this was before the basic particles of matter had been formed. They could sense that “others” were able to influence them, but they did not know how or why. (Ultimately, it was determined that this “influence” was due to electrostatic attractions between the groups of 7 Energies.) Awareness, which they later defined as understanding the influences that these electrostatic attractions were having on one another, took hundreds of Billions of years to develop, but once they developed, “growth” of this basic awareness occurred at an exponential rate. One must remember that at this point fo existence, the concepts of Time and Space were not yet known. 

The leap from awareness to consciousness occurred when the basic Energies realized that they were able to work together; they did not yet understand how this was happening.  But they did know that the distances that one could influence another were getting greater – greater than what they had been used to with the electrostatic influence that began their process of awareness. We would now call this point in time the birth of communications – it was through communications that they were able to overcome some of the limitations of the attractions.  The movement that was enabled by the electrostatic attractions were too great to overcome through that method, but there was a desire to move together. This “desire” was key, because it would ultimately form the basis of what we now know to be intention.  In essence, they “willed” themselves to be nearer each other, and it was intention that made this possible. The Energies recognized the importance of intention, and it would become one of the essential elements of Consciousness, along with the new found ability to communicate with each other. Remember that this initial effort to communicate was very rudimentary – there was no language, and these communications could best be described as “thought forms”. 

They were “Conscious”, even though this initial capability was somewhat rudimentary.  They could “communicate” to a degree, and they could use “intention” as a way to come closer together. And of course they were now also aware of their surroundings to a limited extent. It would take several Billion years to further develop Consciousness to a point where it would allow for some degree of autonomy.  At this time, they were aware of their own existence – so they had a level of self awareness, but it was not until they began the “experiments” (which in reality were more like playing for them) that they began to understand the magnitude of being self aware and what that meant. 

As the Life Construct (and the other Constructs later) would realize, they understood that both this Awareness and Consciousness were essential elements that could be used to enable large elements of the Construct. But once they had laid out the requirements for what we would eventually know to be a “body”, with an associated Energy Soul as a controlling element, that they realized that there would need to be limits to what these new forms of Life could allow. For instance, how could a controlling Soul, within the context of its “body” (and acting as a singular entity) grasp that it included not a single Soul, but multiple Souls all working together towards a common cause? And that this “oversoul” would not only have control, but would also be expected to work together in a cooperative manner. They realized that this could be enabled in the background, with a degree of autonomy, by limiting the amount of knowledge that the “oversoul” was exposed to. This would ultimately make autonomous life a realistic proposition. (The alternative was to expose al of the knowledge; but it would be exceedingly difficult for a controlling Soul of a body to not only coordinate daily activities, like eating and movement, while having to have to be concerned with the flow of bodily fluids from one location to another to support all of this activity.)  It was for this reason that the concept of “self awareness” would be limited.

The final question to be answered here, “Can living beings conceive of their role in life”, is a bit simpler. It is already understood that there is a significant amount of coordination that must occur prior to each incarnation, in order to establish the elements and circumstances in life that will provide the greatest opportunity to balance karma and learn the lessons of Life. But there are, too, factors that must be considered for this as well.  The first is the concept of Free Will – that ability to make decisions regarding the life path one is to take. The second is the concept of Karma – the ability to maintain a record of Energy and Energy imbalances so that one can know the current state of their own Energies, and then have a basic knowledge of the understanding in order to learn from the errors and actions taken during a life.

Free Will was incorporated as a concept under the Life Construct in order to allow for individuals to decide what they wanted to learn in a given life, how they could learn that, who they would have assist them in this process, and when they would know that the lessons were complete. The alternative was an existence that was completely scripted – lessons would be mandated, everybody had a script that they must adhere to.  This was deemed unacceptable, simply because the original Souls understood the level of creativity, freedom, and inspiration that existed when a Soul was allowed to do what they wanted, instead of doing what another wanted them to do. Free Will ultimately did have some limits placed on it, but that had more to do with the ability of a given Soul to accomplish what it has set out to do, and to limit the adverse effects of having too much information to process. 

The second element here, involving Karma, was intended to be the check on the ability of a Soul to make a Free Will decision that would be contrary to their own best interests. It is a way to keep track of the “+s” and “-s” that were associated with a decision making process. It provides a record of Energy movements associated with decisions. Since it winds up being a very significant amount of information, it was felt that allowing full access to this information would be not allowed – in part too because knowing the current state of Karma of the Soul could influence the decision making ability of the Soul in Life.

So although both Consciousness and Awareness were included as integral elements of the Life Construct, it was determined that complete “self awareness” would be limited in order to not overwhelm a body’s Soul, because of the significant amount of information and coordination that would ensue. 

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