Tag: "God" saving a Soul

The Semi-Permanence of the Soul

We have spoken before of the nature and structure of the Soul, and what constitutes a Soul.  Every living thing has a Soul – and many things that might not fit the human definition of “living”. Stones, for instance, may have a Soul, as many other potential “inanimate” object; whether or not an object has a Soul depends on many different factors, but it could be as simple as another Soul manifesting or declaring a Soul should exist in the object. 

Souls that originated with the Central Sun have existed since soon after creation began.  But Souls that originated in other Universes originated much later, after the individual Universes were founded, and after adoption of the Constructs. Souls originating in the Universes are no different than the Souls from the Central Sun, except in one crucial way; when the Universes collapse into a point source (prior to the beginning of a new “iteration” or Big Bang), the individual Souls are merged into the Energy cloud, and effectively lose their identity. 

(The exception to this, at the level of the individual Universe, is the Leadership of each individual Universe; they are not included in the processes of the dissolution of the individual Souls.  And as mentioned before, all Souls that are a part of the Central Sun are also excluded from dissolution.)

Individual Souls are composed of a mix of the same 7 base Energies that are the Energies of Creation, the main variables being the number or quanta of each Energy, and the structure. They have the ability to exercise Free Will, they can incarnate, and they “program” incarnations to help with their learning and experiences processes. They are also subject to the rules of Karma. 

In general, all Souls are allowed (and encouraged) to reincarnate; this usually happens after their incarnation ends, and a suitable “recovery” period occurs (the recovery period is a time for introspection and review of the last life to determine what goals were accomplished, and an additional time period for planning the next incarnation). 

There are exceptions though. There are Souls who refuse to reincarnate; the most common reason is to avoid the possibility of trauma, and a secondary reason is due to their own spiritual growth.  But there are also Souls that are no longer allowed to reincarnate; in most cases, this is due to an accumulation of significant adverse Karma. For instance, they generated Karma during a life due to their actions that harmed (or interfered with the Free Will decisions of others), or they were a threat to others.  In this particular case, the Soul may not be permitted to continue; the Soul itself will become a part of the general Energy cloud of the Universe it is in, and the Energies of the Soul will be separated so that another Soul can be created in the future.  When this happens, the identity of the Soul is lost – the records of it are maintained in the Libraries of the Central Sun (in a restricted area, accessible only by the Librarian and assistant Librarian), but all other information about it is lost. 

Unfortunately, there are many such Souls at this Time, Souls that will be lost once their current incarnations have been completed.  

There is another class of Souls though; they are Souls of this Universe, but due to the circumstances of their incarnation, they have been, or will be, elevated to become Souls of the Central Sun.  This spiritual elevation of the Soul can be done by any of the permanent members of the Executive Committee of the Leadership Council of the Central Sun.  While a vote of the entire Leadership Council may occur, it is generally not required (the Leadership Council places great trust in the senior members of the Leadership Council, and provides them with a high degree of autonomy and authority). During the current incarnation cycle on Terra of those from the Central Sun, the majority of the Souls that fall into this category for elevation are Souls that were involved in the events surrounding World War 2. There are a small number of Soldiers, but there are also several Million Souls that were in the camps in Europe as well. In each case, each group had a level of personal involvement from a Soul from the Central Sun, and for the European Camps, there are a number of Souls from the Central Sun who were present in the camps. While this kind of spiritual elevation of a Soul is unusual, it is not unheard of.  And when these Souls arrive at the Central Sun (their new Home), they will undergo a lengthy period of education and adjustment, prior to being given tasks on and within the Constructs. 

For those Souls that are lost, their loss is felt not only by the Leadership of their home Universe, but also by those at the Central Sun. When Creation was first thought of, there was a hope that all Souls would abide by the principles of the Constructs, and that all Souls would exist and thrive in harmony with each other. Unfortunately, that was not to be; elements and abilities identified within the Constructs have permitted some Souls to exploit abilities intended to provide for longer term solutions to problems. Greed is one of these; the concepts behind greed were originally intended to serve as encouragement for Souls to retain elements of their environment (namely foods) for periods of time when they might not be as prevalent. Instead, some Souls have instead accumulated these foods to use for their own personal gain, to the detriment of significant portions of the population. This is a situation that is being addressed for possible revision in the Constructs.

Finally, there is a concept on Terra that is worth mention, that involving the “saving” of a Soul by “God”.  Unfortunately, there is no being that will assume or absorb the karma of a Soul – this is why the concept of Karma was first developed, and why Karma is more of an automated process that does not involve or require any level of intervention from another Soul. In short, “God”, in the context of the religions that exist on Terra, does not functionally exist. Each Soul exists within the bounds of Life that it has agreed to (prior to incarnation), and is subject to the Karmic Energies that it may accumulate during its incarnation. 

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