Tag: guns

Karmic Ramifications

We reside in the (not always so) United States. This week, there have been a couple of legal opinions that have the potential to harm. Although we will not be discussing the legal aspects of these discussions, there are significant Karmic impacts that should be discussed.

We have spoken before of the covenant that exists between the Soul of a person, and the Soul of another who is to be a child of that carrier Soul. But let us remind you of that role. When a carrier Soul (referred to commonly as a mother) chooses to bring an incarnate being into the Physical realm, there is an understanding that the mother (and to a certain extent the father) makes a Free Will decision to do so. When this occurs, the Soul(s) of the one to incarnate also makes a Free Will decision to incarnate. during the period known on Terra as gestation, the Souls that are involved in this Free Will decision have an ability to make (yet another) Free Will decision to not fulfill the original decision to be incarnate (or born). While there are many possible reasons for this, none actually matter, as it is always a Free Will decision on the part of those involved. Either Soul has the ability to initiate the termination of the pregnancy; the “mother” can choose to abort the fetus; the fetus can remove its Life Energies from the body of the fetus (which will remove the Life Forces from the Fetus),  the mother can simply miscarry the pregnancy, or at the last moment, the Soul of the fetus can choose to not enter the body that is about to be born, resulting in a stillbirth. Any of these situations occur on a regular basis (and they always have).  This is not a situation that is unique to humans, it can occur with any sentient being, throughout Creation. If the Souls are not ready for the commitment that is required for the Life to become incarnate, either Soul may choose to terminate the processes – there has always, since the beginning of the Life Construct came into existence, for this to occur.  And the reasons are only relevant to those that are directly involved in the process.

The “legal” opinions that have come down from the U.S. Courts do not consider the deeply Spiritual aspects of this particular problem. Although those that are involved in this ruling will cite their belief that “Life begins at conception”, they do not even follow their own “bible”, which states that Life begins at birth (See Genesis 2:7). But that too is really not the point to be made here.  The real discussion should be centered on the Free Will decisions to be made by the individual Souls that are involved. Any other factor that tries to impose something else is, by definition, a Karma Creating event; when one imposes their own will on another, they do accumulate Karma, simply because they take away the Free Will decision making ability from a Soul. This situation is this simple. 

The second “legal” ruling of the week involves “guns”, and the ability of an individual to carry them at will. Again, we will not look at the “legal” reasons surrounding the decision, but will examine the issue from a Free Will decision perspective. 

Unfortunately, many humans are simply not prepared, mentally or emotionally, to use a weapon. The act of terminating the Life of another is a Free Will decision, but it is a Free Will decision that may conflict with the Free Will decision of the one about to exit their incarnation. This act will result in an accumulation of Karma, with the debt ultimately going to the person who terminated the Free Will of another. Making the decision that will allow humans, many who may not be ready for their actions, to make this easier, is in itself a Karma accumulating decision. One need not personally need to commit an act to accumulate Karma from that act, the simple act of providing a means for another to do this is enough. There is another element to this, that falls under the guise of “self defense”; if the weapon is used strictly in self defense, it is possible that Karma can remain balanced – but only if the act itself is itself an act that balances Karma. But this is not a decision for another to make, it is a decision made by The Creators, that takes the form of Karma. Karma is to an extent an equalizer; it ensures that there is a balancing of Energies, and that doing so does not require input from others not involved. This is simply how Creation was structured; for another to interfere with Karma or the Free Will of another, even under the guise of “legal decisions”, is inappropriate. Particularly so when “legal decisions” themselves are flawed, or the process behind them is flawed.

Keep in mind that the 6 Souls who made these decisions known this week have also recently claimed that “innocence” itself is not a reason to remove a being from death row.

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