Tag: Humanoids

Does DNA and the Life Construct allow for other humans or humanoids?

Humans, specifically homo-sapiens, exist not only on Terra, but many other planets as well. But are there other “human like” beings that exist, and if so, how and why?

The answer is yes. We have indicated that human life on Terra was brought here from a number of other planets in order to support the experiments regarding unrestricted DNA. There are many different “versions” of humanoids (the Libraries consider Humanoids to fall into the category of bipeds, or animals that walk of 2 legs) that are spread throughout existence; they include neanderthals, humans, reptilians, and many other species.  What generally makes them different is the environment that they are intended for.  While there is some level of adaptability, many have DNA that is structured or “opened” up to allow life on a particular host planet (or series of planets). In most situations, there is no need for a formal “adaptation” of DNA to support life on a particular host, this is something that occurs naturally.  

DNA was developed in a manner that would allow a great deal of automatic (naturally occurring may be a better word choice) configuration. It was intended to look for particular sets of chemical structures in the environment of the local host planet, and then configure the Life for optimized use of that host planet. In each case, the specific chemical combination serves as the trigger mechanism for this, and there are approximately 17 different combinations that act as triggers, and they can work separately or in combination.  For instance, on Terra there is abundant water and oxygen to support one of the forms of biped humanoids – a species that requires both. There are other worlds that have oxygen but little water, so a reptilian species may be better suited due to their need for less water.  On other planets, there is abundant methane, some water, and more heavy metals, to a different type of humanoid would be better suited for that environment. And in some cases, there were different physical characteristics, identified by other Constructs, that were used to determine the configuration. Gravity is a very good example; a planetary host of significant size would have a very significant gravitational field, to body located on its surface would weigh significantly more than on Terra; this would then require a significantly great humanoid structure in order to live there (e.g., great muscle mass and bone structure to support it).

When the Constructs were developed, there was a realization that there may be a need for many of these kinds of “configurations”, many based on the local environment or structure of the host Universe. In order to minimize the degree of difficulty in establishing a structure for each of the Constructs, decisions were made to allow for this same type of “auto configuration”, each dependent on the “local” environment; the specific characteristics of that local environment included elements present, the local interpretation of Time, the “type” and nature of Space, the types of Life that were desired, the expected level of growth and adaptation that could reasonably be expected from the Life forms present, and many other factors.  All together, there are approximately 1,021,000 different combinations of configurations (it is the factorial of the first 7 fibonacci prime numbers). Because of the significant number of combinations, it was strongly felt that an ability to use these different combinations automatically in order to eliminate guess work for those seeking to implement a capability. 

The developers of the Life Construct also attempted other forms of beings which, in theory, appeared adequate for support a Soul centered Life.  But during the first stages of the trials for that particular form of Life, they were found to be inadequate.  For instance, humanoids, on a larger planet, that had hollow bones; this particular choice had a thought behind it that the hollow bones would make the body light enough to not require significant muscle mass in order to move in the much higher gravity of the planet. However, the hollow bones turned out to be a disadvantage because they were not structurally significant enough to support the mass of the body in all realistic scenarios.

There was one other group of beings developed under the Life Construct that is worth mention.  At one point, the Leaders of the Life Construct manifested a total of 12 “super beings” – beings with perfect (non corrupted) DNA, who could go where they wanted to heal (others). They were not to be bound by the rules of the local source. The did have other “abilities”; they could manipulate matter, they could selectively have gravity apply to them (so they had the ability to fly), they could absorb oxygen through their skin, so they did not necessarily have to breath.  And they could use energy to heal pretty much anything that they wanted.  These 12 souls have gone home to the Central Sun, been there for 2-3 billion years. They were more or less an experiment, again to see what was within the realm of the possible. They were “around” for about 40 billion years in total……

This group was brought home by the Leadership of the Central Sun.  While the Leadership can see the significant benefit that having a group of Souls like this, operating throughout all of the many Universes, ultimately the issue was one of accountability – not for these 12 beings, but for the Souls on the planet hosts that they visited.  It was found that many of the species on the host planets they visited would work to destroy the environment that the Souls lived in, with the expectation that one (or more) of these 12 beings would come in later and clean it up. It ultimately provided no accountability for the actions of the people on the host planets they went to. Since there was a greater desire to emphasize the use of Karma to provide the balance that was lacking in these situations, they were all brought home.  The blueprint for their host bodies does still exist within the Libraries (in truth, their DNA was not significantly different than the DNA of the average human, they just had different restrictions placed on the DNA), but there are no longer any humanoids of this type in existence. 

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