Tag: Influence of Subtle Energies

The depth and breadth of Subtle Energies

While there is a distinct advantage to sensing, knowing, and working the Energies that exist around us every day, few people are aware of these Energies. For those that are aware, the Energies can provide a significant amount of information not just about the Energies themselves, but also about all of the other Energies and systems that they may interact with.  And the Energies that they can communicate are not bound by the constraints of either Time or Space. But these distant Energies also can have a direct impact on all other Energies that they are capable of interacting with, irrespective of the information that they may be communicating.

In the time before the First Iteration, when all that is was initially forming, the Energies that existed could sense each other at one point. At the time, the concepts of Time and Space did not exist, so they had no way to gauge the distance between either individual Energies or groups of Energies.  They became very adept and being able to sense each other, a pre-requisite to knowing where and what information to send. They became particularly good at sensing Energies that were like in vibrational Frequency and Energy level – Energies much like their own. Because this was so critical to the early Energies, the ability to sense and influence subtle Energies was incorporated into the Constructs.

Each Soul has a unique Vibrational Frequency, established by the combination of base Energies that, together, make up the Soul.  This is true for all Souls, not just human Souls. All of these Souls have the ability to sense other Souls that have a largely similar Vibrational Frequency. All Souls also have the ability to influence these same similar Frequencies – it is a way to ensure that they are all working together as a “unit” towards a common goal.  All told, there are a finite (but very large) number of unique possible Soul combinations; but for all of these different possible Soul combinations, most Souls belong to a “group” of similar Souls – Souls that differ in Vibrational Frequency by less than 1%. Because of the variation in the base Energies of a Soul, it is possible for each Soul to “belong” to a number of different Vibrational groups; this is the case because 1% variation also accounts for the dominant Vibrational Frequencies of each individual Soul (it is not just 1% of the total Energies).

The Energies of creation, which includes the variations in the base Energy groups, are also spread out over all of existence. So a Soul that inhabits a human body on Terra may well have a Vibrational Frequency that is very similar to a planetary host located thousands or millions of light years away.  Because of their similarity, they would also be able to influence each other, even though the distance between them is significant. But that distant Energy will also be influenced by others with a similar Vibrational Frequency, and all of those various Energies will cause the distant Energy to respond, and ultimately advise others of greater activity that may be occurring. The ability to influence is not just limited to humans and a distant Planetary host; it extends to other celestial bodies, other humanoids on other planetary hosts, and to any other object within their Universe with like Energies.  It does not include, however, include a similar ability with objects in a different Universe; the reasons for this are complex, and have to do with the mathematical algorithms that have to do with the establishment of the base Vibrational Frequency of a Soul, and the assignment of that particular Soul to a given Universe. (As a point of clarification, Souls that originated from the Central Sun do not have these same kinds of restrictions placed upon them, and the Energies of the Central Sun are unique and complex  enough that only Souls from the Central Sun have an ability sense it.)

So what kinds of things may have these kinds of Subtle Energies that would be of influence to a Soul on Terra?  We have already mentioned other planetary hosts (or Planets in other Solar Systems), but the list would include actual Solar Systems, other Galaxies, Groups of other Galaxies (that from the perspective of life on Terra, would appear as galactic Constellations), it could include Black Holes, and it could include any other kind of celestial phenomenon whose Energy signature fall within the given parameters. So, it is certainly reasonable to believe that a Soul on Terra, could “detect” and be influenced by something that is very far away.  If this sound at all familiar, it is this ability to sense and be influenced by other celestial bodies that forms the basis of Astrology.  It is also, in part, what allows some people to do what is known as “Remote Viewing”, and it forms the basis for other Terran abilities such as Dowsing.

Even though modern science, as it is known on Terra, is unable at the moment to sense any of these kinds of subtle Energies, the incorporation of these influences into the Constructs helps to ensure that basic Life forms throughout existence have the ability to sense and be influenced by them.

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