Tag: Karma

Karma, Lives, and Soul Contracts

This is an excerpt from the second book!

As originally intended in the Life Construct, Karma is a critical element for all Life. It is the great equalizer. Without Karma, existence would consist of wildly unbalanced Energies, and Soul contracts that have no goals intended to balance Karma.  There would be no point to Life, except to live a Life without regard to anybody or anything around you. Every Soul would suffer under this scenario.

Karma impacts every action taken, every communication that is made, every interaction with another Soul, and how a Soul chooses to exist. It is often subtle, but does not have to be. Karma does not have intent, but the actions that influence Karma very often do.

When a Soul first comes into existence, its core Energies are balanced, they are in harmony not only with themselves, but with all of the other Energies around it. The Soul, essentially, has no Karmic record.  It has no karma. But as the Soul begins to interact with all of the other Energies around it, including the Energies of other Souls, those interactions begin to change the Energies around it – they influence the Soul, and the Soul influences those Energies around it.  Eventually, these Energies begin to change, the interactions with the other Energies around it begin to cause changes in how it interacts with the other Energies. Slowly, over a relatively long period of Time, the Energies begin to become slightly out of balance. Terran science has a word that describes this, Entropy – the gradual decline into disorder. It is this gradual decline into disorder that causes the accumulation of Karma to occur – Karma is the gradual accumulation of unbalanced Energies.  

It is possible to avoid the accumulation of Karma, but it requires a very diligent approach to existence. From a practical viewpoint, it is extremely difficult to accomplish this accumulation; all Souls are subject to it, including the Souls of the Central Sun, and no Soul (including all of the Souls of the Central Sun) have accumulated some amount of Karma during their existence. The key to Karma, though, is to not allow the accumulation to continue, and to take steps to achieve balance as soon as possible when there is a realization that a Karmic imbalance has occurred. It is only when this imbalance is not immediately corrected that Souls tend to suffer longer term damage, making the correction of the Karmic accumulation difficult to achieve. 

Karma has no equations that govern it; it is independent of Spatial or Temporal constraints, and once accumulated, it does not “go away”. Karma will follow a Soul from Life to Life, because it is a product (or element)  of the Soul, and not any particular Life or existence. Once it exists, it “exists” with the Soul until it is resolved. Accumulated Karma need not be resolved in the Spatial and Temporal context in which it was created, it can be resolved wherever the Soul exists; if the Soul(s) that were involved in the creation of the Karma are not in the same Temporal or Spatial location, the Karma can be resolved by balancing the Energies between the locations, and between the Souls involved (although the difference in Spatial and Temporal characteristics between the different locations may make the resolution more complex).

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Karmic Ramifications

We reside in the (not always so) United States. This week, there have been a couple of legal opinions that have the potential to harm. Although we will not be discussing the legal aspects of these discussions, there are significant Karmic impacts that should be discussed.

We have spoken before of the covenant that exists between the Soul of a person, and the Soul of another who is to be a child of that carrier Soul. But let us remind you of that role. When a carrier Soul (referred to commonly as a mother) chooses to bring an incarnate being into the Physical realm, there is an understanding that the mother (and to a certain extent the father) makes a Free Will decision to do so. When this occurs, the Soul(s) of the one to incarnate also makes a Free Will decision to incarnate. during the period known on Terra as gestation, the Souls that are involved in this Free Will decision have an ability to make (yet another) Free Will decision to not fulfill the original decision to be incarnate (or born). While there are many possible reasons for this, none actually matter, as it is always a Free Will decision on the part of those involved. Either Soul has the ability to initiate the termination of the pregnancy; the “mother” can choose to abort the fetus; the fetus can remove its Life Energies from the body of the fetus (which will remove the Life Forces from the Fetus),  the mother can simply miscarry the pregnancy, or at the last moment, the Soul of the fetus can choose to not enter the body that is about to be born, resulting in a stillbirth. Any of these situations occur on a regular basis (and they always have).  This is not a situation that is unique to humans, it can occur with any sentient being, throughout Creation. If the Souls are not ready for the commitment that is required for the Life to become incarnate, either Soul may choose to terminate the processes – there has always, since the beginning of the Life Construct came into existence, for this to occur.  And the reasons are only relevant to those that are directly involved in the process.

The “legal” opinions that have come down from the U.S. Courts do not consider the deeply Spiritual aspects of this particular problem. Although those that are involved in this ruling will cite their belief that “Life begins at conception”, they do not even follow their own “bible”, which states that Life begins at birth (See Genesis 2:7). But that too is really not the point to be made here.  The real discussion should be centered on the Free Will decisions to be made by the individual Souls that are involved. Any other factor that tries to impose something else is, by definition, a Karma Creating event; when one imposes their own will on another, they do accumulate Karma, simply because they take away the Free Will decision making ability from a Soul. This situation is this simple. 

The second “legal” ruling of the week involves “guns”, and the ability of an individual to carry them at will. Again, we will not look at the “legal” reasons surrounding the decision, but will examine the issue from a Free Will decision perspective. 

Unfortunately, many humans are simply not prepared, mentally or emotionally, to use a weapon. The act of terminating the Life of another is a Free Will decision, but it is a Free Will decision that may conflict with the Free Will decision of the one about to exit their incarnation. This act will result in an accumulation of Karma, with the debt ultimately going to the person who terminated the Free Will of another. Making the decision that will allow humans, many who may not be ready for their actions, to make this easier, is in itself a Karma accumulating decision. One need not personally need to commit an act to accumulate Karma from that act, the simple act of providing a means for another to do this is enough. There is another element to this, that falls under the guise of “self defense”; if the weapon is used strictly in self defense, it is possible that Karma can remain balanced – but only if the act itself is itself an act that balances Karma. But this is not a decision for another to make, it is a decision made by The Creators, that takes the form of Karma. Karma is to an extent an equalizer; it ensures that there is a balancing of Energies, and that doing so does not require input from others not involved. This is simply how Creation was structured; for another to interfere with Karma or the Free Will of another, even under the guise of “legal decisions”, is inappropriate. Particularly so when “legal decisions” themselves are flawed, or the process behind them is flawed.

Keep in mind that the 6 Souls who made these decisions known this week have also recently claimed that “innocence” itself is not a reason to remove a being from death row.

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Accountability and Punishment

Terran society seems to be obsessed with holding people accountable for their actions (or perceived actions), and then making sure that an individual (or individuals) are punished, often whether they are guilty or not. In many situations, punishment is simply considered revenge for a deed – there is not necessarily any affirmation or true proof of guilt. And there are no limits to the punishment, they range from a simple admonition, to loss of limbs (as occurs often in the Middle East), to execution. And once a determination has been made regarding guilt, there is often little to no chance to change the verdict or assigned punishment. And in many cases, in many countries, “God” is used as a basis or justification for the punishment.

For many, a determination of guilt can be as simple as a belief that a person has done wrong against somebody, with no proof or justification other than to say that “they did it”. “Facts” are not sought or provided, forensic (or scientific) “evidence” is accepted as truth, even though the “science” behind the fact may in fact not be real or truthful. And for those making a judgement, who may not have a solid background in science, will often disregard “science” as fabricated information (in the past it could have been considered to be magic or witchcraft), because they simply do not understand the information that they have been presented, or because they have no scientific basis (or understanding) to believe it. 

And then there are those who do the accusing; they range from the people who investigate a given incident (often without considering alternative information sources), to the judges that preside over the presentation of the information. But because of the way that Terran society has been structured, there is no accountability for anybody in the process.  Law enforcement is typically given blanket immunity (and are “allowed” to make false statements repeatedly), wrongful acts by prosecutors are often brushed under the table (no matter how egregious their conduct), and judges are more often than not implicitly biased against people because of the actions of both. Errors and false assumptions are made throughout the process, and people have been killed because of it. “Truth” and “Justice” are concepts that have become largely perception.

Needless to say, this is NOT how any of the Constructs were written. There was NEVER any intent or desire to have any species kill another (except as a possible food source), and among higher beings (like humans), killing (specifically other humans) for any reason is just inappropriate. 

The possibilities of this were considered during the development of the Constructs – this is a major reason why the concept of Karma was developed. While there may be a belief that terminating the incarnation of a Soul may be “good” (we can use Hitler as one example, killing soldiers during war is another), it only serves the purpose of accumulating Karma, and extending the length of time (and work) that will be required to achieve the balance of Energies  necessary for Soul growth. This concept also applies not only to the termination of an incarnation (sometimes known as execution), but also to any actions that may be viewed as involvement in depriving another of their Free Will decision making abilities. (It should be noted that the suicide of an individual with a terminal illness is considered an exception.) To be clear, many incarnate higher species do have a Free Will ability to make a decision that will adversely effect another, and the societies that include these decisions take it upon themselves to “punish” those making these decisions; these “punishments” are often not appropriate, and can not be condoned, even if those in the given society may insist that people causing harm need to be punished for their actions (or removed from their version of society).

It was long ago demonstrated that Karma, as a tool for helping to balance the Energies of the Soul, is a concept that does work, even though it may take a bit longer than most people would like to be effective (it is certainly possible that it could take several Life times).  Patience is the key; do not expect the kind of immediate expectation of “punishment”, as it may well cause those involved to accumulate Karma.  

This concept of “punishment” does not only apply to humans on Terra; humans (and other humanoids) are not unique in any Universe, but there are many other species that have chosen to create the same kinds of “societal norms” that would lead to a usurpation of Karma, and for the most part, all will result in an accumulation of Karma. 

But there are also degrees of Karma that one could accumulate as well. For instance, intent is an important factor. If a Soul has formed an intention to harm another, they should be stopped; but, in order to minimize the Karmic accumulation, they should only be stopped by the Soul that was to be targeted. So, if a Soul (call it Soul 1) had decided to harm another Soul (call it Soul 2), only that targeted Soul (Soul 2) could stop the harm from occurring, without significant consequence.  If Soul 2 had, for instance, an incarnate relative who was to find out about the acts intended to harm, they would not be able to stop the acts from occurring without acquiring significant Karma. 

Above all, it must be remembered that an incarnate being is here to learn a lesson; when their incarnation ends, the lessons do not end, and the Soul does not just “evaporate” it does live on, it has the same Free Will abilities that it had when incarnate, and it is still able to acquire (and balance) Karma, just as it was able to while incarnate. The act of terminating an incarnation, is essentially no different than any other act that would interfere with the lessons of a Soul or the balancing of the Karma of a Soul. 

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Subtilties and Fragility of Life

When the work of the Life Construct was first contemplated, it was believed that there would be a certain amount of fragility of the beings created under the Construct. Much would depend on the environment that the Life form was in, but it would also depend on the nature of the Life, the action the Life engaged in, and the myriad of chemicals that the Life was exposed to. It was felt that, to an extent, each of these areas would be a tradeoff; it was felt that Life could be made that was resistant (or impervious) to all of these possible factors, but that would almost certainly mean that every Life would likely be long (with respect to Time), and the experiences and lessons that were to occur in the Life would be extensive – an increase in memory capacity, but also the chance of accumulating Karma to a level that may be counterproductive for the Soul.  The fragility of Life, at least to an extent, would be a goal, one that would require a relatively precise and finite environment for the given Life to exist (or reside) in. 

Subtilties present a slightly different set of concerns, mainly concerning the interactions of the body (and its processes) with the environment, which would include an environment that would be inherently changed by the actions of the body itself. It was understood that there would also be an opportunity for groups of bodies, as the societies in which those bodies formed, could create an evermore complex set of factors that could adversely influence Life. And while  efforts were made to try to accommodate many of the different environmental factors and possibilities that could occur, the leadership the Life Construct felt that some of these possibilities could lead to situations in which the experience would ultimately be of value to the development of the Soul. The Leadership concluded that some of these could be used as a means to terminate Life, should there be a need to help balance karma. 

When discussing the fragility of Life, one question that arrises is why is there a need for it to be so fragile? Could physical beings be more ‘robust’? The short answer is yes. But it is not quite as easy as it may seem. There were a number of ways in which the Life Construct could have made Life less fragile; instead of a relatively ‘soft’ outer skin, a body could have had a hard shell, or exoskeleton. The are many insect that have an exoskeleton, and a number of reptiles, like turtles and tortoises. All seem to be limited in size or speed of movement, but they remain vulnerable in other ways and areas. But exoskeletons, particularly on larger beings, is impractical; speed and agility is an essential element for most predators, and an exoskeleton decreases both aspects too much. A hard outer shell would also limit an ability for many plants to absorb sunlight and grow quickly enough in a growing season. They would also inhibit speed, agility, and buoyancy for many aquatic species. 

Another option was to increase the quantity of redundant systems in a body, to the point that the duplicate systems would be able to compensate for a significantly greater number of issues that could be resolved. But each system would require its own support network (which may require another Soul in the body), and the addition of the necessary systems would require a larger host body; but this may well not address the associated vulnerabilities of the exterior skin.

It is possible a hybridization of these two could provide a viable alternative; after the redundant systems, the exoskeleton, while offering limited protection over a harder shell, could help with the vulnerabilities of a softer skin.  A compromise was selected for some species: scales.  They function as a pseudo shell, but offer significantly greater movement. This was used on many aquatic species, some animals, and limited biped species. (Both scales and an exoskeleton were impractical for any species that bore live young of significant size, due to the inability to protect the fetus prior to birth.)

The subtilties of Life presented another entire set of issues. The chemistries of Life were considered sensitive – it became apparent that small deviations or inclusions of Life’s chemistry could have significant (but not necessarily adverse) results. This was compounded when many chemicals began to react with other chemicals – and the by products created metabolites within the body.  The weed killer Glyphosate is one example; it is known that its metabolites include oxalates, the main element in many kidney stones. Oxylates are only one metabolite; other metabolites are responsible for cancers, reproductive issues, and a host of other issues within a body. There are many other examples of chemical traces having an adverse impact on processes of Life – not from a macro perspective, but a micro perspective, at the level of an individual organ, or a specific reaction within a portion of an organ. 

There was an attempt to make many of these errant reactions more difficult (or at least their effects to be minimized) , and during the initial trials of Life, they met with success.  But as “Life” became more complex, and the environments that supported Life became far more dynamic (and more of these chemicals appeared), the efforts to allow for clearing of them were stopped; many of the chemicals were not natural, so the decision was made to include all aspects of the presence of these chemicals in the work of Karma. If beings were to create these chemicals, then the Souls that made and used them would fall to the rules of Karma – the use of these chemicals, even unknowingly, was something that the beings should have realized (by the Energy signature) would lead to a great imbalance. The rules of Karma offered the solution. The greater the use of these ‘un-natural’ chemical combinations, the greater the imbalance in both the environment and the bodies of individual lives. This became the ideal solution; it eliminated the requirement for significantly augmenting bodies to assist in the elimination of these chemicals, but it also allowed for a wide variety of ways to achieve balance for their use – from Cancers (for those most directly exposed to them), to the longer term harm to the environment (for the ‘casual user’ of these chemicals, remedied by a change in attitude regarding their use by societies at large). It was the application of Karma that allowed for all of this.

Although the fragility of living beings was initially deemed a possible concern, it ultimately did lead to the beings that could move freely to be more cautious in their actions, and it allowed for the development of predators, important to help establish and allow for a balance of species and life forms to occur. 

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The automatic nature of Karma

The term Karma refers to the balance of Energy. If you harm another, you will most likely acquire some amount of Karma as a result, and that extra amount of Karmic energy will eventually need to be balanced. In many cases, the balancing of the Karmic Energy will have to be balanced with the source of that Energy – it can be a person, a Soul, an animal, or any other Source of Energy. There are instances where the source of the Energy is so generalized that the balancing of the Energy is done either with Terra, or with the Source of this Universe (where ultimately all of the Energy in this Universe originated from).

Karma was developed as a means of keeping track of Energy imbalances, both positive or negative.  It was never intended to be a “punishment” in any form. The intent was that it would serve much like a balance in a bank account; you will have a series of deposits and withdrawals, which over time will tend to be either positive, or with an even balance. Karma was also established in order to be automatic; events that could generate Karma generally tend to fall into one of several classes: those imposed by your own Soul, those imposed by an action on another, those that result from harm imposed on another, those that are imposed by Terra, and those actions that result in disharmony or discord with the established goals and desires of this Universe. 

There is no action that is required to be taken by any individual in order for a Karmic imbalance to be initiated. Nor is there any requirement (or ability) for the leader of either the host Universe, the Central Sun, or the host Planet to take any action – in fact, it is not possible for any of these Leaders to impose a Karmic Energy on anybody. This was by intention; there was a strong desire to avoid any appearance of favoritism in any actions taken, and the Leaders of the Central Sun did not want to be burdened by “judging” and then imposing Karma every time a given Soul were to take an action that resulted in a Karmic imbalance. It was for these specific reasons that the concepts of Karma were developed to be stand alone, and implemented on an automatic basis.

Just like accumulating Karma is an automatic process, balancing Karma is also an automatic process. If one has accumulated Karma, and they subsequently take an action to resolve that Karma, the flow of Energy from the events that they take will result in a balancing of the Karmic Energies. If the actions taken are relatively small, it could take additional action to completely balance this Karmic imbalances. 

“Positive Karma”, or Karma that is not negative, is also not a desirable situation, as it represents an imbalance in the overall Energies of an individual.  And just as “negative” Karma, it is more difficult to interact and work with the Energies around you if your own Energies are not in balance. And since all Energy comes from somewhere, that positive Karmic Energy will have had to originate from somewhere, which means that in a larger context, something else is not in balance.

For those with different belief structures which involve a Deity (or Deities), your Deity is not allowed to balance your Karma, any more than the Leadership of the Universe is. Looking at the situation from a much larger perspective, the only way that they could resolve you of your own Karmic Energy imbalance would be if they were to “assume”, or take on, your Karmic Energy debt. This would mean that they would no longer have a balanced Karma, and they would in turn “fall from grace” – they could no longer maintain their status because of their own Karmic imbalance.  The simple fact that they chose to assume the Karmic Energies from another, rather than the Karmic Energies being their own, does not matter.  Karmic Energies, like all other forms of Energy, are in the end still Energy, and they must be (and remain) balanced. There is one important aspect involving a Deity; It is said that a Deity may have “died for your sins”; but there is a difference between “dying for people’s sins” and balancing Karma. “Sin” does not necessarily involve an accumulation of negative Karma.

There is one other way in which a Karmic imbalance can possibly be resolved, should a Soul refuse to attempt to balance it on their own. It could be absorbed by the Universe from which all of the Energies of that Soul originated.  Only the Soul Energies of the Universe are of significant quantity to absorb a Karmic Debt and remain in balance.  But this does come at a significant cost; the Soul who generated these Energies would be reabsorbed back into the Energy cloud of the Universe, and the individual component Energies of that Soul would be broken apart and not be allowed to reform.  The identity of that Soul Energy would be lost, forever (this includes the loss of any and all memories or records of the events involving that Soul). Functionally, it would be as though that Soul never existed – any records of it would be held only in the records of the Energy Library of the Central Sun, which may only be accessed by the Leadership of the Central Sun. Eventually, the individual Energy components may be allowed to form a new Soul, but the Soul Energies of the Universe are required to treat the new Soul as though it were, indeed, new. It would have a new identity, would not have access to any past events or activities, and is not entitled to any form of preferential treatment. This may seem harsh, but this is an event that does not happen with regularity.

It is important to remember that the accumulation of Karmic debt does not necessarily require an action against an individual, the Karmic debt could result from any action where an Energy imbalance occurs, whether the action was intentional or not. It is also important to understand that the laws of Karma are known by all Souls, in all Universes, and they are agreed to prior to initial (or subsequent) formation of any Soul from their individual Soul Energies. Harmonious relations with your environment or others occur when you have balance. It is only when you are balanced that other individuals will want to be a part of your energy and what you are doing, and share that experience.

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Is there a difference between Consciousness and Awareness?

Is consciousness an integral part of the Life construct?  Is awareness a part of either consciousness or the Life Construct? Can living beings fully conceive of themselves or their roles in life?

For many questions like this, the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no”, and context (and maybe perspective) is a key element of it. 

When the original 7 Energies began to first form integrated beings, and began working together, it took some time for them to learn and understand that they were acting as a single unit.  They did not have consciousness or awareness; this was before the basic particles of matter had been formed. They could sense that “others” were able to influence them, but they did not know how or why. (Ultimately, it was determined that this “influence” was due to electrostatic attractions between the groups of 7 Energies.) Awareness, which they later defined as understanding the influences that these electrostatic attractions were having on one another, took hundreds of Billions of years to develop, but once they developed, “growth” of this basic awareness occurred at an exponential rate. One must remember that at this point fo existence, the concepts of Time and Space were not yet known. 

The leap from awareness to consciousness occurred when the basic Energies realized that they were able to work together; they did not yet understand how this was happening.  But they did know that the distances that one could influence another were getting greater – greater than what they had been used to with the electrostatic influence that began their process of awareness. We would now call this point in time the birth of communications – it was through communications that they were able to overcome some of the limitations of the attractions.  The movement that was enabled by the electrostatic attractions were too great to overcome through that method, but there was a desire to move together. This “desire” was key, because it would ultimately form the basis of what we now know to be intention.  In essence, they “willed” themselves to be nearer each other, and it was intention that made this possible. The Energies recognized the importance of intention, and it would become one of the essential elements of Consciousness, along with the new found ability to communicate with each other. Remember that this initial effort to communicate was very rudimentary – there was no language, and these communications could best be described as “thought forms”. 

They were “Conscious”, even though this initial capability was somewhat rudimentary.  They could “communicate” to a degree, and they could use “intention” as a way to come closer together. And of course they were now also aware of their surroundings to a limited extent. It would take several Billion years to further develop Consciousness to a point where it would allow for some degree of autonomy.  At this time, they were aware of their own existence – so they had a level of self awareness, but it was not until they began the “experiments” (which in reality were more like playing for them) that they began to understand the magnitude of being self aware and what that meant. 

As the Life Construct (and the other Constructs later) would realize, they understood that both this Awareness and Consciousness were essential elements that could be used to enable large elements of the Construct. But once they had laid out the requirements for what we would eventually know to be a “body”, with an associated Energy Soul as a controlling element, that they realized that there would need to be limits to what these new forms of Life could allow. For instance, how could a controlling Soul, within the context of its “body” (and acting as a singular entity) grasp that it included not a single Soul, but multiple Souls all working together towards a common cause? And that this “oversoul” would not only have control, but would also be expected to work together in a cooperative manner. They realized that this could be enabled in the background, with a degree of autonomy, by limiting the amount of knowledge that the “oversoul” was exposed to. This would ultimately make autonomous life a realistic proposition. (The alternative was to expose al of the knowledge; but it would be exceedingly difficult for a controlling Soul of a body to not only coordinate daily activities, like eating and movement, while having to have to be concerned with the flow of bodily fluids from one location to another to support all of this activity.)  It was for this reason that the concept of “self awareness” would be limited.

The final question to be answered here, “Can living beings conceive of their role in life”, is a bit simpler. It is already understood that there is a significant amount of coordination that must occur prior to each incarnation, in order to establish the elements and circumstances in life that will provide the greatest opportunity to balance karma and learn the lessons of Life. But there are, too, factors that must be considered for this as well.  The first is the concept of Free Will – that ability to make decisions regarding the life path one is to take. The second is the concept of Karma – the ability to maintain a record of Energy and Energy imbalances so that one can know the current state of their own Energies, and then have a basic knowledge of the understanding in order to learn from the errors and actions taken during a life.

Free Will was incorporated as a concept under the Life Construct in order to allow for individuals to decide what they wanted to learn in a given life, how they could learn that, who they would have assist them in this process, and when they would know that the lessons were complete. The alternative was an existence that was completely scripted – lessons would be mandated, everybody had a script that they must adhere to.  This was deemed unacceptable, simply because the original Souls understood the level of creativity, freedom, and inspiration that existed when a Soul was allowed to do what they wanted, instead of doing what another wanted them to do. Free Will ultimately did have some limits placed on it, but that had more to do with the ability of a given Soul to accomplish what it has set out to do, and to limit the adverse effects of having too much information to process. 

The second element here, involving Karma, was intended to be the check on the ability of a Soul to make a Free Will decision that would be contrary to their own best interests. It is a way to keep track of the “+s” and “-s” that were associated with a decision making process. It provides a record of Energy movements associated with decisions. Since it winds up being a very significant amount of information, it was felt that allowing full access to this information would be not allowed – in part too because knowing the current state of Karma of the Soul could influence the decision making ability of the Soul in Life.

So although both Consciousness and Awareness were included as integral elements of the Life Construct, it was determined that complete “self awareness” would be limited in order to not overwhelm a body’s Soul, because of the significant amount of information and coordination that would ensue. 

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So I have to come back and do this all over again? After I die?

Reincarnation – some people believe in it, others do not. I personally know many people who believe that when you die, your Soul just evaporates. There is nothing else. Unfortunately, they will have to pass themselves to see the truth.

Reincarnation is an integral part of the process of living and balancing karma. If reincarnation did not exist, all souls would have unbalanced karma, which makes it incredibly difficult to rejoin the Source Energy that you come from (the Source Energy is generally the Source of the Universe that you are in).

When somebody passes, they usually are met on the other side by Souls that they have known before. The Souls could be their spirit guides, relatives who have passed in the passed, a Soul that they follow or believe in, or even an old friend. It is this Souls responsibility to help the new Soul to adapt to their new environment. Their life has gone from a physical existence, to an Energy based experience, and it will take some period to adjust. They have been there before (before they were born), but many have forgotten this existence.

The period immediately after someone passes is a time for relaxation, and to adapt. It is a time to get reacquainted with those that have passed before, and a time to perhaps do some of the things that you had always wanted to do when alive, but was unable. I was once asked to look for somebody after they had passed, by a spouse. This Soul had been touring the planet, going to all of the places he had wanted to go to when he was living. He was having fun, enjoying himself. others that I see are spending most of their time talking to relatives they knew, getting caught up.

After what is generally a few weeks to months, the Soul goes into a period of introspection – they do an analysis of their life to determine where they were able to follow their path, and where they were not. Was karma balanced during the previous life, or did they wind up accumulating additional karma? They use this period of introspection to begin to determine where and how they can best balance karma again.

Throughout this period, Souls that are not incarnate have the ability to engage with Souls that do inhabit a body; they can do this by trying to communicate through thoughts. The recipient must be open to this, but the Energies of the two Souls must be aligned (in both Energy level, and Energy frequency). This is much easier to do than it sounds; most people have no limits that would prevent them from reaching this ability themselves. The biggest hinderance is only their lack of belief in themselves and their own abilities.

I will talk about how to communicate with spirits in other posts in the future.

Reincarnation, as we call it now, was always meant to be a part of the Life Construct. It is not reasonable to expect that somebody could balance all of their karma in one lifetime, particularly when that life may involve a complex societal structure, and a large number of potential Souls for one to interact with. It has become a valuable tool within the Life Construct. As I said earlier, it is alright that people do not believe in it, they will learn after they pass. For those that choose to not believe in reincarnation because of their personal religious beliefs, they too will learn much more about reincarnation when they pass. No Soul gets to escape it – to a degree even those Souls from the Central Sun who choose to incarnate. But in this case, it is not necessarily to balance karma, it s to learn and experience many different aspect of our creation, largely in an effort to make it better.

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Do you really want to just drop in?

Life is a complex endeavor, a learning experience for your Soul Energy, and an opportunity to balance your own Karmic energies that may have been left unbalanced by events you experienced in other lives. So does it make sense that, at the beginning of your life, you would necessarily want to just “drop in”, without the benefit of any planning for what your life experience will be?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is a bit more complicated, and requires some degree of explanation.

Every event you experience during your life presents an opportunity to influence the Karmic Energy of your Soul. Having a balanced Karma is the only way to raise your own vibrational frequency enough so that you may rejoin the Soul Energy of your Universe (which is also known as the Source of this Universe). The Leadership of the Life Construct incorporated rules that the believed would at least provide a chance to balance your energies, even with the requirement for Free Will to be exercised.

Prior to every incarnation, the Soul must decide what goals they wish to accomplish in their next life. They can be as simple or complex as they wish, and they can involve any number of individuals that they wish. In order to have the maximum opportunity to succeed in their life goals, the Soul then goes about defining a plan for the life. The plan outlines the goals, how the Soul desires to achieve those goals (what steps they plan to take to get to the goal), The plan that is developed establishes the path, which may include the following:

  1. The parents of the person. The reason for this is to basically establish the physical, mental, and emotional characteristics that would best enable them to meet their established goals. All of these characteristics can, generally, be determined through DNA. And to a degree, the social position and characteristics of the parents are a part of the process. The Soul would also have to gain the consent of the parents, to help ensure their support.
  2. Those Souls who will befriend and know the individual. In some cases, there will be karma that must be worked out between individuals. But it is not just befriending and knowing them, one must also determine the circumstances of their meeting (how, when, and where), the nature of the relationship (friends, family, or intimates), when in life they meet (and their respective ages), and their roles with each other.
  3. Where the person will live (geographically). And where they may move.
  4. Any medical issues (or handicaps) the person may have.
  5. Extended friends a person may have, and to a degree, friends of friends. This may not seem important, until you understand how the actions of people around you may influence your own actions, even in little ways. And even a friend of a friend may inadvertently say something that could add perspective to a situation.
  6. When (and how) the people in your life will begin to pass. Each passing has the potential to focus thoughts and actions to assist in your life goals.
  7. How and when you will pass.

This for only one part of a persons path in life. But because we all have Free Will, we have the ability to make decisions that will impact the paths that we have chosen. A deviation from a path can be a simple as helping another person who was not on your path, or as complicated as responding to a major emergency. A deviation may involve just meaning a new person who might “look familiar” – it may not be a “look”, it could be a sense that you have that you know who this person is. It could be anything.

Each of those possible deviations from a path must also be planned out to the same degree as the primary path. But there are limits; if a Soul makes decisions that change a path more than 6 or 7 deviations from what the primary path was, it will be difficult to return to what their path was. In this case, the Construct makes a provision to “terminate” in order to start over. Simply, each deviation causes a Soul to begin accumulating karma, and terminating allows the accumulation of karma to stop.

Is it possible for the deviations to not increase a Souls karmic debt? It can be possible, but eons of experience indicates that rarely happens. But this misses a bigger point. Each Soul decides prior to birth what the goals of their life are, and selects aspects of that life that will maximize the possibility for resolution of their existing karmic debt. While it is possible to address more karmic debt than was originally planned for a life, that can not be done if more debt is being accumulated in other areas. It would require staying on a Souls original life path, and once the karmic debt has been resolved, begin working on more.

When a Soul is preparing their path for a life, and all of the possible deviations, they must also coordinate with all of the Souls that they could encounter on that path. This is not necessarily for their own personal benefit, but for the possible benefit of those they could interact with. Every Soul has karma to resolve, and it may be that your Soul could be that “spark” or glimpse of recognition that will bring about a change in another. This is an incredibly complicated process, but it is an important part of the existence of life. It is far too important to just drop in to a life.

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The Function of Karma

Karma was intentionally designed in a way that did not allow for resolution of a persons Karma (or a balancing of their energies) by an act of anybody.  So, even if there were such a thing as a “god”, and according to the rules of Karma, that “god” would be unable to intercede on behalf of any person.  Even the founders are not at liberty to do this; when we try, it is subject to the approval of the entire Leadership Council of the Central Sun.  It can not happen at any other level. 

Karma was intended to be largely automatic, for several reasons:

1) Have any individual work or act towards balancing karma would be incredibly labor intensive, and hugely impractical.

2) If it could be “cleared” or absolved by an individual, it would leave an individual imbalance of energies that would ultimately have to be resolved in some other way.  This could well lead (eventually) with huge energy imbalances. But it would also cause this individual with this ability to be seen as somebody with extraordinary power, which could easily lead to abuse.

3) There needed to be some degree of incentive for an individual soul to live or exist in a state of balance with everything around them.  Energy acts of Energy, and those acts leave a trace (or another small quantity of Energy) that will build up over time.  By making the process of Karma (or a balancing of energies) automatic, souls would then have the inherent ability to sense this imbalance of energy (at some level), and take steps to correct the imbalance.  Remaining in a state of imbalance is intended to be incredibly uncomfortable. 

All of this really does require some degree or state of awareness, consciousness, and understanding in order to live in harmony with all of the other souls (and soul energies) around you. Without this, we would have anarchy and chaos, but more importantly, there would be a rather extreme polarization. Harmony and peace is what was intended and desired.

There are very rare instances when a soul Source energy cloud that is responsible for a given universe may be permitted to “take back” into its Energies the energies of souls that originated from that cloud.  For example, the group of souls that “volunteered” to separate to help planets with their ascension of Terra (and other planets before that) will be absorbed back into the energy cloud when they pass from the physical realm. This will happen in large part because of their lack of effectiveness at accomplishing their job.  In this case, those individual soul energies will be “absorbed” back into the energy cloud. Understand the meaning of this:  when this happens, the individual energies of those souls will cease to exist as independent energies; they will no longer be able to reincarnate, their history will no longer exist, they will no longer be sentient. At some point in the distant future, the individual energies that composed the energies of that individual soul may reform into another new soul, but it would be a virgin soul, with no history, and no past to resolve.  The identity of everything before will have been lost.  A record of that former Soul Energy group is maintained in the Libraries, only accessible to a very few. But those records are essentially sealed, for all time.

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