Tag: Leadership Council

Can I visit the Central Sun?

A question comes up regarding people who would like to go to the Central Sun. Some would like to experience the calm and peaceful Energies that are there, others would like to become a part of the activity of the Central Sun.

Unfortunately, in most cases the answer is no. The Vibrational Energies of the Central Sun are the highest Energy levels that exist. This is complicated by the fact that the Central Sun exists within the 17th Dimension, a Dimension that most people would have great difficulty comprehending. The other reason has to do with a desire on the part of those from the Central Sun to protect every aspect of creation.

The vast majority of Souls reside at the Energy levels associated with their own originating Universe; from the Energy viewpoint, those Energies are many levels below the Energies of the Central Sun. They must be; the Energies required to support both 3 and 4 dimensional existence are in the bands of Hertz to Kilohertz. As an example, visualize each of the Dimensions, 1 through 17, as having a different Energy level, and assume that the Energy levels go up by 3X. So the 2nd Dimension is 3 times the Vibrational Frequency, the 5th Dimension is 6X higher than the 3rd Dimension. So the 17th Dimension is approximately 45X higher than the Vibrational Frequency of the 3rd Dimension. In Life, the Vibrational Energy of most people is in the range of 50 hertz (1 hertz means vibration per second) to 1,000 hertz. At the Central Sun, the Vibrational Frequency is significantly higher. In actuality, the Vibrational Frequency between different Dimensions is not a linear increase, so the Energies of the Central Sun are unreachable by Souls that normally exist in 3 Dimensions.

There are some exceptions. The Chair of the Leadership Council knew of a number of Souls that were elevated in the past few years. In a past life, the Chair had been in Normandy, France, in June of 1944; when visiting the military cemetery there in the 2000s, they discovered a number of Souls of people buried there; of the thousands of bodies in the cemetery, these 12 Souls had stayed at the cemetery, afraid to move on with their existence because they did not want to reincarnate. The significant trauma that they had all been through as part of the invasion of June 6th 1944 was something that they did not want to take a chance of repeating in another life. A few years after the cemetery visit, the Chair of the Leadership Council elevated all of these Souls into the Energy Cloud of the Central Sun, making them new residents of the Central Sun. After a suitable period of time to adapt to their new surroundings, they will be assigned tasks, so that they will have activity in their routine existence.

Because the Central Sun is also not a part of a Universe, there are additional conditions that must be met for those that seek to go there. Generally, there must be a purpose for the visit, in addition to being at the higher Vibrational Energy level. It is extremely rare for a Soul, not originally from the Central Sun, to visit there. It is a place that is of pure Energy, there are no physical entities or structures that exist there. It is far easier for Souls from the Central Sun to go to lower Dimensions and Universes than it is for anyone to go to the Central Sun.

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