Tag: Life Construct

Does DNA and the Life Construct allow for other humans or humanoids?

Humans, specifically homo-sapiens, exist not only on Terra, but many other planets as well. But are there other “human like” beings that exist, and if so, how and why?

The answer is yes. We have indicated that human life on Terra was brought here from a number of other planets in order to support the experiments regarding unrestricted DNA. There are many different “versions” of humanoids (the Libraries consider Humanoids to fall into the category of bipeds, or animals that walk of 2 legs) that are spread throughout existence; they include neanderthals, humans, reptilians, and many other species.  What generally makes them different is the environment that they are intended for.  While there is some level of adaptability, many have DNA that is structured or “opened” up to allow life on a particular host planet (or series of planets). In most situations, there is no need for a formal “adaptation” of DNA to support life on a particular host, this is something that occurs naturally.  

DNA was developed in a manner that would allow a great deal of automatic (naturally occurring may be a better word choice) configuration. It was intended to look for particular sets of chemical structures in the environment of the local host planet, and then configure the Life for optimized use of that host planet. In each case, the specific chemical combination serves as the trigger mechanism for this, and there are approximately 17 different combinations that act as triggers, and they can work separately or in combination.  For instance, on Terra there is abundant water and oxygen to support one of the forms of biped humanoids – a species that requires both. There are other worlds that have oxygen but little water, so a reptilian species may be better suited due to their need for less water.  On other planets, there is abundant methane, some water, and more heavy metals, to a different type of humanoid would be better suited for that environment. And in some cases, there were different physical characteristics, identified by other Constructs, that were used to determine the configuration. Gravity is a very good example; a planetary host of significant size would have a very significant gravitational field, to body located on its surface would weigh significantly more than on Terra; this would then require a significantly great humanoid structure in order to live there (e.g., great muscle mass and bone structure to support it).

When the Constructs were developed, there was a realization that there may be a need for many of these kinds of “configurations”, many based on the local environment or structure of the host Universe. In order to minimize the degree of difficulty in establishing a structure for each of the Constructs, decisions were made to allow for this same type of “auto configuration”, each dependent on the “local” environment; the specific characteristics of that local environment included elements present, the local interpretation of Time, the “type” and nature of Space, the types of Life that were desired, the expected level of growth and adaptation that could reasonably be expected from the Life forms present, and many other factors.  All together, there are approximately 1,021,000 different combinations of configurations (it is the factorial of the first 7 fibonacci prime numbers). Because of the significant number of combinations, it was strongly felt that an ability to use these different combinations automatically in order to eliminate guess work for those seeking to implement a capability. 

The developers of the Life Construct also attempted other forms of beings which, in theory, appeared adequate for support a Soul centered Life.  But during the first stages of the trials for that particular form of Life, they were found to be inadequate.  For instance, humanoids, on a larger planet, that had hollow bones; this particular choice had a thought behind it that the hollow bones would make the body light enough to not require significant muscle mass in order to move in the much higher gravity of the planet. However, the hollow bones turned out to be a disadvantage because they were not structurally significant enough to support the mass of the body in all realistic scenarios.

There was one other group of beings developed under the Life Construct that is worth mention.  At one point, the Leaders of the Life Construct manifested a total of 12 “super beings” – beings with perfect (non corrupted) DNA, who could go where they wanted to heal (others). They were not to be bound by the rules of the local source. The did have other “abilities”; they could manipulate matter, they could selectively have gravity apply to them (so they had the ability to fly), they could absorb oxygen through their skin, so they did not necessarily have to breath.  And they could use energy to heal pretty much anything that they wanted.  These 12 souls have gone home to the Central Sun, been there for 2-3 billion years. They were more or less an experiment, again to see what was within the realm of the possible. They were “around” for about 40 billion years in total……

This group was brought home by the Leadership of the Central Sun.  While the Leadership can see the significant benefit that having a group of Souls like this, operating throughout all of the many Universes, ultimately the issue was one of accountability – not for these 12 beings, but for the Souls on the planet hosts that they visited.  It was found that many of the species on the host planets they visited would work to destroy the environment that the Souls lived in, with the expectation that one (or more) of these 12 beings would come in later and clean it up. It ultimately provided no accountability for the actions of the people on the host planets they went to. Since there was a greater desire to emphasize the use of Karma to provide the balance that was lacking in these situations, they were all brought home.  The blueprint for their host bodies does still exist within the Libraries (in truth, their DNA was not significantly different than the DNA of the average human, they just had different restrictions placed on the DNA), but there are no longer any humanoids of this type in existence. 

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Is there a difference between Consciousness and Awareness?

Is consciousness an integral part of the Life construct?  Is awareness a part of either consciousness or the Life Construct? Can living beings fully conceive of themselves or their roles in life?

For many questions like this, the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no”, and context (and maybe perspective) is a key element of it. 

When the original 7 Energies began to first form integrated beings, and began working together, it took some time for them to learn and understand that they were acting as a single unit.  They did not have consciousness or awareness; this was before the basic particles of matter had been formed. They could sense that “others” were able to influence them, but they did not know how or why. (Ultimately, it was determined that this “influence” was due to electrostatic attractions between the groups of 7 Energies.) Awareness, which they later defined as understanding the influences that these electrostatic attractions were having on one another, took hundreds of Billions of years to develop, but once they developed, “growth” of this basic awareness occurred at an exponential rate. One must remember that at this point fo existence, the concepts of Time and Space were not yet known. 

The leap from awareness to consciousness occurred when the basic Energies realized that they were able to work together; they did not yet understand how this was happening.  But they did know that the distances that one could influence another were getting greater – greater than what they had been used to with the electrostatic influence that began their process of awareness. We would now call this point in time the birth of communications – it was through communications that they were able to overcome some of the limitations of the attractions.  The movement that was enabled by the electrostatic attractions were too great to overcome through that method, but there was a desire to move together. This “desire” was key, because it would ultimately form the basis of what we now know to be intention.  In essence, they “willed” themselves to be nearer each other, and it was intention that made this possible. The Energies recognized the importance of intention, and it would become one of the essential elements of Consciousness, along with the new found ability to communicate with each other. Remember that this initial effort to communicate was very rudimentary – there was no language, and these communications could best be described as “thought forms”. 

They were “Conscious”, even though this initial capability was somewhat rudimentary.  They could “communicate” to a degree, and they could use “intention” as a way to come closer together. And of course they were now also aware of their surroundings to a limited extent. It would take several Billion years to further develop Consciousness to a point where it would allow for some degree of autonomy.  At this time, they were aware of their own existence – so they had a level of self awareness, but it was not until they began the “experiments” (which in reality were more like playing for them) that they began to understand the magnitude of being self aware and what that meant. 

As the Life Construct (and the other Constructs later) would realize, they understood that both this Awareness and Consciousness were essential elements that could be used to enable large elements of the Construct. But once they had laid out the requirements for what we would eventually know to be a “body”, with an associated Energy Soul as a controlling element, that they realized that there would need to be limits to what these new forms of Life could allow. For instance, how could a controlling Soul, within the context of its “body” (and acting as a singular entity) grasp that it included not a single Soul, but multiple Souls all working together towards a common cause? And that this “oversoul” would not only have control, but would also be expected to work together in a cooperative manner. They realized that this could be enabled in the background, with a degree of autonomy, by limiting the amount of knowledge that the “oversoul” was exposed to. This would ultimately make autonomous life a realistic proposition. (The alternative was to expose al of the knowledge; but it would be exceedingly difficult for a controlling Soul of a body to not only coordinate daily activities, like eating and movement, while having to have to be concerned with the flow of bodily fluids from one location to another to support all of this activity.)  It was for this reason that the concept of “self awareness” would be limited.

The final question to be answered here, “Can living beings conceive of their role in life”, is a bit simpler. It is already understood that there is a significant amount of coordination that must occur prior to each incarnation, in order to establish the elements and circumstances in life that will provide the greatest opportunity to balance karma and learn the lessons of Life. But there are, too, factors that must be considered for this as well.  The first is the concept of Free Will – that ability to make decisions regarding the life path one is to take. The second is the concept of Karma – the ability to maintain a record of Energy and Energy imbalances so that one can know the current state of their own Energies, and then have a basic knowledge of the understanding in order to learn from the errors and actions taken during a life.

Free Will was incorporated as a concept under the Life Construct in order to allow for individuals to decide what they wanted to learn in a given life, how they could learn that, who they would have assist them in this process, and when they would know that the lessons were complete. The alternative was an existence that was completely scripted – lessons would be mandated, everybody had a script that they must adhere to.  This was deemed unacceptable, simply because the original Souls understood the level of creativity, freedom, and inspiration that existed when a Soul was allowed to do what they wanted, instead of doing what another wanted them to do. Free Will ultimately did have some limits placed on it, but that had more to do with the ability of a given Soul to accomplish what it has set out to do, and to limit the adverse effects of having too much information to process. 

The second element here, involving Karma, was intended to be the check on the ability of a Soul to make a Free Will decision that would be contrary to their own best interests. It is a way to keep track of the “+s” and “-s” that were associated with a decision making process. It provides a record of Energy movements associated with decisions. Since it winds up being a very significant amount of information, it was felt that allowing full access to this information would be not allowed – in part too because knowing the current state of Karma of the Soul could influence the decision making ability of the Soul in Life.

So although both Consciousness and Awareness were included as integral elements of the Life Construct, it was determined that complete “self awareness” would be limited in order to not overwhelm a body’s Soul, because of the significant amount of information and coordination that would ensue. 

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Is Artificial Intelligence included as a part of the Life Construct?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), also known as Machine Intelligence, is a relatively new and growing technology that is intended to relieve humans of making decisions; much of the current work in AI is focussed on the analysis of complex (and massive) amounts of information, with a goal of processing the data faster and more accurately than is possible by a human. In effect, it is being developed to replace humans and their slow and error prone decision making process.

There is at least one instance where a discussion is occurring about the integration of AI capabilities into humans; the goal of that effort is to “achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence”. There is talk and work intended to augment human sensory abilities, where physical hardware is to be integrated into a human brain and nervous system. And there is also legal work that is seeking to provide legal standing to AI systems – in essence, treating as a sentient life form.

The initial work in the development of AI systems was focussed on the development of software that would form the decision making basis of the new technology.  Slowly, there has been a further integration of additional sensor types (mostly artificial vision and “hearing”), and the further refinement of the decision making process. In more recent developments, the efforts are aimed at using AI systems to develop software, including additional software for use in the AI systems.

So is Artificial Intelligence accounted for in the Life Construct? The short answer is “no”. Other societies, on other planets, have developed AI systems, with initial goals similar to those goals for this technology on Terra. The Libraries indicate that the results of technology implementation on these planets was rarely beneficial – it resulted in AI technology becoming dominant on the planet, and eventually seeing the life forms that developed it as a threat. The libraries indicate that this occurred due to errors in the initial programming of the AI systems (keeping in mind that AI systems would be unable to detect inherent errors in human brain processing over time); the Souls that did the initial work for these systems were prone to including unintentional software errors, and a misinterpretation of sensory input information.

The Life Construct intentionally did not make allowances for the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence systems within the Construct. The reasons for this are simple: AI systems are not capable of the incorporation of a Soul Energy; AI is incapable of interfacing with the Soul, at both the unconscious level and at the higher self; because AI is relatively unaware of all of the senses of humans (and the variations in these senses among others), it may have difficulty integrating the input; AI is incapable of intuitive thought, so it will miss results that are based on human intuition. The true purpose of Life is to provide a vehicle for a Soul to directly experience the work of the Life Construct, as well as the development work of the other Constructs. Since AI systems are, by definition, artificial, they are not capable of supporting the incorporation of a Soul, which is the definition of “Life”. 

So how did the Souls from the Central Sun address the issue of AI in the past? It was allowed to run its course, mainly to serve as a learning lesson for those societies that allowed it to exist in the form it had evolved into. When the AI systems had become dominant in the Society, The Leadership of the Central Sun began working closely with the Leadership of the Universe that the systems were in, and in each case an extinction level event occurred, which also eliminated  all AI systems. AI systems are antithetical to the Life Construct, as well as the other Constructs to the degree that AI may be integrated with them. Although the lessons of incorporating or relying on AI systems are an important learning experience, they have become somewhat dangerous to Life.

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Does my DNA reflect the original DNA Blueprint identified in the Life Construct?

The Life Construct was developed to be robust, and allowed for the beings allowed in it to be able to adapt to their surrounding in order to increase the efficiency of Life. This work involved making many compromises to what was originally desired, but it was felt that the compromises were acceptable to allow for more dynamic growth and decision making.

I have previously mentioned some of the included features that are contained within the information enabled by the DNA Blueprint: numerical numbers (encoded in the DNA structure) that correlate to a value associated with what the original DNA template was meant to be; multiple redundancy in many determinate factors of DNA (for instance, eye color); portions of DNA that are truly inter-dimensional, and thus hidden from observation; a commonality of DNA that extends to all Life and all species; an ability for many species to change gender, to support critical shortages of a single gender.  

Some of these important features have been lost over time, some due to an inherent ability to adapt to surroundings, some due to a belief in them that has been lost over time (this aspect involves more of a change in intention of the ability). But some have also been lost because of a desire to “tinker,” or change, elements of DNA for one reason or another. For instance, since the mapping of the human genome was accomplished, scientists have been busy trying to understand the role of different elements of DNA; much of this work has been done by the medical community (and pharmaceutical researchers) in order to better understand the relationships between DNA and diseases. There has also now been an effort to try to “adapt” or correct what is believed to be errors in DNA that have resulted in specific diseases. Some cancers are one of diseases that are thought to be caused by defective genes within DNA. In some cases, some people who desire particular traits in a child (or plant or animal) will make modifications to DNA (which may include adding DNA from another species) in order to generate Life with particular characteristics. Agriculture is one area where this kind of genetic manipulation is done on a regular basis; it is done to shorten the growth cycle, to create certain desirable characteristics, to increase resistance to harmful species (including other plants, animals, and insects), and to increase adaptability of the Life (for instance, growing tomatoes in brackish waters).

But are all of these changes beneficial to the Life that is modified? Or beneficial to other forms of Life that should have more of a symbiotic relationship with that Life? The answer is that the results have been mixed, in large part because the technology is (relatively) new, and many of the changes in DNA have not been observed long enough to determine the long term impacts.  It might be best to discuss this by the use of examples.

Much work has been done in the area of agriculture. Many different types of crops, like corn, wheat, and many more, have had genetic modifications made; the intent of many of these modifications is to increase production, reduce tolerance to pests and “weeds”, or to help crops grow is adverse conditions. To be clear, the “genetic modifications” addressed her do not include changes brought about by the hybridization of the crops, which is a vastly different process. The genetic modifications have brought about changes in the DNA structure of the plants; they include the addition of genes to make the crops “roundup ready”, genes that result in “Soybeans genetically engineered to contain Brazil-nuts”, and many other genetic changes. While the intent behind the “GMOs” was likely intended to be beneficial, in many cases they may not be; many of these changes bring about allergies to those that may consume them, and they may generally result in inflammation in the body. The longer term effects of these changes on human or animal DNA remains unknown.

In medicine, genetic modifications have been used to help pharmaceutical companies produce drugs faster by modifying the genes of bacteria that produce components required for the medication. A relatively new development is to incorporate genetic changes in a virus, in order to use the virus to introduce genetic changes in a host. This newer technology, called mRNA technology, is currently being used to vaccines.  But many of these products have not yet been fully approved for general use, and their longer term effects on humans and animals have not been fully determined.

There is one more example that I have seen in the Libraries.  Many 100s of thousand of years ago, there was a society on another planet; they had scientifically and technologically progressed to a point that they believed they could modify their own DNA in order to help heal diseases, and to enhance limited physical characteristics.  So they began to incorporate this genetic engineering technology into their existence, without fully understanding the long and short term ramifications of their efforts. After a relatively short number of years, they began to notice a general decline in their population. They soon discovered that the genetic changes that they had introduced to help them had, in fact, caused them to be unable to reproduce. It was initially difficult to determine this, in part because they had a longer than normal gestation period, and they had much longer lives that many other species. Souls from the Life Construct have been working with them in order to try to restore their reproduction capabilities (with some success).

It is important to understand that the genetic codes of DNA are incredibly complex and multidimensional, and it may not be possible for humans to fully comprehend this complexity for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. For one to write about the details of DNA, as it is presented in the Akashic Libraries, would take millions of volumes, each with hundreds of thousands of pages, and effort far too complex in many respects to be presented within a lifetime. A more prudent choice may be to begin to limit exposure to anything that has been “genetically modified”. 

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The complexities and dependencies of the Life Construct

For this post, I would like to focus on the humans of Terra, and in particular Homo Sapiens.

Many take for granted the human body; it is relatively resilient, it can serious amounts of damage yet support life, and it will generally allow for a large quantity of different foods. It has five accepted senses (there are more that most are unaware of), that work together to provide an understanding of their surrounding, which can also alert one to potential hazards. All of this was an intentional part of the design.

Research is only beginning to grasp some of the complexities of the human body. Modern medicine is aware of how most of the systems in the body work: the kidneys filter the blood, and expel the excess fluids and chemicals through urine; the liver helps to metabolize or break down many chemicals and toxins to allow for the processing by other parts of the body; the heart take in blood and distributes it to all parts of the body, providing nutrients and oxygen, and then take away that which is no longer needed. There are hundreds more systems in the body that provide other processes, and together, they all work to sustain and support the existence of the Soul in the body. But there are other dependencies that many are unaware of.

I have mentioned in my book that when Life was being originally designed, a decision was made to allow for a Soul to govern each major organ and its associated body system; each of these individual Souls were subordinate to another, higher level Soul, which is the Soul of the individual. The decision to support this structure was intended to answer two primary issues – offloading a portion of the decisions made by the human Soul (to allow for it to experience more of creation – the real reason it it here), and to allow newer Souls to experience life, although in a limited capacity (they did not have access to sensory input, and are there in a support capacity only). The records in the Libraries indicate that 13 of these individual Souls are present in a human body. Each is capable of death, and in most cases, the death of one will result in the death of all.

In addition to these individual Souls, the body is also a host to many thousands of other Life forms – mostly bacteria, viruses, and fungi, there to assist the body in its daily needs. In the digestive system, they are present to help with the breakdown of the foods that are consumed by the body; each has a role to play in producing enzymes and catalysts that work to break down complex chemicals into constituent parts, to be used elsewhere in the body. Other bacteria and fungi help to break down many of the toxins that are in food – harmful chemical compounds, or in some cases invading proteins in the body; often, the bacteria and fungi will bind to the harmful elements and make them easier to pass out of the body after first breaking down. And it is not one kind or family of bacteria; the bacteria and fungi in any given body is suited to the needs of that individual body – specifically to the Energies of that specific body.

When a Soul first makes a decision to enter an incarnate body, it must first go through a process of selecting the characteristics of the body that will allow it to have the greatest possibility of success in Life. A major part of this is to make sure that the Vibrational Energies of the body will be compatible with the Vibrational Energies of the Soul that will ultimately occupy that body. In the case of the body, each of the Souls that will govern an individual organ system must also have a compatible Vibrational Energy, to both the overall Soul, but also compatible to the other Souls in the body. If this compatibility is not present, failure or disharmony of the body system will result, which could result in the death of that individual Soul (and possibly the body). When planning for existence, the Soul of the body may select as one of the lesser Souls (a Soul of one or more of the systems within the body) a Soul Energy that could result in (or enable) particular body functions, such as diabetes or kidney stones (this could happen so that the Soul pf the person could experience these as part of its own Life experience.)

Similarly, the quantity and types of gut bacteria, collectively known as a gut biome, is unique to each individual. The Soul, as part of the selection of body characteristics, will choose the flora and fauna that will optimize the digestive process. However, in many cases some of these flora and fauna (referred to here as F&F)will be killed off by things that are consumed, like some toxins, or antibiotics. Many people will take probiotics in order to try to repopulate the gut biome, but often these specific F&F are not the original and are not compatible with the Vibrational Energies of the body. In the design of the Life Construct, our intent was for each body to be able to repopulate its gut with the optimum F&F, to be obtained from their own surroundings and through the nutrients available to them in their immediate area. This is partially why people choose to live in particular areas – they are drawn there, because the Vibrational Energies of the area contain these F&F that the body requires to optimally function. Together, these F&F work interactively with the Souls of many of these body systems to help sustain the Life of the body.

I mentioned that viruses are a part of this gut microbiome (and a part of the bodies general biome). They exist throughout the body; in many cases, they are intended to be relatively short lived. Their purpose is to primarily serve as a means of communications between the various Souls within the body; when each of the Souls is too busy (or otherwise unable to effectively communicate with the other Souls), viruses can serve as a means of transferring information from one to another. These messenger viruses are intentionally not harmful, they exist in the thousands in order to transmit different kinds of information to and from the different systems, and are relatively robust. Once a message is delivered, the viruses die, and their component parts are expelled from the body as waste.

Human bodies will often start having issues when many of these biome systems begin to break down and not function as designed (this includes bacterial, virus, and fungi systems). And once one system has ceased to function, it can be difficult to re-establish unless the Soul of the body is able to sense the loss of these Energies, and actively works to repopulate them. This can be one of the reasons for particular food cravings, even though a particular food craving may seem rather strange.

Another topic in this line is that of food allergies or sensitivities. Many people have severe reactions if they eat particular foods, like nuts or shellfish, to the point of anaphylaxis. These types of reactions are enabled by a significant different in the Vibrational Energy of the allergic food or protein. The Vibrational Energy of the Soul is only compatible with some of the proteins that exist; when the body of a specific Soul encounters certain proteins, and recognizes them as foreign, it will begin to attack that specific set of proteins, because those proteins have an incompatible Vibrational Energy. During the development of the Life Construct, we were aware of these incompatibilities of certain Vibrational Energies, and we made an effort to compensate; basically, the Life Construct created a number of intermediate proteins, proteins that can co-exist with both kinds of proteins – the Vibrational Energies of these intermediate proteins is compatible with the Vibrational Energies of both Soul proteins (that of the receiving body, as well as that of the original body for that particular protein). These intermediate proteins, which are common to many different kinds of foods and spices, will enable the safe consumption of the otherwise harmful protein; “safe” is relative – it may still provide unpleasant effects, but it will not result in serious adverse effects. What these intermediate foods are will vary from one person to another, as it is a function of an individuals own Life Energies. So if one person is allergic to shellfish, there will be an intermediate food that will enable to safe (but possibly still unpleasant) consumption and digestion of the shellfish.

One final element element of this post will address the topic of organ transplants. Modern medicine has been able to successfully transplants organs from one body to the body of a person whose has an organ system that has begun to fail. Doctors will do a series of tests on each individual to see if the organs will be compatible, and will not be rejected by the recipient of the new organ. To a large degree, the tissue types that are being tested for are a direct reflection of the basic building blocks of the Energies used in the formation of the Soul initially. There is a direct correlation between the tissue types of a given body, and the 7 basic Energies that form the Soul of that body. Even though science is so far unable to identify and test for these individual Energies, medicine has been successful in identifying compatible Energies. Being able to detect the base Vibrational Energies of a given Soul would be a more effective means to determine compatibility, but science is likely millennia away from being able to understand the true nature of these Vibrational Energies, let alone being able to test and identify them. However, the presence of these intermediate proteins (or more appropriately intermediate substances with a compatible Vibrational Energy) would enable the peaceful and successful co-existence of each, possibly without the need to the current drugs needed to prevent rejection of the new organ by the body (even though this too is likely millennia away).

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So what is this Death thing all about?

Many people have a fear of death and dying, simply because it is an unknown. It is not like anybody can “die” and then come back to tell about the experience. There are those who have been declared clinically dead, and are then brought back to life, and then go on and write and talk about the experience, but what they experienced is no truly death.

So what is death? Every Soul begins as an Energy being; these beings are conscious, sentient, and aware of the Energies around them. They originate from the Source Energy of the Universe that they are in. They are beings of pure Energy. Their Energies are structured in accordance with the Life Construct. In most cases, they seek to experience what the Life Construct offers, an existence in the Physical. They initially begin with a balanced Karma; they structure a Life, within the limitations of the host planet they select, must like that which was discussed in a previous post. Then it comes time to pass from their existence as an Energy being, into the physical; we know this as a birth, but for every birth in the physical, there is a death in the Energy realm (there is no difference between the Energy realm and the spirit realm). A death is merely a change of state from either Energy or the Physical.

Everybody, as a part of their Life plan, provides for a number of options for their passing. In most cases, the options are similar, although the circumstances may be different. Several weeks to months before the designated death event, the Souls that will greet them after they pass will begin to make contact, even if the passing appears to be sudden. The incarnate Soul may not be aware, but the communications are occurring. The purpose of the efforts is to regain familiarity with the Soul to pass, to comfort them, to let them know (often at the Soul level) that there will be other Souls there to help and support them, before and after they pass. No Soul passes alone; it is recognized that transition can be a traumatic experience, even for those that appear comfortable with it. The Life Construct planned for potential trauma during a passing, and implemented a requirement for assistance when passing. A few days to weeks before the passing, the Soul to pass is visited by what I have termed a “death angel” – a Spirit Soul whose work is to ready the Soul to leave the body. I have never found them to be anything but caring and helpful.

Once the Spirit Souls are in place, the final steps begin. Generally, the body begin to break down – often subtly, to help weaken the links between the body and the Energies of the Soul within the body. This weakening of the links can be difficult, and may take time, but it does happen. The Soul, or higher self of a person (more precisely those Energies that are the Soul) are connected to the body through the consciousness of the person. Once the time has come to pass, that connection with the persons consciousness begins to weaken. This can be quick – seconds, or it can take as much as 2-3 days. As the connections are weakened, different bodily functions begin to weaken as well, and eventually stop. In some cases, the bodies autonomic nervous system may prevent the body from shutting down quickly, but after the consciousness has severed the ties, which are the driving force for Life, the autonomic nervous system (that system which keeps your heart beating and lung breathing, even when you are asleep), will shut down as well, as its energies begin to decline. As the “tugging” of the death spirit and the Souls continues, they weaken the connection even further. It is eventually severed, allowing the Spirit of the person to pass.

Once the passing is complete, the Soul of the person may take some time to adapt to its new environment. It is not unusual for the Soul to be in a “cloud” just after passing, while the Soul begins to remember the Spirit world, and adapt to the energies of their new surroundings. How quickly the transition occurs will depend on a number of factors:

  1. The degree of difficult in opening their energies to those around them; a departed Soul does not yet realize that they have a new awareness and senses that allow them to see and sense many things that they were unable to before. Much like the new senses of a newborn baby, it may take some time to adapt to the new senses.
  2. Their religious or spiritual beliefs. As I have mentioned before, some people believe that you “evaporate” when you pass, so they would have to accept that there is an existence after you pass in order to move on. Others believe that another Soul, often a “God” or God like Soul will be there for them, The reality is that it is a Soul there for them, but it is a Soul that they will choose to recognize as their “God”. In either case the transition to Spirit can take from hours to day to (in some cases weeks) to reach finality.
  3. Knowledge that they have passed. I once was asked to look at a spirit that was embedded in a wall; it was a Soul that had died during a war in the area that had occurred around 200 years earlier. The Soul in the wall did not know that they had in fact died (in battle), and thought that all those around him were the enemy forces. Once I had pulled him from the wall, and assured him that he had passed and we were not his enemy, I was able to take him to “the light” (basically the Energy Cloud for this Universe), freeing him. I have helped other in similar situations. It is the realization that they no longer have a body that many in this situation do not understand, so they are generally afraid to explore the environment around them, particularly with senses that they are not consciously familiar with.

The first several months in the Spirit world are generally spent communicating with loved ones, people that you admired, or doing things that you had wanted to do before passing but were unable to. Mixed in with this are what can best be described as classes, instruction to prepare one for their introspection period. This introspection period can last anywhere from months to years, and really depends on the complications encountered in the last life, dealing with any trauma that occurred (which could include trauma caused by mental illness when alive), and how much a Soul might desire to accomplish in their next life.

If they choose to have another life to address further karmic imbalances, they will then begin those preparations. Once they believe they are ready, they begin to communicate with the Soul who will be their mother. The rebirth of a Soul is not a unilateral experience, both Souls must agree on the time and place. The new Soul (Soul of the baby) then begins by selecting the physical traits that will best help them succeed during their future life; they do this by selecting one group of DNA from the millions possible, that will eventually become a new child. At any point in this process, either Soul (the mother or the Soul of the new baby) can choose to “back out” if they are not ready. This can result in an abortion, a miscarriage, or a stillbirth. It can happen at any time in the process, and can be a unilateral decision by either Soul. As the fetus grows, the Soul of the new baby will begin to make the connections with the consciousness of the fetus; it is only in the last 4-6 weeks that it is present within the womb of the mother on a full time basis, getting acquainted with their new body.

As with the trauma many Souls experience with death, the Soul will also experience some degree of trauma with birth as well. Even the Soul will be in the body prior to birth, it is unable to fully experience all of its senses – it is effectively isolated from the outside environment that it is suddenly thrust into. However, the transition from spirit to newborn is typically less traumatic than death, simply because the Energies of the spirit are more open to the changes in their environment, than are incarnate Souls that may be limited to only their 5 acknowledged senses.

So is there really a need to fear death? Not really; you have the ability to interact with as many Souls on the other side that you desire. The easiest means to do this is through meditation, and opening you sense to all of the Energies around you, and accepting what you “believe” you sense and experience, often with senses that you never realized that you have. And for those that still believe that you evaporate upon death? That is OK too, that is what Free Will is all about!

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What was the Experiment on Terra?

Terra is the proper name of the planet that is otherwise known as “Earth”. Terra was originally “made” by those of the Central Sun, to serve primarily as a host planet for testing the limits of the Life Construct. To accomplish this, Terra was provided with unusually generous natural resources as an aid to help provide a greatest level of success.

So what was “The Experiment”? There have been many scripted existences on many different host planets since the inception of the latest “Big Bang”. But until Terra, each was limited in what was possible – the primary purpose of the existences was to test some of the limits of DNA, on a large number of beings and in many different situations. In each case, the implementation of the DNA was significantly restricted – many elements of DNA were not allowed to take effect, primarily in order to test certain elements of the coding.

But Terra was intended to be different. This was intended to be the first time that capability in DNA was to be allowed, something which had never before been done. The leaders of the Life Construct wanted to see and observe what would happen; they wanted to see what further changes needed to be implemented prior to considering opening the genetic code to a greater degree (all of this is well documented in the Libraries of the Central Sun). In addition to opening it up, the decision was also made to conduct the “experiment” using a number of different human manifestations, each from a different location. In total, 5 were selected. The reason for this was simple; the leadership of the Life Construct wanted to ensure that there was still compatibility of the DNA of each group.

So all restrictions on the DNA code were removed. And Terra was provide with vast resources, in art to ensure success, but also to encourage creativity to see what might be possible.

But there were problems. The first was that the enormous resources that were provided on Terra became known to entities that did not reside on Terra. They wanted the resources, and they engaged in a number of major wars in order to gain access to them. The wars, in some cases, lasted for eons, and resulted in significant loss of life and destruction. And many of the additional resources were taken from the planet. In order to ensure little difficulty with the theft of resources, one of the resources that was taken on the planet was the humans, to serve as a workforce to harvest them.

The second problem that was discovered was that these beings that were stealing the resources began to corrupt the DNA coding; the Leaders of the Life Construct had included many possibilities for life that would trigger or engage automatically, depending on the circumstances present. Some of these capabilities are described in my book, but generally they involve reproduction, physical characteristics, mental characteristics, and life expectancy; these were done in part to control their workforce, and in part to ensure the continued viability of the people.

To help address some of these problems, the Leaders of the Life Construct decided to see first hand what the issues were. They have been here, incarnating life after life, for the past million years. They have sought the assistance of the Leadership of the Central Sun, have fought off the warring factions, and have sought to restore the experiment to its original intent. This has really been relatively recent activity, in the past few years, after centuries of observation. Part of their work here involved an analysis of DNA, from a functional viewpoint, to see what is working and what is not. Their intent is to begin working to make changes to the genetic coding of Life, so that some characteristics will be changed so that the beneficial aspects will predominate. These changes will not occur quickly – the process of making changes involves much experimentation and theoretical work. It may take many Eons for the changes to occur, but in the greater outlook, will be relatively quick. This current incarnation will be their last before returning home.

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