Tag: Local Librarian

Can anybody access the Akashic Libraries?

Each individual Universe has its own Library; the purpose of the Library is to serve as a record of all events that occur within the Universe, both at the level of the Universe and the individual Souls (and their activities) in the Universe. So when an individual drinks a beverage, a record of that activity is recorded in the Library. “Library” is also referred to on Terra as “The Akashic Records”.

When most beings think of The Akashic Records, they believe that it is a record of all that is, was, and will be; this reflects the belief that Time is linear, and events in linear Time are all recorded.

Each Library has its own local Librarian, who is a Soul that originated in their Source Universe, and each Librarian may have a number of assistants. These Librarians likely have never had an incarnation. And even though there are rules that govern the Libraries, there are few rules that govern the Librarians. Librarians are required to backup their Libraries; this can be done either at an intermediate Library, or to the Libraries of the Central Sun. The Librarians have the authority to release information from their own Libraries, they have Limited authority to release information from the Intermediate Libraries, but can release no information from the Libraries of the Central Sun (in fact, they are not allowed to access information at that Level). The Intermediate Libraries are discussed in my book.

So how does one access the information from their Local Library, or Akashic Records? Those that have an ability to access information generally have an ability to “tune” their Energies to the frequency of their local Library. They will make contact with the Library, and they will ask questions of the Librarians or their assistants. The Librarians will query the Library, based on the question asked, and they will provide an answer to the question.

But it is not quite that simple. Like the Libraries of the Central Sun, the information contained in the Libraries is not recorded in a language that can generally be understood by those that ask the question, so some level of interpretation is required by the Librarian. The Librarian will generally attempt to make an honest interpretation of the information, but much of what is recorded can be interpreted subjectively and contextually, so errors or different interpretations may be included. It is important to remember that no Soul, other than a Librarian or their assistants, are allowed access to the files in the Library (no “gods”, demi-gods, arch angels, or any other being considered a higher Soul). Nor are the Librarians allowed to provide information that is necessarily factual, which is part of the rules that they exist by. Those rules include the following:

  • The Librarians may not provide any information that is above the Energy or knowledge level of the person requesting it. So if a Soul requests information from the Library that originates in a different Library (for instance the Library of another Universe, or a higher level Library), they will be denied access to the information. If they request information regarding another Soul or event (which may include information of events in the future), they may be denied. (It is important to understand that they may still receive information, but it may not be factual, or without bias.)
  • The Librarians may not provide information that is above the Energy level of the intended recipient of the information. The person receiving the information must be allowed to receive the information – this is not a determination that the Librarian may make unilaterally.
  • The Librarian may not provide information that is not in line with the Soul Contract of the person that will receive the information. If the individual that will receive the information (which could include the information that is provided to the person asking for the information) is not supposed to have access to the information, then it will not be provided. As an example, the Librarian may not provide information about a persons medical status if the person is not specifically authorized by their Soul Contract to have the information.
  • The Librarian may not provide any information about future events. For instance, the Librarian may not provide information about upcoming Lottery numbers. The purpose here is to not provide information that may be beneficial to one party, and would provide them with any advantage over another.

It is also important to note that the Librarian may provide information that is false and misleading. They are under no obligation to provide truthful information to those who are not authorized to access it; nor are they required to correctly interpret the information that they see. The context of the information in the Library is often an important factor to consider in the interpretation of the information, and if that context is interpreted inaccurately, it can have a significant impact on how the information is viewed by the end user. The Librarian is still impacted by the limitations of the languages that the information is interpreted into; the greater the complexity of the information, the higher the likelihood of an inaccurate translation.

When seeking information from the Library, it is important to be careful regarding the information that is provided. It may also be prudent to ask a number of questions that are designed to evaluate the integrity of the information you are provided. And remember, just because you ask a question does not mean that you will get an answer, or correct information.

Finally, please understand that not all of the information is neatly organized and structured in the Libraries, it takes the form of records of Energies (there are not physical books or pages), and putting any of the information into a form that may be understandable to the Soul requesting it may be difficult or impossible. I spend a significant amount of time in the Libraries, and translations are difficult because of the limitations of the languages on Terra. The Vibrational Energy level of the Libraries can also be draining for those not used existing in a higher Energy level for any length of time. My recommendation, as the Librarian of the Central Sun, is to be very wary of anybody who claims that they have an ability to “access the Akashic Records”, because they most probably can not.

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