Tag: Looking into the future

The difference between Time Travel and looking past or future

We have spoken before of the restrictions and limitations that exist on the physical act of Time travel, either into the past or future. The main issue with Travel through time is the preservation of the integrity of the Constructs, and the preservation of the Timelines. Travel of an individual into the past would likely lead to the events that would result in significant changes to the Timeline, the paths of people, and could ultimately compromise of the Constructs themselves. Even if there was no ability to return to your current timeline, going into the past would give somebody significant au priori knowledge of the past events, with certainly enough detail to cause changes. But it could also result in a Time Paradox – an event, or series of events, that could be caused to occur in the past that would result in conflicting changes in the current timeline.  As an example, a Time traveller could go into the past and take actions that would prevent the individual from being born. Yet the individual exists in the current timeline. It is a discontinuity in Time.

Travel forward in Time is equally problematic. One could go forward in time to either observe the world geopolitical situation, or to gather information on the current (or future) state of technology. Knowing the future geopolitical situation would allow one to attempt to change the paths of those involved in that future position; It would in effect remove or significantly impact the Free Will decisions of people who desire to remain faithful to their own Timeline. In the case where knowledge of technology is sought, that information would allow a significant advantage to fall upon those who would ultimately receive that information. It could easily create a paradox; once the technology is developed and manufactured, the original timeline is effectively changed, resulting in the paradox.

But what about somebody “looking” back in time – for instance, looking at events in the past life of an individual in order to help diagnose issues they have.  Simply observing events in the past does not necessarily allow for any of those events to change, nor would it cause a paradox in the timelines of any of the individuals involved. 

Looking into the future presents different issues. While there are people who have an ability to see “into the future”, they are generally not allowed to provide any information that would result in a paradox, or information that is not specifically allowed for in the Soul Contracts of the individuals involved.  A good example of this is lottery numbers; if the Soul Contract of an individual indicates that they will use provided numbers of information to secure a large amount of money, they could receive the information.  But this is very rarely the case – most people do not have this type of information in their Soul Contract. 

In each of these cases, the key element is the creation or existence of a Time paradox. In general, if the information or capability could possibly result in a Time Paradox, or compromise of any of the Constructs, it is not permitted.

Is anybody allowed to do any of these? Yes. The only Souls authorized to do any of these things are the Leadership from the Central Sun. They are allowed because they all have as a common goal the preservation of Timelines and the Constructs, so they are uniquely trained to be able to operate in these kinds of situations. 

But my psychic says that they look into the future all the time!  Do not believe them. There are many people who say that they are capable of doing things that are simply beyond their abilities. But the may also be unaware of the fact that any information that they are provided is heavily filtered, and may be false.  It is not generally false intentionally, but what they may receive may not be on the same timeline that they desire. When one asks for, or seeks out information, they do not generally realize that there are hundreds of different timelines available for the information; all are valid timelines, yet the initial question(s) do not provide enough specificity.  And simply “thinking” about the information being in the timeline you desire is not necessarily good enough; the person asking for the information my not have knowledge of the alternate timelines that may exist, so they do not necessarily know to ask for a specific timeline. Even within the Libraries of the Central Sun, there are often thousands of possible timelines, all of which may need to be researched in order to find a true and correct answer to the question asked.  This same exhaustive search also applies to searching for information independent of a timeline. Each bit of information may require searching many different sources, each of which may involve interconnected links or influences. These are all elements of a Library that are not well known, but need to be considered.

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