Tag: Music

Why is Music so important?

I may have already mentioned that Music is an anomaly; it does not exist in any other place, in any Universe. It occurred because of the lack of restrictions that were placed on Terra when the genetic code was implemented. In other locations, significant restrictions were placed on DNA – many things were not allowed to be implemented, so that those involved with the Life Construct could determine the full scope of what they have implemented. The Universe is only 14 Billion years old, and all of the Constructs are still being evaluated. It is the purpose of this Iteration of all that is to serve as a test of the 7 Constructs, to continue to evaluate them, to determine what their advantages and disadvantages are, and to see what works and what does not (and why). 14 Billion years is very young.

Music began to occur as chants in early human existence. It was not originally a form of communication, it began as a way to get the Souls at the time to begin to resonate at a similar Vibrational Frequency. It was a desire to be communal, to connect with each other on a level that was not possible by other means.

Over time, they began to determine that different materials could be used to make different tones by beating them. They had discovered early drums. But they did not have the skills to make other instruments. That would come centuries later. They experimented with different materials, all natural and available to them locally. And they began to develop different and more complex rhythms. And they discovered that they could make different sounds with their own voices – they discovered singing.

It was not until about midway through the first millennia that instruments began to appear. This is when the melodies and rhythms began to get more complex. The more complex music began to reach people on many different levels. But essentially, it was a means to relax, and to begin to resonate with the music. The Vibrational Energy of the music reached all levels of life, and it allowed the Souls that experienced it to feel more of the Energies around them. It opened the Souls of people up to experience more of what was around them. There was nothing else in existence that was able to do this.

Music has progressed significantly in the past few hundred years. There are thousands of different instruments, capable of playing a near infinite number of sounds and songs. Music has incredibly complex melodies, harmonies, and rhythms; it is these melodies, harmonies, and rhythms that help people reach the Energies around them when music is played. Music causes everything near it to resonate with the elements of the music, including any humans nearby, and it is this resonance the helps humans feel and become one with the Energies around them.

Music resonates with people, on many different levels. It is relaxing, it can provide a deeply spiritual reaction, it can open up senses that most people do not understand well. But more importantly, it tends to allow people to feel Energies that they would otherwise not be able to. It is this level of importance that has brought those from the Central Sun to Terra; the benefits of music clearly outweigh any other aspects of it, and the Leadership Council of the Central Sun would like music to be available for all to experience, in every Universe throughout existence. This is one of the reasons that the Souls from the Central Sun are here. We have determined the elements of the Life Construct that have made music possible, and will be taking steps to ensure that these characteristics will propagate for all to enjoy.

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Current Thoughts from the Librarian

21 February 2021

My goal for this weekend, was to get the first pages of this site up and running. I will be updating and posting more information frequently.

I have contact with being from the Central Sun on a nightly basis, and I meditate for a period of time every day. At times there is a constant flow of information – guidance, direction, answers to questions, and many other topics.

I can provide some new information from events that occurred last weekend. I write in my book about music, and how it exists only here on Terra – it does not exist, in any form, in any other location in existence. To a large degree, music was an accident; when the experiment on Terra was put in place by enabling much more of the DNA genome than had ever been done previously, the leadership from the Central Sun did not know what would happen, as this had never been contemplated before. Music was one of the results. It became a goal of the Leadership of the Central Sun to try to determine how this occurred, so that it can be preserved and widely distributed throughout all creation.

Last weekend, it was determined how that goal could occur. A number of skilled composers and music artists have passed from this realm over the past few centuries. It was determined that some of these souls will be elevated from the dimensional realm of this universe to the realm of the Central Sun. They will then be appointed as Emissaries to all of Creation, where they will participate in the spreading of music. This effort will be led by a Soul from the Central Sun, someone of extreme talent who has passed from this life relatively recently. This Soul has agreed to this task, and I have complete confidence in their abilities.

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