Tag: Number of Dimensions

The Multiverse and Dimensions

We live in a Universe that appears, by all measure, very large.  There are billions of galaxies, each with billions of planets. We believe that it spans an area of billions of light years. But is this all that is, this Universe we are in?

The quick answer is “no”. But there is more to the answer.

Although there are currently a finite number of Universes, there is no upper limit of how many different Universes there could possibly be. There are criteria for what is required for a Universe; a given amount of Energy, which consents to be divided into smaller discrete Energies (which eventually will become galaxies, stars, planets, and all of the Life Forms that will exist within the new Universe), and a commitment to use and abide by the elements of the Constructs (largely because they form a known and working framework for all that would be included in the new Universe). Universes have no restrictions on their size; they can be large, like the current Universe that includes Terra, or they can be incredibly small. Universes may exist within each other (a small Universe may exist within a large Universe). They can be nested – one within a larger one, which exists within a Universe that is yet larger.  All of this complexity is not only allowed, but the parameters of how this may occur are a part of what is defined within the Constructs.

Universes have the ability to define the Time standards that they wish to use; they can determine the forms of Life they would like to include (if any); they can choose how they would like to structure the areas within their boundaries (how Space and matter are configured, for instance); and to a degree, they can determine the characteristics that will exist (for instance, would they permit things like greed and wars to exist – which will likely be changed within the terms of the Constructs). 

There is another form of “nesting” that Universes are capable of supporting. They have the ability to “layer” themselves, in order to support more Life Souls in a given area.  As an example, they can “shift” the phase of their base Energies by a few degrees (5 degrees is the minimum required to avoid interference), to create another layer within the Universe. These “phase shifted” areas exist within the same boundaries as other layers, and they contain the same general Life forms that exist (or could exist) within the other Layers. Because of the phase shift, each layer will be unknown to those in another layer, in large part because of the limitations of the sensors or sensory abilities of Life forms and the technologies they have developed (however, it is possible that “portals” do exist between the different layers, that could allow for transit between them, or communications between them, for purposes of deconfliction).  It is possible, and in some cases likely, that events or actions in one layer may impact or effect things in another layer – for instance, when a nuclear detonation occurs. As a reference, many Universes contain these kinds of layers. And these layers do not constitute a different Universe, or a different Dimension.

The intent has always been that the Energies of all that is would have the ability to experience the aspects of “Life”, as those in early existence have done, whether that Life takes on a physical form, or remains as an Energy being. The Creators do not have a desire to limit the experience of the freedom of Life to themselves, they felt and understood the importance of allowing other Souls to experience as well.

In addition to Universes (and all that they may contain), there are also a number of different Dimensions.  Unlike Universes, there are an absolute finite number of Dimensions, due mainly to practical limits and the increasing complexity of higher Dimensions. The limit is 17 different Dimensions; the 17th Dimension is the location of the Central Sun, the 16th Dimension is reserved for what amounts to a specialized Energy Library, and the 15th Dimension is reserved as a “buffer”, or empty Dimension. The 9th and 7th Dimensions are where healers exist that use different geometric forms and mathematics for healing; their work is used not only in their Dimensions, but the Souls from these Dimensions also incarnate in other Dimensions in order to help others with the technologies that they have developed and use. In a practical sense, Dimensions are superior to any Universe, in part because they have a significantly greater complexity, and do not follow the same type of hierarchical framework that a Universe does. 

Dimensions, like Universes, may also be nested – for instance, a 3 Dimensional body (or Dimension) can exist within the 5th Dimension. And a 5th Dimensional object can reside within a 3 Dimensional space, even though beings and Souls may not have the ability to sense its presence. There is not real practical way to describe a higher Universe, in large part due to the limitations of the Language, Science, and understanding of Humans (and other beings) in the Terran Universe. Souls that originated in other Dimensions might have the ability to understand higher order Dimensions, in large part due to the fact that they have been in one before; whether or not they would will depend on what they are allowed to experience (which is an element in their Soul Contract), and on their own Soul’s development (are they ready to experience this again). 

One of the main differences between a Universe and a Dimension (other than the level of complexity), involves the concepts of Time. In a Universe, Time is viewed as a linear series of events, even though the rate of Time may be different from one to another. In a Dimension however, Time is often not linear; at the Central Sun, “Time” is more of a concept that is interpreted or defined at an individual level.  For instance, when I (as the Librarian) look for information in the Libraries, I do so without reference to Time – I can travel through “Time”, both forwards (to an extent) and backwards with little effort (the inability to travel forward in Time unrestricted has more to do with my own Soul Contract limitations – I am not allowed to see or know things that could impact my own personal Free Will decisions). I can also travel through the directions of Time (Time, in the higher Dimensions, does have directions – something that I am unable to explain due to inherent vocabulary inadequacies). In this state, Time itself exhibits Multidimensional properties.

With this writing, it is our intent to provide at least a glimpse of some of the complexities of existence, and to indicate that “Science” has yet much to learn.

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