Tag: Pollution

The Corruption of Terra

There is much that is occurring on Terra that is not in line with the concepts that have guided the implementation of the Constructs. Although the current and past societies on Terra have made significant improvements in the quality of Life, there has also been a significant amount of detriment to some of it.  Humans have largely given little thought to pollution on Terra, they have excelled in warming the planet, and elements of “science” have been used or interpreted to support polarization and harm to individuals. Harmony does not functionally exist throughout much of society.

This does not mean that no work is being done to reverse any of this. There are many “old Souls” on Terra who remember how things have been in the past, both on Terra as well as many other home worlds, and there are many Souls here from other worlds that are here to help. For the most part, most of the efforts appear to be limited to small scale efforts working to have a local impact, rather than a global or regional impact. And for many efforts, there is little (if any) timing or synchronization of the efforts, an important factor when desiring to do Energy work.  An explanation of this is warranted.

When many small groups of Souls work towards providing Energy towards a particular solution, they will generally put a relatively small amount of Energy towards that goal. So if there are many small groups that are attempting to do the same kind of work, each with a slightly different focus, all of this work winds up not being complimentary – they all wind up being out of synch with each other, and in a sense, will tend to cancel each other out.  The proper way to achieve the desired end goal is to throughly coordinate efforts among the groups, providing identical (rather than similar) goals, and a synchronized Energy stream to accomplish those clearly stated goals. It is only in this way that the Energies involved in this kind of work can be used to increase and change what needs to be changed, in a positive manner. 

Ironically, humanity has the tools to accomplish this kind of coordination on a large scale, through the effective use of Social Media, but it is not widely being used for this purpose. It is being used for small groups to coordinated efforts over a larger geographic area, but thus far there is not one “leader” who has stepped up to provide the necessary impetus for the changes that are sought. (This leader can NOT be someone from the Central Sun – in a larger context, none of the Souls here from the Central Sun carry the credibility needed for such a role (particularly given the political and religious polarization in the world today), and our role on Terra is strictly that of an observer.)  Such a leader would, of necessity, need to be widely recognized and accepted worldwide. There are a number of figures that begin to approach this level of leadership (the Dalai Lama is one), but there are parts of the world (China, in this particular case) who would disagree with him being in a Leadership position such as this. Pope Francis is another, but his involvement would create many religious overtones that would discourage participation by many. 

But even this kind of work, focussed on “cleaning up” Terra, would be a temporary solution.  The people of Terra, as a whole, MUST be willing to make a positive change in how they use the resources of the planet, how they work and communicate together with each other, and they must understand that there is no “planet B” for them to go to.  They also must understand the degree and level of harm that their actions are having on their home.  They must be willing to put politics, money, greed, Ego, and petty differences aside to work towards a common goal, that goal being the good of the planet.  This will be incredibly difficult work; “science” does not have the answers for this kind of solution (and will not for many, many generations to come), and no one Soul will have the “right” solution for every situation. It must be done by a number of Souls, each having their own following, and the Leaders of each respective group must communicate their work with each other, as well as their followers. This is something that has never before been done on Terra. And for many situations, a certain amount of “Faith” will have to exist – a belief that those working towards a true common goal will be able to accomplish what they desire, even if their work does not involve the use of “materiel things”. 

The Constructs provide all of the possible solutions to all of the problems that exist on Terra, their use only requires a degree of “outside the box” thinking to develop new and innovative solutions to unique problems. Much of this work can be done using Energy – Energy can be used to convert one (potentially hazardous material) to its most basic elements; Energy can be used to manifest bacteria that, for instance, can “eat” radioactive debris, toxic chemicals, or plastics (for instance), and many examples of this are already known to exist. Terrans must begin to believe in themselves and their own abilities, and must begin to disregard those potential solutions provided by those with an impure or alternative motive for the work to be done. 

Those here from the Central Sun are willing to help, and provide ideas and concepts for others to use, one only need ask.

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