Tag: Reincarnation

So what is this Death thing all about?

Many people have a fear of death and dying, simply because it is an unknown. It is not like anybody can “die” and then come back to tell about the experience. There are those who have been declared clinically dead, and are then brought back to life, and then go on and write and talk about the experience, but what they experienced is no truly death.

So what is death? Every Soul begins as an Energy being; these beings are conscious, sentient, and aware of the Energies around them. They originate from the Source Energy of the Universe that they are in. They are beings of pure Energy. Their Energies are structured in accordance with the Life Construct. In most cases, they seek to experience what the Life Construct offers, an existence in the Physical. They initially begin with a balanced Karma; they structure a Life, within the limitations of the host planet they select, must like that which was discussed in a previous post. Then it comes time to pass from their existence as an Energy being, into the physical; we know this as a birth, but for every birth in the physical, there is a death in the Energy realm (there is no difference between the Energy realm and the spirit realm). A death is merely a change of state from either Energy or the Physical.

Everybody, as a part of their Life plan, provides for a number of options for their passing. In most cases, the options are similar, although the circumstances may be different. Several weeks to months before the designated death event, the Souls that will greet them after they pass will begin to make contact, even if the passing appears to be sudden. The incarnate Soul may not be aware, but the communications are occurring. The purpose of the efforts is to regain familiarity with the Soul to pass, to comfort them, to let them know (often at the Soul level) that there will be other Souls there to help and support them, before and after they pass. No Soul passes alone; it is recognized that transition can be a traumatic experience, even for those that appear comfortable with it. The Life Construct planned for potential trauma during a passing, and implemented a requirement for assistance when passing. A few days to weeks before the passing, the Soul to pass is visited by what I have termed a “death angel” – a Spirit Soul whose work is to ready the Soul to leave the body. I have never found them to be anything but caring and helpful.

Once the Spirit Souls are in place, the final steps begin. Generally, the body begin to break down – often subtly, to help weaken the links between the body and the Energies of the Soul within the body. This weakening of the links can be difficult, and may take time, but it does happen. The Soul, or higher self of a person (more precisely those Energies that are the Soul) are connected to the body through the consciousness of the person. Once the time has come to pass, that connection with the persons consciousness begins to weaken. This can be quick – seconds, or it can take as much as 2-3 days. As the connections are weakened, different bodily functions begin to weaken as well, and eventually stop. In some cases, the bodies autonomic nervous system may prevent the body from shutting down quickly, but after the consciousness has severed the ties, which are the driving force for Life, the autonomic nervous system (that system which keeps your heart beating and lung breathing, even when you are asleep), will shut down as well, as its energies begin to decline. As the “tugging” of the death spirit and the Souls continues, they weaken the connection even further. It is eventually severed, allowing the Spirit of the person to pass.

Once the passing is complete, the Soul of the person may take some time to adapt to its new environment. It is not unusual for the Soul to be in a “cloud” just after passing, while the Soul begins to remember the Spirit world, and adapt to the energies of their new surroundings. How quickly the transition occurs will depend on a number of factors:

  1. The degree of difficult in opening their energies to those around them; a departed Soul does not yet realize that they have a new awareness and senses that allow them to see and sense many things that they were unable to before. Much like the new senses of a newborn baby, it may take some time to adapt to the new senses.
  2. Their religious or spiritual beliefs. As I have mentioned before, some people believe that you “evaporate” when you pass, so they would have to accept that there is an existence after you pass in order to move on. Others believe that another Soul, often a “God” or God like Soul will be there for them, The reality is that it is a Soul there for them, but it is a Soul that they will choose to recognize as their “God”. In either case the transition to Spirit can take from hours to day to (in some cases weeks) to reach finality.
  3. Knowledge that they have passed. I once was asked to look at a spirit that was embedded in a wall; it was a Soul that had died during a war in the area that had occurred around 200 years earlier. The Soul in the wall did not know that they had in fact died (in battle), and thought that all those around him were the enemy forces. Once I had pulled him from the wall, and assured him that he had passed and we were not his enemy, I was able to take him to “the light” (basically the Energy Cloud for this Universe), freeing him. I have helped other in similar situations. It is the realization that they no longer have a body that many in this situation do not understand, so they are generally afraid to explore the environment around them, particularly with senses that they are not consciously familiar with.

The first several months in the Spirit world are generally spent communicating with loved ones, people that you admired, or doing things that you had wanted to do before passing but were unable to. Mixed in with this are what can best be described as classes, instruction to prepare one for their introspection period. This introspection period can last anywhere from months to years, and really depends on the complications encountered in the last life, dealing with any trauma that occurred (which could include trauma caused by mental illness when alive), and how much a Soul might desire to accomplish in their next life.

If they choose to have another life to address further karmic imbalances, they will then begin those preparations. Once they believe they are ready, they begin to communicate with the Soul who will be their mother. The rebirth of a Soul is not a unilateral experience, both Souls must agree on the time and place. The new Soul (Soul of the baby) then begins by selecting the physical traits that will best help them succeed during their future life; they do this by selecting one group of DNA from the millions possible, that will eventually become a new child. At any point in this process, either Soul (the mother or the Soul of the new baby) can choose to “back out” if they are not ready. This can result in an abortion, a miscarriage, or a stillbirth. It can happen at any time in the process, and can be a unilateral decision by either Soul. As the fetus grows, the Soul of the new baby will begin to make the connections with the consciousness of the fetus; it is only in the last 4-6 weeks that it is present within the womb of the mother on a full time basis, getting acquainted with their new body.

As with the trauma many Souls experience with death, the Soul will also experience some degree of trauma with birth as well. Even the Soul will be in the body prior to birth, it is unable to fully experience all of its senses – it is effectively isolated from the outside environment that it is suddenly thrust into. However, the transition from spirit to newborn is typically less traumatic than death, simply because the Energies of the spirit are more open to the changes in their environment, than are incarnate Souls that may be limited to only their 5 acknowledged senses.

So is there really a need to fear death? Not really; you have the ability to interact with as many Souls on the other side that you desire. The easiest means to do this is through meditation, and opening you sense to all of the Energies around you, and accepting what you “believe” you sense and experience, often with senses that you never realized that you have. And for those that still believe that you evaporate upon death? That is OK too, that is what Free Will is all about!

2 Responses

So I have to come back and do this all over again? After I die?

Reincarnation – some people believe in it, others do not. I personally know many people who believe that when you die, your Soul just evaporates. There is nothing else. Unfortunately, they will have to pass themselves to see the truth.

Reincarnation is an integral part of the process of living and balancing karma. If reincarnation did not exist, all souls would have unbalanced karma, which makes it incredibly difficult to rejoin the Source Energy that you come from (the Source Energy is generally the Source of the Universe that you are in).

When somebody passes, they usually are met on the other side by Souls that they have known before. The Souls could be their spirit guides, relatives who have passed in the passed, a Soul that they follow or believe in, or even an old friend. It is this Souls responsibility to help the new Soul to adapt to their new environment. Their life has gone from a physical existence, to an Energy based experience, and it will take some period to adjust. They have been there before (before they were born), but many have forgotten this existence.

The period immediately after someone passes is a time for relaxation, and to adapt. It is a time to get reacquainted with those that have passed before, and a time to perhaps do some of the things that you had always wanted to do when alive, but was unable. I was once asked to look for somebody after they had passed, by a spouse. This Soul had been touring the planet, going to all of the places he had wanted to go to when he was living. He was having fun, enjoying himself. others that I see are spending most of their time talking to relatives they knew, getting caught up.

After what is generally a few weeks to months, the Soul goes into a period of introspection – they do an analysis of their life to determine where they were able to follow their path, and where they were not. Was karma balanced during the previous life, or did they wind up accumulating additional karma? They use this period of introspection to begin to determine where and how they can best balance karma again.

Throughout this period, Souls that are not incarnate have the ability to engage with Souls that do inhabit a body; they can do this by trying to communicate through thoughts. The recipient must be open to this, but the Energies of the two Souls must be aligned (in both Energy level, and Energy frequency). This is much easier to do than it sounds; most people have no limits that would prevent them from reaching this ability themselves. The biggest hinderance is only their lack of belief in themselves and their own abilities.

I will talk about how to communicate with spirits in other posts in the future.

Reincarnation, as we call it now, was always meant to be a part of the Life Construct. It is not reasonable to expect that somebody could balance all of their karma in one lifetime, particularly when that life may involve a complex societal structure, and a large number of potential Souls for one to interact with. It has become a valuable tool within the Life Construct. As I said earlier, it is alright that people do not believe in it, they will learn after they pass. For those that choose to not believe in reincarnation because of their personal religious beliefs, they too will learn much more about reincarnation when they pass. No Soul gets to escape it – to a degree even those Souls from the Central Sun who choose to incarnate. But in this case, it is not necessarily to balance karma, it s to learn and experience many different aspect of our creation, largely in an effort to make it better.

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