Tag: Resolution of Karma

The automatic nature of Karma

The term Karma refers to the balance of Energy. If you harm another, you will most likely acquire some amount of Karma as a result, and that extra amount of Karmic energy will eventually need to be balanced. In many cases, the balancing of the Karmic Energy will have to be balanced with the source of that Energy – it can be a person, a Soul, an animal, or any other Source of Energy. There are instances where the source of the Energy is so generalized that the balancing of the Energy is done either with Terra, or with the Source of this Universe (where ultimately all of the Energy in this Universe originated from).

Karma was developed as a means of keeping track of Energy imbalances, both positive or negative.  It was never intended to be a “punishment” in any form. The intent was that it would serve much like a balance in a bank account; you will have a series of deposits and withdrawals, which over time will tend to be either positive, or with an even balance. Karma was also established in order to be automatic; events that could generate Karma generally tend to fall into one of several classes: those imposed by your own Soul, those imposed by an action on another, those that result from harm imposed on another, those that are imposed by Terra, and those actions that result in disharmony or discord with the established goals and desires of this Universe. 

There is no action that is required to be taken by any individual in order for a Karmic imbalance to be initiated. Nor is there any requirement (or ability) for the leader of either the host Universe, the Central Sun, or the host Planet to take any action – in fact, it is not possible for any of these Leaders to impose a Karmic Energy on anybody. This was by intention; there was a strong desire to avoid any appearance of favoritism in any actions taken, and the Leaders of the Central Sun did not want to be burdened by “judging” and then imposing Karma every time a given Soul were to take an action that resulted in a Karmic imbalance. It was for these specific reasons that the concepts of Karma were developed to be stand alone, and implemented on an automatic basis.

Just like accumulating Karma is an automatic process, balancing Karma is also an automatic process. If one has accumulated Karma, and they subsequently take an action to resolve that Karma, the flow of Energy from the events that they take will result in a balancing of the Karmic Energies. If the actions taken are relatively small, it could take additional action to completely balance this Karmic imbalances. 

“Positive Karma”, or Karma that is not negative, is also not a desirable situation, as it represents an imbalance in the overall Energies of an individual.  And just as “negative” Karma, it is more difficult to interact and work with the Energies around you if your own Energies are not in balance. And since all Energy comes from somewhere, that positive Karmic Energy will have had to originate from somewhere, which means that in a larger context, something else is not in balance.

For those with different belief structures which involve a Deity (or Deities), your Deity is not allowed to balance your Karma, any more than the Leadership of the Universe is. Looking at the situation from a much larger perspective, the only way that they could resolve you of your own Karmic Energy imbalance would be if they were to “assume”, or take on, your Karmic Energy debt. This would mean that they would no longer have a balanced Karma, and they would in turn “fall from grace” – they could no longer maintain their status because of their own Karmic imbalance.  The simple fact that they chose to assume the Karmic Energies from another, rather than the Karmic Energies being their own, does not matter.  Karmic Energies, like all other forms of Energy, are in the end still Energy, and they must be (and remain) balanced. There is one important aspect involving a Deity; It is said that a Deity may have “died for your sins”; but there is a difference between “dying for people’s sins” and balancing Karma. “Sin” does not necessarily involve an accumulation of negative Karma.

There is one other way in which a Karmic imbalance can possibly be resolved, should a Soul refuse to attempt to balance it on their own. It could be absorbed by the Universe from which all of the Energies of that Soul originated.  Only the Soul Energies of the Universe are of significant quantity to absorb a Karmic Debt and remain in balance.  But this does come at a significant cost; the Soul who generated these Energies would be reabsorbed back into the Energy cloud of the Universe, and the individual component Energies of that Soul would be broken apart and not be allowed to reform.  The identity of that Soul Energy would be lost, forever (this includes the loss of any and all memories or records of the events involving that Soul). Functionally, it would be as though that Soul never existed – any records of it would be held only in the records of the Energy Library of the Central Sun, which may only be accessed by the Leadership of the Central Sun. Eventually, the individual Energy components may be allowed to form a new Soul, but the Soul Energies of the Universe are required to treat the new Soul as though it were, indeed, new. It would have a new identity, would not have access to any past events or activities, and is not entitled to any form of preferential treatment. This may seem harsh, but this is an event that does not happen with regularity.

It is important to remember that the accumulation of Karmic debt does not necessarily require an action against an individual, the Karmic debt could result from any action where an Energy imbalance occurs, whether the action was intentional or not. It is also important to understand that the laws of Karma are known by all Souls, in all Universes, and they are agreed to prior to initial (or subsequent) formation of any Soul from their individual Soul Energies. Harmonious relations with your environment or others occur when you have balance. It is only when you are balanced that other individuals will want to be a part of your energy and what you are doing, and share that experience.

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