Tag: Responsibilities

Omnipotence and Responsibilities

Many people on Terra believe in the concept of “God”, and many of those Gods tend to be omnipotent.  There are some who would argue too that a being from the Central Sun (any being, in fact), is omnipotent. But they would be incorrect, on all accounts. Beings from the Central Sun, with some exceptions, exist “forever”, but when they choose to be incarnate, they must exist in accordance with the rules for Life that were developed and defined in the constructs. They can “suffer”, they can go through any kind of trauma, they can accumulate karma for acts that they commit against another, and they will “die”. But the essence of their Soul will survive.

(The one exception for those from the Central Sun is when they commit an act that demonstrates that they are no longer worthy of or capable of supporting the higher Energies of the Central Sun. Sun an occurrence has happened in my Lifetime. The decision to “include an individual in their current Soul Cloud Universe”, rather than remain at the Central Sun, is made by the full Leadership Committee of the Central Sun – and NOT the Executive Council.)

During the development of the Constructs, there was a significant effort made to ensure that no individual Soul, including a Soul from the Central Sun, would never be “omnipotent”. Our reasoning for this is simple; if a Soul, or a group of Souls, were to earn or gain omnipotence, they could “rule” over others, and thereby eliminating the concepts of Free Will and Karma. Since Free Will and Karma were deemed to be essential, anything that was deemed to be contrary to those concepts was deemed unacceptable. These were incorporated into several of the Constructs. Since the sole purpose of “Life” is to allow a Soul to experience aspects of creation, the concept of having an “omnipotent being”, acting as an overlord for any Life, was deemed to be unacceptable. 

So are Souls from the Central Sun, or from the Leadership of a Universe, subject to the same rules as any other Soul in an incarnation?  Yes!  No Soul has been granted any additional privileges because of who they are.  They may have inherent abilities or skills that others may lack due to their own Life experiences (in both their current and past Lives), but even that is not a certainty.  Many of the abilities they may have are based in large part on what their own Soul Contracts allow for any particular Life or incarnation. 

To provide an example, We have worked with Souls who are “stuck” on Terra, after death or their incarnation. I have worked to free some of them, and send them “home”, often to the Soul Energy cloud of their Universe.  In one case, I have taken Souls from Terra to the Central Sun, and thereby raising their Energies in the process. But it has been brought to my attention that there are many Souls that are trapped on Terra, after an incredibly traumatic Life during World War 2. This large group (over 1 Millions Souls), includes approximately 7 Souls from the Central Sun as well – Souls from the Central Sun that are unable to return home at the end of the last incarnation.  The reasons may vary by individual, but in most cases, it is due to either the sever trauma they experienced, the lack of awareness that they are no longer “alive” in a physical body, or they simply do not have the necessary Energy or Knowledge of how to return home.

In these cases, an individual for a realm, with the requisite experience and ability, would be required to “release” the trapped Souls, and take them back home. Because I have done this kind of work in the past, I have been asked to help these Souls, trapped due to events and their deaths during World War 2, return home, including the 7 Souls from the Central Sun. I do not yet have a time frame for when this work will be done, but it will be soon (I hope within the next year). But this demonstrates that even those from the Central Sun are not immune for events and trauma that may occur in a given Life – they too can forget how to return home. 

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