Tag: Senses

Your Senses, Perceptions, and Perspective

We are all aware that we have 5 senses, and as we have discussed before, some are aware of a few more. Those “common” senses are vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Collectively, they all work together to provide us with the input about our surroundings that we need to function on a daily basis, and in most cases, keep us free from harm. 

There are those who, for a variety of reasons, may not have full use of those 5 senses; people may be blind, they may be deaf, or they may suffer from a variety of other conditions which may render the other 3 primary senses incapable of providing the input they were intended to provide. In these cases, other senses may become more acute, and can help to compensate for the missing senses by providing more information than they normally would.

We all also tend to use our perceptions of what we sense to believe certain, or particular, things about our environment. We see a blue sky, and assume that everybody else can see a blue sky – that same blue sky that we can see.  But is that an accurate perception? Perhaps not. People that are color blind may not see a blue sky; they may not see the hues of green plants, or the beauty of the colors of fall in New England (in the United States). But when any 2 different people look at a blue sky, do they always see the same shade of blue? Or the same purple of a flower in the garden? Does the bark of a dog sound the same? Can 2 people process a sound, and with the same characteristics of that sound?

Our input from senses is an inherent ability, but how we perceive the input from those senses is largely learned. And what we perceive is somewhat dependent on our perspective. 

When creation and the Constructs were being formed, there was much “discussion” about the nature of sensory inputs that would be available to a Soul during their incarnate existence. We mentioned the 5 “standard” senses, but Life forms have a very wide variety of sensory inputs at their disposal, depending on the particular Life form, location, Universe, Dimension, and their  relationship to other objects (which could be very different that perspective). There were tradeoffs regarding the sensory abilities; in an organic Life form it was not considered practical for each individual body to have their basic sensory organs exactly the same; there would be differences due to genetics, environmental factors (such as toxins, inadequate nutrition, sensory input outside of limits (too loud or bright, as an example)), or an inability to adequately process that sensor input. So, despite everybody being able to see a blue sky, the specific shade of “blue” will have very subtle differences from one individual to another. In short, all bodies are individually unique, and despite the great commonalities we all have, there are enough subtle differences in our senses to provide a different experience.

So why is this discussion important? Because there is one element of existence that is not accounted for in any of the basic senses.  

That one element is Energy. Energy forms the basis for everything that exists. Everything that is physical begins, or is formed from, Energy. So what exactly is Energy? This is a difficult question to answer – Souls on Terra have defined “Energy” in terms that can be quantified by the laws of nature as they are understood on Terra.  However, that is a very limited and incomplete perspective. 

Energy does not necessarily have a relationship to work. Energy can be either coherent or incoherent. It may have an associated frequency, but it does not have to. It is not required to have any form of potential Energy values. The Energies that we are discussing here may have consciousness (and likely does). Within some constraints, Energy may exhibit multidimensional properties. It is not electricity, heat, or chemical. 

The Energy that we are discussing consists of small quanta (or amounts) of discrete Energies, the same Energies that existed during creation. As we have discussed before, there are 7 different discrete Energies, each with slightly properties. They can “combine” (although “work together” is likely a more appropriate term) in many different ways.  It is these combined Energies that make up the Souls for all Life. Because these Soul Energies have an ability to attract and communicate, they are considered sentient. 

Why is this important in the context of human senses and perception?  Because every Soul was given an inherent ability to communicate with other Souls; this communication and sensory capability can be used to communicate and sense all of the elements in and of your surroundings. And since it is based on the base Energies of all of creation, it provides a level of commonality between all of the different elements of creation.  So, for instance, it would not matter that one person might “see” a particular shade of green and purple when looking at a plant that their friend; if both were to use their inherent abilities to look at the Energies of the plant, they would find that the differences that they can visualize with their sensory input could be eliminated – specifically because they are sensing an input at the base Energy level of the Soul.

Can anybody sense these base Energies?  Yes, with some amount of work – this ability was not denied to any Soul, but most humans on Terra have learned to only rely on the input that their 5 primary sensed provide.  If they can “feel it”, they believe it. If they cannot feel it, then it does not exist or it cannot be trusted. How would one develop or use these abilities? They are all attainable when people go into a deep meditation – deep enough that they have the ability to communicate with their own Soul. It requires that people be very adept at sensing all of the Energies around them; it requires a significant level of relaxation, focus, and discipline. It is at this level of consciousness that people can sense the Energies in and around a candle flame for instance, or communicate with the Souls of stones – both first steps in the process of learning to communicate and be aware.  And this all is typically done with the eyes closed (at least initially). 

This is important because it allows Souls to “level the field” when relying on input from your sensory abilities. 2 Souls may see a different blue sky, but they can both feel and coexist with that blue sky, and understand they are looking at (and experiencing) the same thing. This ability will become more important as Souls continue on their own spiritual path to higher Dimensions; Since the 5 “human” senses would have very limited use in higher Dimensions (other sensory abilities exist there), being able to sense these kind of Energies will make the initial excursions in the higher planes of existence much easier to navigate and exist in.

For those interested, I see/experience the sky, in Red/Green/Blue (RGB) terms as 165R/229G/255B (The color “Lambent” on the website “https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7f/95/c6/7f95c602630eb482982072ec81656b51.png“).  And if given a choice, I MUCH prefer the smell of skunk to any cigar.

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The value of Meditation, and your true senses

The last post was about the purpose and benefit of sleep.  There is another similar topic that requires a bit of explanation in the context of sleep: Meditation.

Meditation is different than sleep.  While sleep occurs as an unconscious process, meditation is a fully conscious process. Meditation is not a formal part of the Life Construct (as is sleep), as it serves an entirely different purpose. Even though meditation is not an integral part of the Life Construct, it is something that was contemplated and provided for.

Simply, meditation is a state of relaxation and clearing that allows for the full sensory abilities of an incarnate Soul to be used. I mentioned in an earlier post that there are a number of “other” senses besides hearing, touch, taste, smell, and vision. Other senses that most people are not aware of include:

 – Proprioception – the sense that deals with how your brain understands where your body is in space;

 – Equilibrioception – a sense of balance;

 – Kinaesthesia – A sense of movement;

 – Thermoception – A sense of whether our environment is too hot or too cold;

 – Nociception – The ability to feel pain;

 – Chronoception – How we sense the passing of time;

 – Electroception – The ability to feel electrical fields around us;

 – Magnetoreception – The ability to sense a magnetic field.

Are there other senses?  Yes, but they are not present or necessary on Terra (even though they are available to humans located elsewhere).

So why have a discussion about all of the various senses that are generally available, in the context of meditation? Because all of them are available to you when you meditate, even though many Souls are not aware of these.  And in many cases, the use of these senses will require practice, most often while meditating.  All of these “additional” senses are available for one to use, even though they generally are available at a higher vibrational level.  And it is these higher vibrational levels that are “reachable” through meditation; when the body is in a relaxed state, and the activities that occur around us daily (specifically, the processing of the information from these activities) are allowed to be filtered (out) to a much greater extent, we will naturally begin to gravitate to a vibration Energy level that more approximates the vibrational level of our higher Soul. It requires that we eliminate or significantly reduce any of the additional (and in many cases superfluous) thoughts that exist in our own processing space within our mind. This is required largely because the reception of many of these other sensory abilities, while being at significantly lower energy levels than those we are used to, are also generally at a higher vibrational level. It is at this higher state of vibrational Energy that we sense these additional inputs.

So why during meditation but not sleep?  It is really a question of training.  In some species, for instance, electroception (the ability to sense an electric field) is used by fish to sense some predators; if this was an ability that was only available while in a state of sleep, the fish would likely die from the predator. Each of these “other” senses we can train ourselves to use, in art for self protection, in part as an aid in sensing prey (or predators), and in part as a function of being able to sense all of those Energies that exist around us on a daily basis.  There is an argument to be made that we have “lost” these senses because they are no longer relevant to our daily needs, or for protection. But that does not necessarily mean that they no longer serve a rational purpose in our lives. As an example, if we were to get lost in the mountains, and we have the ability to meditate, we could find our approximate location by sensing our elevation (through magnetoreception), we could sense how long we have been lost (through chronoreception), we could sense any power lines around us (through electroreception), and we may be able to sense how far we are from a large structure (again through magnetoreception, sensing the magnetic field of the structure). If these were only available during sleep, there is a good chance that we would forget the information, since the information provided during sleep is not generally retained in short term memory.  But if sense while in a meditative state, where lucidity is present, we can not only remember the information, but we could also interact with the information in real time to refine it.

I can provide a couple of examples.  In early human history, people went out into the oceans in very small craft – canoes included, with no real aids to navigation like we have today (like a compass, or a gyroscope to sense movements, or even a clock to measure time). Yet in nearly all cases, they were able to navigate hundreds of miles to a remote island.  To them, it was an inherent ability; they may not have understood how they were able to sense the information they needed, but they were well aware of how to process the information that they could only perceive.  In my own case, I am well aware when I travel under a high power line, even with eyes closed; I have the ability to sense the electromagnetic fields emanating from the power lines. When I mentioned this to a friend, he asked if I was also able to sense radar – he was aware of individuals who could sense the presence of radar systems. All of this can be enabled through the effective use of meditation, particularly as a means to relax and be “at one” with all of those Energies around you.

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