Tag: Sleep

Sometimes I just need to sleep

Every living thing has a need, on an almost daily basis, to enter a state of unconsciousness.  On Terra, it is referred to as sleep. Why do we do this, and is this a part of the Life Construct?

Sleep is an integral element of the Life Construct. It was included as a means to allow for 1) a period that could enable a living being to recover after some period of time, and 2) to allow for more in depth transfer of information from higher realms of consciousness.

When the concept of a biological “body” was first being developed, there was a realization that the buildup of all of the byproducts of activity would be difficult to remove on a continuous basis, and still keep a body at a reasonable size. For instance, constant movement will result in a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles, which could result in cramping if not removed in a timely basis (lactic acid is a byproduct of the metabolic processes that help to enable movement). In order to remove these biological process byproducts in real time, blood volume would have to be significantly increased, and blood cleansing would have to be increased. To account for these increases would require either extra organs (such as an extra liver), or a much larger liver, which would lead to a much larger body.  The compromise approach was to provide for a period of “downtime”, when the body was immobile, that would allow the organs of the body to basically detox and cleanse the body of the byproducts that were no longer needed. This “downtime” is what eventually came to be known as sleep. 

In addition to allowing for a cleansing of the body, it was felt that there needed to be a means for the higher Soul of the being to be able to communicate with the portion of the Soul that occupies the body; these communications were deemed necessary in order to provide information to the lower Soul about interactions with others, to prepare them for other activities, and to provide lessons to them while in this state of unconsciousness.  This last example came to be known as dreams. It was felt that these communications were needed to help provide a context for many of the daily interactions that are experienced, and to supplement experiences with additional information (which could act as a memory stimulant). 

So what else can sleep enable?  Sleep will bring about a relaxation of the body and mind; in the case of the relaxation of the mind, it enables the mind to enter a different vibrational frequency realm, that in general is more conducive to the use of other senses and states of being.  One of these is communications with spirits; for those that are no longer incarnate, lowering themselves to the vibrational Energy of a being that is active is difficult; the “awake” being typically will have many thought processes going on that would normally prohibit them from entering a higher vibrational Energy state at will. Sleep would support this, because it would also involve the elimination (or suppression) of the conscious thought processes that we have on a daily basis. When we have access to these higher states of vibrational Energy, communicating with others becomes easier; not only can we communicate with beings in the spirit realm, we can also communicate with other incarnate beings who may also be in a state that is receptive to this manner of communications.  Communicating with your spirit guides while sleeping is a good example of this; they will often help to provide guidance to you about how the days activities aligned with your Soul path, and offer suggestions for the following day.

Depending on factors such a the particular body, the environment it is in, and the characteristics of a planetary host, the period of sleep (or non-sleep) will vary.  In some cases where a planetary host does not have an overabundance of toxins, the period of sleep required for recovery will be shorter than it is on Terra.  In some cases, the number of hours of light (and dark) may be very different (than on Terra), and the body will be better suited to having much longer or shorter period of sleep. But it is important to remember that sleep is more of a time for recovery and communications that anything else.  Without sleep, the body would fail in a fairly short period of time. 

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