A “Soul” is, at its basic level, a group of Energies. But perhaps a bit of history may help.
When Creation first began, only individual Energies existed. As a part of the work that occurred in early existence, these single Energies discovered that they could, under certain circumstances, combine. In total, there were 7 discrete Energies that existed; when they combined, it was discovered that each Energy could exist at one of 43 different levels, so the number of possible combinations is huge. It is this grouping of Energies that, later, came to be known as a “Soul”.
The size of a Soul, from an Energy perspective, can vary depending on the combinations of the 7 basic Energies, and the levels of each of those Energies. Each Soul has only some combination of the 7 Energies; they can have fewer than 7, but they can not have more than 7 (having more than the 7 discreet Energies introduces a level of non-beneficial instability).
Each Soul is conscious; they are capable of communications; they exist primarily in a state of pure Energy, even when the have a physical existence. They are also multidimensional, to a degree; most physical beings exist in 3 dimensions, but Souls (because they are Energy based) may exist within a 4th dimension. Their ability to exist there is dependent on how balanced their own Energies are. The 4th dimension will allow them limited access to a dimension that is primarily time based (meaning that they can go backwards in time – gaining knowledge of future events could adversely influence their decisions prior to reincarnation).
When a person is born, it is a significant part of their Soul that inhabits the body they are born into – the rest of the Soul remains in an Energy realm, there to guide the person, and to provide help when it may be needed. These two parts are what is commonly termed “Consciousness” and the “Higher Self.” It is the Consciousness part of the Soul that makes the necessary connections within the body to ensure the proper functioning of the autonomic nervous system – the system that keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and the other functions of your body that you do not generally think about. It is what gives your Soul a vested interest in not just your Life, and balancing karma, but also the experience of the physical that brought Souls to the Life Construct to begin with.
The Soul is not temporary. Its actions are deliberate, not arbitrary. It has a purpose. It is here to experience the elements of The Constructs. It is not here to do harm, but the genetics of the body it inhabits may allow for greed to become an excessive element of its existence. It is capable of connecting with vast amounts of information. The consciousness part of the Soul is subject to the Free Will decisions made during life – the Higher Self may inform and guide it, but it has little control over the decision making process.
You have the ability to communicate with your own Soul directly, something that most people have never done. It requires relaxation, you must be open to what may happen, and you must be focussed. It will not guide you where you are not supposed to go – its interests are the same as your interests. It is a rewarding experience.