Tag: Soul Groups

The connection we have with others

We all have many people in our lives – relatives, close friends, business associates, distant friends – that we communicate with on a regular basis. But occasionally, we will find that we have a “calling” or desire, to reach out to someone we know.  Sometimes it is just to say hello, but other times it can be to tell them something that you believe they need to hear at that particular moment.  So why do you sometimes get that urge to communicate in this manner?

We are all connected to each other to a certain extent – we all have a connection to the Energies of the this Universe, and through that, to each other.  But some people have other connections; they are not generally due to a family connection, but it is due to the connections we have to others in our Soul Group.  A Soul Group is, simply, a group of Souls that formed at the same time, and emerged together from the Life Energies of the Universe. They share a vibrational Soul Energy that is close or nearly identical, and many have lives that they have shared together in one capacity or another. They also share an Energy connection between one another, a connection that can be used to sharing emotions or emotional experiences, sharing Energies (in case of an illness by one member of the group), or it can be used to communicate and share information or a state of mind. 

It is this last item, an ability to communicate with each other (especially when they are physical some distance apart) that most people pay attention to.  It may be as simple as you have not spoken recently and just would like to get current with what they are doing in their life, or it could be as complex as one is under an undue amount of stress for some reason, and needs help. No matter the reason, it is a connection that is always present with those that you know well, but you may not always be aware of it unless the need to communicate is significant. 

There are ways that you can help to ensure that the connections are always viable and can be used whenever you desire. Meditation is a great help, because it will help to ensure that any stress levels you may have are low enough to enable you to sense other Energies around you. The ability to sense these other Energies is very important. Then it is often just a means of thinking about the other person – when you “think” about another person, what you are really doing is attempting to tune your own Energies to theirs; thinking about them is enough because you already know their vibrational Energies because you know each other fairly well. It is this knowledge of the Energies that forms the basis of the communications between you.  There are a number of ways to describe this; some call it intuition, some call it our “sixth sense,” some people just call it their connection. 

Do you need to pay attention to this all the time?  NO!  We all have an enormous amount of communications that occurs in the background that we are just not aware of. But there are also some communications that we allow to get through, enough that we pay attention to it more.  It passes the information filters that we have established. So how can you make sure that you hear this communications?  You can “set a filter” that will alert you to when another person is interested in talking to you, or needs your help; you can do this by setting an intention, such as “I will always listen to anything that “Mary” is trying to tell me. Or, you could stay relaxed and tuned in to the Energies of the people that you would most desire to know how they are – this would keep the communications connection enabled. There are many different ways of keeping in contact with people you know – it only requires thought, intention, and a desire to keep it active.  

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