Tag: Soul of Terra

What is this Ascension thing about?

Many people have been talking about something called “Ascension” for several years now. When discussing it in terms of what will happen, many people believe that Terra will move to either the 4th or 5th Dimension (depending on who you ask), and that everything on the planet will move with it.

Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple.

The process of Ascension is one of spiritual growth; just as people “move on” from a physical reality to a spiritual or Energy based reality (a process that humans know as “death”), planets and other celestial bodies go through the same process. Each Celestial body has its own Soul Energy, and those Souls all desire to have their chance for spiritual growth to be fulfilled, just like other beings. Indeed, celestial bodies occupy a unique position; while they are in part governed by the Physical Construct and the Space Construct, they are also governed by the Life Construct. It may be difficult to believe, but all celestial bodies, including Terra, are alive – they have a number of “systems” that keep them going, like circulation, plate tectonics that help to build up land, systems that help to move and cleanse it of toxins – systems that are all to a degree analogous to the systems of a sentient being in a body. And like a Life enabling body, they can become overwhelmed by what is happening in and around it.

But there is another important factor, an integral part of the Ascension, that is not spoken of regularly. The Ascension of those beings on the planet. In order for a being to be able to make this transition from the 3rd Dimension to a higher Dimension, their own Energies must be balanced. If they are not balanced, the imbalance will worsen as their karmic Energies are forced to go to the higher Vibrational Energy of the higher Dimension. It could damage their Energies beyond reasonable repair. And most people on Terra do not have balanced Energies, and are not doing much to change that situation.

In general, animals and plants do not have unbalanced Energies; their lives have been structured so that they exist with and within the Energies around them. Because of this, they will all be able to move with the planet when is ascends to a higher Dimension.

So what exactly is involved with Ascension? Essentially, it is the “death” of the planet in 3rd Dimension, and its “rebirth” into 5th Dimension. The reason for going into the 5th Dimension, rather than the 4th Dimension, is that the 4th Dimension is reserved for Time. While we experience Time in a linear manner (e.g., events happen sequentially in a given interval), the establishment of Time as a linear concept is a bit difficult to implement. In order to implement Time properly, it required its own Dimension, and that Dimension had to be anchored to all Dimension below it; without this anchor, Time itself would appear to “float” or move with respect to the events that were occurring.

Ascension involves the raising of the spiritual Energies of the body that will be going through this process. In the case of Terra, this elevation of the vibrational Energies of Terra have been slowly occurring for many centuries; some people are able to sense this increase in Energies, but most are not. As the Vibrational Energies of Terra increase, they will reach a point where a decrease in the Energies is no longer possible. This is when Ascension is inevitable. We are almost at that point; what is holding Terra back, at the moment, is the large imbalance that exists among the humans on Terra. If there is a large imbalance on the surface of Terra, it will make the Ascension difficult. In simple terms, it is similar to having mud on your car tires in the winter; your car will move, but it will vibrate because of the imbalance, and it could lead to a loss of control of the car. Terra is no different.

Is there any way to overcome this? Yes, to an extent. If the humans on the planet surface were to transition to Energy beings (i.e., die), those Energy beings could then be absorbed by the Source Energy cloud of this Universe, if it were to agree to do this. But there is a down side; those Souls that would be reabsorbed into the Source Cloud would lose their identity – they would no longer exist as independent sentient beings, and all that they had learned and known would be lost, forever (even though the records of their existence would remain in the Akashic Libraries). The Source of this Universe has agreed to absorb the Energies of those Souls that it must, including their own karmic Energy imbalances.

The Ascension of Terra will happen, which is one of the reasons that the Souls from the Central Sun are here. But there may be a cost that will be borne by the humans that are here. Terra is making efforts to help reduce the human population, as a means of helping them make the decision. More work will need to be done as soon as possible by the people of Terra in order to begin to balance their energies.

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