Tag: Spirit Guide

I hear voices; should I listen? Is the Information accurate?

Many people have a”Little Voice” that tends to point them in different directions in their life. Or they may have a well developed sense of intuition – what many people refer to as common sense. Is the information that you hear from your Little Voice, or through your own intuition, accurate and reliable?  Should you listen to it?

The quick answer is yes, you should be listening to both, on a regular basis. And you should be paying close attention to what you hear, and taking the advice or guidance that is offered.  But why? 

In both situations, the information that you “hear” is likely coming from a number of sources: it can be information that is being given to you by a Spirit Guide; it can be information that is being given to you by your own Soul, or higher self; it could be given to you by another benevolent Spirit (other than your Spirit Guide) who may be looking after either your best interests, or the interests of somebody or something else around you.  In each case, the source of the Information is a higher realm of knowledge or Spiritual Development, and is generally a Soul that is aware of the essential elements of your Soul Contract. Generally speaking, the Information that you receive will be in line which the Information that you are supposed to have access to in order to accomplish your life, and learn the lessons that you have chosen in Life.

Is the information always “right”? This question requires a bit of a more nuanced answer.

In most cases, the Information from a Spirit Guide is correct; a Spirit Guide has no incentive to provide you with false or inaccurate Information. For them to do so would be a risk of them accumulating Karma which would later need to be balanced. They have, in essence, “sworn an oath” – their allegiance is to the Souls that they choose to guide, for whatever reasons they have chosen to.  The success of the guided Soul is their success as well. If you fail, then your Spirit Guides fail as well.

But what if your Spirit Guide is “pushing” or “directing” to do something that may be contrary to your higher interests? This is the nuanced part. Say for example that your Spirit Guide was a famous person, but one who took it upon themselves to have a path that was “less than pristine”. And that Spirit Guide provides you with Information over the course of your Life that causes you to act in a certain manner, or with less than an honorable intention towards some people.  The answer in this case lies with the Soul Contract of the Person being guided; it could well be that in a past Life, you were the target of violence, or discrimination, or even something as simple as a class bully. While not condoning that kind of activity, it can be clear that Karma was developed by the person conducting the violence or discrimination. Your actions could be an effort to balance that Karma, in accordance with what was developed (by your Soul) as a part of the Soul Contract, and “negotiated” with all relevant parties involved. It may not be that you have a clear predisposition towards violence or discrimination, it could be an effort to balance the Karma of those that were involved in incidents in a previous life. While most people are not Privy to the elements of an individuals Soul Contract, or the events in a Past Life, we would have no idea about what they are trying to balance from an Energy or Karmic perspective.  All we see is an individual who have a prevalence for violence or discrimination, with no real reason or understanding of why. And unless you have knowledge of the complete circumstances of the Lives of a Soul, it would be improper for you to pass judgement on the actions or beliefs of that person.

But how is one supposed to know if the Information that they receive from a higher Source is accurate?  I was once one who doubted the Information that I received from higher Sources.  It always “seemed” correct, but I never truly believed the Information – I always questioned it, attempting to discern if it was accurate. I did this for years, until I realized that no matter how different or often I asked the question, the answers were always the same. I trusted it. It was not until relatively recently, when my path as The Librarian was revealed to me, that I understood why – because I was the keeper of all knowledge

But long before I was aware of my role as The Librarian, I began to trust the information. It was always correct. I did not need to know why, or where the information was coming from, it was enough to just know that I was getting the same Information, every time, no matter how I asked a particular question. And I learned that everybody has this ability; it is a matter of trust, or faith – whatever word you choose to use. You can say that the Information comes from your Spirit Guides, from your Higher Self, or God – within the context of a much bigger picture, it does not really matter.  It only matters that you believe the Information. Do not try to put it into a context that makes sense to you – you may not be the end recipient of the Information, it may be someone else. 

Can Information come from other sources that may not have a beneficial intent? While it is technically possible for erroneous or false Information to be given to you, you must remember that your Spirit Guides (or Higher Self, or your God) is always present to help ensure that the Information that you receive is credible and accurate. It will always ring true to you.

Does everybody have the ability to hear the Information that is directed to them?  YES!  Just listen for it, and believe it. Do not suppress it – it is a natural part of Life.

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