Tag: the Librarian

Current Thoughts from the Librarian

21 February 2021

My goal for this weekend, was to get the first pages of this site up and running. I will be updating and posting more information frequently.

I have contact with being from the Central Sun on a nightly basis, and I meditate for a period of time every day. At times there is a constant flow of information – guidance, direction, answers to questions, and many other topics.

I can provide some new information from events that occurred last weekend. I write in my book about music, and how it exists only here on Terra – it does not exist, in any form, in any other location in existence. To a large degree, music was an accident; when the experiment on Terra was put in place by enabling much more of the DNA genome than had ever been done previously, the leadership from the Central Sun did not know what would happen, as this had never been contemplated before. Music was one of the results. It became a goal of the Leadership of the Central Sun to try to determine how this occurred, so that it can be preserved and widely distributed throughout all creation.

Last weekend, it was determined how that goal could occur. A number of skilled composers and music artists have passed from this realm over the past few centuries. It was determined that some of these souls will be elevated from the dimensional realm of this universe to the realm of the Central Sun. They will then be appointed as Emissaries to all of Creation, where they will participate in the spreading of music. This effort will be led by a Soul from the Central Sun, someone of extreme talent who has passed from this life relatively recently. This Soul has agreed to this task, and I have complete confidence in their abilities.

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The Function of Karma

Karma was intentionally designed in a way that did not allow for resolution of a persons Karma (or a balancing of their energies) by an act of anybody.  So, even if there were such a thing as a “god”, and according to the rules of Karma, that “god” would be unable to intercede on behalf of any person.  Even the founders are not at liberty to do this; when we try, it is subject to the approval of the entire Leadership Council of the Central Sun.  It can not happen at any other level. 

Karma was intended to be largely automatic, for several reasons:

1) Have any individual work or act towards balancing karma would be incredibly labor intensive, and hugely impractical.

2) If it could be “cleared” or absolved by an individual, it would leave an individual imbalance of energies that would ultimately have to be resolved in some other way.  This could well lead (eventually) with huge energy imbalances. But it would also cause this individual with this ability to be seen as somebody with extraordinary power, which could easily lead to abuse.

3) There needed to be some degree of incentive for an individual soul to live or exist in a state of balance with everything around them.  Energy acts of Energy, and those acts leave a trace (or another small quantity of Energy) that will build up over time.  By making the process of Karma (or a balancing of energies) automatic, souls would then have the inherent ability to sense this imbalance of energy (at some level), and take steps to correct the imbalance.  Remaining in a state of imbalance is intended to be incredibly uncomfortable. 

All of this really does require some degree or state of awareness, consciousness, and understanding in order to live in harmony with all of the other souls (and soul energies) around you. Without this, we would have anarchy and chaos, but more importantly, there would be a rather extreme polarization. Harmony and peace is what was intended and desired.

There are very rare instances when a soul Source energy cloud that is responsible for a given universe may be permitted to “take back” into its Energies the energies of souls that originated from that cloud.  For example, the group of souls that “volunteered” to separate to help planets with their ascension of Terra (and other planets before that) will be absorbed back into the energy cloud when they pass from the physical realm. This will happen in large part because of their lack of effectiveness at accomplishing their job.  In this case, those individual soul energies will be “absorbed” back into the energy cloud. Understand the meaning of this:  when this happens, the individual energies of those souls will cease to exist as independent energies; they will no longer be able to reincarnate, their history will no longer exist, they will no longer be sentient. At some point in the distant future, the individual energies that composed the energies of that individual soul may reform into another new soul, but it would be a virgin soul, with no history, and no past to resolve.  The identity of everything before will have been lost.  A record of that former Soul Energy group is maintained in the Libraries, only accessible to a very few. But those records are essentially sealed, for all time.

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