Tag: Virus in the body

The complexities and dependencies of the Life Construct

For this post, I would like to focus on the humans of Terra, and in particular Homo Sapiens.

Many take for granted the human body; it is relatively resilient, it can serious amounts of damage yet support life, and it will generally allow for a large quantity of different foods. It has five accepted senses (there are more that most are unaware of), that work together to provide an understanding of their surrounding, which can also alert one to potential hazards. All of this was an intentional part of the design.

Research is only beginning to grasp some of the complexities of the human body. Modern medicine is aware of how most of the systems in the body work: the kidneys filter the blood, and expel the excess fluids and chemicals through urine; the liver helps to metabolize or break down many chemicals and toxins to allow for the processing by other parts of the body; the heart take in blood and distributes it to all parts of the body, providing nutrients and oxygen, and then take away that which is no longer needed. There are hundreds more systems in the body that provide other processes, and together, they all work to sustain and support the existence of the Soul in the body. But there are other dependencies that many are unaware of.

I have mentioned in my book that when Life was being originally designed, a decision was made to allow for a Soul to govern each major organ and its associated body system; each of these individual Souls were subordinate to another, higher level Soul, which is the Soul of the individual. The decision to support this structure was intended to answer two primary issues – offloading a portion of the decisions made by the human Soul (to allow for it to experience more of creation – the real reason it it here), and to allow newer Souls to experience life, although in a limited capacity (they did not have access to sensory input, and are there in a support capacity only). The records in the Libraries indicate that 13 of these individual Souls are present in a human body. Each is capable of death, and in most cases, the death of one will result in the death of all.

In addition to these individual Souls, the body is also a host to many thousands of other Life forms – mostly bacteria, viruses, and fungi, there to assist the body in its daily needs. In the digestive system, they are present to help with the breakdown of the foods that are consumed by the body; each has a role to play in producing enzymes and catalysts that work to break down complex chemicals into constituent parts, to be used elsewhere in the body. Other bacteria and fungi help to break down many of the toxins that are in food – harmful chemical compounds, or in some cases invading proteins in the body; often, the bacteria and fungi will bind to the harmful elements and make them easier to pass out of the body after first breaking down. And it is not one kind or family of bacteria; the bacteria and fungi in any given body is suited to the needs of that individual body – specifically to the Energies of that specific body.

When a Soul first makes a decision to enter an incarnate body, it must first go through a process of selecting the characteristics of the body that will allow it to have the greatest possibility of success in Life. A major part of this is to make sure that the Vibrational Energies of the body will be compatible with the Vibrational Energies of the Soul that will ultimately occupy that body. In the case of the body, each of the Souls that will govern an individual organ system must also have a compatible Vibrational Energy, to both the overall Soul, but also compatible to the other Souls in the body. If this compatibility is not present, failure or disharmony of the body system will result, which could result in the death of that individual Soul (and possibly the body). When planning for existence, the Soul of the body may select as one of the lesser Souls (a Soul of one or more of the systems within the body) a Soul Energy that could result in (or enable) particular body functions, such as diabetes or kidney stones (this could happen so that the Soul pf the person could experience these as part of its own Life experience.)

Similarly, the quantity and types of gut bacteria, collectively known as a gut biome, is unique to each individual. The Soul, as part of the selection of body characteristics, will choose the flora and fauna that will optimize the digestive process. However, in many cases some of these flora and fauna (referred to here as F&F)will be killed off by things that are consumed, like some toxins, or antibiotics. Many people will take probiotics in order to try to repopulate the gut biome, but often these specific F&F are not the original and are not compatible with the Vibrational Energies of the body. In the design of the Life Construct, our intent was for each body to be able to repopulate its gut with the optimum F&F, to be obtained from their own surroundings and through the nutrients available to them in their immediate area. This is partially why people choose to live in particular areas – they are drawn there, because the Vibrational Energies of the area contain these F&F that the body requires to optimally function. Together, these F&F work interactively with the Souls of many of these body systems to help sustain the Life of the body.

I mentioned that viruses are a part of this gut microbiome (and a part of the bodies general biome). They exist throughout the body; in many cases, they are intended to be relatively short lived. Their purpose is to primarily serve as a means of communications between the various Souls within the body; when each of the Souls is too busy (or otherwise unable to effectively communicate with the other Souls), viruses can serve as a means of transferring information from one to another. These messenger viruses are intentionally not harmful, they exist in the thousands in order to transmit different kinds of information to and from the different systems, and are relatively robust. Once a message is delivered, the viruses die, and their component parts are expelled from the body as waste.

Human bodies will often start having issues when many of these biome systems begin to break down and not function as designed (this includes bacterial, virus, and fungi systems). And once one system has ceased to function, it can be difficult to re-establish unless the Soul of the body is able to sense the loss of these Energies, and actively works to repopulate them. This can be one of the reasons for particular food cravings, even though a particular food craving may seem rather strange.

Another topic in this line is that of food allergies or sensitivities. Many people have severe reactions if they eat particular foods, like nuts or shellfish, to the point of anaphylaxis. These types of reactions are enabled by a significant different in the Vibrational Energy of the allergic food or protein. The Vibrational Energy of the Soul is only compatible with some of the proteins that exist; when the body of a specific Soul encounters certain proteins, and recognizes them as foreign, it will begin to attack that specific set of proteins, because those proteins have an incompatible Vibrational Energy. During the development of the Life Construct, we were aware of these incompatibilities of certain Vibrational Energies, and we made an effort to compensate; basically, the Life Construct created a number of intermediate proteins, proteins that can co-exist with both kinds of proteins – the Vibrational Energies of these intermediate proteins is compatible with the Vibrational Energies of both Soul proteins (that of the receiving body, as well as that of the original body for that particular protein). These intermediate proteins, which are common to many different kinds of foods and spices, will enable the safe consumption of the otherwise harmful protein; “safe” is relative – it may still provide unpleasant effects, but it will not result in serious adverse effects. What these intermediate foods are will vary from one person to another, as it is a function of an individuals own Life Energies. So if one person is allergic to shellfish, there will be an intermediate food that will enable to safe (but possibly still unpleasant) consumption and digestion of the shellfish.

One final element element of this post will address the topic of organ transplants. Modern medicine has been able to successfully transplants organs from one body to the body of a person whose has an organ system that has begun to fail. Doctors will do a series of tests on each individual to see if the organs will be compatible, and will not be rejected by the recipient of the new organ. To a large degree, the tissue types that are being tested for are a direct reflection of the basic building blocks of the Energies used in the formation of the Soul initially. There is a direct correlation between the tissue types of a given body, and the 7 basic Energies that form the Soul of that body. Even though science is so far unable to identify and test for these individual Energies, medicine has been successful in identifying compatible Energies. Being able to detect the base Vibrational Energies of a given Soul would be a more effective means to determine compatibility, but science is likely millennia away from being able to understand the true nature of these Vibrational Energies, let alone being able to test and identify them. However, the presence of these intermediate proteins (or more appropriately intermediate substances with a compatible Vibrational Energy) would enable the peaceful and successful co-existence of each, possibly without the need to the current drugs needed to prevent rejection of the new organ by the body (even though this too is likely millennia away).

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