Tag: Words matter

Words Matter

The ability to speak is one of the basic communications abilities that was included in the Life Construct. It is one of the best ways for people to interact with one another throughout the daily events of their Life. “Speech” also exists not just with humans, but with and between animals, and with and between plants as well.  We have come to define “speech” is utterances made with the voice, but true “speech” does not necessarily consist of only vocal noise – for an individual with significant intuitive abilities, it can also include intuitive communications between people, it can include what many refer to as “body language”, and it can include vibrations that are beyond the auditory abilities of humans. 

All of these various forms of communications, of which “words” are an integral part, all have one element in common:  they consist of various forms of Energy.  In its most basic form, all communications involve the transmission of one or more forms of Energy; it could result in the compression of the atmosphere to make sound, it could be in the form of electromagnetic waves, coming from individual or groups of cells within a brain, or it could include visual cues between Souls. All are generally sent with an intention, even though some would say that the intentions were not made at a conscious level. But even if they were made in the heat of the moment, or with an amount of thought behind them, words always have an Energy associated with them.  And that Energy can not be excused, or taken back, once the Energy has been put out.

There are many that say that “they apologize” for things that they have said, often because of the impact that it may have had on somebody or something. They are sorry – not necessarily for what they said, but for the adverse impact that is may have had on others. Note the language here: “the impact it may have had”, not necessarily the impact that it did have. But no matter the intent behind an apology, the reality is that the Energy of those first words still exists, as does the damage that may have occurred because of it. It simply can not be “taken back”.

So what kinds of words are we referring to?  They could be words that were said without a conscious intent  (for instance saying somebody was “stupid”, even if it was not said to the person directly); it could be something that was said with words that could have another meaning, or saying something out of anger, even though that anger was only a moment in time. Then there are the more obvious – curses or spells directed at another, for any reason.  There are positive spells or curses, but they are generally pretty rare.

In some cases, things may be said by somewhat who may not have the same perspective as you; everybody has a different set of Life experiences, and even though you may not know or understand their particular experiences in Life, that does not necessarily mean that it is of any less value, or is incorrect. This is more common that we would believe; for instance, somebody with a higher degree of education discounting the words of another, without making any effort to understand their viewpoint. There is a biased intent behind their thoughts and words, and this is often reflected in their communications with others. But it can do harm, even if the intent was not to harm.

Is there a way to prevent the weaponization of words and communications?  Yes – plants and most animals have no real problem communicating in a manner that does not cause harm, in part because their communications do not have an intention behind them. Words can cause harm – both long term and short term – and in many cases it could be avoided by being careful with the words that we use, and do a much better job of thinking about our speech and the consequences of it, before we make an utterance.

Does Karma have any involvement with this?  It does, even though it may be difficult to see in many cases. The Energies that are associated with our communications do not go away (even if there is an apology), and a record of these Energies is maintained in one of the Libraries of the Central Sun (it is the Library located in the 16th Dimension, where only the Librarian has access). Depending on the seriousness of the words, it may also be the basis for the Energy to be Karmic.  For instance, calling someone a witch (as a derogatory term, and not associated with the religious values of the person), would result in the person accumulating Karma. The key in the true intent behind what was said, even if it was said “in the moment”.  And in some cases, the Karma (and its associated intent) can begin acting on the person that the utterance was targeting. How that person chooses to react to the words does matter – they can choose to allow additional Karma to accrue with them, or they can let the words pass by.  Letting them pass by does not forgive what was said, or diminish the Karma that was created, but it does minimize the potential for the person targeted by the speech to accrue Karma because of it. For instance, fight the words (by arguing) would not be good, but they could instead change their behavior in a way that does not allow a similar situation to occur. 

We do understand that this is a complicated topic, and this post is only touching the surface. But it is an important topic, and with it, we hope that Souls will be careful with their words, and begin to develop a process to determine the impact of their words while they are still thoughts and images in their minds.

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