Tag: Working with your garden

Manifestation in the garden

I was remotely introduced to an organic farmer who was relatively local.  Somebody I know had been exposed to their farm, and through that connection, I was able to identify the Energies of the farm.  Once I knew those unique Energies, I began listening to our local plant communications network. I have written before about the interconnectedness of all plants throughout the world, through an integrated system of communications through not only the roots of the plants, but also the inherent fungus networks in the ground. When I began paying attention to my local mycelial network, it began to communicate to me that the farm had a significant deficiency in Magnesium, with a minor deficiency in some of the other trace minerals. This information was then communicated to the farmer so that they might address the issues.

This is a great example of how we can all benefit from paying attention to the interconnectedness of everything.  I have listened to the mycelia network before, to hear and accept information about the trace mineral issues associated with my own garden.  When I began looking for possible solutions, the mycelial network pointed me to seaweed as a viable source for the trace minerals that my garden was lacking. It turns out that seaweed is one plant that is rich in many of the trace elements necessary for life. I was able to find a source locally for composted seaweeds, and incorporated several bags in my garden.  This word did successfully address the trace mineral issues.

In the case of the organic farmer, because I know the energies of the person who had been to the farm, I was able to use that unique Vibrational frequency information to focus the communications of the mycelial network to provide specific information about the farm.

In my own garden, I chose to use composted seaweeds to address the issue, in part because that was recommended by the plants in the garden.  But are there other ways to address problems associated with nutritional deficiencies in gardens?

The answer is yes, there are actually several ways to address these kinds of issues. While integrating compost directly into the soil of the garden may be the easiest way to address the issues, it is far from the only way to provide the correction. In the garden space (but not necessarily in the soils of the garden), if there were a source for the trace minerals – for instance, a compost pile in the corner of the garden – it is possible that the mycelial network can be used to move the trace nutrients from the compost pile to the garden where they are needed. This can occur due to the proximity of the compost pile to the garden itself; this kind of movement can occur over relatively short distances, but does require some amount of moisture to be in the ground in order to support the movement (not a lot of moisture, but it can not be dry either). The mycelial networks have the ability to establish pathways for the movement of the minerals, and can be used for this purpose. The success of this will depend somewhat on the robustness of the compost pile, and the nutrients that are located in it. When one thinks of “compost”, many people think of this as leaves and grass clippings; but it can also include manure from a variety of farm animals; tables scraps and plant trimmings from the kitchen; some small amount of paper; wood chips or sawdust (preferably from hardwood trees, because it would tend to have a smaller impact on the pH of the garden soil), some sand (as an aid to keep the soil loose); and product from more unusual sources, like seaweed and crustacean shells (lobster and crab), and fish. Generally, the greater the variety of compost materials, the better the compost will be at providing those necessary nutrients.

For those that are more comfortable with it, there is one other way to provide the necessary nutrients to a garden:  manifestation.  All matter is ultimately a form of Energy, and the Energies that people have are able to manifest (or create) the trace minerals through manifestation.  In order to manifest, you must first have an idea of what it is you wish to create, and where. This is information that can come through listening to your garden. If your garden tells you that it needs a particular mineral, say Magnesium, you can picture a piece of Magnesium (Magnesium is in many common objects, but the one that most people can readily identify are the “mag wheels” that are on many cars). Once you picture that Magnesium in your mind (in the case of a mag wheel, think a lot of very tiny mag wheels), visualize it in your garden, where it tells you it is needed. Once you picture it there, begin to move Energy from your body to the Magnesium, with an intention to create the Magnesium at the location it is needed. Manifestation is this simple, but it really does occur when you believe that you are doing it.  This process should be repeated a number of times, or until your plants tell you that they no longer require the mineral that you have manifested. 

For those that are really advanced, teach your plants how to manifest their needs for themselves!

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