The Energy impact of the COVID Vaccine

It is no secret that Terra is feeling the impact of a global pandemic – from the Covid-19 virus. It has killed millions so far, and there is no clear indication when the virus will no longer be with us. In response the this virus, a number of vaccines have been developed by a number of different corporations worldwide. While none state that they will 100% prevent someone from getting this virus, they do claim the lessen the impact of catching the virus.

But do the vaccines create other issues for those getting them?  Side effects have been widely reported for all of the vaccines; headache, fever and chills, achy joints, nausea and vomiting are all reported side effects. The side effects are reported to last 1-2 days in most cases.

But in the Energy healing community, the situation does not appear to be quite as good. There is one report from an Energy practitioner in France who has treated somebody after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine; this healer reported that the “connection between the Soul and the body had been virtually cut, and thus the Soul could not anymore evolve through this body.” Other healers I work with have reported bodies full of toxins in people who have recently received a vaccine. As an Energy worker, I had not payed any particular attention to the vaccine effects initially. But the report from the French Energy worker caused me to begin to look into the vaccine effects, from an Energy perspective. Although I do see toxins in people post vaccination (sometimes an extreme quantity of toxins), I also began to see the separation of the Souls from the bodies of people who had been vaccinated.  In some cases, the separation is relatively minor, but in some cases the separation is significant.

So let me describe what I see from an Energy perspective.  The Soul is connected to the body through the Brain Stem – the little “silver thread” (talked about by many who have had a near death experience) expands at the Brain Stem interface; physically, it appears as a “blob of goo” (I do not know of a better way to describe this at the moment) with fingers that surround the brain stem. Energy and/or information is transferred from the Soul to the body at each point of contact. The information that is transferred is sent out to the particular Souls within the body that it is meant for. This kind of “parsing” or distribution of information is one main purpose of the Brain Stem. This work occurs every day in the life of a living being (it is something that is not just limited to humans). When a person has reached the end of their current Life, the connection between the Soul and the body begins to weaken; this “blob of goo” then begins to weaken its hold on the Brain Stem, first in its fingers, then progressing to the main body. When goo is no longer able to sustain it connection with the Brain Stem, the silver thread separates from the Brain Stem, resulting in the moment of death. 

In the case of the Energies at work with the vaccines, I see a weakening of primarily the fingers of the goo; each finger of this goo is connected to a particular location of the Brain Stem, and each location is directly connected to a particular part of the body – generally an organ or system within the body. A few of the connections serve higher functions, connected to particular portions of the Brain where higher level processing occurs. This higher level processing could include (but is not limited to) reason, intuition, sensory perception, and memory. When the connections of the goo begin to be compromised, humans begin to process information erroneously; senses begin to weaken, and in those who have access to higher levels of senses, those senses begin to fail. In others, I can tell who has been vaccinated by looking at this Soul/Body connection; if there is a weakness present (together with the presence of toxins), it is a primary indicator that the person has had a vaccine.  In an extreme situation, the person, who I personally knew to be highly intuitive, lost all intuition, as well as all ability to communicate with spirit.

So how does an Energy worker begin to correct these issues? Each Energy worker has different techniques that they use, each equally valid and effective, so there is no one way. But there are commonalities; the first is to begin to eliminate the toxins in the body, and around the Brain Stem in particular. There are a number of remedies to accomplish this, but most should involve large quantities of water in order to flush them from the system.  Because this vaccination is typically into the upper arm, it is likely that the associated toxins will begin to accumulate in the Lymph nodes just under an arm. Any good means to flush the lymphatic system would be of benefit.

The next issue would concern the associated inflammation. When toxins are present, there is a general increase in the liquids present, an effort to dilute the toxins and their effects. There is also an increase in general inflammation, which is an accumulation of liquids. In order to address the issues associated with inflammation; Vitamin D can prove effective for reducing this.  In practice, there are some studies that show that Vitamin D has some beneficial use for those with Covid. Canabidiol (CBD) is also useful for reducing inflammation, but each Energy practitioner may have other remedies for inflammation that will work as well.

Both the toxins and the associated inflammation must be dealt with prior to the next step. That step involves the “reattaching” of the goo in and around the Brain Stem. The connection is a connection of pure Energy; the vibrational frequency of this Energy is particular to each individual.  In the individuals that I have seen, the disconnect of the Soul to the body (at the goo/Brain Stem interface) is a result of a change in the vibrational Frequency of the connection.  In general, and due specifically to the toxins present; the toxins themselves have a vibrational Frequency that is much lower than that of most people.  When toxins are present, they will lower the Energies of the tissues that they are near; in the case of this vaccine (and in many cases of Covid-19), the toxins do have at least a minor concentration within the Brain Stem. 

Although there are many different ways of executing the next step, then step is relatively simple, but will take some time.  The goal is to reconnect the Soul to the body – or in simpler terms, stick the goo to the Brain Stem. There will be a disconnect when the vibrational Frequencies (of the goo and the Brain Stem) are different. The easiest solution to the problem is to raise the lower of the two Energies to that of the higher Energy. A number of modalities are available to do this; from an Energy perspective, one can put Energy into the bond that is of a much higher vibrational Energy – the tissues at the lower Energy will ultimately begin to resonate at the higher vibrational Energy; when that vibrational Energy matches the Energy of the other tissue, the tissues will remake the connection. It is a question of resonance, the tissues must begin to resonate with each other.  

Once the connection is remade, there may be a need for re-learning; because the connection has been impaired, it is very likely that the flow of information from Soul to body may no longer remember how the flow of information works. Practice, consisting of receiving and sending information, and then properly routing that information, will help one to regain their abilities.