What role do Spiritual Leaders play?

Many Souls on Terra have a wide variety of Spiritual practices, and many follow a number of Spiritual Leaders. For instance, The Dali Lama, Pope Francis, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are just a few of the Spiritual Leaders that have significant followers. So what role do they play?

Their role is limited to helping those Souls that exist here to live a balanced and productive life. With one exception, none of the mentioned Spiritual Leaders are aware of the presence of Souls from the Central Sun, nor are they aware of the plans for the Spiritual Growth of the Soul of Terra.

Since these Leaders have Souls that originated from the Source Energy Cloud of this Universe, they are limited in their views and abilities to the restrictions and scope of this Universe. Their role in this context is one of providing guidance to the Souls on Terra, and specifically the Souls that originated from the Source Energies of the Universe.

Most of the work they do is highly beneficial; they seek to provide guidance that will help people to live by a “code of conduct” (not quite the proper phrase or intention) intended to generally not accumulate negative karma. They seek harmony and balance, not only at an individual level, but also at a group or social level. They encourage responsibility.

I have mentioned the importance of gaining and maintaining a balanced Vibrational Energy, and the benefits that it offers to a path of Spiritual Growth, both on an individual level, and from a planetary level.  Balance is critical to raising Energy levels to support the Ascension process.  At a likely unconscious level which was initiated thousands of years ago, the Spiritual processes on Terra were designed with this intent in mind. There has been some degree of compromise of the original intention, through the efforts of those involved in the longer term development of this Spiritual intent. Greed, bigotry, and intolerance have been allowed to exist, and in some cases encouraged to grow – not necessarily by these Spiritual Leaders but by their followers. These Souls seek power and control over others in order to benefit themselves.  

How do the messages of these Spiritual Leaders differ from the original intent? This question is best address by examples.

  • There is an emphasis in Society, stressed in part by Religious and Spiritual beliefs, that provides for various forms of “punishment” for the actions of some individuals. In reality, this results in actions that are counter to the rules of Karma. The concepts behind Karma were developed and implemented specifically to try to prevent this. In large part, must of this activity amounts to “revenge”, which (from a karmic perspective), will result in an accumulation of karmic energies.
  • Some of the Spiritual dictates from Leaders are based on false assumptions about the nature of Life. For example, a number of Spiritual beliefs focus on the role of procreation of humans. Yet the beliefs fail to account for a need to limit the size of a population, which may be necessary to ensure the survivability of the planetary host, and to keep from contaminating the environment that has been structured to support human life (in this case on Terra). It is this specific example that the Life Construct made provisions for human relationships that do not support procreation (such as homosexuality).

The role of most of the current Spiritual Leaders is appropriate, but the reliance on old ideas, developed by humans (mostly male), have tainted their beliefs, and may no longer be as beneficial as they perhaps could have been. It is important to state that this does not necessarily apply to all Spiritual Leaders. But it is important to understand these historical biases, how they have manifested themselves, and then strive to overcome the biases in order to ensure Spiritual growth and balance.