What was the Experiment on Terra?

Terra is the proper name of the planet that is otherwise known as “Earth”. Terra was originally “made” by those of the Central Sun, to serve primarily as a host planet for testing the limits of the Life Construct. To accomplish this, Terra was provided with unusually generous natural resources as an aid to help provide a greatest level of success.

So what was “The Experiment”? There have been many scripted existences on many different host planets since the inception of the latest “Big Bang”. But until Terra, each was limited in what was possible – the primary purpose of the existences was to test some of the limits of DNA, on a large number of beings and in many different situations. In each case, the implementation of the DNA was significantly restricted – many elements of DNA were not allowed to take effect, primarily in order to test certain elements of the coding.

But Terra was intended to be different. This was intended to be the first time that capability in DNA was to be allowed, something which had never before been done. The leaders of the Life Construct wanted to see and observe what would happen; they wanted to see what further changes needed to be implemented prior to considering opening the genetic code to a greater degree (all of this is well documented in the Libraries of the Central Sun). In addition to opening it up, the decision was also made to conduct the “experiment” using a number of different human manifestations, each from a different location. In total, 5 were selected. The reason for this was simple; the leadership of the Life Construct wanted to ensure that there was still compatibility of the DNA of each group.

So all restrictions on the DNA code were removed. And Terra was provide with vast resources, in art to ensure success, but also to encourage creativity to see what might be possible.

But there were problems. The first was that the enormous resources that were provided on Terra became known to entities that did not reside on Terra. They wanted the resources, and they engaged in a number of major wars in order to gain access to them. The wars, in some cases, lasted for eons, and resulted in significant loss of life and destruction. And many of the additional resources were taken from the planet. In order to ensure little difficulty with the theft of resources, one of the resources that was taken on the planet was the humans, to serve as a workforce to harvest them.

The second problem that was discovered was that these beings that were stealing the resources began to corrupt the DNA coding; the Leaders of the Life Construct had included many possibilities for life that would trigger or engage automatically, depending on the circumstances present. Some of these capabilities are described in my book, but generally they involve reproduction, physical characteristics, mental characteristics, and life expectancy; these were done in part to control their workforce, and in part to ensure the continued viability of the people.

To help address some of these problems, the Leaders of the Life Construct decided to see first hand what the issues were. They have been here, incarnating life after life, for the past million years. They have sought the assistance of the Leadership of the Central Sun, have fought off the warring factions, and have sought to restore the experiment to its original intent. This has really been relatively recent activity, in the past few years, after centuries of observation. Part of their work here involved an analysis of DNA, from a functional viewpoint, to see what is working and what is not. Their intent is to begin working to make changes to the genetic coding of Life, so that some characteristics will be changed so that the beneficial aspects will predominate. These changes will not occur quickly – the process of making changes involves much experimentation and theoretical work. It may take many Eons for the changes to occur, but in the greater outlook, will be relatively quick. This current incarnation will be their last before returning home.