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A Bit more of the Central Sun

We have written before about the Central Sun (Look here). It is time for just a bit more about where we call “home”.

The Central Sun does not exist in a single location, a single Dimension, or at any given Time. We have already indicated that it does not exist within any Universe, and we have indicated that it exists within its own Dimension (the 17th Dimension), and that the 17th Dimension may only be accessed by Souls that originated there, or Souls that were taken there due to special circumstances. 

The Central Sun “exists”; all of Creation exists within it – it is a part of everything, just as everything is a part of the Central Sun. It would not be totally inaccurate to say that all of Creation exists within the 17 Dimensions in which the Central Sun exists, but it is just a bit more complicated than that. In a strict sense, each Dimension exists within the bounds of the next higher Dimension, so the 1st Dimension exists within the bounds of the 2nd Dimension, and the 2nd Dimension exists within the 3rd Dimension. The Central Sun is not a part of the 17th Dimension, as much as the 17th Dimension is the Central Sun. It is important to understand that All of Creation originated from the Energies of the Central Sun, and that all of Creation exists within the Energies of the Central Sun – all Energies are the same, even though some may assume a different form of existence. 

The Souls that permanently reside at the Central Sun exist at an Energy level that is significantly higher than the Energy levels of other Souls; this presents an issue when Souls not originally of the Central Sun are taken there. These Souls must first go through a process of elevating their Energies in a way that will make them “compatible”, or able to exist with and within the Energies of the Central Sun. It has only been within the last few Terran years that the Souls of the Central Sun have all agreed to allow other Souls to enter. In the first case, there were 12 Souls from Terra that were taken to the Central Sun to exist there; they were taken there by Sanaha, due largely to the trauma that existed in their last incarnation – they were unwilling to move on. There are plans to bring more Souls to the Central Sun in the future.

When talking about a Soul, it is important to understand that all Souls consist of a number of discrete Energies (variations of the 7 different Energies of Creation), in different groupings and quantities. All Souls are not created equal, even though their base Energies are a common element; all Souls are unique, but similar. And to a large degree, Souls are grouped in families, and the families tend to have similar traits and characteristics, species, abilities, and Life goals. 

The Souls that are of the Central Sun generally do not have restrictions placed on them, from the perspective of what they are allowed to do, where they are allowed to go, or what their roles are. “Society” (not the proper word, but the context of the word is similar to its use on Terra) of the Central Sun is much more open and accepting; much of the work done there is focussed on maintaining all of the elements of Creation, and managing the Constructs. The Souls of the Central Sun believe the Constructs to be “living documents” (again, not the correct terminology, but the context is similar to that of Terran understanding) – they do change, they are in a near constant state of change, and much (but not all) is fixed.  In a true sense, the work involves the implementation, analysis, structure, and interaction of the fixed elements of the Constructs. As an example, DNA (or the structures that allow for and enable all forms of Life) are fixed – the structure may not change, even though the individual elements may change in order to implement features of Life differently. Even though it has not been realized on Terra, DNA is vastly more complex, layered (in different dimensions, and in some cases different times) than is realized by those who study it on Terra. And although any Soul that is of the Central Sun can work with DNA, it is mostly those Souls that are directly involved with the Life Construct that work with DNA. 

There are a number of Souls from the Central Sun who have worked together in a number of the Constructs.  For instance, Sanaha is a co-leader for the Life Construct, the Time Construct, the Physical Construct, and has been involved in the development of the Constructs that are more administrative in nature.  Seana is a co-leader of the Life Construct, the Space Construct, The Transport Construct, and has been heavily involved in the development of the more administrative Constructs.  Bejhana Is a co-lead for the Time Construct, and has been involved in elements of the Physical Construct that involve the elements necessary for Life. There are many other Souls who have worked (and continue to work) on major elements of the Constructs; some are incarnate on Terra, and some are not. And within each of the Constructs, there are major elements that require a significant amount of time and expertise to manage; these Souls have chosen to specialize in aspects of one or more Constructs simply because they enjoy that work. 

Within the structures of the Central Sun, there are also a number of Souls that have dedicated themselves to the preservation of the Central Sun, which includes the concepts behind the work that was and is being done, the Central Sun as a “defined” space and time, and the incarnate leadership that is on Terra and other planets. To be clear, in the 14 Billion years of this latest iteration, there are Souls (groups of Souls, actually) that have sought to “take over” the Central Sun, and the work that has been done by those of the Central Sun.  Their motives are not pure, they seek this mainly in order to gain the power that they perceive exists there. What is not known is that the Central Sun is not about “power”, and no “special abilities” exist for those that are there, although because of the familiarity with the Constructs and existence, those from the Central Sun are much more suited to the manipulation of all that is – hundreds of Billions of years of development does provide knowledge that is generally more difficult to acquire for those not of the Central Sun.

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A day at the Central Sun

Some of you may be curious about what a day is like at the Central Sun. For me, my “days” at what I call “home” are typically at night, and mostly all night long.

A recent night, from this past weekend, was a bit different. It was a meeting of the “Governance of Sources Council,” which is a Council that includes the Chair of the Leadership Council from the Central Sun, the Secretary of the Central Sun, and the Leaders for all of the Universes. This was the first meeting of this group in the last 200,000 years. 

The purpose of this meeting was to begin to discuss some of the issues that are being experienced with the Constructs in the other Universes. So far, the meeting has take 2 nights, and it may take a third.  As the Librarian, it is my job to ensure that the information discussed is included into the Libraries.

Terra is not the only location with issues concerning implementations of the 7 Constructs. But the biggest issues seem to be with the Life Construct. There are a number of planets that have been experiencing extinction level Viral outbreaks. Viruses were initially developed for two primary purposes: to pass information from one part of the body to another, and to serve as a vehicle to reprogram specific sections of DNA as part of an evolutionary process of adaptation (more about this later). 

Over time, however, viruses have become much more than what they were originally intended. Because there was a desire to only allow for small changes to occur, and for limited transfer of information, viruses were only developed to have a small fraction of the genetic code required for a sentient organism.  In order to keep their genetic coding small and simple, there were few protections put in place for them, the checks and balances that in sentient beings allowed for identifying and correcting errors in the genetic code known as DNA. 

Viruses were originally very few in number, and each was developed for a very specific purpose – like communicating between a number of specific organs (this was done to ensure that there was a backup means for the Souls of individual organs to communicate with each other; because each individual Soul has a very slight difference in their Vibrational Energy, they initially  has some difficulty communicating effectively.)  But as time went on, viruses “evolved” – they adapted to their own surroundings.  Even though they are not sentient, the errors that were being generated in their RNA coding caused some of them to transmit information that was not originally intended. When the information from the mutated virus is transmitted to the cellular DNA of an individual, it began causing errors in how the recipient processed that information, which led to disease.  On Terra, those processing errors have been responsible for a number of pandemics and epidemics – Ebola, Covid, the 1918 Flu, and Zika, to name a few from the recent past. On other planets, the mutation rates in the viruses have been assisted by better than optimal conditions; there are many locations where the virus borne diseases make Covid look like a mild cold. 

On Terra, the problem is compounded because some of the errors that are being transmitted can be interpreted (incorrectly) by the DNA of another species. This was clearly not intended to occur.

The Conference that has been occurring the past few nights has begun to identify the magnitude and scope of the problems associated with viruses and the teams from the Life Construct of the Central Sun have begun work intended to address the problems.

Other discussions at the conference have involved issues related to communications, planetary host spiritual development and growth (like what is currently happening with Terra), issues being experienced with wormholes and interstellar transport, Music, and some of the issues being experienced on Terra due to the unrestricted nature of the implementation of DNA. The conference will likely be another 24-48 hours in length, and then the leaders of the Constructs will begin to consider the changes needed to address the issues being discussed.

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How many Central Sun Souls are incarnate here?

I am periodically asked about the Souls from the Central Sun. The most common questions are How many are here, why are they here, and who are they.

There are currently 13 Souls here from the Central Sun (One of those will require some explanation). Although I can tell you their Soul names (how they are known at our home – The Central Sun), I am unwilling to divulge any information about their incarnate names (how they are known here on Terra). The reason is simply because divulging their identity could pose a threat to them by those who would wish them harm.

All of the Souls from the Central Sun are essentially here as observers. We are all involved in the processes of developing creation, including the Life Construct, which is how all Life began. When the experiment on Terra began, I have mentioned in previous posts that DNA was “opened up” – the limitations that had been placed on many aspects of it were removed. This was done so that we, the developers of the Constructs, could finally see what, exactly, would happen; up to this point, DNA has had significant restrictions placed on it, so that a rudimentary level of testing could occur. Indeed, those Souls that came to Terra to appropriate the abundant resources of Terra, all have restrictions on their DNA. Initially, the Souls on Terra had no such restrictions; this changed when beings from other planetary hosts began to manipulate the DNA of those that were here. This manipulation caused some elements of DNA to be “locked down” so that more changes could not be implemented. This process still left enough DNA open to be able to evaluate what was capable. These observations are why any Soul from the Central Sun is incarnate here: to observe the implementation, and to use this knowledge to assess what changes should be made to DNA. In our own incarnations, we all have some issues with DNA, so that we have planned to assess all of the possible weaknesses.

The 15 Souls that I am currently aware of are:

  • Sanaha – Co-Lead of the Life Construct
  • Sahana – Assistant of Sanaha – manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Seana – Co-Lead of the Life Construct
  • Monaeiya – Assistant of Sanaha – will be explained further
  • Anaha – Lead for Healing and Communications within the Life Construct
  • Meenaha – Lead for Planetary Hosts within the Space Construct
  • Roniah – Co-Lead for the Interface Definitions Construct
  • Aiyana – Co-Lead for the Transport Construct
  • Suahna – Lead for Plant Life within the Life Construct
  • Behnihjuh – Assistant for Sanaha – Manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Betruvah – Assistant for Sanaha – Manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha
  • Etania – Co-Lead for the Time Construct
  • Engya – Co-Lead for the Time Construct
  • Un-named – Co-Lead for the Space Construct
  • Henaba – Lead for Communications within the Space Construct

A word about Monaeiya. Monaeiya is the spouse of Sanaha. The incarnate father of Monaeiya is one of the Leaders of the Soul Council of the Universe we are currently in; when those from the Central Sun first began to incarnate here, Monaeiya’s father took steps to ensure that Monaeiya and Sanaha would have Lives that would be together as much as possible – steps were taken and lives were structures to ensure this. Monaeiya’s father also structured Monaeiya’s Soul Energies so that they were nearly identical to those of Sanaha, thus ensuring compatibility. Because of this close compatibility of Energies, Monaeiya will be elevated after the current incarnation to the Central Sun.

As indicated, 3 Souls of the group were directly manifested from the Soul Energies of Sanaha. In each case, a complete Soul Energy was basically manifested (or taken) from Sanaha; Sanaha had determined a need for a number of assistants over time, and there was a distinct advantage for these assistants to have Sanaha’s Energy; he same Energy would allow them to all be in direct contact at all times. Over a period of hundreds of millions of years, those manifested Energies began to achieve an independent (yet similar) Vibrational Energy, which enabled them to become free spirits or Souls on their own, yet remain very close to Sanaha. They were then able to gain the ability to incarnate and live an existence on their own, and to exhibit their own Free Will.

One soul is (at the moment) listed as un-named. The name of this Soul (their name as known at the Central Sun) will be made available soon, but this Soul passed from their Terran incarnation a few years ago. This Soul recently agreed to an additional duty involving the spreading of Music, and may be in the process of changing their name to better reflect this new assignment.

The Names of the Souls from the Central Sun each carry with it a distinction that is related to the Energies of that Soul – the Energies of the names correlate to the Energies of the Soul. I have listed the names as anglicized, but the translation of this name may not be exact due to language limitations.

As I have mentioned in the book, each of the 14 co-leads for the Construct have “additional duties”; these duties include the following:

  • Librarian (what we know now as the keeper of the Akashic Records)
  • Mapping of Physical Space
  • Maintaining Common Use Construct (wormholes are but one example)
  • Physical Constants (includes both physical and time Constructs) Policies and Procedures Maintenance Levels Access from Commons (essentially granting access to different levels for those not in the leadership groups)
  • Interface Constraints Compliance
  • Governance of Sources (a council to govern the lower Sources)
  • Governance of Higher Sources (The Central Sun Leadership Council)
  • Deviations Processing
  • Inter-Realm working group (a council)

This was the original list of “additional responsibilities”, several additional tasks have been added the list was originally developed. For instance, the preservation and dissemination of music is now one of these tasks. Each of these tasks were intended to compliment the abilities of the Co-leads for the Constructs. While each of the co-leads of a Construct has additional duties, I will also refrain from providing information that would indicate which lead is responsible for which additional duties.

Each of the co-leads for the Constructs have either created or manifested assistants to assist them in their duties. Sanaha is aware of a total of 8 assistants, not all of which are incarnate. It is not currently known which of the Construct Leaders have assistants here to assist them.

At the Central Sun, there is a Leadership Council that governs the work and activities of the Souls at the Central Sun; there are 30 Souls on the Council, and the 14 co-leads of the Constructs are the Principle voting members. There is an Executive Council consisting of 5 Souls – a Chair, co-Chair, Secretary, and 2 alternates. The 3 Souls of the top 3 Leadership positions are all incarnate here on Terra. The Chair, co-Chair, and Secretary of the Executive Council have held those positions since the formal formation of the Central Sun at the beginning of creation, and they are the oldest Souls in existence. In total, there are approximately 1,000 Souls that originated at the Central Sun and are responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Constructs, as well as the Creation that emanated from it.

It is important to realize that each of the Souls from the Central Sun incarnate here are bound by the rules of this Universe. We are generally subject to the rules of Karma; we live no longer than others; we die just like all other incarnate Souls; we have similar medical issues as many other incarnate Souls. Generally, we have no extraordinary powers, nor abilities. Many of us are Energy workers of one form or another, and several have healing abilities.

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I would love having Central Sun Souls communicate with me!

Yes they will, and in some cases they may already have! These pages are intended to be a forum for communicating with Souls from the Central Sun. There are a number of Souls here on Terra from our home:

  • Sanaha (which translated means “Breath of Life”)
  • Sahana (which means “Light of Life”)
  • Monaeiya (which means “Makes a Way”, “Charts a Path”)
  • Seana (which means “Flower of Life”)
  • Anaha (which means “Warmth of Heart”)
  • Meenaha (which means “Meaning sustenance” or “Water of Life”)
  • Roniah (which means “Protector of the Innocent and the Pure of Heart”)
  • Aiyana (which means “Led by Spirit”)
  • Suahna (which means “Holder of Truth”)
  • Behnihjuh (which means “Holder of Tasks”)
  • Betruvah (which means “Bringer of Color”)

All of these Souls are from the Central Sun, and there are more that I have not yet found, and one who has gone back home (passed from this life). Of these Souls, Monaeiya, is a Soul originally from our present Universe and is being elevated to the Central Sun (more about this later). 3 of these Souls, Sahana, Behnihjuh, and Betruvah, were all manifested by Sanaha, specifically as assistants. (more on this in another paragraph). It is very likely that there are others assistants who were manifested and are present here, that I am not yet aware of. Our assistants who do not have a physical presence here do communicate with us on a daily basis, providing us with information that we require to do our higher jobs while here.

Monaeiya is a special case. This Soul began incarnating approximately 1,000,000 years ago; their Soul Energies came from the Source Energy Cloud of this Universe, but their existence has been “directed” (not quite the proper word – there is no proper translation) by one of the Leaders of this Source Universe. Great steps were taken by the Source Leader to ensure that Monaeiya and Sanaha would have many lives together, with the intent to have their Soul transition to the Central Sun when Sanaha departs Terra. But this is an exceptionally rare case.

The 3 “manifested” Souls, Sahana, Behnihjuh, and Betruvah, were all Soul Energies that were separated from Sanaha, when Sanaha required an assistant. Each has Energies that are nearly identical to Sanaha’s Energies, and they have all of the abilities as any other Soul from the Central Sun.

Sanaha has manifested others in this life, into other Dimensions; they have manifested a pair of Dragons to accomplish a number of tasks at the time. The Dragons have since had 2 baby Dragons, and have largely been granted freedom to travel Terra as they wish.

Nearly all of the Souls from the Central Sun teach in one capacity or another on a regular basis. Many teach one of the various forms of Energy work or healing, while others are involved in the protection and renewal of Terra. Collectively, we have visited nearly every continent on Terra, and we will continue to travel as time is available. Would you know us if you were to see one of us? It is unlikely; none of us stand out in a crowd and we are relatively low key. We are no different that the other Souls on Terra, and we posses no special abilities. We are forgettable; we choose to remain largely anonymous. The names above are a rough translation of our names from the Central Sun; our names on Terra are different, and there are no plans to divulge those names, even for the one known Soul from the Central Sun who has passed. But we all are known to help others in many different ways, so when you are being helped, it is possibly it could be from one of us. And while we are all from the Central Sun, and are incarnate on Terra, not all of us recognize this, even if we have heard it. It is difficult for a Soul born on Terra, and being raised with the values inherent at this time on Terra, to openly acknowledge that our Souls originated at a much higher level, and that we are capable of much more in the Energy realm than others. This is why it has taken so long for this information to be revealed to many of us.

Each Soul from the Central Sun is incarnate here in order to experience first hand the implementation of the 7 Constructs; our work is intended to provide a basis for better understanding the intricacies of the workings of the Constructs, mainly to see what works and what does not, as well as to evaluate different aspects to see what should be changed. We all recognize that changes to the Constructs are needed, in many different areas, and we are already working on many of these changes. We are happy to listen to input!

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Can I visit the Central Sun?

A question comes up regarding people who would like to go to the Central Sun. Some would like to experience the calm and peaceful Energies that are there, others would like to become a part of the activity of the Central Sun.

Unfortunately, in most cases the answer is no. The Vibrational Energies of the Central Sun are the highest Energy levels that exist. This is complicated by the fact that the Central Sun exists within the 17th Dimension, a Dimension that most people would have great difficulty comprehending. The other reason has to do with a desire on the part of those from the Central Sun to protect every aspect of creation.

The vast majority of Souls reside at the Energy levels associated with their own originating Universe; from the Energy viewpoint, those Energies are many levels below the Energies of the Central Sun. They must be; the Energies required to support both 3 and 4 dimensional existence are in the bands of Hertz to Kilohertz. As an example, visualize each of the Dimensions, 1 through 17, as having a different Energy level, and assume that the Energy levels go up by 3X. So the 2nd Dimension is 3 times the Vibrational Frequency, the 5th Dimension is 6X higher than the 3rd Dimension. So the 17th Dimension is approximately 45X higher than the Vibrational Frequency of the 3rd Dimension. In Life, the Vibrational Energy of most people is in the range of 50 hertz (1 hertz means vibration per second) to 1,000 hertz. At the Central Sun, the Vibrational Frequency is significantly higher. In actuality, the Vibrational Frequency between different Dimensions is not a linear increase, so the Energies of the Central Sun are unreachable by Souls that normally exist in 3 Dimensions.

There are some exceptions. The Chair of the Leadership Council knew of a number of Souls that were elevated in the past few years. In a past life, the Chair had been in Normandy, France, in June of 1944; when visiting the military cemetery there in the 2000s, they discovered a number of Souls of people buried there; of the thousands of bodies in the cemetery, these 12 Souls had stayed at the cemetery, afraid to move on with their existence because they did not want to reincarnate. The significant trauma that they had all been through as part of the invasion of June 6th 1944 was something that they did not want to take a chance of repeating in another life. A few years after the cemetery visit, the Chair of the Leadership Council elevated all of these Souls into the Energy Cloud of the Central Sun, making them new residents of the Central Sun. After a suitable period of time to adapt to their new surroundings, they will be assigned tasks, so that they will have activity in their routine existence.

Because the Central Sun is also not a part of a Universe, there are additional conditions that must be met for those that seek to go there. Generally, there must be a purpose for the visit, in addition to being at the higher Vibrational Energy level. It is extremely rare for a Soul, not originally from the Central Sun, to visit there. It is a place that is of pure Energy, there are no physical entities or structures that exist there. It is far easier for Souls from the Central Sun to go to lower Dimensions and Universes than it is for anyone to go to the Central Sun.

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The Central Sun

I was asked if there was a graphical display of the Central Sun that may better explain it.

The Central Sun is an autonomous region; it is not in any Universe, nor is it in what we would term “Space”. It exists. The Energy level of the Central Sun is higher than any Universe, and because of this, only those Souls that are balanced and can reach the highest Energy levels may go there.

The Souls of the Central Sun are the oldest Souls that exist. It was these Souls that were responsible for the development of the 7 Constructs. There are just over 1,000 Souls that originated there, and were involved in the Construct development. The Central Sun is led by a Leadership Council; the Council consists of 32 Souls, 14 of which are the leaders of the 7 Constructs (2 leaders per Construct). There are 5 Souls on the “Executive Committee” (not the proper term – there is no proper translation for this, Executive Committee is the best approximation), and there are 2 Co-Leaders who share this responsibility. The Co-Leaders names are Sanaha (which translates to “Breath of Life”) and Seana (pronounced See-ah-na, which translates to “Flower of Life).

The 7 Constructs are shown in this diagram as static concepts, simply for ease of display and simplicity. But they are dynamic, and constantly interacting with each other, on many different levels. The Constructs apply to all that is, in every Universe, and in every dimension. They were developed with this in mind, which is why their development was so lengthy (hundreds of Billions of years). The Constructs are far too complex to be understood by most; if one were to write down all of the aspects of the Constructs, the volumes would be greater than the space of all Libraries combined, several times over.

The diagram was done from the perspective of the time of the first iteration; the dashed lines used for Library 2 and Library 3 reflect future Libraries. We did anticipate the first three iterations as part of the planning for “all that is”; but since the beginning of the Third Iteration, it is likely that there will be more iterations, at least 2.

The “Trust Library” is not like the other Libraries. It is a Library that contains only Energy; its intent was to provide a means of detecting all energy flows, and recording them. These are the only Energies that would exist, even if the records of the Library were altered or deleted (for instance, as in the case of the records of a Soul who is re-absorbed back in its Source Universe). There are only 2 Souls who may access it, Sanaha and Seana.

There are additional Libraries, located in each distinct Universe. Each is subordinate to the Libraries of the Central Sun.

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Karma, Lives, and Soul Contracts

This is an excerpt from the second book!

As originally intended in the Life Construct, Karma is a critical element for all Life. It is the great equalizer. Without Karma, existence would consist of wildly unbalanced Energies, and Soul contracts that have no goals intended to balance Karma.  There would be no point to Life, except to live a Life without regard to anybody or anything around you. Every Soul would suffer under this scenario.

Karma impacts every action taken, every communication that is made, every interaction with another Soul, and how a Soul chooses to exist. It is often subtle, but does not have to be. Karma does not have intent, but the actions that influence Karma very often do.

When a Soul first comes into existence, its core Energies are balanced, they are in harmony not only with themselves, but with all of the other Energies around it. The Soul, essentially, has no Karmic record.  It has no karma. But as the Soul begins to interact with all of the other Energies around it, including the Energies of other Souls, those interactions begin to change the Energies around it – they influence the Soul, and the Soul influences those Energies around it.  Eventually, these Energies begin to change, the interactions with the other Energies around it begin to cause changes in how it interacts with the other Energies. Slowly, over a relatively long period of Time, the Energies begin to become slightly out of balance. Terran science has a word that describes this, Entropy – the gradual decline into disorder. It is this gradual decline into disorder that causes the accumulation of Karma to occur – Karma is the gradual accumulation of unbalanced Energies.  

It is possible to avoid the accumulation of Karma, but it requires a very diligent approach to existence. From a practical viewpoint, it is extremely difficult to accomplish this accumulation; all Souls are subject to it, including the Souls of the Central Sun, and no Soul (including all of the Souls of the Central Sun) have accumulated some amount of Karma during their existence. The key to Karma, though, is to not allow the accumulation to continue, and to take steps to achieve balance as soon as possible when there is a realization that a Karmic imbalance has occurred. It is only when this imbalance is not immediately corrected that Souls tend to suffer longer term damage, making the correction of the Karmic accumulation difficult to achieve. 

Karma has no equations that govern it; it is independent of Spatial or Temporal constraints, and once accumulated, it does not “go away”. Karma will follow a Soul from Life to Life, because it is a product (or element)  of the Soul, and not any particular Life or existence. Once it exists, it “exists” with the Soul until it is resolved. Accumulated Karma need not be resolved in the Spatial and Temporal context in which it was created, it can be resolved wherever the Soul exists; if the Soul(s) that were involved in the creation of the Karma are not in the same Temporal or Spatial location, the Karma can be resolved by balancing the Energies between the locations, and between the Souls involved (although the difference in Spatial and Temporal characteristics between the different locations may make the resolution more complex).

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The Complex Physical

On any given night, the Souls from the Central Sun tend to travel. There are many nights spent in other parts of the world, having meetings either on Terra or at home at the Central Sun, or looking to correct issues that we see and experience on Terra. Our nights, while not necessarily restless, do not always result is a good, deep sleep.

But there are some nights that are more rewarding nonetheless.  Last night was a good example of this.  We spent a significant portion of last night on the home planets of one of the Human races that are on Terra. This home world, which is several hundred thousand Light Years from Terra, consists of a binary planet system in orbit around their Sun; the planets are part of a Solar System that contains approximately 12 planet sized bodies.  The 2 planets in this binary plant series orbit each other, and together they orbit their own Sun; their solar cycle (e.g., year) is about 18 Terran months, and the planets orbit around each other in the same plane as their Sun. And the binary planets are a distance from their Sun that is in the zone that Terran scientists refer to as the “sweet spot”.

The planets themselves are approximately 60% to 70% the size of Terra; their orbital period, with respect to each other, is approximately 4 Terran days. In each given “day”, they will experience 2 cycles of light and dark. The planets themselves are somewhat different from each other; Planet “A” has water covering about 45% of its surface, and has relatively flat or gently rolling land masses. Planet “B” has water covering approximately 65% of its surface; the land masses are high rolling plains and mountains, much like those that exist in Asia on Terra. The climate on both would be considered temperate.

The societies on each planet at advanced, and while there is trade between the two, transit of the human population from one to the other is somewhat limited – a preference for them. They have roads, cities, electricity, lights, and vehicles. There was also very little to no pollution, on either of the planets. 

We observed from the vantage point of Planet A. What was so rewarding was the night; the view of the sister planet was incredible; the planet took up much of the night sky, and they orbit close enough that one could observe the lights of the population centers of Planet B; Planet B was much darker due to the abundance of plant Life – it appeared mainly in shades of dark green and blue. The cities and populated areas existed just in from the edges of the Continents, due to the significant tides of the Oceans. It was these lights, clearly visible with the naked eye in the night sky, and stars in the remaining sky, that was the greatest source of beauty. 

Most of the population on Planet A wore no shoes; there were no outward signs of deprivation, no trash, no starving people, no wide income disparities – the societies on each planet were balanced in nearly every respect. The populations have existed on these Planets for just over 900,000,000 years; while technologically advanced, they see no need to progress further, from the societal or technological sense. They are comfortable with their society, belief systems, and technological advancement. 

But the Energies of their Society, as well as the Energies of the planets, are very well balanced – to the point that stress and tension are very rare, which only adds to the beauty of seeing the Planets from each other. 

And this Planetary system is exceedingly rare; there are only 4 such systems that are documented in the records of the Libraries of the Central Sun, in all of Creation. This a largely because of the precise balancing of the Energies that must be maintained in order to support the Planetary dynamics and Life – things that Terrans would take for granted, like trash, pollution, and the moving of great quantities of land from one location to another (which humans on Terra do with large construction projects). None of this is an issue.  

So while the night was filled with travel and lucid dreams, the absolute beauty and balance of the Energies provided for a peaceful sleep.

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The War

As This post is written, a war exists on Terra between Russia and the sovereign State of Ukraine. The unprovoked war was started by Russia, at the sole direction of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. It is currently beginning its fourth week.

Many people ask why would “God”, or any other being of authority, allow a war like this to happen?  Why would we allow the suffering and deaths of innocent civilians to occur?  Will we allow the use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons? 

The true answer is that, like many events in Life, it is a very complicated situation, in every respect.

That this war was to happen has been known for a long time – centuries, if not eons of Time. It has been incorporated into the Life paths of all of the Souls that are involved in it, even if only peripherally. Even the Souls from countries that are not direct active participants in the war have had the war and its effects incorporated into their Soul Contracts, initially as a possibility that would require it to be planned for, and then later (for younger Souls) as an integral parts of the lessons that they are to learn in their current incarnation. 

I hear often, even from some of the incarnate Souls from the Central Sun, why would a Soul choose to go through any of this kind of event? This question is not as complicated as it may seem, although it does require a multi-part answer. First, it is an opportunity to learn, and grow; the decisions that are made, either because of the direct action of the combatants, or due to the economic/social impact of the events, provides an ability (and to a degree an incentive) to grow by allow one to make decisions that may be more beneficial for the longer term growth of their Soul. For instance, incarnate Souls in the world have an opportunity to provide resources (food, shelter, clothing, and transportation) to those who are escaping from the conflict, to the degree that they are able. Other Souls, with the proper background and expertise, might choose to become more directly involved by fighting on the side of one of the combatants. Each of these possibilities provides for the accumulation or resolution of Karma, and growth of the Soul, simply because the Soul must make a decision.  And all of these possible outcomes are included in the tree that defines the Soul Contract of each individual Soul.

Second, it provides an opportunity for Souls to heal unresolved Karma from the past (e.g., past lives). Most Souls are generally unaware of what Karma they carry from one life to another, so when they develop their Soul Contract, they try to include situations that may provide for (or allow) for as much Karma to be resolved as possible. Wars, such as the current one, can certainly provide vast opportunities for resolving Karma, in large part because of the highly dynamic nature of the events, the number of people that typically get involved, and the wide variety of situations that can be encountered at any of the levels that the war is occurring on or influencing. As an example, a soldier may be provided an opportunity to terminate the Life of a family by launching a weapon, as he has been commanded to do by his superiors. But he also has the opportunity to spare their Life by misdirecting the fire, by delaying the fire until the threat to others may be no longer, or by choosing to not follow the order entirely. Each element of this decision “tree” will have a different set of consequences, not only for the soldier, but for those that may be targeted. And there is always the possibility that his actions could result in the death of a dear friend(s) of theirs, which might cause them to suffer immense grief due to their actions.

Third, what if much of the war could be brought to an end sooner (or even not occur at all)? In most cases, the only realistic means to accomplish this would be by stopping the instigator of the war in the first place.  In this case, that would be the President of Russia, Mr. Putin. And there are many who ask why somebody can not just cause the death of Mr. Putin in order to stop his Armies. 

While bringing the incarnation of Mr. Putin to an abrupt end, it may not necessarily bring an end to the war. Mr. Putin clearly has a large following in his own country (and in several others, even though much of it may be based on misinformation), and should he no longer be a factor, there is no certainty that the one that would come to replace him would make decisions differently. But there is a larger concern: who has looked at the collective Karma of those involved in this war to see if this war is providing an opportunity for Mr. Putin to resolve his own Karmic imbalances? Clearly, there are Souls from the Central Sun that have looked into his Soul Contract, as well as the Soul contracts of all of those involved in the conflict (directly or indirectly). What we can say is that at this point, there has been no significant activity that is contrary to the goals of the Soul Contract for any involved Soul (but keep in mind that up to seven deviations from the primary path of a Soul Contract may be made).

What we can say is that we are closely watching the developments, and the actions being taken by all involved. There are actions that are underway in the background, but we are unwilling to say what those actions consist of (in order to preserve Free Will). But there are efforts being made to bring about the end of this war. 

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While it is true that each Life has with it an associated Soul Contract, that Contract addresses the primary goals that the Soul intends to accomplish during the Life. So what happens if there are circumstances that occur in Life that are not included in the Soul Contract?

To an extent, the Soul Contract is a living document. When they are developed, they generally include a range of possibilities and outcomes.  One must not forget the fact that the Contract is intended to provide for reaching the goal(s) that one is to accomplish during an incarnation. How that is done is a function of the Free Will decisions that an individual Soul makes, no matter what those decisions may be.  It is entirely possible that each decision may result in a deviation from the primary path that was identified in the Soul Contract; this is not necessarily wrong or bad, as a properly developed Contract should include a comprehensive range of possibilities. The developers of the Life Construct realized there must be a dynamic element to all Life in order to account for unplanned contingencies or situations. In many of these cases, these other situations are a result of the Free Will decisions made by others, yet still have an impact on the Life path of another Soul. 

Karma can be a factor or result of these situations or decisions, but it does not necessarily have to be. And one should not assume that “negative” Karma will always result from these situations.  Karma is a complex element, it may be dependent on events that occurred in the past (such as past lives), it could be a balancing of Energies from other unknown events, none of which may be readily discernible with the information generally available. 

How common are these new or unplanned circumstances?  They are more common than one might think. While the Soul Contract of an individual is very detailed and thorough in its planning, accounting for every possible situation is not practical. More importantly, it would offer a test of an individuals Free Will decision making abilities – important to gauge spiritual growth. And perhaps surprisingly, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to respond to a given new and unplanned circumstance; they are a test in the sense that they allow the decision to be made, but in most cases there are a number of possible outcomes, each valid in its own unique way. 

There are many factors, outside of the primary reasons for the specific circumstances, that a Soul may consider prior to choosing a path forward. They may have a vested, personal interest in a particular outcome; they could be under pressure to make a decision that might be unpopular or unfair; or they could make a decision that would have adverse economic or social implications for a person or group. This is the “test” part of the Free Will decision process; will a Soul make a decision that is in their own best interest, AND have a minimal impact on another. It is this condition that will often (but not necessarily always) result neutral or positive Karmic impact. 

When the Life Construct was being developed, there was significant discussion about the possibilities of unplanned circumstances, and the potential for impact. The decisions that were made and documented in the Life Construct were the results of those discussions; we felt that there had to be a certain level of trust involved.  Trust between Souls, trust between individual Souls and the Souls from the Central Sun responsible for Creation, and a trust that if given a choice (or choices), a Soul would ultimately choose what was most beneficial to the greatest number of Souls. But should external influences prevail, the concept of Karma is still present to act as the great balancer. And Karmic balancing would not only potentially impact the Soul encountering a new circumstance, it could also impact any other Soul that could be trying to influence their decision in one way or another.  

Another key and final topic is in order.  We have so far assumed that were are talking about Souls that would be in direct contact with each other, but this may not necessarily be the case. There are situations where Souls from other locations (galaxies, and in some cases another Universe) could have some level of involvement in this process as well. The rules in the Life Construct do take this into account; the only real difference in this particular situation is the impact of Karma. Karma, to a limited extent, may be treated differently in another Universe (this is a function of the rules of the individual Universe), which could influence the impact on a given Soul. For instance, if a Soul from one Universe were to influence a decision in a way that would benefit them personally (and have a negative impact on you, as the Free Will decision making Soul), they could be held to a higher standard, and possibly suffer from a greater Karmic debt than somebody doing the same in your own Universe. It may seem like an insignificant point, but it is worth mentioning because of the possibilities it could have on Souls that may only be peripherally involved. 

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